16 research outputs found

    Enrique Granell, Antonio Pizza, Josep Maria Rovira et José Angel Sanz Esquide (dir.), A.C. la revista del GATEPAC 1931-1937

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    « Aujourd’hui se dĂ©veloppe un certain consensus gĂ©nĂ©rationnel autour de l’idĂ©e qu’une autre histoire de l’art contemporain est possible, diffĂ©rente de celle dictĂ©e depuis les tribunes des grandes institutions parisiennes ou new-yorkaises. Un consensus au sein duquel il est plus que jamais nĂ©cessaire d’écrire l’histoire du Sud. Dans ce contexte, il s’avĂšre remarquable et particuliĂšrement pĂ©dagogique de mettre Ă  jour quelques Ă©lĂ©ments de l’histoire du GATEPAC –Groupe d’architectes et de technic..

    Enrique Granell, Antonio Pizza, Josep Maria Rovira et José Angel Sanz Esquide (dir.), A.C. la revista del GATEPAC 1931-1937

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    « Aujourd’hui se dĂ©veloppe un certain consensus gĂ©nĂ©rationnel autour de l’idĂ©e qu’une autre histoire de l’art contemporain est possible, diffĂ©rente de celle dictĂ©e depuis les tribunes des grandes institutions parisiennes ou new-yorkaises. Un consensus au sein duquel il est plus que jamais nĂ©cessaire d’écrire l’histoire du Sud. Dans ce contexte, il s’avĂšre remarquable et particuliĂšrement pĂ©dagogique de mettre Ă  jour quelques Ă©lĂ©ments de l’histoire du GATEPAC –Groupe d’architectes et de technic..

    Images d’Espagne : les reprĂ©sentations photographiques et leurs enjeux identitaires autour de 1930

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    En interrogeant certaines approches photographiques du territoire et du peuple espagnol, il s’agira d’observer le sens de ces images dans un contexte de changement. La transition socioculturelle souhaitĂ©e par la RĂ©publique fut aussi documentĂ©e, archivĂ©e, voire institutionnalisĂ©e avec son propre soutien. Si l’usage premier de ces images consistait, notamment dans le domaine amateur, Ă  exprimer une vision pittoresque ou romantique d’un pays et de ses habitants, l’utilisation qui en fut faite orienta parfois leur rĂ©ception. Alors que la pratique amateur se renforçait et prenait appui sur des bases et des repĂšres qui lui Ă©taient propres, l’Espagne attirait les regards de photographes Ă©trangers obĂ©issant Ă  d’autres codes d’apprĂ©hension du rĂ©el. Ce sont bien les visions de plusieurs Espagne qui se cĂŽtoyĂšrent et mirent ainsi en lumiĂšre, Ă  travers diffĂ©rents topiques de ce territoire, le caractĂšre stĂ©rĂ©otypĂ© de certaines visions. De la confrontation de ces corpus d’images et de la valeur qu’on leur donna Ă  cette Ă©poque dĂ©butera une rĂ©flexion sur les liens entre identitĂ© et reprĂ©sentation

    Images d’Espagne : les reprĂ©sentations photographiques et leurs enjeux identitaires autour de 1930

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    En interrogeant certaines approches photographiques du territoire et du peuple espagnol, il s’agira d’observer le sens de ces images dans un contexte de changement. La transition socioculturelle souhaitĂ©e par la RĂ©publique fut aussi documentĂ©e, archivĂ©e, voire institutionnalisĂ©e avec son propre soutien. Si l’usage premier de ces images consistait, notamment dans le domaine amateur, Ă  exprimer une vision pittoresque ou romantique d’un pays et de ses habitants, l’utilisation qui en fut faite orienta parfois leur rĂ©ception. Alors que la pratique amateur se renforçait et prenait appui sur des bases et des repĂšres qui lui Ă©taient propres, l’Espagne attirait les regards de photographes Ă©trangers obĂ©issant Ă  d’autres codes d’apprĂ©hension du rĂ©el. Ce sont bien les visions de plusieurs Espagne qui se cĂŽtoyĂšrent et mirent ainsi en lumiĂšre, Ă  travers diffĂ©rents topiques de ce territoire, le caractĂšre stĂ©rĂ©otypĂ© de certaines visions. De la confrontation de ces corpus d’images et de la valeur qu’on leur donna Ă  cette Ă©poque dĂ©butera une rĂ©flexion sur les liens entre identitĂ© et reprĂ©sentation

    Osteonecrosis of the jaw under palbociclib: A case series description

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    International audienceIntroduction Cases of osteonecrosis of the jaw have been reported by dental surgeons to the pharmacovigilance center in Rennes, France, occurring among patients treated with palbociclib, a cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6 inhibitor. Although this event was not expected with the drug, a safety signal was raised. Describing a local case series, the aim of our study was to identify specific patterns that might suggest a triggering role for these drugs, and to discuss pathophysiological hypotheses. Materials and methods A retrospective case series of patients exposed to cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6 inhibitors between 2016 and 2020 with a diagnosis of osteonecrosis of the jaw at the Rennes Dental Care Center was analyzed. The descriptive analysis was conducted on patient demographics, breast cancer characteristics, osteonecrosis of the jaw, biological data, and exposure to cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6 inhibitors. Results We identified eight cases, most of them at stages 0-1 (62.5%). Four patients were still exposed to palbociclib at the time of diagnosis and four had discontinued the treatment before the diagnosis. Chronological imputability could not be excluded given the drug's half-life and the variable intervals of dental monitoring from one patient to another. All patients had at least one dental osteonecrosis risk factor (including dental extraction, dentures, and denosumab exposure at the time of diagnosis). Neutropenia and mucositis were not systematically reported at the time of diagnosis. The anatomopathological characteristics were nonspecific. Conclusion We did not identify a specific pattern that could suggest a triggering role of palbociclib in the development of ONJ

    Phosphorus cycling in the upper waters of the Mediterranean Sea (PEACETIME cruise): relative contribution of external and internal sources

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    International audienceAbstract. The study of phosphorus cycling in phosphate-depleted oceanic regions, such as the Mediterranean Sea, has long suffered from methodological limitations, leading to a simplistic view of a homogeneous surface phosphate pool with concentrations below the detection limit of measurement above the phosphacline. During the PEACETIME (Process studies at the air-sea interface after dust deposition in the Mediterranean Sea) cruise, carried out from 10 May to 11 June 2017, we conducted co-located measurements of phosphate pools at the nanomolar level, alkaline phosphatase activities and atmospheric deposition of phosphorus, across a longitudinal gradient from the west to the central Mediterranean Sea. In the phosphate-depleted layer (PDL), between the surface and the phosphacline, nanomolar phosphate was low and showed little variability across the transect spanning from 6 ± 1 nmol L−1 in the Ionian basin to 15 ± 4 nmol L−1 in the westernmost station. The low variability in phosphate concentration contrasted with that of alkaline phosphatase activity, which varied over 1 order of magnitude across the transect. Nanomolar phosphate data revealed gradients of phosphate concentration over density inside the PDL ranging between 10.6 ± 2.2 ”mol kg−1 in the westernmost station to values close to zero towards the east. Using the density gradients, we estimated diapycnal fluxes of phosphate to the PDL and compared them to atmospheric deposition, another external source of phosphate to the PDL. Phosphate supply to the PDL from dry deposition and diapycnal fluxes was comparable in the western part of the transect. This result contrasts with the longtime idea that, under stratification conditions, the upper waters of the Mediterranean Sea receive new P almost exclusively from the atmosphere. The contribution of atmospheric deposition to external P supply increased under the occurrence of rain and Saharan dust. Although this finding must be taken cautiously given the uncertainties in the estimation of diapycnal fluxes, it opens exciting questions on the biogeochemical response of the Mediterranean Sea, and more generally of marine oligotrophic regions, to expected changes in atmospheric inputs and stratification regimes. Taken together, external sources of phosphate to the PDL contributed little to total phosphate requirements which were mainly sustained by in situ hydrolysis of dissolved organic phosphorus. The results obtained in this study show a highly dynamic phosphorus pool in the upper layer of the euphotic zone, above the phosphacline, and highlight the convenience of combining highly sensitive measurements and high-resolution sampling to precisely depict the shape of phosphate profiles in the euphotic zone with still unexplored consequences on P fluxes supplying this crucial layer for biogeochemical cycles

    L’émotion dans les expositions

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    L’émotion a toujours Ă©tĂ© prĂ©sente au sein des musĂ©es, mais elle a longtemps Ă©tĂ© tenue pour la « folle du logis », qu’il fallait canaliser sinon supprimer. Il n’en va plus de mĂȘme aujourd’hui, quand l’émotion fait partie d’une Ă©conomie lĂ©gitime de l’expĂ©rience de visite. Pareille Ă©motion s’appuie sur la mobilisation des sens du visiteur par le conservateur ou par le commissaire d’exposition, sacrifie, le cas Ă©chĂ©ant, Ă  diffĂ©rents rituels, et peut nourrir une pĂ©dagogie, sociale ou politique, au-delĂ  du champ esthĂ©tique auquel elle Ă©tait d’abord identifiĂ©e. Le numĂ©ro fait l’inventaire de ce tournant Ă©motionnel au sein de la rĂ©flexion musĂ©ologique, de l’étude des publics et de la mission des institutions. Il montre combien l’émotion est dĂ©sormais centrale dans un musĂ©e qui vise Ă  donner du sens aux Ă©vĂ©nements de la vie sociale, culturelle et politique. Emotion has always been present in museums, but for a long time it was considered to be the chatter of the mind, which had to be channelled if not suppressed. This is no longer the case today, when emotion is part of a legitimate economy of the visitor experience. Such emotion is based on the mobilization of the visitor’s senses by the curator, sacrificing, if need be, to different rituals, and can nourish a pedagogy, social or political, beyond the aesthetic field with which it was first identified. The issue takes stock of this emotional turning point in museological reflection, the study of audiences and the mission of institutions. It shows to what extent emotion is now central to the museum’s endeavour to give meaning to events in social, cultural and political life. La emociĂłn siempre ha estado presente en los museos, pero durante mucho tiempo ha sido considerada como la loca del hogar, que habĂ­a que canalizar, si no suprimir. Esto ya no es asĂ­ hoy en dĂ­a, cuando la emociĂłn forma parte de una economĂ­a legĂ­tima de la experiencia de la visita. Una tal emociĂłn se fundamenta en la movilizaciĂłn de los sentidos del visitante por el curador o el conservador, se sacrifica, si es necesario, a diferentes rituales, y puede alimentar una pedagogĂ­a, social o polĂ­tica, mas allĂĄ del campo estĂ©tico, al cual se encontraba identificada en un comienzo. El nĂșmero hace el inventario de este giro emocional, en el corazĂłn de la reflexiĂłn museolĂłgica, del estudio de los pĂșblicos y la misiĂłn de las instituciones. Muestra cuĂĄn central es la emociĂłn, en el afĂĄn del museo, por dar sentido a los eventos de la vida social, cultural y polĂ­tica