201 research outputs found

    Financial Inclusion, Poverty, and Income Inequality: Evidence from High, Middle, and Low-income Countries

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    The past two decades have witnessed a high national importance to financial inclusion around the world. This paper intends to explore the impact of financial inclusion on poverty reduction and income inequality in the world, high, middle, and low-income countries. For this purpose, a new composite financial inclusion was constructed with three dimensions for finding various macroeconomic variables affecting the level of financial inclusion for 122 economies, including 32 from high-income, 38 from upper middle income, 38 from lower middle income, and 14 from low-income countries. Then the impact of financial inclusion, on poverty and income inequality, for the world and then for high, middle, and low-income countries was investigated. The estimates reveal that rule of law significantly affects financial inclusion for the world, high, middle, and low-income countries. But age dependency ratio influences the financial inclusion only for our full sample. However, population density significantly decreases financial inclusion just in the full sample and Upper middle-income countries. Education completion impacts significantly financial inclusion just in upper middle income. While literacy has a higher impact on financial inclusion in high-income countries. The findings also indicate that financial inclusion is significantly correlated with lower poverty for the full sample. The link between financial inclusion and income inequality has been found for high-income countries and lower-middle-income countries

    Financial Inclusion, Poverty, and Income Inequality: Evidence from European Countries

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    This study contributes to the existing literature on financial inclusion by examining the determinants of financial inclusion and studying the impact of financial inclusion on poverty reduction and income inequality in European countries. We investigate the impact of financial inclusion on poverty and income inequality in 30 European countries during 2004-2019 based on a composite financial inclusion index (FII) constructed by using principal component analysis (PCA). Then we assess the impact of financial inclusion, on poverty and income inequality, by employing the fixed effect method. The estimates reveal that, for the European countries, GNI per capita, population density, inflation, and internet users have a positive and significant impact on financial inclusion across all the regressions. Rule of law has a positive impact on financial inclusion, and the age dependency ratio has a negative impact on financial inclusion. The findings also indicate that financial inclusion is significantly correlated with lower poverty for the full sample. Lastly, the present study supports the role of financial inclusion in reducing income inequality in European countries


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    This paper deals with the existence and multiplicity of solutions for a class of quasilinear problems involving p(x)p(x)-Laplace type equation, namely {div(a(up(x))up(x)2u)=λf(x,u)inΩ,na(up(x))up(x)2u+b(x)up(x)2u=g(x,u)onΩ.\left\{\begin{array}{lll}-\mathrm{div}\, (a(| \nabla u|^{p(x)})| \nabla u|^{p(x)-2} \nabla u)= \lambda f(x,u)&\text{in}&\Omega,\\n\cdot a(| \nabla u|^{p(x)})| \nabla u|^{p(x)-2} \nabla u +b(x)|u|^{p(x)-2}u=g(x,u) &\text{on}&\partial\Omega.\end{array}\right. Our technical approach is based on variational methods, especially, the mountain pass theorem and the symmetric mountain pass theorem

    La règle de conflit applicable au contrat international de travail en droit international privé québécois

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    "Mémoire présenté à la faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de maître en droit (LL.M.)"La protection de la partie faible est l'un des objectifs les plus importants du législateur en matière de droit du travail. Cet objectif se traduit par l'instauration d'une règle de conflit, prévue à l'article 3118 c.c.Q qui présente une vision législative particulariste voulant concilier l'application du principe de l'autonomie de la volonté avec le contrat de travail qui met en jeu deux parties inégales. La préoccupation de cette étude est d'analyser la règle de conflit consacrée par l'article 3118 qui reste très peu étudié et de mettre l'accent sur l'intervention croissante du gouvernement en matière du contrat de travail. Cette étude de droit applicable au contrat international de travail invite à un examen original des notions du droit international privé: contrat, autonomie de la volonté, ordre public, lois de police...etc. Par l'article 3118 c.c.Q, le législateur québécois s'écarte de l'application des solutions traditionnelles admises en droit international privé en confirmant l'idée que les relations de travail sont un contrat mais de nature particulière. Notre texte se divise en trois parties. Dans une première partie, nous examinerons les règles de rattachement applicables au contrat de travail. Nous tenterons d'analyser l'application du principe de l'autonomie de la volonté ainsi que ses limites relatives au contrat de travail. Nous étudierons, en outre, le droit subsidiaire qui s'applique à défaut du choix de la loi par les parties. Dans une deuxième partie, nous aborderons le sujet de l'intervention de l'Etat dans le domaine du travail. Nous analyserons certaines règles d'application nécessaire qui régissent les relations de travail. Enfin, nous consacrerons une troisième partie à l'analyse du domaine de la loi applicable au contrat de travail. Nous examinerons, à cet égard, successivement les relations individuelles et les relations collectives de travail. Ainsi, nous pourrons déterminer les matières qui échappent à l'application de la loi normalement applicable

    Τα επιτάφια μνημεία της Εύβοιας ως μαρτυρίες των επαφών με την ηπειρωτική και τη νησιωτική Ελλάδα. Η περίπτωση των στηλών με παράσταση κρατήρα.

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    In this paper I confine myself to a short overview of the Euboean funerary markers (semata) of the Classical and Early Hellenistic periods, demonstrating their close affinity to Attic funerary iconography and typology and highlighting their particularities, and I focus on two grave stelae from Eretria that represent a volute krater as either the main theme or as a part of their decoration. The aim of this article is to present an almost unknown type of grave marker, the marble volute krater, carved either in relief or in the round, as well as to trace its diffusion in mainland Greece and the Greek islands. An attempt will also be made to trace Euboea’s role in the spread of this rare type of funerary monument

    Internet Adoption, Digital Divide, and Corruption: Evidence from ECOWAS Countries

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    This paper aims to extend the existing literature on Internet adoption and corruption by analyzing the factors impacting the digital divide and assessing the impact of Internet adoption on corruption reduction in the Economic Community of West African States (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Cote d’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Togo). The study uses fixed and random effect panel data techniques covering 17 years (2003-2019), to exploit the times series nature of the relationship between the digital divide and its determinants. In addition, it aims to assess the impact of internet adoption along with other control variables on corruption. The estimation results show that per capita income, human capital, age, population density, government effectiveness, political stability, and the rule of law significantly affect the digital divide in ECOWAS. The findings reveal also that internet adoption affects positively the level of corruption control; the impact of an increase in internet users of 1% implies an increase in corruption control between 0.05% and 0.06%

    Existence of blow-up solutions for a non-linear equation with gradient term in RN

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    AbstractIn this paper we study the existence of positive large solutions for the equation Δpu+λ|∇u|p−1=ρ(x)f(u) in RN, where f is a non-negative non-decreasing function and ρ is a non-negative continuous function. We show under some hypotheses detailed below the existence of positive solutions which blow up at infinity