392 research outputs found

    Analysis of variance of passenger traffic of Ekaterinburg on example of the Yekaterinburg municipal unitary enterprise "Tram and trolleybus management"

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    Настоящая статья посвящена исследованию влияния различных факторов на пассажиропоток городского электротранспорта г. Екатеринбурга на примере ЕМУП «Трамвайно-троллейбусное управление». Разработано программное приложение для проведения однофакторного дисперсионного анализа пассажиропотока. Проведена аналитическая обработка статистических данных за пятилетний срок действия электронной оплаты проезда в г. Екатеринбурге.This article investigates the impact of various factors on passenger traffic urban electric transport in Ekaterinburg on the example of the Yekaterinburg municipal unitary enterprise "Tram and trolleybus management". Developed software application to perform a univariate analysis of variance of passenger traffic. Analytical processing of statistical data for the five-year validity of the electronic fare collection in Ekaterinburg

    A Phenomenological Study of Mal de Debarquement Syndrome

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    The objective of this study was to understand the life experiences of individuals who have been diagnosed and live with the symptoms of Mal de Debarquement Syndrome. This is a rare and incurable neurological disorder that creates a feeling of imbalance and that can lead to symptoms of depression and anxiety. This study involved a phenomenological investigation of the study participants in order to obtain data and increase awareness of this rare disorder. Eight women participated and shared their experiences with onset, diagnosis, and living with MdDS. The electronic version of this dissertation is available free at Ohiolink ETD Center, www.ohiolink.edu/etd

    Drug safety: drugs, adversely affect the occurrence and progression of glaucoma

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    The article shows the problems of the information support of the doctor and the patient for the safe use of medicines for the treatment of diseases related to glaucoma. A large number of patients, especially the elderly, come to the doctor with not one, but several diseases. For the treatment of these diseases, the patient is taking the appropriate medication. Each patient may have a unique set, but more often it is traditionally used a combination of drugs, created in accordance with current treatment standards. Timely awareness of the doctor and patient about possible adverse effects of certain drugs on the course of glaucoma and the potential risk of its occurrence is one of the basic conditions of quality and efficiency of the provision of comprehensive care to the patient with all occurring in his pathological processes. One of the promising areas of information support of the doctor and the patient is to inform all participants of the treatment process for the adverse reaction of the complex flow of glaucoma medications already taken by the patient, not only with each other but also with drugs that the doctor plans to appoint further

    Behavioral Impact of the Regulation of the Brain 2-Oxoglutarate Dehydrogenase Complex by Synthetic Phosphonate Analog of 2-Oxoglutarate: Implications into the Role of the Complex in Neurodegenerative Diseases

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    Decreased activity of the mitochondrial 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex (OGDHC) in brain accompanies neurodegenerative diseases. To reveal molecular mechanisms of this association, we treated rats with a specific inhibitor of OGDHC, succinyl phosphonate, or exposed them to hypoxic stress. In males treated with succinyl phosphonate and in pregnancy-sensitized females experiencing acute hypobaric hypoxia, we revealed upregulation of brain OGDHC (within 24 hours), with the activity increase presumably representing the compensatory response of brain to the OGDHC inhibition. This up-regulation of brain OGDHC was accompanied by an increase in exploratory activity and a decrease in anxiety of the experimental animals. Remarkably, the hypoxia-induced elevation of brain OGDHC and most of the associated behavioral changes were abrogated by succinyl phosphonate. The antagonistic action of hypoxia and succinyl phosphonate demonstrates potential therapeutic significance of the OGDHC regulation by the phosphonate analogs of 2-oxoglutarate


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    Echinococcus alveolaris and granulosus are more dangerous helminthiases, remaining serious medical and social problem so far. Brain alveococcosis and echinococcosis are naturofocal parasitic diseases of central nervous system caused by larval stages of helminths Echinococcus multilocularis and Echinococcus granulosus. Diagnosing of parasitic cyst of brain represents great difficulties. The aim of the research is to study the characteristics of course of cerebral alveococcosis and echinococcosis and improve their diagnosis. Medical histories have been analyzed for 14 years (from 2000 to 2014) of 53 patients with cerebral alveococcosis and echinococcosis between 2 and 58, among them 43 people have been operated in the departments of neurosurgery, National Hospital, the others 10 patients - at other clinics of the country. The diagnosis of all patients have been verified intraoperatively and pathomorphologically. It is found that the parasitic (alveococcus and echinococcus) lesion of brain is frequently found in rural population (92%). Young and able-bodied people suffer from brain alveococcosis between 21 and 40 - 66,7%, and brain alveococcosis is not found in children between 2 and 10. Brain echinococcosis is frequently found in children between 2 and 10 - 21,1%, and in young people between 11 and 30 - in 54,9% cases. An initial focus of alveococcus has been found in the liver of 80% of patients, and brain metastases has been found among them in 53,3% of patients, and both lungs and brain metastases have been found in 26,7% of patients. Primary alveococcal lesion of brain has been found in 20% of patients. Primary echinococcal lesion of brain has been found in 29% of patients, and primary echinococcal lesion of liver - in 65,8% of patients. The MRI is highly informative for diagnosing brain alveococcosis and echinococcosis, and, correspondingly, for effective treatment.Эхинококкозы - альвеолярный и гидатидный - являются наиболее опасными гельминтозами, оставаясь серьезной медицинской и социальной проблемой до настоящего времени. Альвеококкоз и эхинококкоз головного мозга - природно-очаговые паразитарные заболевания центральной нервной системы, вызываемые ларвальными стадиями гельминтов Echinococcus multilocularis и Echinococcus granulosus. Диагностика паразитарных кист головного мозга представляет большие трудности. Целью работы являлось изучение особенностей течения альвеококкоза и эхинококкоза головного мозга и улучшение их диагностики. Проанализированы истории болезни за 14 лет (с 2000 по 2014 г.) 53 больных с альвеококкозом и эхинококкозом головного мозга в возрасте от 2 до 58 лет, из них 43 человека прооперированы в отделениях нейрохирургии Национального госпиталя, остальные 10 - в других клиниках республики. У всех больных диагноз верифицирован интраоперационно и патоморфологически. Выявлено, что паразитарные поражения головного мозга (альвеококком и эхинококком) чаще встречается у жителей сельской местности (92%). Альвеоккозом головного мозга страдают люди молодого и трудоспособного возраста 21-40 лет - 66,7%, у детей 2-10 лет альвеококкоз головного мозга не встречался. Эхинококкоз головного мозга с достоверно высокой частотой встречается у детей 2-10 лет (21,1% случаев) и у молодых людей 11-30 лет (54,9% случаев). У 80% больных первичный очаг альвеококка был обнаружен в печени, из них у 53,3% выявлены метастазы в головной мозг, у 26,7% больных обнаружены метастазы и в легких и головном мозге. Первичное поражение головного мозга альвеококком выявлено у 20% больных. Первичное поражение головного мозга эхинококком обнаружено у 29% больных, а первичное эхинококковое поражение печени - у 65,8% больных. Для диагностики альвеококкоза и эхинококкоза головного мозга и соответственно эффективного лечения высокоинформативным является МРТ-исследование

    Oligosaccharin - A new systemic factor in the acquisition of freeze tolerance in winter plants

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    The acquisition of freeze tolerance in winter plants involves, among other cellular responses, activated catabolism of cell wall polysaccharides, thereby liberating oligosaccharides. One of these was identified as an oligosaccharin (physiologically active fragment) that most likely originates from hemicelluloses. Treatment of winter wheat seedlings with the oligosaccharin at 2°C increased their freeze tolerance by ∼30%. Results obtained to date suggest that the oligosaccharin acts as an endogenous and systemic signaling molecule during cold adaptation. © 2005 Società Botanica Italiana

    Анализ деятельности службы по направлению «Лучевая и инструментальная диагностика» за 2021 год в Санкт-Петербурге

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    The article presents an analytical review of the state of radiation and instrumental diagnostics in St. Petersburg in 2021. В статье представлен аналитический обзор состояния лучевой и  инструментальной диагностики в  Санкт-Петербурге за 2021 год.


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    The aim of the work was to develop diagnostic algorithms of the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the diagnosis of localization-related epilepsies (LREs) by using of complex MRI protocols. MRI in 236 patients with the clinically defined diagnosis of LRE was performed. Investigation was based on routine MRI protocols supplemented by specialized high resolution sequences to visualize microstructural changes in the brain, single-voxel proton MR-spectroscopy of the hyppocampi, MR-tractography with the analysis of the fractional anisotropy and volumetry in the hippocampal formation and associated structures. MRI investigation algorithms for the patients with LRE according clinical and electrophysiological data are proposed.Целью работы явилась разработка алгоритмов диагностики локализационно-обусловленной эпилепсии (ЛОЭ) на основе комплексного МРТ-исследования. Работа основана на результатах МРТ головного мозга 236 пациентов с диагнозом ЛОЭ с применением специализированных последовательностей высокого разрешения с целью выявления микроструктурных изменений вещества головного мозга, одновоксельной протонной МР-спектроскопии гиппокампов, МР-трактографии с анализом фракционной анизотропии и волюметрии гиппокампов и ассоциированных с гиппокампальной формацией структурами. Разработан алгоритм МРТ-исследования головного мозга у пациентов с ЛОЭ в зависимости от клинико-электрофизиологических данных


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    The article is devoted to questions in colon diseases imaging. The possibilities of currents imaging methods including conventional irrigoscopy, CT colonography and MRI, are reviewed. Modern techniques, pitfalls and existing diagnostic problems are described. There is also comparison between different imaging methods and endoscopy.Обзор посвящен вопросам диагностики заболеваний толстой кишки. Рассматриваются возможности методов лучевой диагностики (классическая ирригоскопия, КТ-колонография, МРТ) на современном этапе. Представлены современные методики, недостатки, существующие диагностические проблемы. Проведено сравнение методов лучевой диагностики друг с другом, а также с эндоскопическим методом