1,064 research outputs found

    Exploring the evolutionary paths of the most massive galaxies since z~2

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    We use Spitzer MIPS data from the FIDEL Legacy Project in the Extended Groth Strip to analyze the stellar mass assembly of massive (M>10^11 M_sun) galaxies at z<2 as a function of structural parameters. We find 24 micron emission for more than 85% of the massive galaxies morphologically classified as disks, and for more than 57% of the massive systems morphologically classified as spheroids at any redshift, with about 8% of sources harboring a bright X-ray and/or infrared emitting AGN. More noticeably, 60% of all compact massive galaxies at z=1-2 are detected at 24 micron, even when rest-frame optical colors reveal that they are dead and evolving passively. For spheroid-like galaxies at a given stellar mass, the sizes of MIPS non-detections are smaller by a factor of 1.2 in comparison with IR-bright sources. We find that disk-like massive galaxies present specific SFRs ranging from 0.04 to 0.2 Gyr^-1 at z<1 (SFRs ranging from 1 to 10 M_sun/yr), typically a factor of 3-6 higher than massive spheroid-like objects in the same redshift range. At z>1, and more pronouncedly at z>1.3, the median specific SFRs of the disks and spheroids detected by MIPS are very similar, ranging from 0.1 to 1 Gyr^-1 (SFR=10-200 M_sun/yr). We estimate that massive spheroid-like galaxies may have doubled (at the most) their stellar mass from star-forming events at z<2: less than 20% mass increase at 1.7<z<2.0, up to 40% more at 1.1<z<1.7, and less than 20% additional increase at z<1. Disk-like galaxies may have tripled (at the most) their stellar mass at z<2 from star formation alone: up to 40% mass increase at 1.7<z<2.0, and less than 180% additional increase below z=1.7 occurred at a steady rate.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; 10 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Estimating the longitudinal magnetic field in the chromosphere of quiet-Sun magnetic concentrations

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    Details of the magnetic field in the quiet Sun chromosphere are key to our understanding of essential aspects of the solar atmosphere. We aim to determine the longitudinal magnetic field component (B_lon) of quiet Sun regions depending on their size. We estimated B_lon by applying the weak-field approximation (WFA) to high-spatial-resolution Ca II 854.2 nm data taken with the Swedish 1m Solar Telescope. Specifically, we analyzed the estimates inferred for different spectral ranges using the data at the original cadence and temporally integrated signals. The longitudinal magnetic field in each considered plasma structure correlates with its size. Using a spectral range restricted to the line core leads to chromospheric longitudinal fields varying from 50 G at the edges to 150-500 G at the center of the structure. These values increase as the spectral range widens due to the photospheric contribution. However, the difference between this contribution and the chromospheric one is not uniform for all structures. Small and medium-sized concentrations show a steeper height gradient in B_lon compared to their chromospheric values, so estimates for wider ranges are less trustworthy. Signal addition does not alleviate this situation as the height gradients in B_lon are consistent with time. Finally, despite the amplified noise levels that deconvolving processes may cause, data restored with the destretching technique show similar results, though are affected by smearing. We obtained B_lon estimates similar to those previously found, except for large concentrations and wide spectral ranges. In addition, we report a correlation between the height variation of B_lon compared to the chromospheric estimates and the concentration size. This correlation affects the difference between the photospheric and chromospheric magnetic flux values and the reliability of the estimates for wider spectral ranges.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics; abstract has been abridge

    Anomalous circular polarization profiles in the He I 1083.0 nm multiplet from solar spicules

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    We report Stokes vector observations of solar spicules and a prominence in the He I 1083 nm multiplet carried out with the Tenerife Infrared Polarimeter. The observations show linear polarization profiles that are produced by scattering processes in the presence of a magnetic field. After a careful data reduction, we demonstrate the existence of extremely asymmetric Stokes V profiles in the spicular material that we are able to model with two magnetic components along the line of sight, and under the presence of atomic orientation in the energy levels that give rise to the multiplet. We discuss some possible scenarios that can generate the atomic orientation in spicules. We stress the importance of spectropolarimetric observations across the limb to distinguish such signals from observational artifacts.Comment: accepted for publication in Ap

    Agroecological analysis of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) crops in orchards in a Mediterranean environment

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    If adaptability is defined as the ability of a crop (or variety) to respond positively to changes in agricultural conditions, the purpose of this study was to explore the adaptability and relative influence of environmental factors on Cucumber Sativus L. to a specific Mediterranean environmental and agroecological site: Huete (Cuenca, Central Spain). Cucumber requires high temperatures and soil moisture for a satisfactory yield and maintaining an optimum level of humidity is very favorable, which is easy to achieve for farmers in Huete. Abundant sunshine is needed and this is another reason to cultivate during the summer period; it is estimated that there were between 2700 and 2800 hours of sunshine in the Huete area. The study described here revealed that the soils are poorly developed and evolved, with a simple Ap-C or Ap-Bw-C morphology. The soils are friable, slightly adherent and somewhat dry and hard. A significant feature is the presence of good drainage and appreciable effective depth. Like other crops, cucumber plants are preferably grown on loose, well-drained soils, such as the soils studied here. Huete cucumber seems able to tolerate certain levels of soil salinity when compared to other species. The cucumbers are irrigated with water with moderate electrical conductivity without an appreciable decrease in yield. Small doses of salinity may be one of the factors that leads to the characteristics associated with Huete cucumber, an aspect that would need to be investigated more deeply. Substrate nutrients and moisture management are two major concerns regarding Cucumber Sativus L. crops in Huete. Elemental chemical analysis revealed that strontium abounds and this is attributed to the presence of this element in the gypsums. The results of this study open a new horizon in the study of the aptitude of the land and represent a useful step towards the specific site and, consequently, the sustainable management of land under cucumber cultivation. Further research into a wider range of soils, fertilizer compositions and release rates is require

    Measuring star formation in high-z massive galaxies: A mid-infrared to submillimeter study of the GOODS NICMOS Survey sample

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    We present measurements of the mean mid-infrared-to-submillimeter flux densities of massive (M\ast \approx 2 \times 10^11 Msun) galaxies at redshifts 1.7 < z < 2.9, obtained by stacking positions of known objects taken from the GOODS NICMOS Survey (GNS) catalog on maps: at 24 {\mu}m (Spitzer/MIPS); 70, 100, and 160{\mu}m (Herschel/PACS); 250, 350, 500{\mu}m (BLAST); and 870{\mu}m (LABOCA). A modified blackbody spectrum fit to the stacked flux densities indicates a median [interquartile] star-formation rate of SFR = 63 [48, 81] Msun yr^-1 . We note that not properly accounting for correlations between bands when fitting stacked data can significantly bias the result. The galaxies are divided into two groups, disk-like and spheroid-like, according to their Sersic indices, n. We find evidence that most of the star formation is occurring in n \leq 2 (disk-like) galaxies, with median [interquartile] SFR = 122 [100,150] Msun yr^-1, while there are indications that the n > 2 (spheroid-like) population may be forming stars at a median [interquartile] SFR = 14 [9,20] Msun yr^-1, if at all. Finally, we show that star formation is a plausible mechanism for size evolution in this population as a whole, but find only marginal evidence that it is what drives the expansion of the spheroid-like galaxies.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS. 10 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    Phosphomannosylation and the functional analysis of the extended Candida albicans MNN4-like gene family

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    We thank Luz A. López-Ramírez (Universidad de Guanajuato) for technical assistance. This work was supported by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (ref. CB2011/166860; PDCPN2014-247109, and FC 2015-02-834), Universidad de Guanajuato (ref. 000025/11; 0087/13; ref. 1025/2016; Convocatoria Institucional para Fortalecer la Excelencia Académica 2015; CIFOREA 89/2016), Programa de Mejoramiento de Profesorado (ref. UGTO-PTC-261), and Red Temática Glicociencia en Salud (CONACYT-México). NG acknowledges the Wellcome Trust (086827, 075470, 101873, and 200208) and MRC Centre for Medical Mycology for funding (N006364/1). KJ was supported by a research visitor grant to Aberdeen from China Scholarship Council (CSC No. 201406055024). The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2017.02156/full#supplementary-materialPeer reviewedPublisher PD


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    Aloe Vera, especially The Canarian variety, is a plant that has been known for thousands of years for its enormous healing properties. Throughout time there have been many testimonials to its healing powers. Aloe Vera´s miraculous healing powers originate from its two hundred active substances. Including vitamins, minerals, aminoacids, polysaccharides, enzymes, etc. The synergy of these components produces results impossible to obtain from other known treatments. Given its curative,anti inflammatory,analgesic and debridement qualities some of the nurses at the Public Health Centre in Vecindario,have been using the Aloe Vera plant to cure acute and chronicle wounds for several years now. The good results obtained,the low costs of the treatment and the approval of both patients and nurs-ing staff,justifies the continued and amplified use of Aloe Vera as an option in treatment. For this reason we are doing a comprehensive study of the Spanish bibliography so that all relative criteria can be unified.El aloe vera, en especial la variedad canaria, es una planta milenaria conocida desde la antigüedad por sus grandes propiedades curativas siendo muchísimas las citas que así lo avalan. El poder ‘milagroso’ del aloe radica en las 200 sustancias activas que contiene, entre las que se incluyen vitaminas, minerales, aminoácidos, polisacáridos, enzimas, etc. La sinergia entre todos estos componentes produce efectos imposibles de igualar por otros tratamientos conocidos. Dado el poder cicatrizante, antiinflamatorio, analgésico y desbridante, algunas enfermeras del Centro de Salud de Vecindario hacemos curas de heridas agudas y crónicas con la planta de aloe vera desde hace varios años. Los buenos resultados obtenidos, el bajo coste del tratamiento y la buena aceptación de los usuarios y las enfermeras justifican la necesidad de hacer un procedimiento de enfermería para las curas con aloe vera como una herramienta útil de trabajo (ya que hemos observado diferentes formas de uso del aloe, tanto en enfermería como en la población). Para ello hacemos una revisión exhaustiva de la bibliografía en español y de esta manera unificar criterios

    Low-lying magnetic loops in the solar internetwork

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    The aim of this work is to study the structure of the magnetic field vector in the internetwork and search for the presence of small-scale loops. We invert 1.56 micron spectropolarimetric observations of internetwork regions at disc centre by applying the SIR code. This allows us to recover the atmospheric parameters that play a role in the formation of these spectral lines. We are mainly interested in the structure of the magnetic field vector. We find that many opposite polarity elements of the internetwork are connected by short (2-6''), low-lying (photospheric) loops. These loops connect at least the 10-20 % of the internetwork flux visible in our data. Also we have some evidence that points towards a dynamic scenario which can be produced by the emergence of internetwork magnetic flux.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A letter