18 research outputs found

    Spinal arthritis in cane toads across the Australian landscape

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    Loss of fitness can be a consequence of selection for rapid dispersal ability in invasive species. Increased prevalence of spinal arthritis may occur in cane toad populations at the invasion front as a cost of increased invasiveness, but our knowledge of the ecological drivers of this condition is lacking. We aimed to determine the factors explaining the prevalence of spinal arthritis in populations across the Australian landscape. We studied populations across a gradient of invasion histories. We collected 2415 toads over five years and determined the presence and size of spondylosis for each individual. We examined the effect of host size, leg length and invasion history on the prevalence of spondylosis. Host size was a significant predictor of spondylosis across populations. Contrary to our expectation, the overall prevalence of spondylosis was not positively related to invasion history and did not correlate with toad relative leg length. Rather than invasion age, the latitude at which populations were sampled provided an alternate explanation for the prevalence of spondylosis in cane toad populations and suggested that the incidence of this condition did not increase as a physiological cost of invasion, but is instead related to physical variables, such as climate

    Complementary network-based approaches for exploring genetic structure and functional connectivity in two vulnerable, endemic ground squirrels

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    The persistence of small populations is influenced by genetic structure and functional connectivity. We used two network-based approaches to understand the persistence of the northern Idaho ground squirrel (Urocitellus brunneus) and the southern Idaho ground squirrel (U. endemicus), two congeners of conservation concern. These graph theoretic approaches are conventionally applied to social or transportation networks, but here are used to study population persistence and connectivity. Population graph analyses revealed that local extinction rapidly reduced connectivity for the southern species, while connectivity for the northern species could be maintained following local extinction. Results from gravity models complemented those of population graph analyses, and indicated that potential vegetation productivity and topography drove connectivity in the northern species. For the southern species, development (roads) and small-scale topography reduced connectivity, while greater potential vegetation productivity increased connectivity. Taken together, the results of the two network-based methods (population graph analyses and gravity models) suggest the need for increased conservation action for the southern species, and that management efforts have been effective at maintaining habitat quality throughout the current range of the northern species. To prevent further declines, we encourage the continuation of management efforts for the northern species, whereas conservation of the southern species requires active management and additional measures to curtail habitat fragmentation. Our combination of population graph analyses and gravity models can inform conservation strategies of other species exhibiting patchy distributions

    Data from: Rangewide landscape genetics of an endemic Pacific northwestern salamander

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    A species' genetic structure often varies in response to ecological and landscape processes that differ throughout the species' geographic range, yet landscape genetics studies are rarely spatially replicated. The Cope's giant salamander (Dicamptodon copei) is a neotenic, dispersal-limited amphibian with a restricted geographic range in the Pacific northwestern USA. We investigated which landscape factors affect D. copei gene flow in three regions spanning the species' range, which vary in climate, landcover and degree of anthropogenic disturbance. Least cost paths and Circuitscape resistance analyses revealed that gene flow patterns vary across the species' range, with unique combinations of landscape variables affecting gene flow in different regions. Populations in the northern coastal portions of the range had relatively high gene flow, largely facilitated by stream and river networks. Near the southeastern edge of the species' range, gene flow was more restricted overall, with relatively less facilitation by streams and more limitation by heat load index and fragmented forest cover. These results suggested that the landscape is more difficult for individuals to disperse through at the southeastern edge of the species' range, with terrestrial habitat desiccation factors becoming more limiting to gene flow. We suggest that caution be used when attempting to extrapolate landscape genetic models and conservation measures from one portion of a species' range to another

    Effects of hunting on mating, relatedness, and genetic diversity in a puma population

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    Hunting mortality can affect population abundance, demography, patterns of dispersal and philopatry, breeding, and genetic diversity. We investigated the effects of hunting on the reproduction and genetic diversity in a puma population in western Colorado, USA. We genotyped over 11,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), using double-digest, restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (ddRADseq) in 291 tissue samples collected as part of a study on the effects of hunting on puma population abundance and demography in Colorado from 2004 to 2014. The study was designed with a reference period (years 1-5), during which hunting was suspended, followed by a treatment period (years 6-10), in which hunting was reinstated. Our objectives were to examine the effects of hunting on: (1) paternity and male reproductive success; (2) the relatedness between pumas within the population, and (3) genetic diversity. We found that hunting reduced the average age of male breeders. The number of unique fathers siring litters increased each year without hunting and decreased each year during the hunting period. Mated pairs were generally unrelated during both time periods, and females were more closely related than males. Hunting was also associated with increased relatedness among males and decreased relatedness among females in the population. Finally, genetic diversity increased during the period without hunting and decreased each year when hunting was present. This study demonstrates the utility of merging demographic data with large-scale genomic datasets in order to better understand the consequences of management actions. Specifically, we believe that this study highlights the need for long-term experimental research in which hunting mortality is manipulated, including at least one non-harvested control population, as part of a broader adaptive, zone management scheme

    Dicamptodon copei microsatellite genotype data

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    Dicamptodon copei tissue samples were collected from the field in 2006-2008. DNA was extracted using DNeasy tissue kits (Qiagen) according to the manufacturer’s protocols. Eleven microsatellite loci were amplified using PCR with fluorescently labeled primers, using PCR conditions from Steele et al. (2008) (Table S1, Supporting Information). Microsatellite products were run on an ABI 3730XL automated sequencer (Applied Biosystems) at the Washington State University LBB1 core facility and genotyped using ABI GENEMAPPER 3.7 software. The data include microsatellite fragment lengths for each study site (rows) and (diploid) locus (columns)


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    These data are landscape distances between study sites calculated using least cost path (LCP) analysis (columns B-JJ) and Circuitscape resistance analysis (columns JL-KB). LCP data represent the weighted averages of all landscape layers along a particular LCP (indicated in the row below the region name), and all LCPs were corrected for topography. Landscape cost surfaces were developed using the following GIS datasets downloaded from online databases (including abbreviations and source of data citations from Trumbo et al. 2012): stream networks (USGS 2001) (str10 = 10:1 cost of movement outside streams, str100 = 100:1 cost of movement outside streams), canopy cover (cc) (Homer et al. 2004), frost-free periods (ffp) (Rehfeldt 2006), growing season precipitation (gsp) (Rehfeldt 2006), landcover (lc) (Homer et al. 2004), and heat load index (hli) (McCune and Keon 2002). For streams, a "no" following abbreviation means that large rivers were excluded from the stream network. For all continuous variables, a "1" following the abbreviation means an exponentially increasing non-linear response, such that the transformed surface T1 = 100^ (original cost surface). A "2" following the abbreviation means an exponentially decreasing non-linear response such that the transformed surface T2 = 100 - 100^(1- original cost surface). The "strghtline" data are null models of isolation by Euclidean distance alone

    Data from: Mixed population genomics support for the central marginal hypothesis across the invasive range of the cane toad (Rhinella marina) in Australia

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    Understanding factors that cause species' geographic range limits is a major focus in ecology and evolution. The central marginal hypothesis (CMH) predicts that species cannot adapt to conditions beyond current geographic range edges because genetic diversity decreases from core to edge due to smaller, more isolated edge populations. We employed a population genomics framework using 24 235–33 112 SNP loci to test major predictions of the CMH in the ongoing invasion of the cane toad (Rhinella marina) in Australia. Cane toad tissue samples were collected along broad-scale, core-to-edge transects across their invasive range. Geographic and ecological core areas were identified using GIS and habitat suitability indices from ecological niche modelling. Bayesian clustering analyses revealed three genetic clusters, in the northwest invasion-front region, northeast precipitation-limited region and southeast cold temperature-limited region. Core-to-edge patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation were consistent with the CMH in the southeast, but were not supported in the northeast and showed mixed support in the northwest. Results suggest cold temperatures are a likely contributor to southeastern range limits, consistent with CMH predictions. In the northeast and northwest, ecological processes consisting of a steep physiological barrier and ongoing invasion dynamics, respectively, are more likely explanations for population genomic patterns than the CMH

    Mixed population genomics support for the central marginal hypothesis across the invasive range of the cane toad (Rhinella marina) in Australia

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    Understanding factors that cause species' geographic range limits is a major focus in ecology and evolution. The central marginal hypothesis (CMH) predicts that species cannot adapt to conditions beyond current geographic range edges because genetic diversity decreases from core to edge due to smaller, more isolated edge populations. We employed a population genomics framework using 24 235-33 112 SNP loci to test major predictions of the CMH in the ongoing invasion of the cane toad (Rhinella marina) in Australia. Cane toad tissue samples were collected along broad-scale, core-to-edge transects across their invasive range. Geographic and ecological core areas were identified using GIS and habitat suitability indices from ecological niche modelling. Bayesian clustering analyses revealed three genetic clusters, in the northwest invasion-front region, northeast precipitation-limited region and southeast cold temperature-limited region. Core-to-edge patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation were consistent with the CMH in the southeast, but were not supported in the northeast and showed mixed support in the northwest. Results suggest cold temperatures are a likely contributor to southeastern range limits, consistent with CMH predictions. In the northeast and northwest, ecological processes consisting of a steep physiological barrier and ongoing invasion dynamics, respectively, are more likely explanations for population genomic patterns than the CMH

    Mixed population genomics support for the central marginal hypothesis across the invasive range of the cane toad (Rhinella marina) in Australia

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    Understanding factors that cause species' geographic range limits is a major focus in ecology and evolution. The central marginal hypothesis (CMH) predicts that species cannot adapt to conditions beyond current geographic range edges because genetic diversity decreases from core to edge due to smaller, more isolated edge populations. We employed a population genomics framework using 24 235-33 112 SNP loci to test major predictions of the CMH in the ongoing invasion of the cane toad (Rhinella marina) in Australia. Cane toad tissue samples were collected along broad-scale, core-to-edge transects across their invasive range. Geographic and ecological core areas were identified using GIS and habitat suitability indices from ecological niche modelling. Bayesian clustering analyses revealed three genetic clusters, in the northwest invasion-front region, northeast precipitation-limited region and southeast cold temperature-limited region. Core-to-edge patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation were consistent with the CMH in the southeast, but were not supported in the northeast and showed mixed support in the northwest. Results suggest cold temperatures are a likely contributor to southeastern range limits, consistent with CMH predictions. In the northeast and northwest, ecological processes consisting of a steep physiological barrier and ongoing invasion dynamics, respectively, are more likely explanations for population genomic patterns than the CMH