49 research outputs found

    The impact of timing on linearizability in counting networks

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    {\em Counting networks} form a new class of distributed, low-contention data structures, made up of {\em balancers} and {\em wires,} which are suitable for solving a variety of multiprocessor synchronization problems that can be expressed as counting problems. A {\em linearizable} counting network guarantees that the order of the values it returns respects the real-time order they were requested. Linearizability significantly raises the capabilities of the network, but at a possible price in network size or synchronization support. In this work, we further pursue the systematic study of the impact of {\em timing} assumptions on linearizability for counting networks, along the line of research recently initiated by Lynch~{\em et~al.} in [18]. We consider two basic {\em timing} models, the {instantaneous balancer} model, in which the transition of a token from an input to an output port of a balancer is modeled as an instantaneous event, and the {\em periodic balancer} model, where balancers send out tokens at a fixed rate. In both models, we assume lower and upper bounds on the delays incurred by wires connecting the balancers. We present necessary and sufficient conditions for linearizability in these models, in the form of precise inequalities that involve not only parameters of the timing models, but also certain structural parameters of the counting network, which may be of more general interest. Our results extend and strengthen previous impossibility and possibility results on linearizability in counting networks

    How a rainbow coloring function can simulate wait-free handshaking

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    How to construct shared data objects is a fundamental issue in asynchronous concurrent systems, since these objects provide the means for communication and synchronization between processes in these systems. Constructions which guarantee that concurrent access to the shared object by processes is free from waiting are of particular interest, since they may help to increase the amount of parallelism in such systems. The problem of constructing a k-valued wait-free shared register out of binary subregisters of the same type where each write access consists of one subwrite (constructions with one-write) has received some attention, since it lies at the heart of studying lower bounds of the complexities of register constructions and trade-offs between them. The first such construction was for the safe register case which uses k binary safe registers and exploits the properties of a rainbow coloring function of a hypercube. The best known construction for the regular/atomic case uses (formula presented) binary regular/atomic registers. In this work we show how the rainbow coloring function can be extended to simulate a handshaking mechanism between the reader and the writer of the register, thus offering a solution for the atomic register case with one reader, which uses only 3k-2 binary registers. The lower bound for such a construction is k−1

    Toward self-stabilizing wait-free shared memory objects

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    Past research on fault tolerant distributed systems has focussed on either processor failures, ranging from benign crash failures to the malicious byzantine failure types, or on transient memory failures, which can suddenly corrupt the state of the system. An interesting question in the theory of distributed computing is whether one can device highly fault tolerant protocols which can tolerate both processor failures as well as transient errors. To answer this question we consider the construction of self-stabilizing wait-free shared memory objects. These objects occur naturally in distributed systems in which both processors and memory may be faulty. Our contribution in this paper is threefold. First, we propose a general definition of a self-stabilizing wait-free shared memory object that expresses safety guarantees even in the face of processor failures. Second, we show that within this framework one cannot construct a self-stabilizing single-reader single-writer regular bit from single-reader single-writer safe bits. This result leads us to postulate a self-stabilizing dual-reader single-writer safe bit with which, as a third contribution, we construct self-stabilizing regular and atomic registers

    Maternal and perinatal health research priorities beyond 2015 : an international survey and prioritization exercise

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    Background: Maternal mortality has declined by nearly half since 1990, but over a quarter million women still die every year of causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. Maternal-health related targets are falling short of the 2015 Millennium Development Goals and a post-2015 Development Agenda is emerging. In connection with this, setting global research priorities for the next decade is now required. Methods. We adapted the methods of the Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative (CHNRI) to identify and set global research priorities for maternal and perinatal health for the period 2015 to 2025. Priority research questions were received from various international stakeholders constituting a large reference group, and consolidated into a final list of research questions by a technical working group. Questions on this list were then scored by the reference working group according to five independent and equally weighted criteria. Normalized research priority scores (NRPS) were calculated, and research priority questions were ranked accordingly. Results: A list of 190 priority research questions for improving maternal and perinatal health was scored by 140 stakeholders. Most priority research questions (89%) were concerned with the evaluation of implementation and delivery of existing interventions, with research subthemes frequently concerned with training and/or awareness interventions (11%), and access to interventions and/or services (14%). Twenty-one questions (11%) involved the discovery of new interventions or technologies. Conclusions: Key research priorities in maternal and perinatal health were identified. The resulting ranked list of research questions provides a valuable resource for health research investors, researchers and other stakeholders. We are hopeful that this exercise will inform the post-2015 Development Agenda and assist donors, research-policy decision makers and researchers to invest in research that will ultimately make the most significant difference in the lives of mothers and babies.</p

    Maternal and perinatal health research priorities beyond 2015 : an international survey and prioritization exercise

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    Abstract Background: Maternal mortality has declined by nearly half since 1990, but over a quarter million women still die every year of causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. Maternal-health related targets are falling short of the 2015 Millennium Development Goals and a post-2015 Development Agenda is emerging. In connection with this, setting global research priorities for the next decade is now required. Methods: We adapted the methods of the Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative (CHNRI) to identify and set global research priorities for maternal and perinatal health for the period 2015 to 2025. Priority research questions were received from various international stakeholders constituting a large reference group, and consolidated into a final list of research questions by a technical working group. Questions on this list were then scored by the reference working group according to five independent and equally weighted criteria. Normalized research priority scores (NRPS) were calculated, and research priority questions were ranked accordingly. Results: A list of 190 priority research questions for improving maternal and perinatal health was scored by 140 stakeholders. Most priority research questions (89%) were concerned with the evaluation of implementation and delivery of existing interventions, with research subthemes frequently concerned with training and/or awareness interventions (11%), and access to interventions and/or services (14%). Twenty-one questions (11%) involved the discovery of new interventions or technologies

    Wait-Free Consensus in ``In-Phase'' Multiprocessor Systems

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    Self-Stabilization in Wait-Free Shared Memory Objects

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