184 research outputs found

    Manejo de las emociones y convivencia de aula en estudiantes de nivel primario de una institución educativa de Lima 2022

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    El estudio buscó establecer la relación entre el manejo de las emociones y la convivencia de aula en estudiantes de nivel primario de una institución educativa de Lima. Se empleó un enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo básica, diseño no experimental de corte transversal-correlacional. La población fue de 68 estudiantes obtenidos de un muestreo no probabilístico. La técnica fue la encuesta y el instrumento, los cuestionarios. Los resultados descriptivos arrojaron que el 1.5% de los estudiantes evidenciaron un nivel malo en convivencia en el aula, revelando tener un nivel malo y regular en manejo de las emociones dentro del aula, mientras que el 69.1% muestran un nivel regular debido al manejo de las emociones de los alumnos que se encuentran en nivel regular, y el 8.8% de los alumnos muestra un nivel bueno en convivencia en el aula reflejando un buen manejo de las emociones dentro del aula. Respecto al resultado inferencial se obtuvo un valor de Pearson de 0.492 con un valor de p=0.000; por lo tanto, puesto que el valor es menor al 0,05 se procede a rechazar la H0. Se concluye que existe una correlación positiva moderada entre el manejo de emociones y la convivencia en el aula

    Brain lateralization and neural plasticity for musical and cognitive abilities in an epileptic musician

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    The use of intracarotid propofol procedure (IPP) when assessing musical lateralization has not been reported in literature up to now. This procedure (similar to Wada Test) has provided the opportunity to investigate not only lateralization of language and memory functions on epileptic patients but also offers a functional mapping approach with superior spatial and temporal resolution to analyze the lateralization of musical abilities. Findings in literature suggest that musical training modifies functional and structural brain organization. We studied hemispheric lateralization in a professional musician, a 33 years old woman with refractory left medial temporal lobe (MTL) epilepsy (TLE). A longitudinal neuropsychological study was performed over a period of 21 months. Before epilepsy surgery, musical abilities, language and memory were tested during IPP by means of a novel and exhaustive neuropsychological battery focusing on the processing of music. We used a selection of stimuli to analyze listening, score reading, and tempo discrimination. Our results suggested that IPP is an excellent method to determine not only language, semantic, and episodic memory, but also musical dominance in a professional musician who may be candidate for epilepsy surgery. Neuropsychological testing revealed that right hemisphere's patient is involved in semantic and episodic musical memory processes, whereas her score reading and tempo processing require contribution from both hemispheres. At one-year follow-up, outcome was excellent with respect to seizures and professional skills, meanwhile cognitive abilities improved. These findings indicate that IPP helps to predict who might be at risk for postoperative musical, language, and memory deficits after epilepsy surgery. Our research suggests that musical expertise and epilepsy critically modifies long-term memory processes and induces brain structural and functional plasticity

    On the effect of assessed returnable documents as active methodology in Power Electronics

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    The methodological change caused by the implementation of the new degrees provides a clear opportunity to improve educational practices. This paper describes a teaching tool, named returnable document, to increase student work outside the classroom, motivate the students while raising their awareness about the importance and impact of their work. By using returnable documents teachers manage to strengthen the results of homework and the learning process in a flexible, motivating and entertaining way. In addition, compared to more traditional learning models, student participation is encouraged.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Towards student wellness in the new teaching/learning process of Power Electronics

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    Nowadays, university education has undergone a significant change to new models that encourage the active role of students in the learning process. Moreover, the European Higher Education Area means an important change in the teaching/learning process: it is necessary to involve more efficiently to the students and encourage their independent study and active participation. This new framework includes the increase in the development and use of new Information and Communication Technology in education and the analysis of the academic performance of students and their sensation of engagement and burnout. In the particular case of Power Electronics, a new teaching methodology, based on a set of new software multimedia interactive tools, is designed and developed to use for the teaching and learning of this subject. The evaluation process consists of several questionnaires: for both students and lecturers, in order to evaluate the quality of these multimedia interactive tools; and only for students, so as to check their stress levels. This subjective information will be complemented with a detailed analysis of the obtained marks of the students and with the sensation of engagement and burnout, measured in terms of academic stress. Finally, a comparison between theses students and the previous ones that could not use these new educational tools will determine the achievement of the foreseen objectives.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    The importance of the student wellness in the new teaching/learning process

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    Nowadays, the European Higher Education Area means an important change in the teaching/learning process: it is necessary to involve more efficiently to the students. Moreover, university education has undergone a significant change to new models that encourage the active role of students in the teaching/learning process. This new framework includes the increase in the development and use of new Information and Communication Technology in education and the analysis of the academic performance of students and their sensation of engagement and burnout. In the case study in this paper, a new teaching methodology is implemented and it is based on a kit of new software interactive tools for Power Electronics. The main objective of this experience consists of the design, development and implementation of a new multimedia resources in order to use them in the teaching/learning process of the subject. To evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of this new methodology and the compliance with the objectives, several surveys have been designed, for both students and lecturers. These results are complemented with the study of the student stress levels, information that will be complemented with an in-depth analysis of the got marks of the students and with the sensation of engagement and burnout, measured in terms of academic stress.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    El diseño como técnica para la docencia de microprocesadores

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    La formación en hardware de microprocesadores es una materia con una dificultad particular para muchos estudiantes. Una de las razones de ello es la utilización de dispositivos comerciales como elementos docentes. Esta metodología permite que los estudiantes aprendan a utilizar los dispositivos. Sin embargo la docencia en Ingeniería Electrónica, no puede ser que los estudiantes aprendan a usar los dispositivos. Utilizando dispositivos comerciales exclusivamente para la docencia, los estudiantes no ven los esquemas de las distintas partes del :P puesto que los fabricantes no lo suministran. En este trabajo se describe cómo la técnica de diseño es útil para que los estudiantes puedan realizar su propio :P. Con ello se logra que tengan un conocimiento profundo del funcionamiento y la arquitectura del mismo. Este método se utiliza en la EPS de la Universidad de Málaga hace años y los resultados son excelentes.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A new challenge in the Electronics teaching/learning process for the Industrial Design Engineering Bachelor. An interactive educational tutorial

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    Abstract—The adaptation of new curricula to the European Higher Education Area implies a radical change in the teaching/learning process: it is necessary to get students more involved as well as to promote their independence and active participation. The fast-growing technological development, the increasing use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the advent of e-learning technologies make possible the achievement of this change. It is described a powerful interactive electronics educational tool, which can be embedded in a web page in order to simplify its use by the university students. The results obtained by means of a test demonstrate the benefits of the use of this tutorial and the increase in the motivation students.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Técnica “Hazlo Tú Mismo” para la creación de un entorno personal de aprendizaje en el estudio de los microprocesadores

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    El aprendizaje de la arquitectura hardware de los dispositivos microprocesadores no suele ser una tarea grata para muchos estudiantes. En muchas ocasiones, los estudiantes no son capaces de enlazar los conocimientos que ya han adquirido en otras asignaturas con las explicaciones que el profesor desarrolla. La técnica DIY (Do It Yourself: Hazlo Tú Mismo, HTM) se utiliza exitosamente en la docencia de microprocesadores para evitar descripciones de partes que resultan poco ilustradas, aburridas y difíciles de entender por parte de muchos estudiantes y que, sin embargo, ya conocen. Por medio de esta técnica los estudiantes construyen su microprocesador, entendiendo la funcionalidad de cada una de las partes electrónicas que lo componen. Esta técnica presenta dos características importantes: logra una interactividad sinérgica elevada y permite la utilización de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Diseño de un sistema de gestión de calidad basado en la Norma ISO 9001:2008 en el Hospital de Especialidades San Juan HOSPIESAJ S.A. de la ciudad de Riobamba para el período 2013

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    El trabajo de investigación tuvo como propósito diseñar un Sistema de Gestión de Calidad basado en la norma ISO 9001:2008 para el Hospital de Especialidades San Juan HOSPIESAJ S.A., para mejorar su administración y satisfacción de sus clientes e involucrados. Para el efecto se llevó a cabo un diseño de investigación y se determinó a través del diagnóstico de parámetros la situación actual del que hacer administrativo de HOSPIESAJ S.A., y la no existencia de los requisitos de la norma, esto conllevó a diseñar el Sistema de Gestión de Calidad a través de macroprocesos, política, el manual de calidad y la mejora continua de sus actividades esenciales. HOSPIESAJ S.A., será una organización de calidad al implementar los ocho requisitos que contempla esta tesis de grado con lineamientos y procedimientos sistemáticamente aplicables, y así alcanzar un posicionamiento del servicio y de la organización.The purpose of this research work was to design a Quality Management System based on ISO 9001: 2008 Standard for the Hospital for Medical Specialties San Juan HOSPIESAJ SA, to improve its administration and satisfaction of its customers and all concerned. A research design was carried out for the effect and it was determined through the diagnostic parameters the current situation of the administrative work of HOSPIESAJ SA, and the non-existence of the requirements of the standard, this involved to design the quality Management System through macro processes, policy, quality manual and the continuous improvement of its core activities. HOSPIESAJ SA, will be a quality organization to implement the eight requirements that this thesis work covers with guidelines and procedures systematically applicable, and thus achieve a positioning of the service and the organization