162 research outputs found

    Autonomous Demand Response for Primary Frequency Regulation

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    The research documented within this report examines the use of autonomous demand response to provide primary frequency response in an interconnected power grid. The work builds on previous studies in several key areas: it uses a large realistic model (i.e., the interconnection of the western United States and Canada); it establishes a set of metrics that can be used to assess the effectiveness of autonomous demand response; and it independently adjusts various parameters associated with using autonomous demand response to assess effectiveness and to examine possible threats or vulnerabilities associated with the technology

    Biomechanical Material Characterization of Stanford Type-B Dissected Porcine Aortas

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    Aortic dissection (AD) involves tearing of the medial layer, creating a blood-filled channel called false lumen (FL). To treat dissections, clinicians are using endovascular therapy using stent grafts to seal the FL. This procedure has been successful in reducing mortality but has failed in completely re-attaching the torn intimal layer. The use of computational analysis can predict the radial forces needed to devise stents that can treat ADs. To quantify the hyperelastic material behavior for therapy development, we harvested FL wall, true lumen (TL) wall, and intimal flap from the middle and distal part of five dissected aortas. Planar biaxial testing using multiple stretch protocols were conducted on tissue samples to quantify their deformation behavior. A novel non-linear regression model was used to fit data against Holzapfel–Gasser–Ogden hyperelastic strain energy function. The fitting analysis correlated the behavior of the FL and TL walls and the intimal flap to the stiffness observed during tensile loading. It was hypothesized that there is a variability in the stresses generated during loading among tissue specimens derived from different regions of the dissected aorta and hence, one should use region-specific material models when simulating type-B AD. From the data on material behavior analysis, the variability in the tissue specimens harvested from pigs was tabulated using stress and coefficient of variation (CV). The material response curves also compared the changes in compliance observed in the FL wall, TL wall, and intimal flap for middle and distal regions of the dissection. It was observed that for small stretch ratios, all the tissue specimens behaved isotropically with overlapping stress–stretch curves in both circumferential and axial directions. As the stretch ratios increased, we observed that most tissue specimens displayed different structural behaviors in axial and circumferential directions. This observation was very apparent in tissue specimens from mid FL region, less apparent in mid TL, distal FL, and distal flap tissues and least noticeable in tissue specimens harvested from mid flap. Lastly, using mixed model ANOVAS, it was concluded that there were significant differences between mid and distal regions along axial direction which were absent in the circumferential direction

    Modelling, Simulation and Fuzzy Self-Tuning Control of D-STATCOM in a Single Machine Infinite Bus Power System

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    © 2019 Bentham Science Publishers. This is the accepted manuscript version of an article which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.2174/2352096511666180314141205In recent years, demand for electricity has increased considerably, while the expansion of generation and transmission has been very slow due to limited investment in resources and environmental restrictions. Methods: As a result, the power system becomes vulnerable to disturbances and instability. FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission Systems) technology has now been accepted as a potential solution to this problem. This paper deals with the modelling, simulation and fuzzy self-tuning control of a D-STATCOM to enhance the stability and improve the critical fault clearing time(CCT) in a single machine infinite bus (SMIB).A detailed modelling of the D-STATCOM and comprehensive derivation of the fuzzy logic self-tuning control is presented. Results: The dynamic performance of the power system with the proposed control scheme is validated through in a simulation study carried out under Matlab/Simulink and SimPowerSystems toolbox. Conclusion: The results demonstrate a significant enhancement of the power system stability under the simulated fault conditions considered.Peer reviewe

    MANGO ? Modal Analysis for Grid Operation: A Method for Damping Improvement through Operating Point Adjustment

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    Small signal stability problems are one of the major threats to grid stability and reliability in the U.S. power grid. An undamped mode can cause large-amplitude oscillations and may result in system breakups and large-scale blackouts. There have been several incidents of system-wide oscillations. Of those incidents, the most notable is the August 10, 1996 western system breakup, a result of undamped system-wide oscillations. Significant efforts have been devoted to monitoring system oscillatory behaviors from measurements in the past 20 years. The deployment of phasor measurement units (PMU) provides high-precision, time-synchronized data needed for detecting oscillation modes. Measurement-based modal analysis, also known as ModeMeter, uses real-time phasor measurements to identify system oscillation modes and their damping. Low damping indicates potential system stability issues. Modal analysis has been demonstrated with phasor measurements to have the capability of estimating system modes from both oscillation signals and ambient data. With more and more phasor measurements available and ModeMeter techniques maturing, there is yet a need for methods to bring modal analysis from monitoring to actions. The methods should be able to associate low damping with grid operating conditions, so operators or automated operation schemes can respond when low damping is observed. The work presented in this report aims to develop such a method and establish a Modal Analysis for Grid Operation (MANGO) procedure to aid grid operation decision making to increase inter-area modal damping. The procedure can provide operation suggestions (such as increasing generation or decreasing load) for mitigating inter-area oscillations
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