352 research outputs found

    Jackson Creek Arts and Trails, LLC: Museum Travel Immersion Programs

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    Museums have become increasingly oriented towards reaching new audiences, encouraging visitor loyalty, and informing the public about their overall relevance. Innovation in programming is a centerpiece of this effort, including a provision of programs for all age groups and demographics. At the same time that this transformation occurs in the museum world, similar changes are taking place in the leisure, travel and tourism industries. A continuously rapid increase in globalism and cultural access contributes to an atmosphere in which travelers can expand their goals and purposes within the context of a travel experience. This report will demonstrate that these trends should encourage the development of adult programs that combine museum and travel experiences with specialized cultural and aesthetic education. The project connects the field of museum studies with the educational benefits of travel immersion in order to expand the boundaries of adult programming. The proposed programs would engage participants in ten-day travel immersion workshops based on a museum collection or exhibit and its cultural context. The following report analyzes the feasibility of such a program in the context of adult programming, museum education, and motivational theory. It also explores the potential of such a program to contribute to participants’ individual transformation and growth. The report concludes with a detailed proposal of an organization that organizes and implements museum-based travel immersion programs for adults

    Investigation of the Anaerobic-Aerobic Treatment System Treating Potato Processing Wastes, Midwest Foods Corporation, Clark, South Dakota

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    The rapid increase in raw potato production has been accompanied by an even greater increase in the amount of processed potatoes. In 1946, only 4.6 percent of the annual potato production was processed into specialty items. By 1960, 32 percent of the total potato crop was being processed. Predictions for 1970 were that more than 50 percent of the raw potatoes would be processed into potato food products. Approximately 36 percent of the potatoes processed in 1964 consisted of frozen potato products. Predictions by DuPont indicate that by 1976, over 3926 million pounds of frozen potato products will be produced. This would represent an increase of 170 percent over the 1966 production of 1460 million pounds. According to the Department of Interior, frozen and dehydrated potato production will increase by 250 percent from 1965 to 1985. From the sources cited above, it is apparent that the potato industry has undergone a major change during the past 25 years. To increase product acceptance, many new industrial processes have been developed. A considerable amount of wastes has been generated from many of these new processes. For example, only 30 to 45 pounds of frozen French fries are obtained from 100 pounds of raw potatoes. As a result, 55 to 70 pounds of solid waste are generated per 100 pounds of raw potatoes processed in addition to several wastewater streams associated with the various steps of production. State and Federal laws require that the disposal of these wastes be accomplished without harming the natural environment. Various methods of treating these potato processing wastes have been utilized during the past 25 years. One of these methods has been anaerobic-aerated lagoon systems However, very limited data is available regarding the effectiveness of anaerobic-aerated lagoons in treating potato wastes. Midwest Foods Corporation, Clark, South Dakota, utilizes such a system to treat the wastewater generated from the production of frozen French fries. A previous study of this system by Hagin in 1971 and 1972 yielded very little information regarding the adequacy of the treatment system because the treatment units were overloaded organically. The 1973-74 waste discharge permit issued by the South Dakota Board of Environmental Protection required Midwest Foods Corporation to monitor its waste discharges and loadings to the various treatment units. The objectives of this investigation of the anaerobic-aerated lagoon treatment system employed by Midwest Foods Corporation were to determine the following: 1. the condition of the treatment units prior to the 1973-74 processing season, 2. the quantity and quality of the raw wastes entering the treatment system in terms of the amount of potatoes processed, 3. the removal efficiencies obtained by the treatment units during the 1973-74 campaign , and 4. the overall suitability of the anaerobic lagoon-aerated lagoon-stabilization pond system for treating wastewater from Midwest Food\u27s frozen French fry processing plant

    Disseminating the Course for the Behavioral Management of Auditory Hallucinations across VA Mental Health Settings

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    Behavioral Management of Command Hallucinations to Harm in Schizophrenia

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    The study objective was to evaluate changes in prevalence of command hallucinations to harm self or others, characteristics and intensity of auditory hallucinations, and levels of anxiety and depression after attendance at a 10-session course teaching behavioral strategies for managing persistent auditory hallucinations to adult outpatients with schizophrenia. Prevalence of command hallucinations to harm self or others was measured at baseline, end of course, and 1-year post-course. Pre-course scores on the Characteristics of Auditory Hallucinations Questionnaire, Unpleasant Voices Scale, tension-anxiety subscale of Profile of Mood States, and Beck Depression Inventory-II were compared with scores immediately post-course and 1 year later. The prevalence rate of command hallucinations to harm self of 44% at baseline decreased to 24% immediately after attending the 10-session course and remained at 24% 1-year post-course. The prevalence rate for command hallucinations to harm others of 21% at baseline decreased to 16% at end of course and 17% 1-year post-course. People who attended the course perceived it as helpful, and improvement was seen in all seven characteristics of auditory hallucinations, intensity of auditory hallucinations, and anxiety and depression immediately after the course and 1-year post-course

    An Analysis of the North Carolina Nursing Home Polypharmacy Initiative

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    This dissertation is an evaluation of the North Carolina Polypharmacy Initiative (Initiative). The Initiative was a demonstration project that remunerated nursing home consultant pharmacists for value-added drug regimen reviews using a claims-generated patient profile that flagged targeted drugs and drug classes for review. Shewhart's PDSA (Plan-Do-Study-Act) cycle is used as the framework to guide this evaluation. The Initiative brought about three distinct PDSA cycles throughout its history. The first was the pilot project, and the second was a statewide endeavor, while the third continues through other programs and settings in North Carolina. It is the goal of this dissertation to inform the planning stage of future PDSA cycles of pharmacist services in nursing home settings. Three formal evaluations of the initiative were conducted. The first evaluation, a before-after without comparison group study found a per member per month (PMPM) drug cost savings of 30.33duetoinitiativeactivities.Thesecond,abeforeafterwithcomparisongroupstudyfoundaPMPMdrugcostsavingsof30.33 due to initiative activities. The second, a before-after with comparison group study found a PMPM drug cost savings of 19.04. The third, a beforeafter with propensity matched comparison group found a PMPM drug cost savings of $21.36. Flags (alerts) were reduced for two types of alert categories across all evaluations and their sub-group evaluations. The first, alerts for drugs on the Prescription Advantage List (PAL) iv were substantially reduced with a percentage reduction of 19.2% for all persons having a pharmacist review. The PAL list a voluntary preferred drug list sponsored by North Carolina Medicaid. The second, alerts for drugs on the Clinical Initiatives List were also substantially reduced with a percentage reduction of 9.6% for all residents having a pharmacist review. The Clinical Initiatives List was a list of drugs submitted by consultant pharmacy organizations that were targeted for cost-effectiveness and quality concerns. Overall, Phases 1, 2 and 3 of the Initiative produced consultant pharmacist reviews for 19,144 nursing home residents. These reviews generated 17,545 recommendations that resulted in greater than 10,000 drug changes. Findings from this dissertation support the conclusion that a targeted program using pharmacists to review patient profiles may be quickly launched and expeditiously conducted across large numbers of patients, at least in long-term-care settings

    Mekling i rettsfastsettende saker i jordskifteretten, og partenes opplevelser av dette

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    Temaet er ordinær mekling i jordskifteretten, og partenes opplevelser av dette. Sakene som har blitt undersøkt omfatter ikke endringer av eiendomsforhold, men er av klargjørende karakter. Ved mekling kan det skapes klarhet i uklare eller omtvistede eiendoms- og bruksrettsforhold. Hovedproblemstillingen er: Hvordan oppleves det å være part i rettsfastsettende saker når det foretas ordinær mekling i jordskifterettene? Hovedproblemstillingen konkretiseres av tre delproblemstillinger: 1) Ble partene gjort kjent med spilleregler og prosedyrevalg i mekling? 2) Hvor langt kan dommer veilede partene? 3) Hvilke avgjørende faktorer førte til at partene ble forlikt, eller ikke ble forlikt? De rettsfastsettende sakene jeg har undersøkt er avgrenset til å gjelde saker der partene ikke er representert ved advokat. Sakene ble avsluttet i perioden 2012 til 2014. Utvalget av parter har vært variert og både kvinner og menn, eldre og yngre har vært representert. Det har til sammen vært 17 parter, i 10 ulike saker som ble undersøkt. Både grensegangssaker (§88) og saker om rettsutgreiing (§88a) er undersøkt. 1) Ble partene gjort kjent med spilleregler og prosedyrevalg i mekling? De fleste partene var fornøyd med informasjonsdelingen, men det var likevel noen unntak. Blant unntakene var der på den ene siden parter som mente at jordskiftedommeren burde informert langt mer. På den andre siden var der parter som ikke kunne huske hva det ble informert om. Det viste seg å være store variasjoner av partenes oppfatning av dommers atferd og informasjonsdeling. 2) Hvor langt kan dommer veilede partene? Etter en sammenstilling/analyse av partenes kommentarer til hvor aktivt mekler veiledet, hvor aktivt mekler burde veiledet, og bestemmelsene i tvisteloven § 8-2, er et viktig funn at det er behov for en tilretteleggende mekler. I noen tilfeller kan det sammen med en tilretteleggende mekler være nødvendig med nyanser av evaluerende teknikker. Hvor langt mekler kan veilede vil være saksavhengig, og mekler må foreta en vurdering i det enkelte tilfellet. Noen ganger kan trolig rettsmekling være et godt alternativ til ordinær mekling. Noen av sakene som ble undersøkt kan ligge i et grensepunkt der rettsmekling kan tenkes å være et like godt eller bedre alternativ til ordinær mekling. 3) Hvilke avgjørende faktorer førte til at partene ble forlikt, eller ikke ble forlikt? Om partene ble forlikt eller ikke var saksavhengig. I noen saker hadde partene klare forestillinger om de ønsket å inngå forlik, eller om de foretrakk å få saken avgjort ved domsavsigelse. Mine funn viser at spesielt tre faktorer var av betydning for om partene ble enige, eller ikke. På den ene siden var det henholdsvis de saksspesifikke faktorene, noe som kan utdypes med eksempelvis at partene i noen saker omtalte saken som ”fastlåst”, og de var fast bestemt på at egne påstander var riktige. I disse typene saker forelå en negativ forhandlingssone, og det ble ikke inngått forlik. For det andre spilte partenes holdninger en sentral rolle i om det ble inngått rettsforlik. Noen ønsket å inngå forlik, grunnet spesielt i at dette åpner for muligheten til å påvirke utfallet av saken i større grad enn ved domsavsigelse. Andre stolte ikke på motparten, og ønsket ikke å inngå forlik med han/henne. Et tredje moment som viste seg å være av betydning for opplevelsene partene hadde etter saken, var den faglige tyngden jordskifteretten og mekler besitter, samt kompetansen den har blitt tillagt. Dommere som viste sin faglige bredde skapte tillit. For noen parter var denne tilliten større enn tilliten til egen dømmekraft, og de ønsket av denne grunn domsavsigelse.DomstolsadministrasjonenM-EI

    Trade Union Participation and Influence at Norwegian Workplaces During the Pandemic

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    A central feature of the Nordic model of labor relations, namely, the collaboration between social parties at the workplace, has proven to be particularly effective during crises. This is the backdrop for our study of the experiences from Trade Union Representatives (TU-reps) during the corona pandemic. With a survey aimed at TU-reps from the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO), which represents just under half of the total unionized employees, we asked how the pandemic affected their participation and influence at the workplaces. Referring to the pandemic as a game changer, we discuss signs of change in TU-reps’ possibilities for participation and influence under such difficult circumstances.  According to theTU-reps, interaction between the social parties intensified during the pandemic. Formal participation between the parties stands out to be crucial for enabling dialog and can therefore be labeled as the backbone of the Nordic model in times of crisis

    Informasjonskompetanse og kunnskapsutvikling i helsetjenester til eldre. Rapport fra et prosjekt støttet av Nasjonalbiblioteket

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    ”Informasjonskompetanse og kunnskapsutvikling i helsetjenester til eldre” er et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom bibliotek, studenter og faglig stab i master i helsetjenester til eldre. Prosjektet skal bidra til at det utvikles nye samarbeidsrelasjoner og er støttet av Nasjonalbiblioteket

    Student engagement and student voices

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    Through classroom observation, digital videos, and face-to face-interviews, this study investigated the phenomenon of student engagement within one inquiry-oriented secondary science classroom. The data suggests that students engage in very different ways and these individual approaches often do not match with the narrow vision of engagement held by classroom teachers and espoused in existing research literature. Classroom behaviors are frequently misread and misinterpreted when students are not given opportunities to explain what their behaviors mean. Furthermore, students cited an array of emotional, cognitive, and intangible factors that significantly impact their behavioral engagement on a daily basis. This study provides an in-depth analysis and description of student engagement across behavioral, emotional and cognitive dimensions that rely on both verbal and nonverbal aspects of student voices

    Cadastral records of cases conducted by the land consolidation court

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    The topic of the thesis is cadastral records of cases conducted by the Land Consolidation courts. Today’s cadastre has a long history. It contains data obtained from the land register, old bills of quantity (measurement letters), road cases, economic mapping, new and older land consolidation maps, and more. The data of the cadastre is often referred to as “incomplete”. Textual information and digital map data are combined in the cadastre. As a result of the status as a foundational register and national shared component, the cadastre is an important register for Norwegian information infrastructure. After a case in the Land Consolidation court is legally settled, it is presumed that the results are recorded in the land register and entered in the cadastre. Thus, there must be correspondence between boundaries of parcels in the field, and how the property appears digitally. However, this is not always the case. The objective of the thesis is to obtain knowledge about the interaction between historical development, legislation, and technology in a cadastral and land consolidation context, as well as examine the significance these components have for cadastral registration of cases conducted by the Land Consolidation courts. There is special focus on exploring the reasons that some cases carried out by the Land Consolidation court have not been registered. This leads to the question of what significance lack of cadastral records of cases carried out by Land Consolidation court has for users of cadastral data and society in general. This is important since both public authorities and other users will assume that the cadastre is a uniform and up-to-date register in line with standards and regulations. Additionally, the dissertation focuses on questions about what alternative solutions exist to address these problems.Temaet for denne doktorgradsavhandlingen er matrikkelføring av saker utført av jordskifteretten. Dagens matrikkel er et resultat av en lang historie. Den inneholder data innhentet fra grunnboken, gamle målebrev, veisaker, økonomisk kartverk (ØK), gamle utskiftnings- og jordskiftekart og mer til. Grunnlagsdataen i matrikkelen blir ofte omtalt som «ufullstendig». I matrikkelen blir tekstlig informasjon og digital kartinformasjon kombinert. Som følge av sin posisjon som basisregister og nasjonal felleskomponent er matrikkelen et viktig register i norsk infrastruktur. Etter at en sak utført av jordskifteretten er rettskraftig avgjort, forventes det at resultatet fra saken også behandles korrekt digitalt. Dette betyr at resultatet av saken skal tinglyses og matrikkelføres. Det skal dermed være samsvar mellom grenser og teiger i marka, og slik eiendommen fremstår digitalt. Det er imidlertid ikke alltid slik. Målet med avhandlingen er å fremskaffe kunnskap om samspillet mellom historisk utvikling, lovverk og teknologi i en matrikkel- og jordskiftekontekst. Det undersøkes hvilken betydning disse komponentene har for matrikkelføring av saker fra jordskifteretten. Fokusområdet er tredelt. Det rettes spesielt fokus mot hva som er årsaken til at noen saker utført av jordskifteretten ikke er matrikkelført. Av dette avledes også spørsmålet om hvilken betydning manglende matrikkelføring av saker utført av jordskifteretten har for brukere av matrikkeldata og samfunnet for øvrig. Dette spesielt fordi brukere og øvrigheten kan antas å legge til grunn at matrikkelen er et ensartet, pålitelig og oppdatert register ført i tråd med standarder og regelverk. Ellers fokuserer avhandlingen på spørsmålet om hvilke alternative løsninger som finnes for å imøtekomme disse problemene