354 research outputs found

    Rice seed image classification based on HOG descriptor with missing values imputation

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    Rice is a primary source of food consumed by almost half of world population. Rice quality mainly depends on the purity of the rice seed. In order to ensure the purity of rice variety, the recognition process is an essential stage. In this paper, we firstly propose to use histogram of oriented gradient (HOG) descriptor to characterize rice seed images. Since the size of image is totally random and the features extracted by HOG can not be used directly by classifier due to the different dimensions. We apply several imputation methods to fill the missing data for HOG descriptor. The experiment is applied on the VNRICE benchmark dataset to evaluate the proposed approach

    Granular crystals in palm oil based shortening/margarine : a review

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    Palm oil based shortenings and margarines are important products within the lipid industry. However, a widespread quality deterioration issue is often reported regarding their long-term storage: the appearance of granular crystals or grains that are regarded as unwanted because of the deflecting visual appearance and the negative mouthfeel during consumption. In this review, the role of fat blends composition, crystallization process and storage conditions in the formation and growth of these unwanted granular crystals will be discussed and summarized. In addition, some potential approaches in preventing the formation of granular crystals in palm oil based shortening and margarine are also introduced

    Efficient Finetuning Large Language Models For Vietnamese Chatbot

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    Large language models (LLMs), such as GPT-4, PaLM, and LLaMa, have been shown to achieve remarkable performance across a variety of natural language tasks. Recent advancements in instruction tuning bring LLMs with ability in following user's instructions and producing human-like responses. However, the high costs associated with training and implementing LLMs pose challenges to academic research. Furthermore, the availability of pretrained LLMs and instruction-tune datasets for Vietnamese language is limited. To tackle these concerns, we leverage large-scale instruction-following datasets from open-source projects, namely Alpaca, GPT4All, and Chat-Doctor, which cover general domain and specific medical domain. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first instructional dataset for Vietnamese. Subsequently, we utilize parameter-efficient tuning through Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) on two open LLMs: Bloomz (Multilingual) and GPTJ-6B (Vietnamese), resulting four models: Bloomz-Chat, Bloomz-Doctor, GPTJ-Chat, GPTJ-Doctor.Finally, we assess the effectiveness of our methodology on a per-sample basis, taking into consideration the helpfulness, relevance, accuracy, level of detail in their responses. This evaluation process entails the utilization of GPT-4 as an automated scoring mechanism. Despite utilizing a low-cost setup, our method demonstrates about 20-30\% improvement over the original models in our evaluation tasks.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2304.08177, arXiv:2303.16199 by other author

    Identify aerodynamic derivatives of the airplane attitude channel using a spiking neural network

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    The paper proposes a method for identifying aerodynamic coefficient derivatives of aircraft attitude channel using spiking neural network (SNN) and Gauss-Newton algorithm based on data obtained from actual flights. Using SNN combination with Gauss-Newton iterative calculation algorithm allows the identification of aerodynamic coefficient derivatives in a nonlinear model for aerodynamic parameters with higher accuracy and faster calculation time. The paper proposes an algorithm to train the SNN multi-layer network by Normalized Spiking Error Back Propagation (NSEBP), in which, in the forward propagation period, the time of output spikes is calculating by solving quadratic equations instead of detection by traditional methods. The phase of propagation of errors backward uses the step-by-step calculation instead of the conventional gradient calculation method. The identification results are compared with the results when using the RBN network to prove the algorithm efficienc

    Zooplankton biodiversity in the biosphere reserve of Cu Lao Cham - Hoi An, 2015–2016

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    Zooplankton samples in the biosphere reserve of Cu Lao Cham - Hoi An were collected at 20 stations belonging to 3 ecosystems: Mangrove palm - seagrass, transition area and coral reef in rainy season (11/2015) and dry season (6/2016) to determine biodiversity of the biosphere reserve of Cu Lao Cham - Hoi An.  161 species belonging to 16 zooplankton groups were recognized, copepoda was a dominant group with 92 species, followed by cladocera (15 species) and tunicata (13 species). Mangrove palm - sea grass had a different zooplankton structure compared with transition area and coral reef with a lower number of species and similarity index about 40%. The average density of zooplankton in study areas in dry season (24,559 ± 24,700 inds.m-3) were 4 times higher than in rainy season (6,124 ± 6.554 inds.m-3) and dominated by copepoda. The euryhaline cladocera (Bosmina longirostris), freshwater cladocera (Ceriodaphnia rigaudi) and freshwater copepoda (Microcyclops varicans) were dominant in mangrove palm - seagrass ecosystem. Meanwhile, in coral reef ecosystem, the small copepods (genus Oncaea, Oithona) and Tunicata were dominant. Biodiversity indices were low in mangrove - palm and increase from transition area to coral reef ecosystem


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    Studying herbicide resistance in Vietnam is limited, and there are very few reports on the regrowth of weed after applying herbicides. A survey to investigate the cultivating habit and the barnyard grass regrowing in the direct-seeded rice fields after applying herbicides in Thua Thien Hue shows that the main labourers of rice cultivation are male with a low educational level to understand scientific and technical knowledge. The most common grass regrowing in direct-seeded rice fields after applying herbicides includes Barnyard grass (Echinochloa crus-galli), Grass-like fimbry (Fimbristylis miliacea), Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon), and Sprangletop (Leptochloa chinensis). The yield decreases from 12.1 to 14.0% because of regrowing of barnyard grass. The herbicides commonly used in Thua Thien Hue are Sofic 300EC (Pretilachlor) and Sunrice 15WDG (Ethoxysulfuron), but their effectiveness has decreased in recent time owing to farmers’ inappropriate spraying skills and the decrease in the effectiveness of herbicides. A more thorough assessment of the factors that cause grass regrowing after spraying herbicides is required for better weed management.Nghiên cứu sự kháng thuốc trừ cỏ ở Việt Nam còn hạn chế và có rất ít báo cáo về sự phát sinh của cỏ dại sau khi sử dụng thuốc trừ cỏ. Kết quả điều tra về tập quán canh tác và tình hình cỏ lồng vực phát sinh trở lại trên ruộng lúa sau khi sử dụng thuốc trừ cỏ ở Thừa Thiên Huế cho thấy lực lượng lao động chính canh tác lúa là nam giới, trình độ dân trí không cao nên khả năng tiếp thu kiến thức khoa học – kỹ thuật hạn chế. Các loại cỏ gây hại phổ biến trên ruộng lúa gieo sạ là cỏ lồng vực (Echinochloa crus-galli), cỏ chác (Fimbristylis miliacea), cỏ chỉ (Cynodon dactylon), cỏ đuôi phụng (Leptochloa chinensis) là các loại cỏ xuất hiện trở lại sau khi đã sử dụng thuốc trừ cỏ. Cỏ lồng vực mọc trở lại có thể gây giảm năng suất cây lúa 12,1–14,0%. Các loại thuốc trừ cỏ được sử dụng phổ biến là Sofic 300EC (Pretilachlor) và Sunrice 15WDG (Ethoxysulfuron). Hiệu quả thuốc trừ cỏ lúa có xu hướng giảm trong thời gian gần đây do kỹ thuật sử dụng và sự giảm hiệu quả của các sản phẩm thuốc trừ cỏ. Chúng tôi kiến nghị cần đánh giá đầy đủ hơn về các yếu tố gây nên tình trạng cỏ dại mọc trở lại sau khi phun thuốc để có định hướng quản lý cỏ dại tốt hơn

    Lovastatin for adult patients with dengue: protocol for a randomised controlled trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Dengue is the most important vector-borne viral infection of man, with approximately 2 billion people living in areas at risk. Infection results in a range of manifestations from asymptomatic infection through to life-threatening shock and haemorrhage. One of the hallmarks of severe dengue is vascular endothelial disruption. There is currently no specific therapy and clinical management is limited to supportive care. Statins are a class of drug initially developed for lipid lowering. There has been considerable recent interest in their effects beyond lipid lowering. These include anti-inflammatory effects at the endothelium. In addition, it is possible that lovastatin may have an anti-viral effect against dengue. Observational data suggest that the use of statins may improve outcomes for such conditions as sepsis and pneumonia. This paper describes the protocol for a randomised controlled trial investigating a short course of lovastatin therapy in adult patients with dengue. METHODS/DESIGN: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial will investigate the effects of lovastatin therapy in the treatment of dengue. The trial will be conducted in two phases with an escalation of dose between phases if an interim safety review is satisfactory. This is an exploratory study focusing on safety and there are no data on which to base a sample size calculation. A target sample size of 300 patients in the second phase, enrolled over two dengue seasons, was chosen based on clinical judgement and feasibility considerations. In a previous randomised trial in dengue, about 10% and 30% of patients experienced at least one serious adverse event or adverse event, respectively. With 300 patients, we will have 80% power to detect an increase of 12% (from 10% to 22%) or 16% (from 30% to 46%) in the frequency of adverse events. Furthermore, this sample size ensures some power to explore the efficacy of statins. DISCUSSION: The development of a dengue therapeutic that can attenuate disease would be an enormous advance in global health. The favourable effects of statins on the endothelium, their good safety profile and their low cost make lovastatin an attractive therapeutic candidate. TRIAL REGISTRATION: International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number ISRCTN03147572