95 research outputs found

    MiR-185 / AKT and miR-29a / Collagen 1a pathways are activated in IPF BAL cells

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    MicroRNA signatures of BAL cells and alveolar macrophages are currently lacking in IPF. Here we sought to investigate the expression of fibrosis-related microRNAs in the cellular component of the BAL in IPF. We thus focused on microRNAs previously associated with fibrosis (miR-29a, miR-29b, miR-29c, let-7d, and miR-21) and rapid IPF progression (miR-185, miR-210, miR-302c-3p miR-376c and miR-423-5p). Among the tested microRNAs miR-29a and miR-185 were found significantly downregulated in IPF while miR-302c-3p and miR-376c were not expressed by BAL cells. Importantly, the downregulation of miR-29a inversely correlated with the significantly increased levels of COL1A1 mRNA in IPF BAL cells. Collagen 1 a was found mainly overexpressed in alveolar macrophages and not other cell types of the BAL by immunofluorescence. In view of the downregulation of miR-185, we tested the response of THP-1 macrophages to profibrotic cytokine TGFb and observed the downregulation of miR-185. Conversely, proinflammatory stimulation lead to miR-185 upregulation. Upon examination of the mRNA levels of known miR-185 targets AKT1, DNMT1 and HMGA2, no significant correlations were observed in the BAL cells. However, increased levels of total AKT and AKTser473 phosphorylation were observed in the IPF BAL cells. Furthermore, miR-185 inhibition in THP-1 macrophages resulted in significant increase of AKTser473 phosphorylation. Our study highlights the importance of BAL microRNA signatures in IPF and identifies significant differences in miR-185/AKT and miR-29a/collagen axes in the BAL cells of IPF patients

    Upregulation of citrullination pathway: From Autoimmune to Idiopathic Lung Fibrosis

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    Background: Increased protein citrullination and peptidylarginine deiminases (PADIs), which catalyze the citrullination process, are central in Rheumatoid arthritis pathogenesis and probably involved in the initial steps towards autoimmunity. Approximately, 10% of RA patients develop clinically significantly ILD. A possible shared role of protein citrullination in rheumatoid arthritis associated interstitial lung disease (RA-ILD), and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) pathogenesis remains unclear. Methods: We evaluated PADI2 and PADI4 mRNA expression in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) cells of 59 patients with IPF, 27 patients RA-ILD and 10 healthy controls. PADI 2 and 4 expression was analyzed by western blot and immunohistochemistry. Citrullinated protein levels were also quantified. Results: PADI4 mRNA and protein levels were higher in RA-ILD and IPF than controls. Furthermore, PADI4 mRNA levels showed an increase among smokers in RA-ILD. PADI4 expression was detected in granulocytes and macrophages in all groups, with the strongest cytoplasmic expression observed in granulocytes in RA-ILD and IPF. PADI2 mRNA and immunostaining of BAL cells, were similar in all groups among smokers. Overall, stronger staining was observed in current smokers. Citrullinated peptides were significantly increased in IPF compared to RA-ILD and controls. In RA-ILD, protein citrullination strongly correlated with PADI4 expression and anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPAs). Conclusions: These results suggest that the citrullination pathway is upregulated in IPF and in RA-ILD

    Ag85B DNA vaccine suppresses airway inflammation in a murine model of asthma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In allergic asthma, Th2 lymphocytes are believed to play important roles in orchestrating airway eosinophilia and inflammation. Resetting the Th1/Th2 imbalance may have a therapeutic role in asthma. The mycobacterium tuberculosis 30-kilodalton major secretory protein (antigen 85B, Ag85B) can protect animals from M. tuberculosis infection by inducing a Th1-dominant response.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this study, the Ag85B gene was cloned into pMG plasmids to yield the pMG-Ag85B plasmid. The expression of Ag85B gene in murine bronchial epithelia cells was detected by Western blotting and immunohistochemical staining after intranasal immunization with reconstructed pMG-Ag85B plasmids. The protective effect of pMG-Ag85B plasmids immunization in airway inflammation was evaluated by histological examination and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). IL-4 and IFN-Ξ³ levels in the BAL and supernatant from splenocyte culture were determined using ELISA kits.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The Ag85B gene was successfully expressed in murine bronchial epithelia cells by intranasal immunization with reconstructed pMG-Ag85B plasmids. Using a murine model of asthma induced by ovalbumin (OVA), pMG-Ag85B immunization significantly inhibited cellular infiltration across the airway epithelium with a 37% decrease in the total number of cells (9.6 Β± 2.6 Γ— 10<sup>5</sup>/ml vs. 15.2 Β± 3.0 Γ— 10<sup>5</sup>/ml, p < 0.05) and a 74% decrease in the number of eosinophils (1.4 Β± 0.2 Γ— 10<sup>5</sup>/ml vs. 5.4 Β± 1.1 Γ— 10<sup>5</sup>/ml, p < 0.01) compared with the OVA-sensitized control group. There was no difference in the number of neutrophils in BAL fluid between the pMG-Ag85B group, the OVA-sensitized control group and the empty pMG group. IL-4 production was significantly decreased in the BAL fluid (32.0 Β± 7.6 pg/ml vs. 130.8 Β± 32.6 pg/ml, p < 0.01) and in the splenocyte supernatant (5.1 Β± 1.6 pg/ml vs. 10.1 Β± 2.3 pg/ml, p < 0.05) in the pMG-Ag85B group compared with the OVA-sensitized control group, while IFN-Ξ³ production was increased in the BAL fluid (137.9 Β± 25.6 pg/ml vs. 68.4 Β± 15.3 pg/ml, p < 0.05) and in the splenocyte supernatant (20.1 Β± 5.4 pg/ml vs. 11.3 Β± 3.2 pg/ml, p < 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In a murine model of asthma induced by OVA, intranasal immunization with pMG-Ag85B significantly reduced allergic airway inflammation with less eosinophil infiltration. This protective effect was associated with decreased IL-4 and increased IFN-Ξ³ production in the BAL fluid and in the supernatant of cultured splenocytes.</p

    The Efficiency of CD4 Recruitment to Ligand-engaged TCR Controls the Agonist/Partial Agonist Properties of Peptide–MHC Molecule Ligands

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    One hypothesis seeking to explain the signaling and biological properties of T cell receptor for antigen (TCR) partial agonists and antagonists is the coreceptor density/kinetic model, which proposes that the pharmacologic behavior of a TCR ligand is largely determined by the relative rates of (a) dissociation of ligand from an engaged TCR and (b) recruitment of lck-linked coreceptors to this ligand-engaged receptor. Using several approaches to prevent or reduce the association of CD4 with occupied TCR, we demonstrate that consistent with this hypothesis, the biological and biochemical consequence of limiting this interaction is to convert typical agonists into partial agonist stimuli. Thus, adding anti-CD4 antibody to T cells recognizing a wild-type peptide–MHC class II ligand leads to disproportionate inhibition of interleukin-2 (IL-2) relative to IL-3 production, the same pattern seen using a TCR partial agonist/antagonist. In addition, T cells exposed to wild-type ligand in the presence of anti-CD4 antibodies show a pattern of TCR signaling resembling that seen using partial agonists, with predominant accumulation of the p21 tyrosine-phosphorylated form of TCR-ΞΆ, reduced tyrosine phosphorylation of CD3Ξ΅, and no detectable phosphorylation of ZAP-70. Similar results are obtained when the wild-type ligand is presented by mutant class II MHC molecules unable to bind CD4. Likewise, antibody coligation of CD3 and CD4 results in an agonist-like phosphorylation pattern, whereas bivalent engagement of CD3 alone gives a partial agonist-like pattern. Finally, in accord with data showing that partial agonists often induce T cell anergy, CD4 blockade during antigen exposure renders cloned T cells unable to produce IL-2 upon restimulation. These results demonstrate that the biochemical and functional responses to variant TCR ligands with partial agonist properties can be largely reproduced by inhibiting recruitment of CD4 to a TCR binding a wild-type ligand, consistent with the idea that the relative rates of TCR–ligand disengagement and of association of engaged TCR with CD4 may play a key role in determining the pharmacologic properties of peptide–MHC molecule ligands. Beyond this insight into signaling through the TCR, these results have implications for models of thymocyte selection and the use of anti-coreceptor antibodies in vivo for the establishment of immunological tolerance

    Metabolic and endocrinologic complications in beta-thalassemia major: a multicenter study in Tehran

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    BACKGROUND: The combination of transfusion and chelation therapy has dramatically extended the life expectancy of thalassemic patients. The main objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of prominent thalassemia complications. METHODS: Two hundred twenty patients entered the study. Physicians collected demographic and anthropometric data and the history of therapies as well as menstrual histories. Patients have been examined to determine their pubertal status. Serum levels of 25(OH) D, calcium, phosphate, iPTH were measured. Thyroid function was assessed by T3, T4 and TSH. Zinc and copper in serum were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Bone mineral density (BMD) measurements at lumbar and femoral regions have been done using dual x-ray absorptiometry. The dietary calcium, zinc and copper intakes were estimated by food-frequency questionnaires. RESULTS: Short stature was seen in 39.3% of our patients. Hypogonadism was seen in 22.9% of boys and 12.2% of girls. Hypoparathyroidism and primary hypothyroidism was present in 7.6% and 7.7% of the patients. About 13 % of patients had more than one endocrine complication with mean serum ferritin of 1678 Β± 955 micrograms/lit. Prevalence of lumbar osteoporosis and osteopenia were 50.7% and 39.4%. Femoral osteoporosis and osteopenia were present in 10.8% and 36.9% of the patients. Lumbar BMD abnormalities were associated with duration of chelation therapy. Low serum zinc and copper was observed in 79.6% and 68% of the study population respectively. Serum zinc showed significant association with lumbar but not femoral BMD. In 37.2% of patients serum levels of 25(OH) D below 23 nmol/l were detected. CONCLUSION: High prevalence of complications among our thalassemics signifies the importance of more detailed studies along with therapeutic interventions

    Search for Limiting Factors in the RNAi Pathway in Silkmoth Tissues and the Bm5 Cell Line: The RNA-Binding Proteins R2D2 and Translin

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    RNA interference (RNAi), an RNA-dependent gene silencing process that is initiated by double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) molecules, has been applied with variable success in lepidopteran insects, in contrast to the high efficiency achieved in the coleopteran Tribolium castaneum. To gain insight into the factors that determine the efficiency of RNAi, a survey was carried out to check the expression of factors that constitute the machinery of the small interfering RNA (siRNA) and microRNA (miRNA) pathways in different tissues and stages of the silkmoth, Bombyx mori. It was found that the dsRNA-binding protein R2D2, an essential component in the siRNA pathway in Drosophila, was expressed at minimal levels in silkmoth tissues. The silkmoth-derived Bm5 cell line was also deficient in expression of mRNA encoding full-length BmTranslin, an RNA-binding factor that has been shown to stimulate the efficiency of RNAi. However, despite the lack of expression of the RNA-binding proteins, silencing of a luciferase reporter gene was observed by co-transfection of luc dsRNA using a lipophilic reagent. In contrast, gene silencing was not detected when the cells were soaked in culture medium supplemented with dsRNA. The introduction of an expression construct for Tribolium R2D2 (TcR2D2) did not influence the potency of luc dsRNA to silence the luciferase reporter. Immunostaining experiments further showed that both TcR2D2 and BmTranslin accumulated at defined locations within the cytoplasm of transfected cells. Our results offer a first evaluation of the expression of the RNAi machinery in silkmoth tissues and Bm5 cells and provide evidence for a functional RNAi response to intracellular dsRNA in the absence of R2D2 and Translin. The failure of TcR2D2 to stimulate the intracellular RNAi pathway in Bombyx cells is discussed

    Cytomegalovirus Replicon-Based Regulation of Gene Expression In Vitro and In Vivo

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    There is increasing evidence for a connection between DNA replication and the expression of adjacent genes. Therefore, this study addressed the question of whether a herpesvirus origin of replication can be used to activate or increase the expression of adjacent genes. Cell lines carrying an episomal vector, in which reporter genes are linked to the murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) origin of lytic replication (oriLyt), were constructed. Reporter gene expression was silenced by a histone-deacetylase-dependent mechanism, but was resolved upon lytic infection with MCMV. Replication of the episome was observed subsequent to infection, leading to the induction of gene expression by more than 1000-fold. oriLyt-based regulation thus provided a unique opportunity for virus-induced conditional gene expression without the need for an additional induction mechanism. This principle was exploited to show effective late trans-complementation of the toxic viral protein M50 and the glycoprotein gO of MCMV. Moreover, the application of this principle for intracellular immunization against herpesvirus infection was demonstrated. The results of the present study show that viral infection specifically activated the expression of a dominant-negative transgene, which inhibited viral growth. This conditional system was operative in explant cultures of transgenic mice, but not in vivo. Several applications are discussed

    Quantification of collagen and proteoglycan deposition in a murine model of airway remodelling

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    BACKGROUND: Sub-epithelial extracellular matrix deposition is a feature of asthmatic airway remodelling associated with severity of disease, decline in lung function and airway hyperresponsiveness. The composition of, and mechanisms leading to, this increase in subepithelial matrix, and its importance in the pathogenesis of asthma are unclear. This is partly due to limitations of the current models and techniques to assess airway remodelling. METHODS: In this study we used a modified murine model of ovalbumin sensitisation and challenge to reproduce features of airway remodelling, including a sustained increase in sub-epithelial matrix deposition. In addition, we have established techniques to accurately and specifically measure changes in sub-epithelial matrix deposition, using histochemical and immunohistochemical staining in conjunction with digital image analysis, and applied these to the measurement of collagen and proteoglycans. RESULTS: 24 hours after final ovalbumin challenge, changes similar to those associated with acute asthma were observed, including inflammatory cell infiltration, epithelial cell shedding and goblet cell hyperplasia. Effects were restricted to the bronchial and peribronchial regions with parenchymal lung of ovalbumin sensitised and challenged mice appearing histologically normal. By 12 days, the acute inflammatory changes had largely resolved and increased sub-epithelial staining for collagen and proteoglycans was observed. Quantitative digital image analysis confirmed the increased deposition of sub-epithelial collagen (33%, p < 0.01) and proteoglycans (32%, p < 0.05), including decorin (66%, p < 0.01). In addition, the increase in sub-epithelial collagen deposition was maintained for at least 28 days (48%, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: This animal model reproduces many of the features of airway remodelling found in asthma and allows accurate and reproducible measurement of sub-epithelial extra-cellular matrix deposition. As far as we are aware, this is the first demonstration of increased sub-epithelial proteoglycan deposition in an animal model of airway remodelling. This model will be useful for measurement of other matrix components, as well as for assessment of the molecular mechanisms contributing to, and agents to modulate airway remodelling
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