62 research outputs found

    Single-Cycle High-Intensity Electromagnetic Pulse Generation in the Interaction of a Plasma Wakefield with Nonlinear Coherent Structures

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    The interaction of coherent nonlinear structures (such as sub-cycle solitons, electron vortices and wake Langmuir waves) with a strong wake wave in a collisionless plasma can be exploited in order to produce ultra-short electromagnetic pulses. The electromagnetic field of a coherent nonlinear structure is partially reflected by the electron density modulations of the incident wake wave and a single-cycle high-intensity electromagnetic pulse is formed. Due to the Doppler effect the length of this pulse is much shorter than that of the coherent nonlinear structure. This process is illustrated with two-dimensional Particle-in-Cell simulations. The considered laser-plasma interaction regimes can be achieved in present day experiments and can be used for plasma diagnostics.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    New longitudinal mode and compression of pair ions in plasma

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    Positive and negative ions forming the so-called pair plasma differing in sign of their charge but asymmetric in mass and temperature support a new acoustic-like mode. The condition for the excitation of ion sound wave through electron beam induced Cherenkov instability is also investigated. This beam can generate a perturbation in the pair ion plasmas in the presence of electrons when there is number density, temperature, and mass difference in the two species of ions. Basic emphasis is on the focusing of ion sound waves, and we show how, in the area of localization of wave energy, the density of pair particles increases while electrons are pushed away from that region. Further, this localization of wave is dependent on the shape of the pulse. Considering the example of pancake and bullet shaped pulses, we find that only the former leads to compression of pair ions in the supersonic regime of the focusing region. Here, possible existence of regions where pure pair particles can exist may also be speculated which is not only useful from academic point of view but also to mimic the situation of plasma (electron positron asymmetric and symmetric) observed in astrophysical environment

    Vortex solitons - Mass, Energy and Angular momentum bunching in relativistic electron-positron plasmas

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    It is shown that the interaction of large amplitude electromagnetic waves with a hot electron-positron (e-p) plasma (a principal constituent of the universe in the MeV epoch) leads to a bunching of mass, energy, and angular momentum in stable, long-lived structures. Electromagnetism in the MeV epoch, then, could provide a possible route for seeding the observed large-scale structure of the universe.Comment: 17 pages with 2 figure

    Colloquium: Nonlinear collective interactions in quantum plasmas with degenerate electron fluids

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    The current understanding of some important nonlinear collective processes in quantum plasmas with degenerate electrons is presented. After reviewing the basic properties of quantum plasmas, we present model equations (e.g. the quantum hydrodynamic and effective nonlinear Schr\"odinger-Poisson equations) that describe collective nonlinear phenomena at nanoscales. The effects of the electron degeneracy arise due to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and Pauli's exclusion principle for overlapping electron wavefunctions that result in tunneling of electrons and the electron degeneracy pressure. Since electrons are Fermions (spin-1/2), there also appears an electron spin current and a spin force acting on electrons due to the Bohr magnetization. The quantum effects produce new aspects of electrostatic (ES) and electromagnetic (EM) waves in a quantum plasma that are summarized in here. Furthermore, we discuss nonlinear features of ES ion waves and electron plasma oscillations (ESOs), as well as the trapping of intense EM waves in quantum electron density cavities. Specifically, simulation studies of the coupled nonlinear Schr\"odinger (NLS) and Poisson equations reveal the formation and dynamics of localized ES structures at nanoscales in a quantum plasma. We also discuss the effect of an external magnetic field on the plasma wave spectra and develop quantum magnetohydrodynamic (Q-MHD) equations. The results are useful for understanding numerous collective phenomena in quantum plasmas, such as those in compact astrophysical objects, in plasma-assisted nanotechnology, and in the next-generation of intense laser-solid density plasma interaction experiments.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figures. To be published in Reviews of Modern Physic

    Model of Functioning of Water-Management System With One Water Basin of Complex Function

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    The model of calculation for the balance of water-management beneath a water basin has been created. The model enables calculating water balance not only at the separate river sites, but also at the whole territory of water-management system

    The influence of small doses of fast neutron irradiation on the critical temperature and EPR spectra of YBa2Cu3O7-ÎŽ high temperature superconductors

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    The effect of the increase of the critical temperature Tc by the irradiation of the Y123 samples with small doses of fast neutrons has been investigated by the temperature dependence of resistance and EPR studies. The results indicated that Tc and EPR signals of all specimens are increased with increasing irradiation fluences. These results are explained in terms of redistribution of oxygen, which promotes charge ordering in the superconducting CuO2 planes. © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Selective suppression of excessive GluN2C expression rescues early epilepsy in a tuberous sclerosis murine model

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    Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), caused by dominant mutations in either TSC1 or TSC2 tumour suppressor genes is characterized by the presence of brain malformations, the cortical tubers that are thought to contribute to the generation of pharmacoresistant epilepsy. Here we report that tuberless heterozygote Tsc1+/−Tsc1^{+/-} mice show functional upregulation of cortical GluN2C-containing N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) in an mTOR-dependent manner and exhibit recurrent, unprovoked seizures during early postnatal life (<P19). Seizures are generated intracortically in the granular layer of the neocortex. Slow kinetics of aberrant GluN2C-mediated currents in spiny stellate cells promotes excessive temporal integration of persistent NMDAR-mediated recurrent excitation and seizure generation. Accordingly, specific GluN2C/D antagonists block seizures in Tsc1+/−Tsc1^{+/-} mice in vivo and in vitro. Likewise, GluN2C expression is upregulated in TSC human surgical resections, and a GluN2C/D antagonist reduces paroxysmal hyperexcitability. Thus, GluN2C receptor constitutes a promising molecular target to treat epilepsy in TSC patients
