70 research outputs found
Acute Treatment with Renal Denervation in a Patient with Resistant Hypertension and Hemorrhagic Stroke
A 49-year-old man with refractory hypertension was admitted
to our hospital in a coma caused by hemorrhagic stroke. Severe
hypertension was observed during hospitalization despite a full
antihypertensive therapy. Considering the risk of enlargement of
the intracranial hematoma, the decision was made to perform renal
denervation (RDN). A significant blood pressure reduction was
obtained after RDN. The patient had a progressive improvement of
general conditions and came out of the coma after a few days. This
case underlines the safety and the feasibility of RDN in a critically
ill patient
Acute Treatment with Renal Denervation in a Patient with Resistant Hypertension and Hemorrhagic Stroke
A 49-year-old man with refractory hypertension was admitted
to our hospital in a coma caused by hemorrhagic stroke. Severe
hypertension was observed during hospitalization despite a full
antihypertensive therapy. Considering the risk of enlargement of
the intracranial hematoma, the decision was made to perform renal
denervation (RDN). A significant blood pressure reduction was
obtained after RDN. The patient had a progressive improvement of
general conditions and came out of the coma after a few days. This
case underlines the safety and the feasibility of RDN in a critically
ill patient
Modelling soil, carbon and vegetation dynamics in estuarine wetlands experiencing sea-level rise
Estuarine wetlands are among the most productive ecosystems in the world, providing unique habitats for
fish and many terrestrial species. They also have a carbon sequestration capacity that surpasses terrestrial forest. In NSW,
and most of south eastern Australia, they typically display a vegetation zonation with a sequence mudflats - mangrove forest
- saltmarsh plains from the seaward margin and up the topographic gradient.
Estuarine wetlands respond to sea-level rise by vertical accretion and horizontal landward migration, in order to maintain
their position in the tidal frame. In situations in which accretion cannot compensate for sea-level rise and buffer areas for
landward migration are not available, estuarine vegetation can be lost due to unsuitable hydraulic conditions. Predicting
estuarine wetlands response to sea-level rise requires simultaneous modelling of water flow, soil and vegetation dynamics.
This paper presents some preliminary results of our recently developed numerical model for wetland dynamics in wetlands
of the Hunter estuary of NSW. The model continuously simulates tidal inputs into the wetland and vegetation types are
determined based on their preference to prevailing hydrodynamic conditions. Accretion values based on vegetation types are
computed and the topography is updated accordingly. The model is driven by local information collected over several years,
which include estuary water levels, accretion rates, soil carbon content, flow resistance and vegetation preference to
hydraulic conditions. Model results predict further wetland loss under an accelerated sea-level rise scenario and also under
current conditions of moderate increase of estuary water levels.School of Engineering, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW, AustraliaDepartamento de Hidráulica, Escuela de Ingenieria Civil, Fac. de Cs. Exactas, Ingenieria y Agrimensura, Universidad Nacional de RosarioConsejo de Investigaciones de la Universidad Nacional de Rosari
Perspectivas contractuales de los servicios educativos privados. Una mirada desde el Código Civil y Comercial unificado
Se abordan en el trabajo algunas cuestiones relacionadas con los aspectos contractuales de la prestación de servicios educativos privados, desde el punto de vista del nuevo Código Civil y Comercial de la Nación. Se concluye que, en relación al contrato de prestación de servicios educativos privados, es preciso brindar las respuestas jurídicas que atiendan a los intereses de todos los implicados, teniendo en cuenta la vital función que la educación cumple en la sociedad, sin perder de vista la especial situación de vulnerabilidad en la que se encuentra el educando. Nos parece que a esto contribuyen diferentes soluciones generales y especiales del CCyC, entre ellas la reformulación metodológica de los contratos de obra y servicios, la protección brindada por la Ley de Defensa del Consumidor, y el marco dado por los principios generales incluidos en el Título Preliminar relativos al sistema de fuentes y al ejercicio de los derechos. Fil: Hernández, Carlos A.. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Trivisonno, Julieta Belén. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; Argentin
Incorporating Infrastructure and Vegetation Effects on Sea Level Rise Predictions in Low-Gradient Coastal Landscapes
At the regional and global scales, coastal management and planning for future sea level rise scenarios is typically supported by modelling tools that predict the expected inundation extent. These tools rely on a number of simplifying assumptions that, in some cases, may result in important overestimation or underestimation of the inundation extent. One of such cases is coastal wetlands, where vegetation strongly affects both the magnitude and the timing of inundation. Many coastal wetlands display other forms of flow restrictions due to, for example, infrastructure or drainage works, which also alters the inundation patterns.
In this contribution we explore the effects of flow restrictions on inundation patterns under sea level rise conditions in coastal wetlands. We use a dynamic wetland evolution model that not only incorporates the effects of flow restrictions due to culverts, bridges and weirs as well as vegetation, but also considers that vegetation changes as a consequence of increasing inundation. We apply our model to a coastal wetland in Australia and compare predictions of our model to predictions using conventional approaches. We found that some restrictions accentuate detrimental effects of sea level rise while others moderate them. We also found that some management strategies based on flow redistribution that provide short term solution may result more damaging in the long term if sea level rise is considered.Civil and Env. Eng. University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW 2308, AustraliaDepartamento de Hidráulica, Escuela de Ingenieria Civil, Fac. de Cs. Exactas, Ingenieria y Agrimensura, Universidad Nacional de RosarioConsejo de Investigaciones de la Universidad Nacional de Rosari
Modelling estuarine wetlands under climate change and infrastructure pressure
Abstract: Estuarine wetlands are an extremely valuable resource in terms of biotic diversity, flood attenuation, storm surge protection, groundwater recharge, filtering of surface flows and carbon sequestration. The survival of these systems depends on a balance between the slope of the land, and the rates of accretion and sea-level rise. Climate change predictions for most of Australia include both an accelerated sea level rise and an increase on the frequency of extraordinary river floods, which will endanger estuarine wetlands. Furthermore, coastal infrastructure poses an additional constraint on the adaptive capacity of these ecosystems. In recent years a number of numerical models have been developed in order to assess wetland dynamics and to help manage some of these situations.
In this paper we present a wetland evolution model that is based on computed values of hydroperiod and tidal range that drive vegetation preference. Results from a 2D spatially distributed model of wetland dynamics in area E of Kooragang Island (Hunter estuary, NSW) are presented as an example of a system heavily constricted by infrastructure undergoing the effects of sea level rise. Area E presents a vegetation zonation sequence mudflats - mangrove - saltmarsh from the seaward margin and up to the topographic gradient and is compartmentalized by the presence of internal culverts. The model includes a detailed hydrodynamic module (CTSS8), which is able to handle man-made flow controls and spatially varying roughness. The model continually simulates tidal inputs into the wetland and computes annual values of hydroperiod and tidal range to update vegetation distribution based on preference to hydrodynamic conditions of the different vegetation types. It also computes soil accretion and carbon sequestration rates and updates roughness coefficient values according to evolving vegetation types.
In order to further explore the magnitude of flow attenuation due to roughness and its effects on the computation of tidal range and hydroperiod, numerical experiments were carried out simulating floodplain flow on the side of a tidal creek using different roughness values. Even though the values of roughness that produce appreciable changes in hydroperiod and tidal range are relatively high, they are within the range expected for some of the wetland vegetation.
Both applications of the model show that flow attenuation plays a major role in wetland hydrodynamics and that its effects must be considered when predicting wetland evolution under climate change scenarios, particularly in situations where existing infrastructure affects the flow.School of Engineering, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW, AustraliaDepartamento de Hidráulica, Escuela de Ingenieria Civil, Fac. de Cs. Exactas, Ingenieria y Agrimensura, Universidad Nacional de RosarioCentro Universitario Rosario de Investigaciones Hidroambientales (CURIHAM)Consejo de Investigaciones de la Universidad Nacional de Rosari
Coevolution of hydraulic, soil and vegetation processes in estuarine wetlands.
Estuarine wetlands of south eastern Australia, typically display a vegetation
zonation with a sequence mudflats - mangrove forest - saltmarsh plains from the
seaward margin and up the topographic gradient. Estuarine wetlands are among the
most productive ecosystems in the world, providing unique habitats for fish and many
terrestrial species. They also have a carbon sequestration capacity that surpasess
terrestrial forest.
Estuarine wetlands respond to sea-level rise by vertical accretion and horizontal
landward migration, in order to maintain their position in the tidal frame. In
situations in which buffer areas for landward migration are not available, saltmarsh
can be lost due to mangrove encroachment. As a result of mangrove invasion
associated in part with raising estuary water levels and urbanisation, coastal
saltmarsh in parts of south-eastern Australia has been declared an endangered
ecological community.
Predicting estuarine wetlands response to sea-level rise requires modelling the
coevolving dynamics of water flow, soil and vegetation. This paper presents
preliminary results of our recently developed numerical model for wetland dynamics
in wetlands of the Hunter estuary of NSW. The model simulates continuous tidal
inflow into the wetland, and accounts for the effect of varying vegetation types on
flow resistance. Coevolution effects appear as vegetation types are updated based on
their preference to prevailing hydrodynamic conditions. The model also considers
that accretion values vary with vegetation type. Simulations are driven using local
information collected over several years, which includes estuary water levels,
accretion rates, soil carbon content, flow resistance and vegetation preference to
hydraulic conditions. Model results predict further saltmarsh loss under current
conditions of moderate increase of estuary water levels.School of Engineering, The University of Newcastle, Callaghan 2308, AustraliaDepartamento de Hidráulica, Escuela de Ingenieria Civil, Fac. de Cs. Exactas, Ingenieria y Agrimensura, Universidad Nacional de RosarioConsejo de Investigaciones de la Universidad Nacional de Rosari
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