33 research outputs found

    Hepatoprotective effect of opioid peptides in stress

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    Influence of the endogenous opioid system on the liver has not been studied enough. To understand the damaging effects of stress on the liver and the hepatoprotective effects of opioids, a study was performed on stress-resistant and stress-susceptible animals Найти похожи

    Signs and Symptoms of Central Nervous System Involvement and Their Pathogenesis in COVID-19 According to The Clinical Data (Review)

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    Detailed clinical assessment of the central nervous system involvement in SARS-CoV-2 infection is relevant due to the low specificity of neurological manifestations, the complexity of evaluation of patient complaints, reduced awareness of the existing spectrum of neurological manifestations of COVID-19, as well as low yield of the neurological imaging.The aim. To reveal the patterns of central nervous system involvement in COVID-19 and its pathogenesis based on clinical data.Among more than 200 primary literature sources from various databases (Scopus, Web of Science, RSCI, etc.), 80 sources were selected for evaluation, of them 72 were published in the recent years (2016-2020). The criteria for exclusion of sources were low relevance and outdated information.The clinical manifestations of central nervous system involvement in COVID-19 include smell (5-98% of cases) and taste disorders (6-89%), dysphonia (28%), dysphagia (19%), consciousness disorders (3-53%), headache (0-70%), dizziness (0-20%), and, in less than 3% of cases, visual impairment, hearing impairment, ataxia, seizures, stroke. Analysis of the literature data revealed the following significant mechanisms of the effects of highly contagious coronaviruses (including SARS-CoV-2) on the central nervous system: neurodegeneration (including cytokine- induced); cerebral thrombosis and thromboembolism; damage to the neurovascular unit; immune-mediated damage of nervous tissue, resulting in infection and allergy-induced demyelination.The neurological signs and symptoms seen in COVID-19 such as headache, dizziness, impaired smell and taste, altered level of consciousness, bulbar disorders (dysphagia, dysphonia) have been examined. Accordingly, we discussed the possible routes of SARS-CoV-2 entry into the central nervous system and the mechanisms of nervous tissue damage.Based on the literature analysis, a high frequency and variability of central nervous system manifestations of COVID-19 were revealed, and an important role of vascular brain damage and neurodegeneration in the pathogenesis of COVID-19 was highlighted

    Effect of intake of Vitrum vitamin-mineral complex in combination with adaptogens on immune status and physical work capacity in highly skilled student athletes

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    Purpose of the study: to study the effect of Vitrum in combination with adaptogens on immunological reactivity and physical performance in athletes under conditions of intense training.Materials and methods: 4 groups of athletes, 10 people in each, went through a cycle of intensive training according to a specially developed methodology. Group I took Vitrum, group II — Vitrum + Eleutherococcus extract, group III — Vitrum + ginseng tincture. Group IV — ascorbic acid and was used as a control. Blood for analysis was taken from the cubital vein before and after 28 days of drug administration. Indicators of immunological reactivity were determined by modern laboratory methods. Physical performance was determined by the index of the Harvard step test (IHST) and the PWC170 test.Results: the use of Vitrum in combination with adaptogens promotes a significant increase in the parameters of humoral (increase in IgA by 32–40 %, IgM by 28–43 %, IgG by 9–14 %) and cellular (increasing the completeness of phagocytosis by 9–37 % immunity.Conclusion: intake of Vitrum in combination with adaptogens was accompanied by a significant increase in nonspecific immunity and increased the level of fitness

    Особенности симптоматики и патогенеза повреждения центральной нервной системы при COVID-19 по данным клинических исследований (обзор)

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    Detailed clinical assessment of the central nervous system involvement in SARS-CoV-2 infection is relevant due to the low specificity of neurological manifestations, the complexity of evaluation of patient complaints, reduced awareness of the existing spectrum of neurological manifestations of COVID-19, as well as low yield of the neurological imaging.The aim. To reveal the patterns of central nervous system involvement in COVID-19 and its pathogenesis based on clinical data.Among more than 200 primary literature sources from various databases (Scopus, Web of Science, RSCI, etc.), 80 sources were selected for evaluation, of them 72 were published in the recent years (2016-2020). The criteria for exclusion of sources were low relevance and outdated information.The clinical manifestations of central nervous system involvement in COVID-19 include smell (5-98% of cases) and taste disorders (6-89%), dysphonia (28%), dysphagia (19%), consciousness disorders (3-53%), headache (0-70%), dizziness (0-20%), and, in less than 3% of cases, visual impairment, hearing impairment, ataxia, seizures, stroke. Analysis of the literature data revealed the following significant mechanisms of the effects of highly contagious coronaviruses (including SARS-CoV-2) on the central nervous system: neurodegeneration (including cytokine- induced); cerebral thrombosis and thromboembolism; damage to the neurovascular unit; immune-mediated damage of nervous tissue, resulting in infection and allergy-induced demyelination.The neurological signs and symptoms seen in COVID-19 such as headache, dizziness, impaired smell and taste, altered level of consciousness, bulbar disorders (dysphagia, dysphonia) have been examined. Accordingly, we discussed the possible routes of SARS-CoV-2 entry into the central nervous system and the mechanisms of nervous tissue damage.Based on the literature analysis, a high frequency and variability of central nervous system manifestations of COVID-19 were revealed, and an important role of vascular brain damage and neurodegeneration in the pathogenesis of COVID-19 was highlighted.Актуальность пристальной клинической оценки поражения центральной нервной системы вирусом SARS-CoV-2 определяется низкой специфичностью ряда неврологических симптомов, сложностью объективизации жалоб пациента, неоднородной осведомленностью и настороженностью по поводу имеющегося спектра неврологических симптомов COVID-19, низкой частотой патологических изменений по данным нейровизуализации.Цель обзора. Выявление особенностей симптоматики и патогенеза поражения центральной нервной системы при COVID-19 на основе анализа данных клинической практики.Из более 200 первично отобранных источников литературы различных баз данных (Scopus, Web of science, РИНЦ и др.) для анализа выбрали 80 источников, из них — 72 источника, опубликованных в течение последних лет (2016-2020 гг.). Критерием исключения источников служили малая информативность и устаревшие данные.Клиническая картина поражения центральной нервной системы при COVID-19 включает в себя: нарушение обоняния (5-98% случаев), нарушение вкусовой чувствительности (6-89%), дисфонию (28%), дисфагию (19%), количественные и качественные нарушения сознания (3-53%), головную боль (0-70%), головокружение (0-20%), менее 3% случаев — нарушение зрения, слуха, атаксию, судорожный приступ, инсульт. Анализ данных литературы позволил выделить следующие значимые механизмы воздействия высококонтагиозных коронавирусов (в том числе вируса SARS-CoV-2) на центральную нервную систему: нейродегенерация (в том числе цитокининдуцированная); церебральный тромбоз и церебральная тромбоэмболия; повреждение нейрососудистой единицы; иммуноопосредованное поражение нервной ткани, приводящее к развитию инфекционно-аллергического демие-линизирующего процесса.Рассмотрели симптомы поражения нервной системы при COVID-19, такие как головная боль, головокружение, нарушение обоняния и вкусовых ощущений, изменение уровня сознания, бульбарные нарушения (дисфагия, дисфония). Соответственно, проанализировали данные о возможных путях проникновения SARS-CoV-2 в центральную нервную систему и механизмы поражения нервной ткани.По результатам проведенного анализа отечественной и зарубежной литературы показали высокую частоту и полиморфность симптомов поражения центральной нервной системы, а также важную роль сосудистого поражения головного мозга и нейродегенерации в патогенезе COVID-19

    Opportunities in multimodal neuroimaging for optimizing thrombolytic therapy for ischemic stroke

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    The main purpose of examination of patients before thrombolytic therapy for ischemic stroke (IS) is to timely identify contraindications to the use of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator.Objective: to estimate opportunities and benefits in applying multimodal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to improve clinical outcomes in acute stroke, among other processes, by enhancing the efficiency and safety of thrombolytic therapy.Patients and methods. The clinical experience of the S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy in using multimodal MRI of the brain since 2004 was analyzed in patients with stroke.Results. Comprehensive assessment of the results of perfusion-weighted MRI of the brain and those of transcranial Doppler ultrasound identified five clinically significant variants of perfusion changes in IS: normal perfusion; postischemic hyperemia; persistent hypoperfusion; acute pathological hyperperfusion, and unrecovered perfusion. With an irreversible tissue damage volume of >60 cm3 on day 1 of stroke, as evidenced by diffusion-weighted MRI, the odd ratio for cerebral edema in the acutest period of the disease is 39.4% (95% CI 2.57–2436; p<0.05). The risk of hemorrhagic transformation increases with a measured diffusion coefficient in the area of the nucleus of developing nonlacunar infarct <35×10-5 mm2/sec within the first 24 hours after disease onset (p<0.005).Conclusion. The data of local clinical practice and the results of international clinical trials show that multimodal MRI of the brain is a reliable tool for the detailed evaluation of the expected efficiency and safety of thrombolytic therapy for IS. When persistent hypoperfusion is detected, the determination of perfusion-diffusion mismatch is of no informative value in deciding on whether thrombolytic therapy can be performed. Estimating the volume of pathological changes on diffusion-weighted images and the measured diffusion coefficient in the area of the nucleus of developing nonlacunar infarct in the measured diffusion coefficient maps allows the risk of major intracranial complications due to IS to be identified

    Evaluation of myocardial damage in different types of rheumatoid arthritisduring disease-modifying antirheumatic drug or biological therapy (with infliximab)

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    Objective. To estimate the extent and pattern of myocardial damage in different types of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) during disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD) or biological therapy. Subjects and methods. Seventy-one patients with RA were examined; some of them received biological therapy with infliximab, while the others took DMARDs. A group of patients with incipient RA was also identified. B-type brain natriuretic peptide levels were estimated and electrocardiography, echocardiography (EchoCG), and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRT) using the contrast medium Dotarem were conducted in all the patients. The follow-up totaled 6 months. A control examination was made at the moment of randomization and 6 months posttreatment. Results. Tn the bulk of patients, the level of B-type brain natriuretic peptide did not differ from the reference values, however, its lower level was observed in the incipient RA group, which was associated with the absence of cardiovascular diseases and with a younger age group. There were no negative EchoCG changes in myocardial viability values. Cardiac MRT demonstrated that the majority of patients had the similar changes that failed to affect myocardial kinetics and ejection fraction. These changes were not found in incipient RA patients without cardiovascular diseases. No improvement in myocardial viability was recorded in the patients receiving the biological therapy. Conclusion. Thus, cardiac MRT showed the similar changes that failed to affect myocardial kinetics and ejection fraction in patients with RA during both methotrexate and infliximab therapy


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    The functional studies underline the importance of maintaining structural integrity of the innate immune components of intracellular signaling. The molecular structures for a number of proteins and protein domains in immune signaling have been determined. These structures have assisted us in understanding innate immunity at the molecular level. A polymorphisms modulating innate immunity signal transduction has recently been shown to influence human susceptibility to many different infections, providing one more indication of the potential of host genetics to reveal physiological pathways and mechanisms that influence resistance to infectious diseases. This lection describes recently determined structures involved in TLR signaling.Функциональные исследования выявили важное значение структурной целостности компонентов внутриклеточной сигнальной трансдукции системы врожденного иммунитета. Идентифицирована молекулярная структура ряда протеинов, участвующих в иммунном сигналинге, что способствует пониманию механизмов функционирования врожденного иммунитета на молекулярном уровне. Полиморфизмы, изменяющие сигнальную трансдукцию в клеточных элементах врожденного иммунитета и влияющие на предрасположенность человека к различным инфекциям, являются еще одним доказательством роли генетического фона хозяина в патофизиологии инфекционных заболеваний или резистентности к ним. В лекции описаны полиморфизмы молекул, вовлеченных в иммуногенный сигналинг, которые ассоциированы с продукцией провоспалительных цитокинов и эффективностью иммунных реакций