29 research outputs found

    Real-time monitoring of PtaHMGB activity in poplar transactivation assays

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    Precise control of gene expression is essential to synchronize plant development with the environment. In perennial plants, transcriptional regulation remains poorly understood, mainly due to the long time required to perform functional studies. Transcriptional reporters based on luciferase have been useful to study circadian and diurnal regulation of gene expression, both by transcription factors and chromatin remodelers. The high mobility group proteins are considered transcriptional chaperones that also modify the chromatin architecture. They have been found in several species, presenting in some cases a circadian expression of their mRNA or protein. Results: Transactivation experiments have been shown as a powerful and fast method to obtain information about the potential role of transcription factors upon a certain reporter. We designed and validated a luciferase transcriptional reporter using the 5? sequence upstream ATG of Populus tremula × alba LHY2 gene. We showed the robustness of this reporter line under long day and continuous light conditions. Moreover, we confirmed that pPtaLHY2::LUC activity reproduces the accumulation of PtaLHY2 mRNA. We performed transactivation studies by transient expression, using the reporter line as a genetic background, unraveling a new function of a high mobility group protein in poplar, which can activate the PtaLHY2 promoter in a gate-dependent manner. We also showed PtaHMGB2/3 needs darkness to produce that activation and exhibits an active degradation after dawn, mediated by the 26S proteasome. Conclusions: We generated a stable luciferase reporter poplar line based on the circadian clock gene PtaLHY2, which can be used to investigate transcriptional regulation and signal transduction pathway. Using this reporter line as a genetic background, we established a methodology to rapidly assess potential regulators of diurnal and circadian rhythms. This tool allowed us to demonstrate that PtaHMGB2/3 promotes the transcriptional activation of our reporter in a gate-dependent manner. Moreover, we added new information about the PtaHMGB2/3 protein regulation along the day. This methodology can be easily adapted to other transcription factors and reporters

    Towards understanding RAV1 transcriptional network during the growth-dormancy cycle in poplar

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    As plants are sessile organisms, the decision to grow or to stop growing is fundamental for their survival. To survive to the harsh condition of the winter, temperate and boreal trees undergo a self-protective developmental reprograming known as winter dormancy. Its mechanism involves an intricate interplay between endogenous growth regulators and the winter external signal, such as shortening of photoperiod and cold temperatures. Currently, only few factors including circadian and developmental transcription factors and hormonal signaling molecules have been shown to modulate the extension of the dormancy period in woody plants. In our laboratory, the circadian controlled transcription factor RAV promotes sylleptic branching and reduces dormancy length when RAV is ectopic overexpressed in poplar (1). Comparative mRNA profiling of RAV overexpressing versus wild type revealed a transcriptional rearrangement happens as effect of constitutive high level of RAV, giving rise to phenology. However, to define RAV mode of action as a transcriptional regulator and how RAV activity trigger a modification of dormancy-growth cycle, its primary targets genes should be investigated. At this particular, the translational fusion of a given transcription factor to the rat glucorticoid receptor domain (GR) have been widely used in Arabidopsis and recently in poplar (2). In this work we show the standardization of a methodology required to identify primary target genes for a transcription factor in poplar. This will be useful to future exploration of RAV1 gene network and its mode of action in spatio-temporal studies at tissue level during growth-dormancy cycle in poplar

    Real-time Monitoring for the Next Core-Collapse Supernova in JUNO

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    Core-collapse supernova (CCSN) is one of the most energetic astrophysical events in the Universe. The early and prompt detection of neutrinos before (pre-SN) and during the SN burst is a unique opportunity to realize the multi-messenger observation of the CCSN events. In this work, we describe the monitoring concept and present the sensitivity of the system to the pre-SN and SN neutrinos at the Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO), which is a 20 kton liquid scintillator detector under construction in South China. The real-time monitoring system is designed with both the prompt monitors on the electronic board and online monitors at the data acquisition stage, in order to ensure both the alert speed and alert coverage of progenitor stars. By assuming a false alert rate of 1 per year, this monitoring system can be sensitive to the pre-SN neutrinos up to the distance of about 1.6 (0.9) kpc and SN neutrinos up to about 370 (360) kpc for a progenitor mass of 30MM_{\odot} for the case of normal (inverted) mass ordering. The pointing ability of the CCSN is evaluated by using the accumulated event anisotropy of the inverse beta decay interactions from pre-SN or SN neutrinos, which, along with the early alert, can play important roles for the followup multi-messenger observations of the next Galactic or nearby extragalactic CCSN.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figure

    Environmentally Sensitive Molecular Switches Drive Poplar Phenology

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    Boreal and temperate woody perennials are highly adapted to their local climate, which delimits the length of the growing period. Moreover, seasonal control of growth-dormancy cycles impacts tree productivity and geographical distribution. Therefore, traits related to phenology are of great interest to tree breeders and particularly relevant in the context of global warming. The recent application of transcriptional profiling and genetic association studies to poplar species has provided a robust molecular framework for investigating molecules with potential links to phenology. The environment dictates phenology by modulating the expression of endogenous molecular switches, the identities of which are currently under investigation. This review outlines the current knowledge of these molecular switches in poplar and covers several perspectives concerning the environmental control of growth-dormancy cycles. In the process, we highlight certain genetic pathways which are affected by short days, low temperatures and cold-induced signaling

    Simple, efficient and open-source CRISPR/Cas9 strategy for multi-site genome editing in Populus tremula × alba

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    : Although the CRISPR/Cas9 system has been successfully used for crop breeding, its application remains limited in forest trees. Here, we describe an efficient gene editing strategy for hybrid poplar, (Populus tremula × alba INRA clone 717-1B4) based on the Golden Gate MoClo cloning. To test the system efficiency for generating single gene mutants, two single guide RNAs (sgRNAs) were designed and incorporated into the MoClo Tool Kit level 2 binary vector with the Cas9 expression cassette to mutate the SHORT ROOT (SHR) gene. Moreover, we also tested its efficiency for introducing mutations in two genes simultaneously by expressing one sgRNA targeting a single site of the YUC4 gene and the other sgRNA targeting the PLT1 gene. For a robust evaluation of the approach, we repeated the strategy to target the LBD12 and LBD4 genes simultaneously, using an independent construct. We generated hairy roots by Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated leaf transformation. Sequencing results confirmed the CRISPR/Cas9-mediated mutation in the targeted sites of PtaSHR. Biallelic and homozygous knockout mutations were detected. A deletion spanning both target sites and small insertions/deletions were the most common mutations. Out of the 22 SHR alleles sequenced, 21 were mutated. The phenotype's characterization showed that transgenic roots with biallelic mutations for the SHR gene lacked a defined endodermal single cell layer, suggesting a conserved gene function similar to its homolog in Arabidopsis Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Sequencing results also revealed the high efficiency of the system for generating double mutants. Biallelic mutations for both genes in the yuc4/plt1 and lbd12/lbd4 roots were detected in three (yuc4/plt1) and two (lbd12/lbd4) out of four transgenic roots evaluated. A small deletion or a single nucleotide insertion at the single target site was the most common mutations. This CRISPR/Cas9 strategy arises as a rapid, simple and standardized gene-editing tool to evaluate the gene role in essential developmental programs such as radial cell differentiation of poplar roots

    Overexpression of a SOC1-Related Gene Promotes Bud Break in Ecodormant Poplars

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    : Perennial species in the boreal and temperate regions are subject to extreme annual variations in light and temperature. They precisely adapt to seasonal changes by synchronizing cycles of growth and dormancy with external cues. Annual dormancy-growth transitions and flowering involve factors that integrate environmental and endogenous signals. MADS-box transcription factors have been extensively described in the regulation of Arabidopsis flowering. However, their participation in annual dormancy-growth transitions in trees is minimal. In this study, we investigate the function of MADS12, a Populus tremula × alba SUPPRESSOR OF CONSTANS OVEREXPRESSION 1 (SOC1)-related gene. Our gene expression analysis reveals that MADS12 displays lower mRNA levels during the winter than during early spring and mid-spring. Moreover, MADS12 activation depends on the fulfillment of the chilling requirement. Hybrid poplars overexpressing MADS12 show no differences in growth cessation and bud set, while ecodormant plants display an early bud break, indicating that MADS12 overexpression promotes bud growth reactivation. Comparative expression analysis of available bud break-promoting genes reveals that MADS12 overexpression downregulates the GIBBERELLINS 2 OXIDASE 4 (GA2ox4), a gene involved in gibberellin catabolism. Moreover, the mid-winter to mid-spring RNAseq profiling indicates that MADS12 and GA2ox4 show antagonistic expression during bud dormancy release. Our results support MADS12 participation in the reactivation of shoot meristem growth during ecodormancy and link MADS12 activation and GA2ox4 downregulation within the temporal events that lead to poplar bud break

    Spatiotemporal oxygen dynamics in young leaves reveal cyclic hypoxia in plants

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    : Oxygen is essential for plant growth and development. Hypoxia occurs in plants due to limited oxygen availability following adverse environmental conditions as well in hypoxic niches in otherwise normoxic environments. However, the existence and functional integration of spatiotemporal oxygen dynamics with plant development remains unknown. In animal systems dynamic fluctuations in oxygen availability are known as cyclic hypoxia. In this study, we demonstrate that cyclic fluctuations in internal oxygen levels occur in young emerging leaves of Arabidopsis plants. Cyclic hypoxia in plants is based on a mechanism requiring the ETHYLENE RESPONSE FACTORS type VII (ERFVII) that are central components of the oxygen-sensing machinery in plants. The ERFVII-dependent mechanism allows precise adjustment of leaf growth in response to carbon status and oxygen availability within plant cells. This study thus establishes a functional connection between internal spatiotemporal oxygen dynamics and developmental processes of plants

    LHY2 Integrates Night-Length Information to Determine Timing of Poplar Photoperiodic Growth

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    : Day length is a key indicator of seasonal information that determines major patterns of behavior in plants and animals. Photoperiodism has been described in plants for about 100 years, but the underlying molecular mechanisms of day length perception and signal transduction in many systems are not well understood. In trees, photoperiod perception plays a major role in growth cessation during the autumn as well as activating the resumption of shoot growth in the spring, both processes controlled by FLOWERING LOCUS T2 (FT2) expression levels and critical for the survival of perennial plants over winter [1-4]. It has been shown that the conserved role of poplar orthologs to Arabidopsis CONSTANS (CO) directly activates FT2 expression [1, 5]. Overexpression of poplar CO is, however, not sufficient to sustain FT2 expression under short days [5], pointing to the presence of an additional short-day-dependent FT2 repression pathway in poplar. We find that night length information is transmitted via the expression level of a poplar clock gene, LATE ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL 2 (LHY2), which controls FT2 expression. Repression of FT2 is a function of the night extension and LHY2 expression level. We show that LHY2 is necessary and sufficient to activate night length repressive signaling. We propose that the photoperiodic control of shoot growth in poplar involves a balance between FT2 activating and repressing pathways. Our results show that poplar relies on night length measurement to determine photoperiodism through interaction between light signaling pathways and the circadian clock

    A robust method of nuclei isolation for single-cell RNA sequencing of solid tissues from the plant genus Populus

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    : Single-cell transcriptome analysis has been extensively applied in humans and animal models to uncover gene expression heterogeneity between the different cell types of a tissue or an organ. It demonstrated its capability to discover key regulatory elements that determine cell fate during developmental programs. Single-cell analysis requires the isolation and labeling of the messenger RNA (mRNA) derived from each cell. These challenges were primarily addressed in mammals by developing microfluidic-based approaches. For plant species whose cells contain cell walls, these approaches have generally required the generation of isolated protoplasts. Many plant tissues' secondary cell wall hinders enzymatic digestion required for individual protoplast isolation, resulting in an unequal representation of cell types in a protoplast population. This limitation is especially critical for cell types located in the inner layers of a tissue or the inner tissues of an organ. Consequently, single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) studies using microfluidic approaches in plants have mainly been restricted to Arabidopsis roots, for which well-established procedures of protoplast isolation are available. Here we present a simple alternative approach to generating high-quality protoplasts from plant tissue by characterizing the mRNA extracted from individual nuclei instead of whole cells. We developed the protocol using two different plant materials with varying cellular complexity levels and cell wall structure, Populus shoot apices, and more lignified stems. Using the 10× Genomics Chromium technology, we show that this procedure results in intact mRNA isolation and limited leakage, with a broad representation of individual cell transcriptomes