374 research outputs found


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    This paper focuses on fisheries management systems as a motivation factor for market-oriented value adding (MOVA). Analytically, the paper relies on the marketing and industrial economics literature. It shows how established fisheries management systems reduce motivation for market-oriented value adding (MOVA) and thereby waste resource rent. An improved management model is introduced which motivates MOVA, cost-efficiency, sustainability, and fair social allocation. This model combines a Seasonal Quota Auction (SQA) and administrative allocation of licenses and quotas to communities or fisher groups. This model offers the following advantages in comparison with a pure Individual Transferable Quota (ITQ) model: (i) increases resource rent without privatizing the fish resources to a few private holders; (ii) leases seasonal quotas instead of selling permanent quotas as with ITQ; (iii) improves rent generation by motivating the most market-oriented and efficient fishers by leasing quotas on credit; and (iv) offers the choice of collecting resource rent through fisher's cooperatives, regions, ITQ owners, government, or redistribution of rent as a bonus to all fishers.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Price Links between Auction and Direct Sales of Fresh and Frozen Fish in North Norway (1997–2003)

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    In North Norway the dominant method of exchange for fresh and frozen fish at the ex-vessel level is by direct (contract) sale, whereby price is negotiated between fish processors and the fishermen. More recently, an auction for frozen fish has been introduced. In this paper we investigate the relationship of prices between these methods of exchange and, in particular, whether the prices develop in a stable pattern between auction and direct sale by means of a cointegration analysis. Monthly prices of size-graded cod and haddock landed in the period 1997–2003 are analysed. For most months, frozen fish sold through auctions realised the highest price, followed by direct sales of fresh and frozen, respectively. Fish sold by auction exhibits a larger monthly variation in price than fish sold directly. Prices for cod were cointegrated to a larger degree than for haddock, and the cointegration was strongest for frozen cod. The analysis also demonstrates that the auction prices for frozen cod and haddock drive the direct sale prices of similar fish, both frozen and fresh, even though the quantity sold via direct sales is greater than that of auctions. Law of one price (LOP) and weak exogeneity were present for cod and haddock.Market linkages, cointegration, auction sale, direct sale, fresh fish, frozen fish, cod, haddock, North Norway, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Q22, C32, D44,

    Ny teknologi gjør frossenfisken fersk

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    Source at https://www.dn.no/: https://www.dn.no/debatt/torbjorn-trondsen/ny-teknologi-gjor-frossenfisken-fersk/1-1-5554092.En ny teknologi for opptining av fisk gjør det mulig å gjenvinne fersk kvalitet dersom fisken er frosset helt fersk. Det muliggjør overføring av oversjøisk transport av laks og ørret fra fly til skip, noe som kan redusere de norske klimagassutslippene med anslagsvis 800.000 tonn. Tineteknologien er EU­patentert av det norskeide tyske selskapet Coolnova UG. Blodferske fiskeprodukter kan nå fryses med miljøvennlig norsk elektrisk kraft rett etter fangst, og så transporteres og lagres frosset. Etter ankomst til markedene verden over tines fisken med Coolnova­metoden og selges med superfersk kvalitet året rundt.<p

    Småkraftverk i Norge : geografisk beliggenhet og lønnsomhet

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    I denne masteroppgaven har jeg tatt for meg vannkraftverk i Norge og sett på deres vilkår og om geografisk beliggenhet har noen betydning for lønnsomheten. Vannkraft er klart Norges viktigste energikilde og Norge er videre forpliktet av EU til å øke andelen av fornybar energi, noe som har medført at man subsidierer kraftverk med grønne sertifikater. I denne oppgaven har jeg sett på kraftverk mellom 1-10MW. Disse har begrenset lagringsmulighet i form av magasin i motsetning til større kraftverk, men kraften forbrukes når den produseres. Kraftprisen har falt mye de senere år og er påvirket av mange faktorer som olje og gasspris, vindkraft, kjernekraftverk, vær etc. Krafthandel skjer for det meste gjennom Nord Pool som er størst i verden på krafthandel. Norge deles inn i 5 regionale prisområder. Ut fra disse 5 prisområdene har jeg trukket ut 27 kraftverk som jeg har valgt å analysere nærmere. Jeg har deretter regnet LCOE (energikostnaden over levetiden) for de enkelte kraftverk og sammenlignet. Fra dette kom jeg frem til at noen få skiller seg ut med veldig dårlig resultat, men de fleste ligger rundt "break even ". Alt i alt, var det ingen kraftverk som skilte seg ut med spesielt gode resultater, og jeg fant heller ingen store forskjeller mellom de ulike regionene. For å støtte under resultatene, viser jeg til en undersøkelse Captiva har foretatt av 60 kraftverk basert på 2014 regnskapene som også viser ikke tilfredsstillende resultater selv med dagens subsidiering gjennom grønne sertifikater. Jeg foretok også en undersøkelse blant ledere i 10 småkraftverk for å få deres synspunkter. Småkraftverkene hadde få produksjonsproblemer, kraftprisen var for lav til å gi tilfredsstillende resultater og nedbetaling av et småkraftverk med dagens kraftpris tar veldig lang tid. De var usikre på fremtiden, men forventet en bedring i kraftprisen på sikt.In this Master's thesis, I have studied the potential for small hydropower plants situated in Norway. I have looked at conditions such as environment and geographic positioning to find out whether these are relevant factors when evaluating power plants. Hydropower plants are one of Norway's most important energy sources. The Norwegian government is obligated by EU to supply their share of renewable energy. They are obligated to subsidize hydropower plants with Green Certificates. In this thesis, I have evaluated the importance of hydropower plants between 1-10MW. These small hydropower plants have limiting storage capacity. Many have no storage capacity contrary to larger hydropower plants that normally have large water storage capacity. The power energy in small hydropower plants is therefore used as soon as it is produced. The price of hydropower energy has decreased a remarkable amount during the recent years. The hydropower energy prices are influenced by many different factors such as gas and oil prices, wind and solar power, wind power plants, nuclear power plants, weather conditions and so on. The majority of power is traded through Nord Pool, the largest power trading platform in the world. Norway is divided into 5 regional price categories. From these 5 price categories I have chosen to concentrate on, and analyze 27 hydropower plants. I have calculated LCOE ( the energy cost divided by life expectancy) for the particular hydropower plants and have compared them. Based on the calculations the findings of this thesis are that no hydropower plants had very good results, some plants distinguish themselves with very poor results but most ended up around break even. There were no large differences between the various regions. In support of these findings, is a survey done by Captiva (2014), based on annual results from 2014 from 60 hydropower plants. The survey demonstrates unsatisfactory negative results even though they were subsidized through Green Certificates.M-FORN

    Price links between auction and direct sales of fresh and frozen fish in North Norway (1997-2003)

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    In North Norway the dominant method of exchange for fresh and frozen fish at the ex-vessel level is by direct (contract) sale, whereby price is negotiated between fish processors and the fishermen. More recently, an auction for frozen fish has been introduced. In this paper we investigate the relationship of prices between these methods of exchange and, in particular, whether the prices develop in a stable pattern between auction and direct sale by means of a cointegration analysis. Monthly prices of size-graded cod and haddock landed in the period 1997- 2003 are analysed. For most months, frozen fish sold through auctions realised the highest price, followed by direct sales of fresh and frozen, respectively. Fish sold by auction exhibits a larger monthly variation in price than fish sold directly. Prices for cod were cointegrated to a larger degree than for haddock, and the cointegration was strongest for frozen cod. The analysis also demonstrates that the auction prices for frozen cod and haddock drive the direct sale prices of similar fish, both frozen and fresh, even though the quantity sold via direct sales is greater than that of auctions. Law of one price (LOP) and weak exogeneity were present for cod and haddock

    Hvilken betydning har barnehageansattes aktive tilstedeværelse for barns livsmestring?

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    Fra erfaring i praksis, har jeg opplevd at enkelte ansatte er mer preget av klokken, rutinene, og andre ansatte, enn det å faktisk se barna og være der for dem. Dette førte til at jeg i min siste praksisperiode valgte et endringsarbeid om nettopp det å være tilstedeværende med barna. På bakgrunn av mine erfaringer ble temaet for min bacheloroppgave aktiv tilstedeværelse. Jeg valgte dette temaet da jeg mener at ansattes tilstedeværelse er den viktigste faktoren for at barn skal oppleve livsmestring i barnehagen. Selv om ansatte som arbeider i barnehagen har teoretisk kunnskap om barns behov og utvikling, må kunnskapen omsettes i praktisk arbeid med barna. Det hjelper ikke med kunnskap, om man ikke er der for barnet. Jeg er interessert i begrepet tilstedeværelse, og jeg ønsker å vite mer om hvilken betydning tilstedeværelse har for barns livsmestring. Fordypningen jeg går er barndom, helse og livsmestring. I denne fordypningen har jeg fått en faglig dybde i ulike tema som er sentrale for barns psykiske og fysiske helse, og jeg har utviklet evnen til å tenke kritisk over barndom, helse og livsmestring.publishedVersio

    Success Factors In Growing Smbs: A Study Of Two Industries At Two Stages Of Development

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    The study attempts to identify factors for growing SMBs. An evolutionary phase approach has been used. The study also aims to find out if there are common and different denominators for newer and\ud older firms that can affect their profitability. The study selects a sampling frame that isolates two groups of firms in two industries at two stages of development. A variety of organizational and structural data was collected and analyzed. Amongst the conclusions that may be drawn from the study are that it is not easy to find a common definition of success, it is important to stratify SMBs when studying them, an evolutionary stage approach helps to compare firms with roughly the same external and internal dynamics and each industry has its own set of success variables. The study has identified three success variables for older firms that reflect contemporary strategic thinking such as crafting a good strategy and changing it only incrementally, building core competencies and outsourcing the rest, and keeping up with innovation and honing competitive skills