122 research outputs found

    Differentiation of blood and environmental interfering stains on substrates by Chemometrics-Assisted ATR FTIR spectroscopy

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    Blood is the most common and relevant bodily fluid that can be found in crime scenes. It is critical to correctly identify it, and to be able to differentiate it from other substances that may also appear at the crime scene. In this work, several stains of blood, chocolate, ketchup, and tomato sauce on five different substrates (plywood, metal, gauze, denim, and glass) were analysed by ATR FTIR spectroscopy assisted with orthogonal partial least square discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) models. It was possible to differentiate blood from the environmental interfering substances independently of the substrate they were on, and to differentiate bloodstains according to the substrate they were deposited on. These results represent a proof-of-concept that open new horizons to differentiate bloodstains from other interfering substances on common substrates present in crime scenes

    Source determination of human and animal oral fluid stains on porous substrates by chemometrics-assisted ATR FTIR spectroscopy: A preliminary study

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    Oral fluids are common evidence that can be found as stains on a variety of substrates at crime scenes. The porosity of the substrate may influence their collection and analysis. Moreover, companion animals, such as dogs, may appear in many scenarios or even be involved in a crime. Determining the source (identification and classification) of human and canine oral fluid stains on different substrates found at crime scene is important prior to DNA extraction to diminish laboratory cost and time efforts. In the present work, the potential of attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR FTIR) was explored to study how several types of porous substrates influence in the source determination of human and animal (canine) oral fluid stains. Results showed that the main bands of human or canine oral fluid stains were visible among the characteristic infrared bands of the porous substrates. This allowed the identification of human or animal (canine) oral fluid stains origin in the three types of papers and six fabrics porous substrates studied. Then, the application of Orthogonal Partial Least Square-Discriminant Analysis (OPLS-DA) models to the obtained infrared spectra, allowed the classification of human and canine oral fluid stains independently of the substrate they were deposited on. This approach could be developed for real forensic investigations to distinguish the source (identification and classification) of oral fluid stains as human or animal

    Augment reality and virtual reality for the improvement of spatial competences in Physical Education

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    Young and mobile are an intense combination in entertainment. Mobile phones can also be a powerful tool in improving some teaching parameters, also in Physical Education. This research aims to test if Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality with mobile phones can have an impact on Physical Education students and their abilities in spatial orientation and distance estimation. In the investigation we have created two virtual and augmented scenarios, and a quantitative methodology has been used to analyze and contrast the learning tests carried out. The results show that these augmented worlds improve spatial orientation and estimation capacity. The study shows that it is convenient to develop activities and digital scenarios to incorporate mobile augmented reality in the learning of spatial orientation, at the same time as teaching skills are improved

    Exploration of ATR FTIR spectroscopy assisted by multivariate analysis for estimating the time since deposition of human and canine oral fluid on porous substrates

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    Oral fluid is commonly found at crime scenes, as a liquid sample or more frequently as a stain (i.e., cigarette butts, bottles, chewing gum, cloths, etc.). The study of the time since deposition (TSD) is of great significance in forensics because it allows to collect and analyse only those samples directly related to the criminal case, excluding the occupational traces, and reducing laboratory costs and efforts. In the present study, we evaluated the suitability of attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR FTIR) to establish the TSD of human and canine oral fluid stains on different porous substrates such as paper, cotton, denim, and polyester fabric. We used the ATR FTIR spectra and chemometrics to detect the presence of human and canine oral fluid as stains on these substrates. Our results showed that Orthogonal Partial Least Square-Discriminant Analysis (OPLS-DA) models were able to distinguish human and canine oral fluid stains according to their TSD independently of the substrate.European Commissio

    Mathematics Teachers’ Perceptions of the Introduction of ICT: The Relationship between Motivation and Use in the Teaching Function

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    Digital self-efficacy and the amount of perceived support from the school can improve teachers’ motivation to increase the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in the classroom. Likewise, attitude, perception, gender, and experience of mathematics teachers are factors that influence their use of ICT. This study aimed to analyze the profiles of mathematics teachers, determine the existence of differences between them, and identify the sample size necessary to detect significant differences. A total of 73 high school teachers were included in this cross-sectional study. Teaching practice, ICT resources, ICT in the classroom, skills, and uses of ICT were assessed through a validated 19-item questionnaire. Statistical analysis revealed that the required sample to detect significant differences was 53 subjects. Further, 67.21% of the mathematics teachers surveyed in Melilla were younger than 40 years of age, and 62.30% had less than 6 years of teaching experience. In addition, 81.97 and 47.54% of mathematics teachers stated that they consider themselves to have sufficient ICT resources at home for their work and in the classroom, respectively. Through different clusters, mathematics teachers can be identified and classified according to their motivational and competence profiles in pedagogical and digital areas. In addition, young teachers with some teaching experience had positive perceptions of technology, as reflected by high scores in the motivation indicator for ICT

    Tendencias actuales de género y el liderazgo de la dirección en los diferentes niveles educativos

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    El presente trabajo muestra una revisión sobre algunos estudios e investigaciones naciona­les e internacionales más relevantes del liderazgo de la mujer en la dirección de centros educativos en los diferentes niveles. La primera parte del artículo está destinada a enseñan­zas no universitarias como son la Educación Infantil y Primaria, mientras que la segunda atiende a los resultados extraídos de investigaciones realizadas en el ámbito universitario, así como algunas reflexiones sobre Secundaria. Se ofrece, desde una perspectiva eminen­temente cuantitativa, el porcentaje de hombres y de mujeres que ocupan cargos directivos, así como las diversas explicaciones que aluden a la minoría de mujeres en puestos de mayor prestigio social y toma de decisiones. Por último, se reflexiona en líneas generales sobre la presencia de un liderazgo femenino, así como se incorpora un breve glosario con los tér­minos más representativos en los estudios de género.Aquest treball mostra una revisió sobre alguns estudis i investigacions nacionals i interna­cionals més rellevants del lideratge de la dona en la direcció de centres educatius en els diferents nivells. La primera part de l'article està destinada a ensenyaments no universita­ris com són l'Educació Infantil i Primària, mentre que la segona atén els resultats extrets d'investigacions fetes en l'àmbit universitari, així com algunes reflexions sobre Secundària. S'ofereix, des d'una perspectiva eminentment quantitativa, el percentatge d'homes i de dones que ocupen càrrecs directius, així com les diverses explicacions que es refereixen a la minoria de dones en llocs de més prestigi social i presa de decisions. Finalment, es reflexiona en línies generals sobre la presència d'un lideratge femení, així com s'incorpora un breu glossari amb els termes més representatius en els estudis de gènere.This paper shows a deep review about the most important national and international studies and researches on female leadership in schools in the different stages. While the first part deals with Non-University education, such as Pre-Primary education and Primary education, the second part summarizes the results obtained from researches carried out in Higher education and makes some observations on Secondary education. From a quanti­tative perspective, it is presented the percentage of men and women in managerial positions and several explanations that refer to a minority of women who hold social prestigious posts and decision making. Finally, we reflect on the presence of female leadership and we include a brief glossary with the most representative terms that appear in gender researches

    Analysis of Further Education Students’ Attitudes Regarding Environmental Pollution. A Case Study in Granada

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    Pollution is shown as the environmental challenge, which has the greatest impact on global climate change. Faced with this situation, numerous environmental summits agree on the fact that Environmental Education needs to be implemented within the different disciplines and educational institutions. Therefore, Further Education must foster the research and management of environmental education with the aim of developing responsible citizens with sustainable attitudes. Based on this idea, this paper aimed to analyse the attitudes in Further Education students towards different situations and habits linked to pollution, as well as some of its varied typologies (chemical pollution, acoustic pollution and management of solid urban waste and rubbish). To achieve this, a sample of 307 students from different degrees of Preschool and Primary Education was included, using a questionnaire as a measuring instrument. The methodology of the study was both descriptive, through the analysis of its measures, and inferential, with the preparation of a confirmatory conceptual model through the structural equation model (SEM). Results revealed that students are highly concerned about the different situations proposed, and that the predictive model forges strong correlations between the four variables of the study. Hence, the study focused on the idea of trying to enhance environmental awareness in the groups of students from different educational phases, to subsequently foster the implementation of specific actions aimed at preserving and conserving natural resources, and to guide society towards sustainable development

    Combination of time and spatial filtering to improve echo reduction in antenna measurements

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    Different research groups have been working during the last years in different echo reduction techniques applied to antenna measurements, based on spatial, modal or time filtering. Some applications where these methods are usually employed are: outdoor systems, for HF or VHF frequency systems or for small measurement systems where the anechoic material is only placed in front of the AUT. This paper analyzes the measurements of a dipole antenna (SD1900) using a StarLab system and the application of the different algorithms. It is observed that each of the algorithms is better for different situations, depending for instance on the angular value of the pattern. Finally, a combination of different methods in a smart way improve the results of the post processing with respect each independent method