134 research outputs found


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    Abstract: Enhancing the production yield fornew generations of each horticultural crop needseffective selecting programs to find outexcellent traits forming thisfruit yield. Therefore,this study aims to investigate the correlations between the fruit yield withhorticultural traits, mainly with yield’s components and inheritance of some morphological traitsofsponge gourd (Luffa cylindrica). An F2 population was generated from a cross between sponge gourds GBVN006904 (male) and GBVN005333 (female) at University of Agriculture and Forestry, Hue University,Vietnam. The positive correlations are observed between the fruit yield per plant andthe fruit diameter, fruit weight, and number of fruits per plant (0.901**). The male first flower appearance time showsa significant positive correlation with female first flower appearance one. The peduncle length correlates positively with the fruit length. The fruit length is enhanced when fruit weight increases. The total soluble solids and fruit diameter show a slightly negative correlation. Chi-square analysis for the leaf shape, depth of lobing, leaf color, and leaf pubescence shows a good fit to a ratio of 9:6:1, thus being controlled by duplicate genes interaction. The fruit color (dark-green:light-green) fits well to a ratio of 15:1, giving its control to duplicate genes with dark-green color being dominant, whereas the fruit shape assorts independently according toa ratio of 9:3:3:1. The fruit stripe color exhibits monogenic incomplete dominance, and the curvature of the fruit is a monogenic recessive trait. Fruit yield components, such as the number of fruit per plant, the fruit weight, and the fruit diameter,strongly affect the fruit yield of sponge gourd. The inheritance of morphological traits indicates that most of the traits are controlled by complete dominance at both gene pairs excepted for fruit strip color and curvature of fruit.Keywords: correlation, inheritance, morphological traits, sponge gourd, yield component

    Psychological risk factors for the development of restrictive and bulimic eating behaviors : a Polish and Vietnamese comparison

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    The aim of this paper is to identify psychological factors which are culture specific or common predictors for restrictive and bulimic behaviors towards eating for young women raised in different cultures. The study included 661 young women from Poland (n = 233) and Vietnam (n = 428). Subjects filled-in the Eating Disorders Inventory (EDI-3) and the Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire-Appearance Scales (MBSRQ-AS), and body measurements were collected to calculate anthropometric indices. Women form Vietnam were less satisfied with their appearance than were their Polish peers, but Vietnamese showed a lower level of preoccupation with being overweight and fear of obesity. Intercultural differences indicate that Vietnamese women show greater intensities for psychological variables, connected with restrictive and bulimic eating behaviors, verified in the research model: low self-esteem, personal alienation, interpersonal insecurity, interpersonal alienation, emotional dysregulation, interoceptive deficits, perfectionism and asceticism, and anxiety

    Body dissatisfaction, restrictive, and bulimic behaviours among young women : a Polish-Japanese comparison

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    The growing number of women, who are characterized by restrictive and bulimic behaviours towards their own body is observed especially in countries influenced by Westernalization. However, there is a lack of cross-cultural studies in this area. The main aim of the present study was to examine the psychological and socio-cultural risk factors for eating disorders in Polish and Japanese women. A cross-sectional research study was conducted among 18- to 29-year old Polish (n = 89) and Japanese (n = 97) women. The variables were measured using the Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Scale SATAQ-3, and the Eating Disorders Inventory EDI-3. The descriptive and comparative statistics, Spearman's rho, and the stepwise regression analysis were used. The global internalization of socio-cultural standards of body image proved to be a significant predictor of Body Dissatisfaction among Polish and Japanese women. The main analysis showed a significant relation between the Drive for Thinness and Interoceptive Deficits in the group of Japanese women, as well as a correlation between Drive for Thinness and Asceticism in the group of Polish women. The obtained results could improve the prevention aimed the dysfunctional eating behaviours. However, the cultural nuances need to be considered in understanding the risk factors for eating disorders


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart

    Genome-wide association mapping for root traits in a panel of rice accessions from Vietnam

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    Background: Despite recent sequencing efforts, local genetic resources remain underexploited, even though they carry alleles that can bring agronomic benefits. Taking advantage of the recent genotyping with 22,000 single-nucleotide polymorphism markers of a core collection of 180 Vietnamese rice varieties originating from provinces from North to South Vietnam and from different agrosystems characterized by contrasted water regimes, we have performed a genome-wide association study for different root parameters. Roots contribute to water stress avoidance and are a still underexploited target for breeding purpose due to the difficulty to observe them. Results: The panel of 180 rice varieties was phenotyped under greenhouse conditions for several root traits in an experimental design with 3 replicates. The phenotyping system consisted of long plastic bags that were filled with sand and supplemented with fertilizer. Root length, root mass in different layers, root thickness, and the number of crown roots, as well as several derived root parameters and shoot traits, were recorded. The results were submitted to association mapping using a mixed model involving structure and kinship to enable the identification of significant associations. The analyses were conducted successively on the whole panel and on its indica (115 accessions) and japonica (64 accessions) subcomponents. The two associations with the highest significance were for root thickness on chromosome 2 and for crown root number on chromosome 11. No common associations were detected between the indica and japonica subpanels, probably because of the polymorphism repartition between the subspecies. Based on orthology with Arabidopsis, the possible candidate genes underlying the quantitative trait loci are reviewed. Conclusions: Some of the major quantitative trait loci we detected through this genome-wide association study contain promising candidate genes encoding regulatory elements of known key regulators of root formation and development

    Factors Influence on Promotion Mix in E-marketing: Case of Technology Services Enterprise in Vietnam

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    Purpose: The objective of this study is to clarify factors affecting the promotion mix in E-Marketing, with specific target audience being enterprises operating in the technology service industry in Vietnam.   Theoretical framework: Based on the promotion theory and social exchange theory, this study focuses on the factors that influence on the promotion decision in firms.   Design/Methodology/Approach: This study applies both qualitative and quantitative methods with data collected from a questionnaire survey.   Findings: There are 4 factors respectively Sales Promotion, Advertising, Public Relations and Personal Selling that affect the mixed promotion activities in E-Marketing of technology service enterprises in Vietnam.   Research, practical & social implications: This study propose solutions to improve the promotion activities in the e – marketing of firms in Vietnam.   Originality/Value: This study is one of the early studies that have focused in this field in Vietnam.Propósito: El objetivo de este estudio es aclarar los factores que afectan la combinación de promoción en E-Marketing, con un público objetivo específico que son las empresas que operan en la industria de servicios de tecnología en Vietnam. Marco teórico: Basado en la teoría de la promoción y la teoría del intercambio social, este estudio se centra en los factores que influyen en la decisión de promoción en las empresas. Diseño/metodología/enfoque: este estudio aplica métodos cualitativos y cuantitativos con datos recopilados de una encuesta de cuestionario. Hallazgos: Existen 4 factores, respectivamente, Promoción de Ventas, Publicidad, Relaciones Públicas y Ventas Personales que afectan las actividades mixtas de promoción en E-Marketing de las empresas de servicios de tecnología en Vietnam. Implicaciones de investigación, prácticas y sociales: este estudio propone soluciones para mejorar las actividades de promoción en el marketing electrónico de las empresas en Vietnam. Originalidad/valor: Este estudio es uno de los primeros que se han centrado en este campo en Vietnam.Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo é esclarecer os fatores que afetam o mix de promoção no E-Marketing, tendo como público-alvo específico as empresas que operam no setor de serviços de tecnologia no Vietnã.. Referencial teórico: Com base na teoria da promoção e na teoria das trocas sociais, este estudo se concentra nos fatores que influenciam a decisão de promoção nas empresas.. Desenho/metodologia/abordagem: Este estudo aplica métodos qualitativos e quantitativos com dados coletados de uma pesquisa por questionário. Resultados: Existem 4 fatores, respectivamente, Promoção de Vendas, Publicidade, Relações Públicas e Vendas Pessoais que afetam as atividades de promoção mista em E-Marketing de empresas de serviços de tecnologia no Vietnã. Pesquisa, implicações práticas e sociais: Este estudo propõe soluções para melhorar as atividades de promoção no e – marketing de empresas no Vietnã. Originalidade/valor: Este estudo é um dos primeiros estudos que se concentraram neste campo no Vietnã. Palavras-chave:  Mix de promoção; E-Marketing; Serviços de tecnologia; Vietn

    Acceptance and user experiences of a wearable device for the management of hospitalized patients in COVID-19–designated wards in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: action learning project

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    Background: Wearable devices have been used extensively both inside and outside of the hospital setting. During the COVID-19 pandemic, in some contexts, there was an increased need to remotely monitor pulse and saturated oxygen for patients due to the lack of staff and bedside monitors. Objective: A prototype of a remote monitoring system using wearable pulse oximeter devices was implemented at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, from August to December 2021. The aim of this work was to support the ongoing implementation of the remote monitoring system. Methods: We used an action learning approach with rapid pragmatic methods, including informal discussions and observations as well as a feedback survey form designed based on the technology acceptance model to assess the use and acceptability of the system. Based on these results, we facilitated a meeting using user-centered design principles to explore user needs and ideas about its development in more detail. Results: In total, 21 users filled in the feedback form. The mean technology acceptance model scores ranged from 3.5 (for perceived ease of use) to 4.4 (for attitude) with behavioral intention (3.8) and perceived usefulness (4.2) scoring in between. Those working as nurses scored higher on perceived usefulness, attitude, and behavioral intention than did physicians. Based on informal discussions, we realized there was a mismatch between how we (ie, the research team) and the ward teams perceived the use and wider purpose of the technology. Conclusions: Designing and implementing the devices to be more nurse-centric from their introduction could have helped to increase their efficiency and use during the complex pandemic period

    Isolation and genetic characterization of waterfowl parvovirus in ducks in Northern Vietnam

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    Background and Aim: Short beak and dwarfism syndrome (SBDS), a highly contagious disease, has been reported in duck farms in Vietnam since 2019. In this study, we evaluated the virulence and characterized the virus obtained from SBDS cases in North Vietnam. Materials and Methods: Polymerase chain reaction was used to detect waterfowl parvovirus in ducks, and the virus from positive samples was inoculated into 10-day-old duck-embryonated eggs to reproduce the disease in young ducklings to determine the virulence and subjected to phylogenetic analysis of non-structural (NS) and VP1 gene sequences. Results: Goose parvovirus (GPV) was isolated from ducks associated with SDBS in Vietnam. The virus Han-GPV2001 is highly virulent when inoculated into 10-day-old duck embryos and 3-day-old ducklings. The mortality rate of duck embryos was 94.35% within 6 days of virus inoculation. Inoculating 3-day-old ducks with the virus stock with 104.03 EID50 through intramuscular and neck intravenous administration resulted in 80% and 66.67% of clinical signs of SDBS, respectively, were shown. Phylogenetic analysis based on the partial NS and VP1 gene sequences revealed that the viral isolate obtained in this study belonged to novel GPV (NGPV) and was closely related to previous Vietnamese and Chinese strains. Conclusion: A GPV strain, Han-GPV2001, has been successfully isolated and has virulence in duck-embryonated eggs as well as caused clinical signs of SBDS in ducks. Phylogenetic analyses of partial genes encoding NS and capsid proteins indicated that the obtained GPV isolate belongs to the NGPV group

    Lovastatin for the Treatment of Adult Patients With Dengue: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Dengue endangers billions of people in the tropical world, yet no therapeutic is currently available. In part, the severe manifestations of dengue reflect inflammatory processes affecting the vascular endothelium. In addition to lipid lowering, statins have pleiotropic effects that improve endothelial function, and epidemiological studies suggest that outcomes from a range of acute inflammatory syndromes are improved in patients already on statin therapy. METHODS: Following satisfactory review of a short pilot phase (40 mg lovastatin vs placebo in 30 cases), we performed a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 5 days of 80 mg lovastatin vs placebo in 300 Vietnamese adults with a positive dengue NS1 rapid test presenting within 72 hours of fever onset. The primary outcome was safety. Secondary outcomes included comparisons of disease progression rates, fever clearance times, and measures of plasma viremia and quality of life between the treatment arms. RESULTS: Adverse events occurred with similar frequency in both groups (97/151 [64%] placebo vs 82/149 [55%] lovastatin; P = .13), and were in keeping with the characteristic clinical and laboratory features of acute dengue. We also observed no difference in serious adverse events or any of the secondary outcome measures. CONCLUSIONS: We found lovastatin to be safe and well tolerated in adults with dengue. However, although the study was not powered to address efficacy, we found no evidence of a beneficial effect on any of the clinical manifestations or on dengue viremia. Continuing established statin therapy in patients who develop dengue is safe.Chinese Clinical Trials Registration. ISRCTN03147572