43 research outputs found

    Global Inversion of Grounded Electric Source Time-domain Electromagnetic Data Using Particle Swarm Optimization

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    Global optimization inversion of grounded wire time-domain electromagnetic (TDEM) data was implemented through application of the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. This probabilistic approach is an alternative to the widely used deterministic local-optimization approach. In the PSO algorithm, each particle that constitutes the swarm epitomizes a probable geophysical model comprised by subsurface resistivity values at several layers and layer thicknesses. The forward formulation of the TDEM problem for calculating the vertical component of the induced magnetic field is first expressed in the Laplace domain. Transformation of the magnetic field from the Laplace domain into the time domain is performed by applying the Gaver-Stehfest numerical method. The implementation of PSO inversion to the TDEM problem is straightforward. It only requires adjustment of a few inversion parameters such as inertia, acceleration coefficients and numbers of iteration and particles. The PSO inversion scheme was tested on synthetic noise-free data and noisy synthetic data as well as to field data recorded in a volcanic-geothermal area. The results suggest that the PSO inversion scheme can effectively solve the TDEM 1D stratified earth problem.

    Seismic exploration at Fuji volcano with active sources : The outline of the experiment and the arrival time data

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    Fuji volcano (altitude 3,776m) is the largest basaltic stratovolcano in Japan. In late August and early September 2003, seismic exploration was conducted around Fuji volcano by the detonation of 500 kg charges of dynamite to investigate the seismic structure of that area. Seismographs with an eigenfrequency of 2 Hz were used for observation, positioned along a WSW-ENE line passing through the summit of the mountain. A total of 469 seismic stations were installed at intervals of 250-500 m. The data were stored in memory on-site using data loggers. The sampling interval was 4 ms. Charges were detonated at 5 points, one at each end of the observation line and 3 along its length. The first arrival times and the later-phase arrival times at each station for each detonation were recorded as data. P-wave velocities in the surface layer were estimated from the travel time curves near the explosion points, with results of 2.5 km/s obtained for the vicinity of Fuji volcano and 4.0 km5/s elsewhere

    Precise remote-monitoring technique of water volume and temperature of a crater lake in Aso volcano, Japan : implications for a sensitive window of a volcanic hydrothermal system

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    A high-resolution Digital Surface Model and a commercial digital camera have enabled precise and continuous monitoring of the crater lake at Aso volcano. From July 2006 onwards, infrared (IR) thermometry has been used with this system, enabling more accurate measurements of lake volume and temperature based on simple and intensive observations than has been possible in any other previous studies. The heat discharge remained largely constant at approximately 220 MW, with the exception of an abrupt increase to 280 MW that coincided with a rapid decrease in the water level in August 2007. Simultaneously, an increase in temperature at a shallow depth was suggested by other observations. The crater lake was found to respond to even slight changes in volcanic fluid supply, which can be well quantified by our method. Thus, a crater lake can be monitored more precisely than subaerial fumaroles whose energy estimation is often accompanied by large uncertainties. Our monitoring technique of a crater lake provides information on the subsurface hydrothermal system beneath it, for which any in-situ measurements are practically impossible

    Significance of Investigations on the Structure of Kirishima Volcanoes

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    霧島火山群の構造に関するミニシンポジウムが1994年1月に行われた.本論に続く論文はその際の発表をまとめたものである.本論はその前置きとして,霧島火山群を紹介すると共に,同火山群の構造を研究するに際して目標とすべき3つの課題を示している.第1に,霧島火山群は複数の火山が同時に活動している火山群であって,そのマグマがどこからどのように供給されているかを明らかにすることが重要である.第2に,なぜ火山群を作るのかを応力場や南九州のテクトニクスとの関係から検討する必要がある.第3に,帯水層と考えられる低比抵抗層が,霧島の広い範囲に見られる.帯水層の分布状況を正確に把握し,噴火の様式や噴火の前兆現象との関係を明らかにしていく事が重要である.In recent years, investigations on the structure of volcanoes have been noteworthy for the further understanding of volcanic processes including locations of magma reservoir, magma rising process before eruptions and causes of related phenomena. The following seven papers including the present one were presented in the mini-symposium on the structure of the Kirishima Volcanoes held at the Earthquake Research Institute in January, 1994

    Self-potential Measurements on Shinmoe-Dake, Kirishima Volcanic Group

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    We conducted self-potential(SP) surveys on Shinmoe-Dake, one of the active volcanoes in Kirishima volcanic group. The surveys cover an area of 1km × 1km including the crater. One of the prominent features is a negative anomaly on the crater basin. The streaming potential caused by drainage of water from the crater basin is a promising candidate for a cause of the negative anomaly. We quantitatively verified the plausibility of the mechanism using seepage of the lake water and the permeability of the ground, which were estimated from the water balance of the crater lake. Another prominent feature is positive SP anomalies on the eastern and southern slopes of Shiiimoe-Dake. These positive anomalies lie over relatively low resistive regions revealed by a magnetotelluric survey. This fact suggests that the present positive anomalies are generated by the streaming potential accompanied by hydrothermal upflows, although there still remains uncertainty because we have no information on the ground temperature. We also found positive patches of SP which were located at the fumaroles in the crater basin. However, they turned out to be rather small both in size and intensity after correcting for topographic effects. This suggests that hydrothermal activity just under the crater of Shinmoe-Dake is weak at present.霧島火山群に属する成層火山新燃岳において,火口を含む約1km四方の自然電位分布を調査した.新燃岳火口底の自然電位は,過去に調べられたいくつかの活火山の例に反して負の異常を示すことがわかった.この負異常の原因についていくつかの可能性を定量的に検証した結果,火口湖からの漏水に伴う流動電位がその主要な原因であるとの結論を得た.山体東斜面と南斜面には正の電位異常が見られる.MT法による比抵抗測定によって得られている低比抵抗層の分布と,この正の電位異常の分布は良い一致を示すことから,地下での熱水の上昇が示唆される.しかしながら,地中温度のデータがないためこれは確証的ではない

    Gas flow dynamics in the conduit of Strombolian explosions inferred from seismo-acoustic observations at Aso volcano, Japan

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    Strombolian explosions are one of the most studied eruptive styles and are characterized by intermittent explosions. The mechanism of a Strombolian explosion is modeled as a large gas pocket (slug) migrating through the magma conduit and then bursting at the air–magma interface. These ascending and bursting processes of the slug induce characteristic seismo-acoustic signals during each explosion: very-long-period (VLP) seismic signals, eruption earthquake signals, and infrasound signals. However, at Stromboli volcano, it has been reported that the ascent velocity estimated from the time differences between observed signals is nearly an order of magnitude higher than that expected from laboratory experiments simulating slug ascent. This discrepancy between observation-based and experiment-based velocities has not yet been fully explained and strongly suggests that the conventional model of Strombolian explosions should be partially revised. In this study, we attempted to validate the model of Strombolian explosions by estimating the gas phase velocity in the conduit in the case of Aso volcano. We recorded seismo-acoustic signals accompanying Strombolian events at Aso volcano, Japan, in late April 2015 via our monitoring network, and the ascent velocity of the gas phase was determined from the difference in arrival times between the VLP signals and the infrasound signals. Our estimated velocity exceeded 100 m/s, which is much faster than the experimental value of 7.5 m/s predicted for Aso volcano. To explain this rapid ascent velocity, we propose a revised model describing the migration of the gas phase via a more complicated mechanism, such as annular flow. In this model, we assumed that the gas phase ascends in the conduit at high velocity while making a pathway leading to the magma surface, most likely due to a temporary increase in the gas flux. Our model will help to deepen the understanding of the complicated dynamics in the magma conduit during a Strombolian explosion

    Temporal variation in source location of continuous tremors before ash–gas emissions in January 2014 at Aso volcano, Japan

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    Abstract Volcanic tremor is often observed to be associated with an increase in volcanic activity and during periods approaching eruptions. It is therefore of crucial importance to study this phenomenon. The opening of a new vent and subsequent ash–gas emissions was observed in the active crater (Nakadake crater) of Aso volcano, Japan, in January 2014. These events were considered to be associated with phreatomagmatic activity similar to the small events of 2003–2005. During the period from December 2013 to January 2014, a significant variation in the amplitude of continuous seismic tremors was observed corresponding to surficial volcanic activity. We estimated the tremor source locations for this two-month period by a three-dimensional grid search using the tremor amplitude ratio of 5–10 Hz band-pass filtered waveforms. The estimated source locations were distributed in a roughly cylindrical region (100–150 m in diameter) ranging from the ground surface to a depth of 400 m. Migration of the estimated source location was also identified and was associated with changes in volcanic activity. We assumed that the source locations coincided with a conduit system of the volcano, consisting of networks of fractures. This area is likely situated above the crack-like conduit proposed in previous studies. Before the 2014 event, an increase in gas-dominated volcanic fluid first caused an enlargement of the conduit zone, followed by the migration of further magmatic fluid through other pathways, which resulted in a subsequent ash–gas emission. Although we do not have sufficient information to discuss the causal relationship between these processes, it seems reasonable that continuous tremors might change the conduit conditions

    Temporal variation in source location of continuous tremors before ash-gas emissions in January 2014 at Aso volcano, Japan

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    Volcanic tremor is often observed to be associated with an increase in volcanic activity and during periods approaching eruptions. It is therefore of crucial importance to study this phenomenon. The opening of a new vent and subsequent ash–gas emissions was observed in the active crater (Nakadake crater) of Aso volcano, Japan, in January 2014. These events were considered to be associated with phreatomagmatic activity similar to the small events of 2003–2005. During the period from December 2013 to January 2014, a significant variation in the amplitude of continuous seismic tremors was observed corresponding to surficial volcanic activity. We estimated the tremor source locations for this two-month period by a three-dimensional grid search using the tremor amplitude ratio of 5–10 Hz band-pass filtered waveforms. The estimated source locations were distributed in a roughly cylindrical region (100–150 m in diameter) ranging from the ground surface to a depth of 400 m. Migration of the estimated source location was also identified and was associated with changes in volcanic activity. We assumed that the source locations coincided with a conduit system of the volcano, consisting of networks of fractures. This area is likely situated above the crack-like conduit proposed in previous studies. Before the 2014 event, an increase in gas-dominated volcanic fluid first caused an enlargement of the conduit zone, followed by the migration of further magmatic fluid through other pathways, which resulted in a subsequent ash–gas emission. Although we do not have sufficient information to discuss the causal relationship between these processes, it seems reasonable that continuous tremors might change the conduit conditions

    Temporal variation in the resistivity structure of the first Nakadake crater, Aso volcano, Japan, during the magmatic eruptions from November 2014 to May 2015, as inferred by the ACTIVE electromagnetic monitoring system

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    阿蘇山マグマ噴火に伴う地下熱水系時間変化の可視化に成功. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2018-08-23.During the last magmatic eruption period of Aso volcano (November 2014 to May 2015), a controlled-source electromagnetic volcano monitoring experiment (ACTIVE) was conducted. Here, we interpret the temporal variations in the electromagnetic responses. The ACTIVE system installed at the first Nakadake crater, the only active crater of Aso, consisted of a transmitter located northwest of the crater and four (before the eruptions) or three (after the eruptions) vertical induction coil receiver stations. The ACTIVE system succeeded in detecting temporal variations in the resistivity structure during the latest magmatic eruption period. The response amplitude started to increase in November 2014, peaked in February 2015, and decreased slightly in August 2015. An unstructured tetrahedral finite element three-dimensional inversion that accounted for topographic effects was used to interpret temporal variations in the ACTIVE response. The 3-D inversion results revealed that temporal variations in the ACTIVE response are attributed mainly to (1) a broad increase in resistivity at elevations from 750 to 850 m, not only directly beneath the crater bottom but also outside the crater, and (2) a thin layer of decrease in resistivity at the elevation of ~ 1000 m on the western side of the crater. The increase in resistivity can be ascribed to a decrease in the amount of conductive groundwater in the upper part of an aquifer located below the elevation of 800 m, while the decrease in resistivity implies that enhanced fluid temperature and pressure changed the subsurface hydrothermal system and formed a temporal fluid reservoir at the shallow level during the magmatic eruption period