575 research outputs found

    Effect of biogenic polyamines on sliding motility of mycobacteria in the presence of antibiotics

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    Nowadays, sliding is the least investigated mode of bacterial motility. Sliding is a process of passive movement on the surface of semi-liquid mediums which was originally described for mycobacteria and other bacterial species deprived of the organelles specialized for movement. Some mycobacteria are able to colonize surfaces, including tissues of macro-organisms, using glycopeptidolipids localized in the cell envelope for this aim. This is a serious problem for effective therapy of mycobacteriosis caused by nontuberculosis mycobacteria. Furthermore, animal tissues contain biogenic polyamines, which can increase tolerance of microorganisms to stresses, including antibiotics, and modulate cell motility. Therefore, studying mutual effects of biogenic polyamines and antibiotics on the expansion of mycobacteria is important for medicine. Mycobacterial strains, including the parent Mycolicibacterium smegmatis mc2 155 and strains containing single (ΔrelMsm) or double (ΔrelMsmΔrelZ) deletions, were used as the objects of this study. The content of glycopeptidolipids was determined using thin layer chromatography. Sliding motility was assessed by measuring the area of the sliding colony. The effectiveness of antibiotics was measured by comparison of the areas of sliding colonies in the presence of comparable concentrations of antibiotics. The polyamines spermidine and spermine had different effects on the sliding of mycobacteria through an increase or decrease in the colony areas. At the same time, polyamines had neither bactericidal nor bacteriostatic effects. The polyamines contained in the medium decreased the bactericidal effects of the antibiotics streptomycin or isoniazid, but enhanced the effects of DMNP, a synthetic analogue of the natural antibiotic erogorgiaene. Rifampicin was the most effective of all antibiotics investigated here. Moreover, we found that glycopeptidolipids are, apparently, not the only regulators of mycobacterial sliding

    Long-range signaling by phosphoprotein waves arising from bistability in protein kinase cascades

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    A hallmark of protein kinase/phosphatase cascades, including mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways, is the spatial separation of their components within cells. The top-level kinase, MAP3K, is phosphorylated at the cell membrane, and cytoplasmic kinases at sequential downstream levels (MAP2K and MAPK) spread the signal to distant targets. Given measured protein diffusivity and phosphatase activities, signal propagation by diffusion would result in a steep decline of MAP2K activity and low bisphosphorylated MAPK (ppMAPK) levels near the nucleus, especially in large cells, such as oocytes. Here, we show that bistability in a two-site MAPK (de)phosphorylation cycle generates a novel type of phosphoprotein wave that propagates from the surface deep into the cell interior. Positive feedback from ppMAPK to cytoplasmic MAP2K enhances the propagation span of the ppMAPK wave, making it possible to convey phosphorylation signals over exceedingly long distances. The finding of phosphorylation waves traveling with constant amplitude and high velocity may solve a long-standing enigma of survival signaling in developing neurons

    The problems of utilizing graphite of stopped graphite-uranium reactors

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    A list of radioactive nuclides, the activity of which forms the main part of total activity of graphite stack and graphite elements of the construction of stopped industrial graphite-uranium reactors has been defined. The analysis of activity part contributed by these nuclides at different moments of time after stopping reactor was carried out. A set of construction graphite elements, in which there is a possibility of self-sustaining release of the energy stored (Wigner's energy) was determined. It was stated that the most value of the Wigner's energy is achieved in graphite constructions operated in low-temperature region or at high values of flux densities of damaging neutrons and concurrent gamma radiation

    Optical-electronic System and Software Complex for Research and Identification of Macro- and Micro-optical Elements of Security Holograms

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    The paper presents an automated optical-electronic software and hardware complex for carrying out activities to identify and control the authenticity of diffraction and holographic optical security elements. The developed complex makes it possible to significantly simplify the work of the expert in conducting forensic studies of objects marked with security holograms

    Legal Reflection during the Crisis of the New European Worldview Paradigm: Problem Statement

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    This article touches upon the worldview basis of European identity in legal area. So it explores the issue of relationship between Western legal tradition and new European culture in the totality of it’s multiform manifestations. Identification of this relationship gives us an opportunity to understand the character and reasons of the Western Legal Tradition crisis phenomena. It emphasizes the indissoluble connection between those phenomena and the global cultural processes, mainly the collapse of the former world view paradigm and formation of a new value system. The article also introduces a brief review of the development milestones of the 19th century philosophy, which were indicative of the start of revision of the major premises of the new European world view and the corresponding picture of the world. It is stated that there is an interconnection between those cultural processes and the crisis phenomena in legal consciousness, which started to take effect in the period of study and are thus seen as one of the manifestations of a deeper crisis in the new European world view fundamentals themselves. Besides, the article represents a review of a series of the legal concepts established by Russian authors in the first half of the 20th century, with common interest in the problem of legal consciousness during the crisis of European legal tradition. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s5p7

    Disease-free and overall survival of patients diagnosed with HPV-associated or HPV-negative cervical cancer

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    The real-time PCR method is used to study scrapings of cervical epithelium and outer portion of the cervix in 116 patients aged 24–79 years with stage I–IV primary cervical cancer. The comprehensive survey included colposcopy, cytological and histological analysis, detection and genotyping of high-risk human papillomavirus. In 84 patients (72.4%) the presence of human papillomavirus (HPV) of high carcinogenic risk (HCR) is found, in 32 patients (27.6%) the presence of the virus has not been inspected in the tumor. A significant decrease in the survival rate as well as the prevalence of the worst prognosis for patients with HPV-negative cervical cancer are shown


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    Regulatory and motivational predictors of cognitive activity in pre-examination grades 8 and 9 are analyzed on the basis of longitudinal research. Indicators of conscious self-regulation, school engagement and disengagement, academic motivation are studied as predictors. The assumption was verified that students with different attitudes towards learning in grade 8 differ in the resources (regulatory and motivational) of cognitive activity in grade 9.Анализируются регуляторные и мотивационные предикторы познавательной активности в предэкзаменационных 8–9 классах на материале лонгитюдного исследования. В качестве предикторов изучаются показатели осознанной саморегуляции, школьной вовлеченности и безучастности, академической мотивации. Проверку получило предположение о том, что учащиеся с различным отношением к учению в 8-м классе различаются ресурсами (регуляторными и мотивационными) познавательной активности в 9-м классе.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке Российского научного фонда (РНФ) в рамках научного проекта № 20-18-00470 «Саморегуляция и школьная вовлеченность как психологические ресурсы академической успешности: лонгитюдное исследование»

    Genome-wide association study of loss of heterozygosity and metastasis-free survival in breast cancer patients

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    One of the factors providing the diversity and heterogeneity of malignant tumors, particularly breast cancer, are genetic variations, due to gene polymorphism, and, especially, the phenomenon of loss of heterozygosity (LOH). It has been shown that LOH in some genes could be a good prognostic marker. Aim: To perform genome-wide study on LOH in association with metastasis free survival in breast cancer. Materials and Methods: The study involved 68 patients with breast cancer. LOH status was detected by microarray analysis, using a high density DNA-chip CytoScanTM HD Array (Affymetrix, USA). The Chromosome Analysis Suite 3.1 (Affymetrix, USA) software was used for result processing. Results: 13,815 genes were examined, in order to detect LOH. The frequency of LOH varied from 0% to 63%. The association analysis identified four genes: EDA2R, PGK1, TAF9B and CYSLTR1 that demonstrated the presence of LOH associated with metastasis-free survival (log-rank test, p < 0.03). Conclusions: The presence of LOH in EDA2R, TAF9B, and CYSLTR1 genes is associated with metastasis-free survival in breast cancer patients, indicating their potential value as prognostic markers

    Моделирование процесса плоского фрезерования с учетом зависимости динамических характеристик станка

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    The milling process inherently is on/off, and therefore inevitably there is vibration excitation in the Machine/Fixture/Tool/Part (MFTP) system, which results in a different quality of the treated surface, depending on the machining conditions. The objective is to identify effective operation conditions to cut a part on the 3-way easy class machines when there is no unwanted regenerative self-oscillation, leading to a significant deterioration in the quality of the surface machined. The paper describes vibrations arising during a milling process and their effect on the surface shape and the working tool. To solve this problem we apply a numerical simulation method of cutting dynamics, which consist of 4 modules. The main module is an algorithm of the geometric simulation. The second module is a phenomenological model of the cutting forces. Two remaining modules are responsible for dynamics simulation of the part machined and the cutting tool under time-varying cutting forces. The calculated values are transferred back to the geometric modelling algorithm at each step in time. Thus, the model is closed and allows us to take into account an effect of delay in a dynamic system. A finite element machine model to perform calculation in 3DCUT software has been a selected and compiled. The paper presents geometrical mapping of the machining process and natural frequencies and shapes found for the finite element model. Conducting multivariate calculations allowed us to analyse the dependences of a dynamic behaviour of the system on changing spindle speed. The multivariate modelling results are presented as the Poincare maps for a moving free end of the tool. These Poincare maps allow us to select the operation conditions domains coming both with forced vibration and with self-excited oscillations. On the Poincaré map for two operation conditions of different domains there are graphics of the cutting forces, a thickness of the cutting layer, tool movements, and a shape of the machined surface to demonstrate differences in the dynamic behaviour of the system. A milling process modelling technique considered in the paper, taking into account a dynamics of the cutting 3-way machine of easy class allows us to estimate the nature and the level of vibration in the processing system, depending on the operation conditions selected for machining through building the Poincaré maps based on the results of multivariate modelling. These results can be used to select the effective milling operation conditions that enhance the quality and processing performance.Процесс обработки фрезерованием по своей природе является прерывистым и поэтому неизбежно сопровождается возбуждением вибраций в системе СПИД, что приводит к различному качеству обработанной поверхности, в зависимости от режима обработки. Целью работы является определение эффективных режимов обработки детали фрезой на 3х координатном станке легкого класса, при которых не возникает нежелательных регенеративных автоколебаний, приводящих к существенному ухудшению качества обработанной поверхности. Описаны возникающие в процессе фрезерования вибрации и их влияние на форму обрабатываемой поверхности и рабочий инструмент. Для решения поставленной задачи применена методика численного моделирования динамики процессов обработки резанием, состоящая из 4-ех модулей. Главный модуль представляет собой алгоритм геометрического моделирования. Второй модуль является феноменологической моделью сил резания. Два оставшихся модуля отвечают за моделирование динамики обрабатываемой детали и режущего инструмента под действием переменных во времени сил резания. Рассчитанные значения передаются обратно в алгоритм геометрического моделирования на каждом шаге по времени. Таким образом, модель оказывается замкнутой и за счет этого позволяет учитывать эффект запаздывания в динамической системе. Выбрана и составлена конечно-элементная модель станка для реализации расчета в программном обеспечении 3DCUT. Представлено геометрическое отображение процесса обработки. Найдены собственные частоты и формы для используемой конечно-элементной модели. Выполнен анализ зависимости характера динамического поведения системы от изменения скорости вращения шпинделя за счет проведения многовариантных расчетов. Результаты многовариантного моделирования представлены в виде отображений Пуанкаре для перемещений свободного конца инструмента. Приведенные отображения Пуанкаре позволяют выделить области режимов, сопровождающиеся как вынужденными вибрациями, так и автоколебаниями. Для двух режимов из различных областей на отображении Пуанкаре приведены графики сил резания, толщины срезаемого слоя, перемещений инструмента, а также формы обработанной поверхности, демонстрирующие различия в динамическом поведении системы. Рассмотренная в статье методика моделирования процесса фрезерования с учетом динамики 3-х координатного станка легкого класса позволяет оценить характер и уровень вибраций в технологической системе в зависимости от выбранных режимов обработки за счет построения отображений Пуанкаре по результатам многовариантного моделирования. Приведенные результаты могут быть использованы для выбора эффективных режимов обработки фрезерованием, способствующих повышению качества и производительности обработки