326 research outputs found

    A Review of Soil-Improving Cropping Systems for Soil Salinization

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    A major challenge of the Sustainable Development Goals linked to Agriculture, Food Security, and Nutrition, under the current global crop production paradigm, is that increasing crop yields often have negative environmental impacts. It is therefore urgent to develop and adopt optimal soil-improving cropping systems (SICS) that can allow us to decouple these system parameters. Soil salinization is a major environmental hazard that limits agricultural potential and is closely linked to agricultural mismanagement and water resources overexploitation, especially in arid climates. Here we review literature seeking to ameliorate the negative effect of soil salinization on crop productivity and conduct a global meta-analysis of 128 paired soil quality and yield observations from 30 studies. In this regard, we compared the effectivity of different SICS that aim to cope with soil salinization across 11 countries, in order to reveal those that are the most promising. The analysis shows that besides case-specific optimization of irrigation and drainage management, combinations of soil amendments, conditioners, and residue management can contribute to significant reductions of soil salinity while significantly increasing crop yields. These results highlight that conservation agriculture can also achieve the higher yields required for upscaling and sustaining crop production

    Examination of political behavior by middle managers in international partnerships: a strategy process approach

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    The strategy process is viewed as a result of deliberate and emergent events, affected from different factors. Existing research in strategy making and implementation has suggested different micro-level factors affecting strategic decision making, mainly through research in single companies. Some factors include cognition, organisational learning and the roles of the top managers. This thesis attempts to gain a better understanding of the strategic decision making process through the investigation of the impact of middle managers' politics in the strategy process within international partnerships of the high tech sector. An abductive research approach is used, to investigate four case studies, combining different qualitative research methods. The research focuses on the formal and informal activities that middle managers engage in, in order to affect strategic decisions before, during and after these are made, through the different phases of a partnership. The organisational context of the study, this being international partnerships, enables the investigation of 35 decisions, 15 of which are in intra-organisational level, and 20 in inter-organisational. Findings suggest that the impact of political activity, between individual employees and groups of them in the intra-organisational environment, can be either integrative or fractious. This however appears to depend on three different factors: firstly, the tactics being applied during the decision making period; secondly, the phase of the partnership in which these decisions are being made; thirdly, the level of autonomy that middle managers enjoy during the formal and informal communications surrounding the decision making process. This study contributes in the strategy area as it suggests a coherent framework on investigating the causes and impact of political processes in organisations. Rather than using the criticised as abstract notions of 'positive/negative' impact of politics, it focuses on the way they integrate or fragment decision makers. This impact however appears to depend on the three aforementioned factors. The study contributes in strategy research, as it stretches the need for inquiry in the emerging strategic relationships area, by focusing on firm partnerships. Moreover, it stretches the need for abductive approaches, having as a departing point existing theoretical suggestions, in order to test theories and irregularities, and offer alternative explanations. The study concludes by suggesting two different frameworks to investigate the middle manager politics in firm partnerships, offering a meticulous way in investigating them through a processual approach

    Die allgemeine Umweltbesorgnis - eine Analyse im Rahmen der Studie zur Gesundheit und Umwelt bei Kindern

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    Die Erfassung der Umweltbesorgnis im Sinne einer umweltbezogenen Gesundheitsbesorgnis ist fĂŒr die klinischen Umweltmedizin und Epidemiologie von Bedeutung. FĂŒr ein besseres VerstĂ€ndnis des Konstrukts der Umweltbesorgnis (nach Hodapp et al., 1996) kann die Kenntnis ĂŒber ZusammenhĂ€nge mit soziodemographischen und gesundheitsbezogenen Variablen hilfreich sein. Die bisherigen Forschungsergebnisse zu der Beziehung soziodemographischer Merkmale mit der Umweltbesorgnis sind widersprĂŒchlich und die Bedeutung der Umweltbesorgnis fĂŒr die Gesundheit und insbesondere fĂŒr die Nutzung des Gesundheitswesens ist wenig untersucht. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, einen weiteren Beitrag auf diesem Gebiet zu leisten. Hierzu wurden von MĂ€rz bis Mai 2011 im Rahmen der Studie zur Gesundheit und Umwelt bei Kindern von Erziehungsberechtigten mit Kindern im Alter von 6 bis 14 Jahren entsprechende Daten erhoben. Im Zentrum der Analysen steht hierbei die Subskala der allgemeinen Umweltbesorgnis (nach Rethage, 2007) - eine gesellschaftsbezogene Gesundheitsbesorgnis gegenĂŒber der Umwelt im Allgemeinen. Die multiple Regressionsanalyse (n=77) zeigte, dass das weibliche Geschlecht und ein junges Lebensalter mit einer höheren allgemeinen Umweltbesorgnis einhergehen, wĂ€hrend der Sozialstatus (nach Winkler) und der Wohnort (Stadt/ Land) der Erziehungsberechtigten sich in diesem Modell nicht als geeignete PrĂ€diktoren herausstellten. Der Vergleich mit bisherigen Studien zu dieser Thematik verdeutlicht erneut die Inkonsistenz der Ergebnislage, was mitunter auf methodische Unterschiede zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren ist. Im Umgang mit der Umweltbesorgnis sind soziodemographische Variablen als Confounder zu beachten. Um Konfundierung zu vermeiden, sollten soziodemographische Merkmale daher sorgfĂ€ltig erhoben und studienspezifisch berĂŒcksichtigt werden. Vermutete ZusammenhĂ€nge zwischen der allgemeinen Umweltbesorgnis der Erziehungsberechtigten und deren Neigung zu Erkrankungen aus dem atopischen Formenkreis sowie deren psychischen LebensqualitĂ€t (SF-12) konnten mittels Korrelationsanalyse nicht bestĂ€tigt werden. Es zeigte sich allerdings eine statistisch signifikant positive Korrelation zwischen der allgemeinen Umweltbesorgnis der Erziehungsberechtigten und der Anzahl der Besuche beim Kinderarzt und/ oder Allgemeinmediziner, die fĂŒr das teilnehmende Kind in den letzten 12 Monaten wahrgenommen wurden. Auch wenn keine KausalitĂ€tsschlĂŒsse diesbezĂŒglich möglich sind, kann dieses Ergebnis als Anhaltspunkt fĂŒr einen bewussteren Umgang mit dem Thema „umweltbezogene Gesundheitsbesorgnis“ im Patienten-Arzt-Kontakt gewertet werden. Weitere Forschungsarbeit auf diesem Gebiet ist in einer Zeit steigender Gesundheitsausgaben wĂŒnschenswert

    Preliminary Water Assessment Reports of The Test Basins of The Watch Project

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    This report presents the initial plans of the case studies how they link to rest of the Watch project and on which water resources they will focus. This report will function as the basis for further discussions on how to improve the integration of the case studies within the project and to develop a more general protocol for each of the case studies. Currently 5 catchments are used within the Watch project, they differ in climatic and hydro-geological features and expected climate changes: the Glomma River basin (Eastern Norway), the upper Guadiana basin (Central Spanish Plateau), the Nitra River basin (central Slovakia), the Upper-Elbe basin (part of the Elbe River) and the island of Crete. Also the water resources issues vary over these cases. Agricultural (and domestic) water use is under pressure in the Mediterranean catchments probably aggravating with the expected increase in drought frequency under future climate. The Norwegian catchment provides hydropower services under threat of precipitation increase rather than decrease. The central European catchments are threatened mainly by increased variability, i.e. increased frequencies of extremes in a densely populated environment, and river flow may need additional buffers (reservoirs) to reduce floodrisk and store water for dry period

    Climate change impact on the frequency of hydrometeorological extremes in the island of Crete

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    © 2019 by the authors. Frequency analysis on extreme hydrological and meteorological events under the effect of climate change is performed in the island of Crete. Data from Regional Climate Model simulations (RCMs) that follow three Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP2.6, RCP4.5, RCP8.5) are used in the analysis. The analysis was performed for the 1985-2100 time period, divided into three equal-duration time slices (1985-2010, 2025-2050, and 2075-2100). Comparison between the results from the three time slices for the different RCMs under different RCP scenarios indicate that drought events are expected to increase in the future. The meteorological and hydrological drought indices, relative Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and Standardized Runoff index (SRI), are used to identify the number of drought events for each RCM. Results from extreme precipitation, extreme flow, meteorological and hydrological drought frequency analysis over Crete show that the impact of climate change on the magnitude of 100 years return period extreme events will also increase, along with the magnitude of extreme precipitation and flow events
