86 research outputs found

    XIX Encuentro Educativo el Museo y la Escuela

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    Detalle Técnico sobre la Presentación del Programa Arte en el Galpón en el marco del XIX Encuentro Educativo el Museo y la Escuela. Archivo y Museo Histórico del Banco de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, "Dr. Arturo Jauretche

    El arte de Borges

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    Se trata de un recorrido de los acercamientos del escritor hacia el campo de las artes visuales. Su labor de prologuista y crítico, que alterna con la de agradecido admirador, nos permite seguir un camino donde su gusto estético se pone en evidencia a través de las palabras que dedica a la figura de varios pintores y escultores. La obra de Figari, Pettoruti, Xul Solar y la de su propia hermana, Norah, son la parte conocida de su universo plástico, sin embargo, en ese universo también están presentes maestros como Attilio Rossi, Héctor Basaldúa o Santiago Cogorno. Su prosa amena nos convoca a descubrirlos.This article intends to be a route of the approaches of the writer towards the field of visual arts. His work as prologue-writer and critic alternates with his role as a thankful admirer which allows us to follow a way where its aesthetic taste is put in evidence through the words that dedicates to the figure of several painters and sculptors. The work of Figari, Pettoruti, Xul Solar and the one of their own sister, Norah, is the well-known part of their plastic universe, nevertheless, in that universe also are present masters like Attilio Rossi, Héctor Basaldúa or Santiago Cogorno. His pleasant prose call us in their discovery.Trata-se de um percurso das aproximações do escritor até o campo das artes visuáis. Seu labor de rologuista e crítico,que alterna com a de agradecido admirador, nos permite perrcorrer um caminho onde o gosto estético se põe en evidência atravésdas palavras que dedica à figura de vários pintores e escultores. A obra de Figari, Pettoruti, Xul Solar e a da sua própria irmã, Norah, são a parte conhecida do seu universo plástico, no entanto, neste universo também estão presentes maestros como Attilio Rossi, Héctor Basaldúa o Santiago Cogorno. Sua prosa amena nos convoca a descobrí-los

    Taller Arte y Bibliotecas dictado en el transcurso de la VII Jornada Nacional de Bibliotecarios Escolares, 17 de noviembre de 2006

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    Detalle técnico sobre el taller "Arte y Bibliotecas" organizado por la Curaduría de Arte del Ministerio de Educació

    Microbial Resources and Innovation in the Wine Production Sector

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    Microbial starter cultures represent a fundamental level of innovation in the wine sector. Selected yeast strains are routinely used to achieve the needed biomass preparation to accelerate and steer alcoholic fermentation in grape must. The use of starter cultures to induce malolactic fermentation in wine relies on the characterisation and propagation of suitable strains of lactic acid bacteria. Furthermore, the selection of new strains, the renewal of management of microbial resources and new technologies allow continuous improvements in oenology, which may increase the beneficial aspects of wine. In this review, with the aim to stimulate microbial-driven, consumer-oriented advances in the oenological sector, we propose an overview of recent trends in this field that are reported by following the classical separation into 'product innovation' and 'process innovation'. Hence, we shall highlight i) the possible positive innovative impacts of microbial resources on the safety and the sensorial and functional properties of wine (product innovation) and ii) the potential microbial-based improvements allowing the reduction of time/costs and the environmental impacts associated with winemaking (process innovation)

    Susceptibility of wine spoilage yeasts and bacteria in the planktonic state and biofilms as disinfectants

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    The aim of this work was to determine the ability of six yeast and two bacterial species associated with wine spoilage to form biofilms in mono- or co-culture using the Calgary Biofilm Device (CBD). Moreover, the efficacy of several disinfectants was evaluated against these spoilage microorganisms, both in the planktonic and the biofilm states. Results showed that Dekkera bruxellensis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Saccharomycodes ludwigii, Schizosaccharomyces pombe and Acetobacter aceti formed biofilms both in wine and in synthetic medium. Zygosaccharomyces bailii formed biofilm only in wine and Pichia guilliermondii and Lactobacillus hilgardii formed biofilms only in synthetic medium. In wine, D. bruxellensis presented the same biofilm population when grown in pure culture or in mixed culture with acetic acid bacteria. There was a 3-log increase in biofilm formed by A. aceti in mixed culture with L. hilgardii. Alkaline chlorine-based disinfectant was the most effective in decontaminating spoilage yeast and bacteria both in planktonic and biofilm tests. Sodium hydroxide-based detergents and peracetic-based disinfectant were also efficient against suspended cells, but at least 10- fold more concentrated solutions were needed to remove the biofilms. Furthermore, the results showed that, except for the neutral detergent VK10, the tested agents wereactually effective when used under the conditions recommended by manufacturers. In any case, biofilms showed greater tolerance to biocides when compared to the same microorganisms in the planktonic state. To our knowledge, this is the first study in which the CBD is used to assess the ability of wine spoilage microorganisms to form biofilms and their susceptibilities to disinfectant agent

    Autochthonous fermentation starters for the industrial production of Negroamaro wines

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    Abstract The aim of the present study was to establish a new procedure for the oenological selection of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains isolated from natural must fermentations of an important Italian grape cultivar, denoted as "Negroamaro". For this purpose, 108 S. cerevisiae strains were selected as they did not produce H2S and then assayed by microfermentation tests. The adopted procedure made it possible to identify 10 strains that were low producers of acetic acid and hydrogen sulphide and showed that they completed sugar consumption during fermentation. These strains were characterized for their specific oenological and technological properties and, two of them, strains 6993 and 6920, are good candidates as industrial starter cultures. A novel protocol was set up for their biomass production and they were employed for industrial-scale fermentation in two industrial cellars. The two strains successfully dominated the fermentation process and contributed to increasing the wines' organoleptic quality. The proposed procedure could be very effective for selecting "company-specific" yeast strains, ideal for the production of typical regional wines. "Winery" starter cultures could be produced on request in a small plant just before or during the vintage season and distributed as a fresh liquid concentrate culture

    New insights into the oenological significance of Candida zemplinina. Impact of selected autochthonous strains on the volatile profile of Apulian wines

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    In this investigation, we explored the oenological significance of Candida zemplinina (syn. Starmerella bacillaris) isolates from Apulian grape musts. Moreover, we provide the first evidence of the impact of different C. zemplinina strains on the wine aromatic properties tested as monocultures. We described the diversity of C. zemplinina strains isolated from grapes and the variability of ‘volatile’ phenotypes associated with this intraspecific variability. Thirty-three isolates were characterized at strain level by PCR-based approach and, among these, 16 strains were identified and then tested by microfermentation tests carried out in grape must. Analyzed strains were low producers of acetic acid and hydrogen sulphide, not able to decarboxylate a panel of representative amino acids, whereas they showed fructophilic character and significant glycerol production. Volatile profiles of produced wines were investigated by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. The Odor Activity Values of all molecules were calculated and 12 compounds showed values above their odor thresholds. Two selected strains (35NC1 and 15PR1) could be considered as possible starter cultures since they were able to positively affect the sensory properties of obtained wine. This report firstly supplies evidence on the strain-specific impact of different C. zemplinina strains on the final aroma of produced wines

    Molecular and Technological Characterization of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    The characterization of autochthonous Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains is an important step towards the conservation and employment of microbial biodiversity. The utilization of selected autochthonous yeast strains would be a powerful tool to enhance the organoleptic and sensory properties of typical regional wines. In fact, indigenous yeasts are better tailored to a particular must and because of this they are able to praise the peculiarities of the derived wine. The present study described the biodiversity of indigenous S. cerevisiae strains isolated from natural must fermentations of an ancient and recently rediscovered Apulian grape cultivar, denoted as “Susumaniello.” The yeast strains denoted by the best oenological and technological features were identified and their fermentative performances were tested by either laboratory assay. Five yeast strains showed that they could be excellent candidates for the production of industrial starter cultures, since they dominated the fermentation process and produced wines characterized by peculiar oenological and organoleptic features

    Complexity and dynamics of the winemaking bacterial communities in berries, musts, and wines from apulian grape cultivars through time and space

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    Currently, there is very little information available regarding the microbiome associated with the wine production chain. Here, we used an amplicon sequencing approach based on high-throughput sequencing (HTS) to obtain a comprehensive assessment of the bacterial community associated with the production of three Apulian red wines, from grape to final product. The relationships among grape variety, the microbial community, and fermentation was investigated. Moreover, the winery microbiota was evaluated compared to the autochthonous species in vineyards that persist until the end of the winemaking process. The analysis highlighted the remarkable dynamics within the microbial communities during fermentation. A common microbial core shared among the examined wine varieties was observed, and the unique taxonomic signature of each wine appellation was revealed. New species belonging to the genus Halomonas were also reported. This study demonstrates the potential of this metagenomic approach, supported by optimized protocols, for identifying the biodiversity of the wine supply chain. The developed experimental pipeline offers new prospects for other research fields in which a comprehensive view of microbial community complexity and dynamics is desirable.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Yeast biodiversity in vineyard environments is increased by human intervention

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    One hundred and five grape samples were collected during two consecutive years from 33 locations on seven oceanic islands of the Azores Archipelago. Grape samples were obtained from vineyards that were either abandoned or under regular cultivation involving common viticultural interventions, to evaluate the impact of regular human intervention on grape yeast biota diversity in vineyards. A total of 3150 yeast isolates were obtained and 23 yeast species were identified. The predominant species were Hanseniaspora uvarum, Pichia terricola, Starmerella bacillaris and Issatchenkia hanoiensis. The species Barnettozyma californica, Candida azymoides and Pichia cecembensis were reported in grapes or wine-associated environments for the first time. A higher biodiversity was found in active vineyards where regular human intervention takes place (Shannon index: 1.89 and 1.53 in the first and second years, respectively) when compared to the abandoned ones (Shannon index: 0.76 and 0.31). This finding goes against the assumptions that human intervention can destroy biodiversity and lead to homogeneity in the environment. Biodiversity indices were considerably lower in the year with the heaviest rainfall. This study is the first to report on the grape yeast communities from several abandoned vineyards that have undergone no human intervention.Joao Drumonde Neves is the recipient of a fellowship of the Azorean Government (M321/006/F/2008) and PROEMPREGO. This work was supported by the strategic programme UID/BIA/04050/2013 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007569) funded by national funds through the FCT I.P. and by the ERDF through the COMPETE2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalizacao (POCI), and by national funds through FCT by the projects FCOMP-01-0124-008775, PTDC/AGR-ALI/103392/2008 and PTDC/AGR-ALI/121062/2010.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio