967 research outputs found

    Sustainable adaptive reuse ā€“ economic impact of cultural heritage

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the positive externalities of adaptive reuse of heritage buildings and the economic impact on adjacent residential property prices as adaptive reuse is emerging as a significant heritage management and cultural heritage conservation practice recognized by the International Council on Monuments and Sites. Design/methodology/approach Through mixed methodologies of hedonic price model and case studies of three tenement houses in Hong Kong, this paper argues that the adaptive reuse of heritage buildings increases the values of residential properties within the district and revitalizes the area economically and culturally because of the positive externalities generated from the cultural heritage. Findings The findings have identified key cultural heritage values of adaptive reuse via the case studies as well as the major intangible cultural values associated with the heritage assignment. On the other hand, the hedonic regression also verifies that key variables such as heritage completion and distance from heritage show significance to the property prices of adjacent residential units. Practical implications The research is useful for heritage conservationists, policy makers and urban planners in other cities with regards to management and implementation of sustainable cultural heritage revitalization schemes for economic benefits. Originality/value The research is original in its scope and context, and is one of the first of its kind for a high-density metropolitan context in Hong Kong and is significant in demonstrating the economic impact of the heritage practice of adaptive reuse

    The Effectiveness of the Three-Module Job Training Intervention on Job Search Knowledge, Job Search Attitude Knowledge, and Job Survival/Maintenance Knowledge

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the Three-Module Job Training Intervention on increasing job search knowledge, job search attitude knowledge, and job survival/maintenance knowledge. The Three-Module Job Training Intervention consists of Module I-Job Search Training (JST); Module II-Job Search Attitude Training (JSAT); and Module III-Job Survival and Maintenance Training (JSMT). In this study, the researcher used three instruments to measure pre-training and post-training levels of job search knowledge, job search attitude knowledge, and job survival/maintenance knowledge. The Job Search Knowledge Scale (JSKS) measured the level of job search knowledge; the Job Search Attitude Inventory (JSAI) measured the level of job search attitude knowledge; and the Job Survival Success Scale (JSSS) measured the level of job survival knowledge. All three instruments were created by John J. Liptak (2009, 2015). According to Liptak (2015), an increase in the participantā€™s post-training assessment score compared to the participantā€™s pre-training assessment score indicates an increase in the participantā€™s level of knowledge. In addition to Liptakā€™s assessments, the researcher used the Kirkpatrick Four-Level Training Evaluation Model to evaluate the effectiveness of training (D.L., Kirkpatrick & J. D., Kirkpatrick, 2006, 2007). According to the Kirkpatrick and Kirkpatrick (2006, 2007) levels one, two, three, or all four levels may be used to evaluate effectiveness of training. In this study, the researcher evaluated the effectiveness of training at Level I (Reaction) and Level II (Learning). For the evaluation of the Three-Model Job Training Intervention at Level I (Reaction), survey results indicated effectiveness of the Three-Model Job Training Intervention. At Level II (Learning) of the Kirkpatrick Four-Level Training Evaluation Model, Liptakā€™s assessment tools (JSKS, JSAI, JSSS) were used to measure participantsā€™ pre-training and post-training levels of knowledge. Paired t-tests results indicated that the participants who received training from the Three-Module Job Training Intervention to increase job search knowledge, job search attitude knowledge, and job survival/ maintenance knowledge showed an increase in their levels of knowledge. With an increase in the participantsā€™ level of knowledge in the specified areas, in addition to survey results, this study demonstrated the effectiveness of the Three-Module Job Training Intervention

    Strong interaction experiments at the ZGS

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    The history of two related strong interaction experiments carried out at the Argonne ZGS accelerator in the mid 1960ā€™s is described. These experiments involved the study of the production and decay distributions of Ļ€+pā†’Ļ+N for forward production of Ļ, and Ļ€+pā†’Nāˆ—+Ļ€ for backward production of Nāˆ—. Special emphasis is given to the role played by Kent Terwilliger in conceiving these experiments and bringing them to a successful conclusion. A literature search is carried out to assess the impact of these experiments on the strong interaction physics of the period.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/87538/2/125_1.pd

    ENG 1001C-021-062-069: Composition and Language

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    Cultivating a participatory design practice in architecture: a case study of Hong Kong Housing Authority

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    Community participation in urban design and planning is slowly emerging in Hong Kong as the Government increasingly adopts and recognizes the importance of bottom-up community values in the practice of informing, consulting and involving the community. This paper provides a framework that emphasizes the importance of collaboration and community-based initiatives to reconcile different interests and achieve a balanced vision for the design of the city. The fundamental objective is to ensure an increase sense of community belonging, responsibility and civic pride in improving the overall quality of life. The Lam Tin Estate case study not only demonstrates how the Government is becoming more responsive to the need of consulting with the public and relevant stakeholders to build a consensus prior to the implementation stage, but also illustrates how community participation empowers key stakeholders to take ownership in designing and planning their built environment

    Analisis Efektivitas dan Kontribusi Pajak Reklame Terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) Kota Padang dari Tahun 2014 sampai dengan Tahun 2018

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    Pajak dan Retribusi Daerah merupakan sumber Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD). Salah satu pajak yang berpotensi dalam meningkatkan PAD dalah Pajak Reklame. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis seberapa efektif pajak yang diperoleh untuk dikelola dan seberapa besar kontribusi yang diberikan pajak reklame terhadap peningkatan Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kota Padang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi literatur dan studi lapangan dengan melakukan wawancara dan dokumentasi yang diperoleh dari Dinas Pendapatan Daerah (DISPENDA) Kota Padang. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kuantitatif yaitu penelitian dengan menganalisis besar kecilnya hubungan antara variabel yang dinyatakan dengan angka-angka. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan Pajak Daerah merupakan penyumbang terbesar dalam PAD Kota Padang dari total keseluruhan PAD. Efektivitas dari Pajak Reklame dari lima tahun ini menunjukkan kriteria sangat efektif dan hasil dari kontribusi Pajak Reklame belum mencapai kriteria cukup. Kata kunci: Pajak Reklame, Efektivitas Pajak Reklame, Kontribusi Pajak Reklame, Pendapatan Asli Daera

    ENG 1002C-030-063-065: Literature and Composition

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    Setiap anak berhak memiliki karakter di dalam dirinya agar kelak menjadi pribadi yang baik dan dapat menumbuhkan kepedulian sosial yang tinggi terhadap sesama. Kepedulian sosial bisa dikembangkan melalui lembaga pendidikan non formal yaitu panti asuhan. Oleh karena itu, pengembangan karakter peduli sosial sejak dini sangat dibutuhkan agar kelak anak-anak asuh ini dapat menjadi individu yang peka terhadap masalah-masalah sosial yang terjadi di dalam kehidupan. Adapun pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dan metode yang digunakan dengan metode deskriptif. Pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui wawancara, observasi, studi dokumentasi, catatan lapangan, dan studi literatur. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: 1) proses pengembangan karakter peduli sosial anak dilakukan dengan menggunakan dua metode, yaitu pendekatan secara langsung dan menggunakan program inti santunan dan bakti sosial. 2) bentuk-bentuk perilaku yang tercermin dalam diri anak yaitu anak mampu ikut serta dalam gotong royong, kerjasama dan bertoleransi, anak mampu membantu/menjadi kaka asuh bagi adik-adik tingkatnya, anak mampu menjenguk dan membantu teman sekamarnya atau tetangga kamarnya yang sedang sakit, anak mampu menolong warga masyarakat yang terkena musibah bencana alam, banjir, longsor, anak mampu mengadakan belajar bersama/study group ketika bimbingan belajar, dan sebagainya. 3) masalah-masalah dalam pengembangan karakter peduli sosial dilihat dari empat faktor yaitu a) masih terdapatnya anak yang bersifat egois sehingga anak kurang dapat berkomunikasi dan interaksi antar sesama, pengaruh IPTEKS yang dapat mempengaruhi anak menjadi individualis, adanya perbedaan dari masing-masing anak asuh b) kurangnya sosok pembina perempuan di lingkungan asrama. c) upah gaji yang minim bagi para pembina. d) masih adanya fasilitas yang kurang lengkap. e) Persepsi dari pihak panti maupun dari anak asuh terkait karakter peduli sosial, bahwa pengembangan karakter peduli sosial sangat penting dimiliki setiap manusia, karena pada dasarnya manusia adalah ā€œmakhluk sosialā€ yang tidak akan terlepas dari kepedulian antar sesama. Kata Kunci: Panti Asuhan, Karakter, Peduli Sosial. Every child has the right to have a character in himself that someday become a good personal and have high social awareness for others.Social awareness can be developed through non-formal education institution named the orphanage. Therefore, the development of the character of social awareness at early on is needed. Itā€™s essential for children to become of person who are sensitive to social problems that occur in life later in the future.The approach of this study used a qualitative approach and descriptive method as methods.The data on the field is obtained by interviewing, observation, study documentation, field notes and study of literature.The results showed that:1) Child's social awareness character development is done by using two methods, which are the direct approach and the usecore program benefits and social services.2) Forms of behavior that are reflected in the child that the child are able to participate in mutual cooperation, cooperation and tolerance, the child is able to be elder person for their younger siblings level, child is able to visit and help her bedroom roommate or neighbor who is sick, child is able to help citizens who stricken by natural disasters, floods, landslides, child is are able to hold a joint learning / study group when tutoring, and so on.3) Problems in the development of social awareness character can be seen on four factors: a) Thereare some selfish children so that the child is less able to communicate and interaction between people. The science and technology could make children become individualistic person, and then the differences of each foster child. b) The lack of female trainer builder figure in the neighborhood of residence. c) The salary of female trainer is low. d) Some facilities are less complete. e) The perception of the institution or from foster care related social awareness character. Character development is very important for every human being, because basically humans are "social beings" that couldnā€™t be separated from the sense of concern for fellow human beings. Keywords: Orphanage, Character, Social Awareness

    ENG 1001-011: Composition and Language

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    ENG 1001C-039-060-069: Composition and Language

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