9 research outputs found

    An overview of the history of media education in Canada

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    The article's primary objective is to provide the first comprehensive retrospective examination of Canadian media education history. The authors support the periodization, identify the trends, the periodization criteria, and the three main periods of establishment and development of Canadian media education in the context of socio-political and sociopedagogical determinants based on the theoretical findings of Canadian media educators. The historical foundations for Canada's development of media education are made clear. According to pedagogical theory and practice, the core of media education is the study of theory and the development of practical skills for mastering contemporary mass media. This knowledge is seen as belonging to a distinct, independent field of knowledge. The authors conclude that media education is connected to all forms of media, including the collection of information and communication tools that each person uses on a daily basis: printed media (newspapers, magazines), auditory media (radio, audio), and screen media (movies, television, video, multimedia, the Internet, etc.); they also define the fundamental elements of media education and conclude that it is a subset of media literacy and media culture. The article describes the evolution of media education associations, approaches, and programs. It has been proven necessary to use positive Canadian experience to address issues with implementing media education in Ukraine in order to improve and humanize that country's educational system in the framework of studying the experience of Canadian media theorists and practitioners

    Trends in the Development of University Education in the Postmodern Period

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    The purpose of the research was to study the changes in the ranking of professional skills of students, which determine trends in university education in the postmodern era. The presented results of the experiment allowed to determine the level of perception of new professional skills by university students under the influence of the ideology of postmodernism. The general hypothesis of the study was that postmodern ideology influences the model of university education, contributes to the creation of the foundations for the formation of new professional skills of students. This study is part of a broader study that explores ways to improve the quality of university education based on the substantive professional priorities of students in the context of postmodernism. The results of the experiment allowed us to draw conclusions about the relationship between the quality of education and professional priorities of students, a properly organized system of university education in the postmodern period

    Study of Ukrainian Polar Explorers' Psychological Readiness for Extreme Environments at the Antarctic Station

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    The research is devoted to the study of Ukrainian polar explorers’ psychological readiness for extreme environments of the "Academician Vernadsky" Antarctic station. The relevance of the study is substantiated; the scientific papers of domestic and foreign researchers on the problem concerned are analyzed. The concept of psychological readiness for extreme environmental conditions is specified; the age limits of the studied groups are determined; methodological tools of psychological research are presented. Theoretical bases and practical results on the problem involved are considered. The three aspects of readiness of the polar explorers, namely psychophysiological, personality, social-psychological are differentiated. The peculiarities of psychological training are described. The complex of methods of psychological research of three age categories is implemented. The comparison of the results of the research has revealed some changes in psychological characteristics. It is proved that the most prepared age group includes middle-aged persons (from 35 to 45 years), which constitutes about 40% of the participants and indicates a sufficient level of psychological stability of wintering teams. These results enable to identify new criteria for psychological prediction, as well as to confirm the need for further psychological research

    Metatheoretical Substantiation оf Pedagogical Understanding оf Innovative Development оf Higher Education

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    У статті розкрито метатеоретичний підхід як необхідну основу сучасного науково-теоретичного мислення, ефективне знаряддя отримання знання нового типу – рефлексивно зорієнтованого, спрямованого на аналіз глибин педагогічної теорії. Використано метод термінологічного аналізу, абстрагування, ідеалізації, формалізації та узагальнення. З’ясовано, що інноваційний розвиток вищої освіти ґрунтується на професійному самовдосконаленні суб’єктів освітнього процесу та розкривається за допомогою рефлексивної системи метатеорії філософії. Доведено, що інноваційні процеси у вищій школі неможливо розглядати без самовдосконалення особистості, що набувають глобального значення.The metatheoretical approach as the necessary basis of modern scientific and theoretical thinking, the efficient instrument of gaining knowledge of a new type – reflexive oriented, aimed at the analysis of the deep pedagogical theory, ensure the reliability of its methodological presuppositions, innovative research and further development of higher education is revealed in the article; it is proved that the metatheoretical basis of pedagogical understanding of innovative development of higher education is the professional perfection of an individual and a teacher, and a student. The method of terminological analysis is used, it associated with the determination of the categorial status of metatheory, innovative development in the system of pedagogical definitions; abstraction, idealization, formalization, and generalization is used for systematization and formulation of conclusions, determination of the directions of further research problems. It was found out that the innovative development of higher education is based on professional self-development of the subjects of the educational process and it is revealed with the help of the reflexive system of metatheory philosophy. Innovation is considered by the authors as the ability to a new, reflexive, constantly renewable knowledge; openness to the innovative changes on the basis of critical thinking; development of creative abilities; willingness and ability to the continuous professional self-development and self-revelation. Thus, the representatives of the education philosophy thoroughly completed the idea of the comprehensive and harmonious development of personality by the concept of a planetary-cosmic type of the personality as a future human image. The man of the future is the harmony of mind, body, and soul, aimed at the realization of internal creative potentials in the measure of the Earth and the Cosmos, a person is capable of self-realization and self-improvement. Innovation processes in higher education cannot be considered without self-perfection, gaining global importance. Analysis of modern philosophical trends reveals the doom of the extensive way of mankind development without regarding the moral principles. As a conclusion, the progress of society depends on the reorientation processes of self-development of the individual and mankind as a plane of formation of the individual spiritual integrity as the main condition of innovative processes in education, professional improvement, their subjection to the global moral imperatives

    Development of media education in Canada: a brief history

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    The article focuses on a holistic retrospective analysis of the history of media education in Canada, which has been done for the first time. Based on the theoretical findings of Canadian media educators, the authors substantiate the periodization, identify the trends, the periodization criteria and three main periods of establishment and development of Canadian media education in the context of sociopolitical and socio-pedagogical determinants. The historical preconditions of the development of media education in Canada are revealed. The essence of media education is regarded as a theory study and development of practical skills for mastering modern mass media, which is considered as part of a specific, autonomous field of knowledge in pedagogical theory and practice. The authors determine that media education is associated with all types of media, which include the set of information and communication tools that each person interacts with in everyday life: printed (newspapers, magazines), auditive (radio, audio) and screen or audiovisual media (cinema, TV, video, multimedia, Internet, etc.); they identify the essential characteristics of media education, determine that media education is the form of media literacy and media culture of an individual; as well as they find out, characterize and systematize the gaps in media education in Canada. The article presents the evolution of media education programs, techniques as well as media education associations. In the context of studying the experience of Canadian media theorists and practitioners, the necessity of applying positive Canadian experience to solve the problems of implementing media education in Ukraine in terms of reforming and humanizing its educational space has been substantiated

    Phenomene of Self-Improving in the History of Ukrainian Pedagogical Thought (XIX Century)

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    У статті досліджено ґенезу феномену самовдосконалення в історії української педагогічної думки XIX століття. Розкрито сутність поглядів видатних педагогів минулого на досліджувану проблему, під час докладного аналізу здійснено раціональну реконструкцію історичного перетворення проблеми досконалості та послідовно доповнено методологію наукового пошуку в цьому напрямкуThe article examines the genesis of the phenomenon of self-improvement in the history of the Ukrainian educational thought of the XIX century. The essence of the views of prominent educators of the past on the issue under study, the analysis carried out, a rational reconstruction of the historical transformation of the problem of improving and consistently updated methodology of scientific research in this direction

    Influence of psychological conditions on the level of creative imagination

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    The main purpose of the study is to determine the influence of psychological conditions on the development of creative imagination. As a result of research, we applied several key methods that allowed us to achieve this goal. First of all, it is a method of theoretical analysis and synthesis. Also, methods of correlation analysis and a number of empirical methods were used for the existing experimental group (observation, conversation, questionnaire, testing). The analysis of the psychological conditions of the correlation matrix showed that there is a noticeably high connection between the influences of psychological conditions on the development of creative imagination, thereby confirming our assumption. According to the results of the study of the development of creative imagination, the dominance of the middle and low levels of its development was established. In addition, the criteria of creative imagination were diagnosed, which included the originality of images, flexibility of images, performance of images, speed of the created image. It was found that the most developed is the originality of images, the least developed is the performance of images

    Use of GIS in the system of state land cadastre

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    UK: У статті досліджено перспективи і доцільність використання ГІС технологій в земельному кадастрі. Наведено доцільність та перспективність використання подібних систем та використання різних програмних платформ по регіонах України. Розглянуто як саме ГІС технології впливають на ведення Державного земельного кадастру. EN: The article examines the prospects and feasibility of using GIS technologies in the land cadastre. The expediency and prospects of using such systems and the use of different software platforms in the regions of Ukraine are given. It is considered how GIS technologies affect the maintenance of the State Land Cadastre