741 research outputs found

    The performance of phenol biodegradation by Candida Tropicalis RETL-cr1 using batch and fed-batch fermentation techniques

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    Phenol is a toxic compound found in many industrial-waste effluents. A locally isolated yeast strain RETL-Cr1 from the effluent of the Exxon Mobil Oil Refinery wastewater treatment plant was investigated for phenol degradation using batch and fedbatch fermentation under aerobic condition. Based on a BLASTN search of GenBank, the complete sequences of ITS1-5.8S rDNA-ITS2 regions and portions of I8S and 28S for the purified DNA products of RETL-Cr1 shared 98% similarity with C. tropicalis. This yeast strain RETL-Cr1 was redesignated C. tropicalis RETL-Cr1 and was deposited at the GenBank under the accession number AY725426. The optimum condition for phenol degradation was at 30oC, pH 6.5 in RM in the absence of glucose. The highest phenol biodegradation efficiency in shake-flask cultures with IPC of 3mM was 100% achieving a degradation rate of 0.0257 g L-1 h-1 at µ 0.3718 h -1 after 14 h cultivation. Degradation of phenol was faster by 1.5-fold in bioreactor than in shake-flask whereby degradation rate was improved to 0.0395 g L-1 h-1 at µ 0.5391 h-1 after 10 hours of incubation. When tested at various IPC (0.0028 – 0.94 g L-1), inhibition was evident at IPC levels above 5 mM (0.470 g L-1). The fed-batch system in a bioreactor offered an 85 times fold degradation rate (2.3 g L-1 h-1) over shake-flask culture (0.0257 g L-1 h-1) and 61-fold over 2L bioreactor (0.0395 g L-1 h-1) batch system. It was observed that kinetically phenol degradation by RETL-Cr1 was significantly high in fed-batch culture as indicated by high degradation rate (2.3 g L-1 h-1) and substrate yield (Yx/s = 0.71-4.48 g g-1). However, a lower product yield (Ypc/s = 1.6x10-4 – 2.1x10-3 g g-1; Ypc/x = 3.5x10-5 – 1.4 x10-3 g g-1; YccMA/s = 1.0x10-4 – 2.0x10-4 g g -1; YccMA/x = 4.4x10-5 – 1.8x10-4 g g-1) and productivity (catechol = 1.2x10-5 – 5.3x10-5 g L-1 h-1; ccMA = 1.4x10-5 – 2.6 x10-5 g L-1 h-1) were achieved. When catechol and ccMA were analysed to determine whether an ortho or meta pathway was taken, it was found that these two metabolites were present in low amounts. This probably indicates further degradation of the metabolites. Hence, RETLCr1 strain metabolizes phenol via ortho-cleavage pathway. The optimum condition for both phenol hydroxylase and catechol 1,2-dioxygenase were at 30oC, pH 6.5. The most distinctive feature of this yeast strain is that it has a very high tolerance limit towards phenol reaching up to 60 mM. Based on the observations, RETL-Cr1 has a good potential to be used for treatment of phenol in industrial effluen

    A performance model of speculative prefetching in distributed information systems

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    Previous studies in speculative prefetching focus on building and evaluating access models for the purpose of access prediction. This paper investigates a complementary area which has been largely ignored, that of performance modelling. We use improvement in access time as the performance metric, for which we derive a formula in terms of resource parameters (time available and time required for prefetching) and speculative parameters (probabilities for next access). The performance maximization problem is expressed as a stretch knapsack problem. We develop an algorithm to maximize the improvement in access time by solving the stretch knapsack problem, using theoretically proven apparatus to reduce the search space. Integration between speculative prefetching and caching is also investigated, albeit under the assumption of equal item sizes


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan multimedia eBook interaktif berbasis smartphone pada pembelajaran menggambar garis dan memberi alternatif media belajar yang dapat digunakan siswa. Penelitian ini termasuk kedalam penelitian pengembangan prosedur Borg & Gall. Data hasil penilaian diperoleh melalui respon 50 siswa SMK kelas X terhadap multimedia eBook interaktif dengan melakukan uji usability produk, telah memenuhi kriteria “sangat bagus”. Hasil penelitian ini adalah terbentuknya sebuah produk berupa multimedia eBook interaktif pada pembelajaran menggambar garis. eBook juga memberikan dampak terhadap pemahaman siswa yang ditunjukkan oleh nilai Gain dengan kategori sedang. Sehingga eBook dapat dijadikan alternatif pembelajaran yang layak bagi siswa dan guru


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    ABSTRAKMiko, Tuah. 2017. Pemanfaatan Beasiswa di SMAN 1 Bukit Kabupaten BenerMeriah. Skripsi, Program Studi Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan,Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan. Universitas Syiah Kuala. Pembimbing:(1) Dr. Saiful Usman, S.Pd., M.Si (2) Maimun, S.Pd., MAKata kunci: pemanfaatan, beasiswaPenelitian ini tentang pemanfaatan beasiswa di SMAN 1 Bukit Kabupaten BenerMeriah. Masalah yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini (1) Untuk mengetahuipemanfaatan beasiswa di SMAN 1 Bukit. (2) Untuk mengetahui faktor yangmelatarbelakangi siswa SMAN 1 Bukit dalam pemanfaatan beasiswa di luarkeperluan sekolah. (3) untuk mengetahui solusi yang tepat agar pemanfaatanbeasiswa tepat sasaran. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalahkualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriftif. Menggunakan tehnik wawancara.Pengambilan subjek dalam penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling. Subjekpenelitian dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 12 orang terdiri dari 8 siswa-siswa, 1 wakilkepala bidang kesiswaan, 1 wakil kepala bidang kurikum dan 2 orang guru. Hasilpenelitian ini menunjukkan (1) pemanfaatan beasiswa oleh siswa SMAN 1 BukitKabupaten Bener Meriah belum dimanfaatkan dengan baik untuk keperluan sekolah.dikarenakan masih ada dana beasiswa digunakan di luar sekolah seperti untukkeperluan pribadi dan rumah tangga. (2) Faktor yang melatarbelakangi siswa SMAN1 Bukit Kabupaten Bener Meriah dalam memanfaatkan beasiswa dengan adanyabeasiswa meringankan beban orang tua dengan pembayaran SPP disekolah danmembeli perlengkapan sekolah, serta dapat memenuhi sebagian kebutuhan pribadi.(3) Solusi yang tepat agar pemanfaatan beasiswa tepat sasaran dengan menentukankreteria tertentu seperti yang sudah ditetapkan dan melihat kondisi siswa yang betulbetulkurang mampu dalam ekonomi namun mampu dan mau dalam belajar.Disarankan (1) Seharusnya siswa penerima beasiswa Program Indonesia Pintar lebihmengutamakan keperluan sekolah dari pada keperluan rumah dan pribadi. (2)Seharusnya siswa lebih mendengarkan arahan guru dari pada arahan orang tua dalampemanfaatan beasiswa, supaya dana yang sudah ada dapat di manfaatkan serta bisajadi tabungan siswa itu sendiri. (3) harusnya pengawasan dalam pemanfaatanbeasiswa lebih diawasi. Dan guru beserta orang tua agar terus melakukan kerja sama dalam pemanfaatan beasiswa

    Comparing Entropy Weighting Method and AHP for JIT implementation in a Manufacturing System

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    Although some important criteria, such as work in process (WIP) and inventory, are recognized to have an impact on Just-in-Time (JIT) implementations, the exact weights of these criteria for different systems are not known. Consequently, the decision maker will not be able to predict the size of change in the system when implementing his JIT strategy. On the other hand, different weighting methods result in different weight values which makes it more confusing for the decision maker. We therefore consider entropy weighting method and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to compute the weights of the selected criteria. A case study is also discussed to demonstrate the differences between these two weighting methods. Simulation modeling is used to validate and compare the results

    Analisis Penggunaan Fitur Air Max Pada Perangkat Ubiquity Untuk Peningkatan Throughput

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    - Right now Internet use has become one of the needs of people from various backgrounds, ranging from companies, offices, universities, schools, households and others. PT. Jawa Pos National Network Medialink is a company engaged in technology-based services to the public Internet network in Pontianak City in general. The aim of this thesis was to analyze the quality of the Internet network service client PT. JPNN Medialink Pontianak using Throughput parameters and to determine any factors that can affect the quality of the Internet network services, so PT. JPNN Medialink Pontianak can improve the performance of their service that meets the standards of Quality of Service (QoS). In this study, prepared 1 computer as a media testers to see how the quality of service from the network to be researched in the client. Where in the computer is connected directly to the internet and is at an ISP and already terisntal Google earth application. The research was done in 5 client in PT. JPNN Medialink Pontianak in which the test was performed twice on each client, before and after using the Air Max features with the aim to obtain some comparative research data. The average yield Throughput testing parameters for 5 client amounted to 50.01% with the index 2 medium category, the average index for the standard TIPHON all QoS parameter is 2.7 with category less than satisfactory and average internet access speed is 64050, 0496 bps medium category

    Numerical Modelling and Simulation for Flow Maldistribution in Microtube Strip (MTS) Heat Exchanger

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    Microtube Strip (MTS) heat exchanger is a laminar flow heat exchanger that consist of several numbers of small modules connected to each other in parallel. MTS heat exchanger proves to have higher efficiency and at the same time smaller than conventional turbulence flow heat exchanger. Hence, it is very suitable to be used as a cooling medium to remove the extra heat generated by F1 car engine. However, one of the problems in MTS heat exchanger is flow maldistribution whereby there is unequal distribution of fluid flow inside the heat exchanger which is due to poor header configuration. Thus, the objective of this project is to investigate the effect of different header configuration on flow maldistribution severity in MTS heat exchanger. For this project, two headers had been chosen for fluid flow simulation which is semi cylindrical header and pyramidal header. In order to simulate the fluid flow in both of the headers, CFD FLUENT had been used based on finite volume method. During the simulation, velocity distribution and temperature distribution data on outlet tubes had been obtained. The relative and absolute flow maldistribution parameter for both of the headers had been calculated by using the velocity distribution data while validation had been performed by comparing the temperature distribution data from simulation with the temperature data from experiment. As a conclusion, semi cylindrical header is 70 while for pyramidal header is 60. Hence, pyramidal header is relatively better than semi cylindrical header in term of reducing the severity of flow maldistribution. The reason is because of the geometry for pyramidal header had resulted a flow with less maldistribution compared to semi cylindrical header


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    ABSTRAKNiate, Ipak, Tuah, Rima. 2016. Korelasi Antara Kepedulian Orang Tua dengan Kualitas Pertemanan Remaja di SMP N 10 Takengon. Skripsi, Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Syiah Kuala. Pembimbing: Drs. Said Nurdin, M. Si., (2) Drs. Abu Bakar, M. SiKata Kunci:Kepedulian Orang Tua, Kualitas Pertemanan RemajaOrang tua yang peduli terhadap pertemanan anaknya tentu akan mengusahakan dengan sedemikian rupa agar anak-anaknya dapat mempunyai teman yang baik di lingkungannya. Penelitian ini berupaya mendeskripsikan korelasi antara kepedulian orang tua dengan kualitas pertemanan remaja di SMP N 10 Takengon. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara kepedulian orang tua dengan kualitas pertemanan remaja. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu siswa di SMP N 10 Takengon yang berjumlah 120 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalahnonprobability sampling. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode deskriptif dan korelasional. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara menyebarkan instrumen berupa angket. Butir-butir soal yang direspon oleh responden penelitian dalam jawaban lima kategori. Data hasil penelitian diolah dan dianalisis dengan program SPSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepedulian orang tua di SMP N 10 Takengon pada umumnya berada pada kategori sedang, sementara kualitas pertemanan remaja berada pada kategori sedang. Adapun teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian agar terjawab rumusan nomor 1 dan 2 adalah analisis deskriptif persentase, sedangkan untuk rumusan masalah nomor 3 menggunakan uji korelasi Product Moment. Hasil analisis data menggunakan uji korelasi terdapat korelasi yang signifikan antara kepedulian orang tua dengan kualitas pertemanan remaja yang diperoleh adalah r_xy= 0,720 dengan tingkat signifikan 0,000. Artinya hipotesis diterima kebenarannya, yaitu terdapat korelasi yang signifikan antara kepedulian orang tua dengan kualitas pertemanan remaja. Dengan demikian semakin tinggi kepedulian orang tua maka akan semakin baik kualitas pertemanan anak di SMP N 10 Takengon. Beberapa saran direkomendasikan

    Removal of Phenol by Zeolite

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    The adsorption of phenol by Zeolite was investigated to assess its possible use as an adsorbent. The adsorbent properties were tested on batch solutions containing minimum concentration of 3mM (282 ppm) and a maximum of 7mM (658ppm) phenol, at fixed temperature of 30°C without pH adjustment. The effect of the adsorbent dose, contact time and initial phenol concentration on the removal degree of phenol was investigated. Effect of the adsorbent dosages for the removal of phenol was carried out using adsorbent dosages ranging from 5g to 25g. After hours of adsorption, this experiment reveals that the phenol removal performance is varied based on the three parameters investigated. For IPC 3mM, 5mM and 7mM; 25g, 15g, 5g is considered as the optimum dosage with phenol removal of 49%, 67% and 68% respectively. The equilibrium sorption data was better explained by Langmuir isotherm model suggesting that the adsorption of phenol observed monolayer sorption pattern