15 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Hadoop/Mapreduce Framework Migration Tools

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    In distributed systems, database migration is not an easy task. Companies will encounter challenges moving data including legacy data to the big data platform. This paper reviews some tools for migrating from traditional databases to the big data platform and thus suggests a model, based on the review

    Predicting the structure of Anopheles gambiae Cytochrome P450 protein using computational methods

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    the CYP12F4 pmtein is a membe1· of the Cytochmme P450 super-family of monooxygenanses, a la1·ge and dive1·se gmup of enzymes that catalyzes the oxidation of m·ganic substances and metabolic 1·eactions. It is found in the female Afdcan mosquito Anopheles gambiae (A. gambiae) that caiTies and tmnsmits the most deadly malada pamsite, Plasmodium falciparum (Pj). P1·esently expedmental sti·uctm·e is not available fo1· this p1·otein; it has thus 1·emained unchamctedzed with unknown function. This wo1·k employs in-silico methods to p1·edict the stmctm·e of this metabolic catalyzer and fm-the1· deduced a specific function fm· the same pmtein. Using 6 template pmteins, 29 1·esidues we1·e modeled with homology. Seveml web se1·ven we1·e deployed to p1·edict a computational model fm· CYP12F4. GOPET web tool was finally used to deduce the unique function of this pmtein. The folds we1·e identified and analyzed and the p1·otein was specifically found to be active in binding of molecules with 86% confidence value with vadous catalysis activities. 21 helices, 6 stmnds, 51 beta tum and 348 hydmgen bonds we1·e elucidated and analyzed on the stmctm·e. Seve1·al litemtm·es have confi1·med these findings. CYP12F4 is a heme and imn ion binding pmtein that caiTies heme and catalyses the incm·pomtion of one atom fmm molecula1· oxygen into a compound and 1·educes the othe1· atom of oxygen to watel". A deep undentanding of these pmpe1·ties of heme and its binding with 1·espect to CYP12F4 pmtein is vital in malada contml

    Assessing computational genomics skills: Our experience in the H3ABioNet African bioinformatics network

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    The H3ABioNet pan-African bioinformatics network, which is funded to support the Human Heredity and Health in Africa (H3Africa) program, has developed node-assessment exercises to gauge the ability of its participating research and service groups to analyze typical genome-wide datasets being generated by H3Africa research groups. We describe a framework for the assessment of computational genomics analysis skills, which includes standard operating procedures, training and test datasets, and a process for administering the exercise. We present the experiences of 3 research groups that have taken the exercise and the impact on their ability to manage complex projects. Finally, we discuss the reasons why many H3ABioNet nodes have declined so far to participate and potential strategies to encourage them to do so

    Development of Bioinformatics Infrastructure for Genomics Research in H3Africa

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    Background: Although pockets of bioinformatics excellence have developed in Africa, generally, large-scale genomic data analysis has been limited by the availability of expertise and infrastructure. H3ABioNet, a pan-African bioinformatics network, was established to build capacity specifically to enable H3Africa (Human Heredity and Health in Africa) researchers to analyze their data in Africa. Since the inception of the H3Africa initiative, H3ABioNet’s role has evolved in response to changing needs from the consortium and the African bioinformatics community. Objectives: H3ABioNet set out to develop core bioinformatics infrastructure and capacity for genomics research in various aspects of data collection, transfer, storage, and analysis. Methods and Results: Various resources have been developed to address genomic data management and analysis needs of H3Africa researchers and other scientific communities on the continent. NetMap was developed and used to build an accurate picture of network performance within Africa and between Africa and the rest of the world, and Globus Online has been rolled out to facilitate data transfer. A participant recruitment database was developed to monitor participant enrollment, and data is being harmonized through the use of ontologies and controlled vocabularies. The standardized metadata will be integrated to provide a search facility for H3Africa data and biospecimens. Because H3Africa projects are generating large-scale genomic data, facilities for analysis and interpretation are critical. H3ABioNet is implementing several data analysis platforms that provide a large range of bioinformatics tools or workflows, such as Galaxy, the Job Management System, and eBiokits. A set of reproducible, portable, and cloud-scalable pipelines to support the multiple H3Africa data types are also being developed and dockerized to enable execution on multiple computing infrastructures. In addition, new tools have been developed for analysis of the uniquely divergent African data and for downstream interpretation of prioritized variants. To provide support for these and other bioinformatics queries, an online bioinformatics helpdesk backed by broad consortium expertise has been established. Further support is provided by means of various modes of bioinformatics training. Conclusions: For the past 4 years, the development of infrastructure support and human capacity through H3ABioNet, have significantly contributed to the establishment of African scientific networks, data analysis facilities, and training programs. Here, we describe the infrastructure and how it has affected genomics and bioinformatics research in Africa

    Development of Bioinformatics Infrastructure for Genomics Research:

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    Although pockets of bioinformatics excellence have developed in Africa, generally, large-scale genomic data analysis has been limited by the availability of expertise and infrastructure. H3ABioNet, a pan-African bioinformatics network, was established to build capacity specifically to enable H3Africa (Human Heredity and Health in Africa) researchers to analyze their data in Africa. Since the inception of the H3Africa initiative, H3ABioNet's role has evolved in response to changing needs from the consortium and the African bioinformatics community

    High-depth African genomes inform human migration and health.

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    The African continent is regarded as the cradle of modern humans and African genomes contain more genetic variation than those from any other continent, yet only a fraction of the genetic diversity among African individuals has been surveyed1. Here we performed whole-genome sequencing analyses of 426 individuals-comprising 50 ethnolinguistic groups, including previously unsampled populations-to explore the breadth of genomic diversity across Africa. We uncovered more than 3 million previously undescribed variants, most of which were found among individuals from newly sampled ethnolinguistic groups, as well as 62 previously unreported loci that are under strong selection, which were predominantly found in genes that are involved in viral immunity, DNA repair and metabolism. We observed complex patterns of ancestral admixture and putative-damaging and novel variation, both within and between populations, alongside evidence that Zambia was a likely intermediate site along the routes of expansion of Bantu-speaking populations. Pathogenic variants in genes that are currently characterized as medically relevant were uncommon-but in other genes, variants denoted as 'likely pathogenic' in the ClinVar database were commonly observed. Collectively, these findings refine our current understanding of continental migration, identify gene flow and the response to human disease as strong drivers of genome-level population variation, and underscore the scientific imperative for a broader characterization of the genomic diversity of African individuals to understand human ancestry and improve health

    High-depth African genomes inform human migration and health

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    The African continent is regarded as the cradle of modern humans and African genomes contain more genetic variation than those from any other continent, yet only a fraction of the genetic diversity among African individuals has been surveyed1. Here we performed whole-genome sequencing analyses of 426 individuals—comprising 50 ethnolinguistic groups, including previously unsampled populations—to explore the breadth of genomic diversity across Africa. We uncovered more than 3 million previously undescribed variants, most of which were found among individuals from newly sampled ethnolinguistic groups, as well as 62 previously unreported loci that are under strong selection, which were predominantly found in genes that are involved in viral immunity, DNA repair and metabolism. We observed complex patterns of ancestral admixture and putative-damaging and novel variation, both within and between populations, alongside evidence that Zambia was a likely intermediate site along the routes of expansion of Bantu-speaking populations. Pathogenic variants in genes that are currently characterized as medically relevant were uncommon—but in other genes, variants denoted as ‘likely pathogenic’ in the ClinVar database were commonly observed. Collectively, these findings refine our current understanding of continental migration, identify gene flow and the response to human disease as strong drivers of genome-level population variation, and underscore the scientific imperative for a broader characterization of the genomic diversity of African individuals to understand human ancestry and improve health

    High-depth African genomes inform human migration and health

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    The African continent is regarded as the cradle of modern humans and African genomes contain more genetic variation than those from any other continent, yet only a fraction of the genetic diversity among African individuals has been surveyed1. Here we performed whole-genome sequencing analyses of 426 individuals—comprising 50 ethnolinguistic groups, including previously unsampled populations—to explore the breadth of genomic diversity across Africa. We uncovered more than 3 million previously undescribed variants, most of which were found among individuals from newly sampled ethnolinguistic groups, as well as 62 previously unreported loci that are under strong selection, which were predominantly found in genes that are involved in viral immunity, DNA repair and metabolism. We observed complex patterns of ancestral admixture and putative-damaging and novel variation, both within and between populations, alongside evidence that Zambia was a likely intermediate site along the routes of expansion of Bantu-speaking populations. Pathogenic variants in genes that are currently characterized as medically relevant were uncommon—but in other genes, variants denoted as ‘likely pathogenic’ in the ClinVar database were commonly observed. Collectively, these findings refine our current understanding of continental migration, identify gene flow and the response to human disease as strong drivers of genome-level population variation, and underscore the scientific imperative for a broader characterization of the genomic diversity of African individuals to understand human ancestry and improve health

    Longitudinal transcriptomic profiling of whole blood during tuberculosis treatment

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    Biomedical Sciences: Molecular Biology and Human Genetic


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    <p>Trust Odia's presentation at the ISCB Student Council Symposium-Africa 2015, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania</p