34 research outputs found

    Transcriptional Activity of the MADS Box ARLEQUIN/TOMATO AGAMOUS-LIKE1 Gene Is Required for Cuticle Development of Tomato Fruit

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    [EN] Fruit development and ripening entail key biological and agronomic events, which ensure the appropriate formation and dispersal of seeds and determine productivity and yield quality traits. The MADS box gene ARLEQUIN/TOMATO AGAMOUS-LIKE1 (hereafter referred to as TAGL1) was reported as a key regulator of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) reproductive development, mainly involved in flower development, early fruit development, and ripening. It is shown here that silencing of the TAGL1 gene (RNA interference lines) promotes significant changes affecting cuticle development, mainly a reduction of thickness and stiffness, as well as a significant decrease in the content of cuticle components (cutin, waxes, polysaccharides, and phenolic compounds). Accordingly, overexpression of TAGL1 significantly increased the amount of cuticle and most of its components while rendering a mechanically weak cuticle. Expression of the genes involved in cuticle biosynthesis agreed with the biochemical and biomechanical features of cuticles isolated from transgenic fruits; it also indicated that TAGL1 participates in the transcriptional control of cuticle development mediating the biosynthesis of cuticle components. Furthermore, cell morphology and the arrangement of epidermal cell layers, on whose activity cuticle formation depends, were altered when TAGL1 was either silenced or constitutively expressed, indicating that this transcription factor regulates cuticle development, probably through the biosynthetic activity of epidermal cells. Our results also support cuticle development as an integrated event in the fruit expansion and ripening processes that characterize fleshy-fruited species such as tomato.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (grant nos. BIO2009-11484, AGL2012-32613, AGL2012-40150-C03-01, and AGL2012-40150-C03-02) and by the European Commission through the Junta para la Ampliacion de Estudios-Doc program of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (to B.P.).Giménez Caminero, ME.; Domínguez, E.; Pineda Chaza, BJ.; Heredia, A.; Moreno Ferrero, V.; Lozano, R.; Angosto, T. (2015). Transcriptional Activity of the MADS Box ARLEQUIN/TOMATO AGAMOUS-LIKE1 Gene Is Required for Cuticle Development of Tomato Fruit. Plant Physiology. 168(3):1036-1048. doi:10.1104/pp.15.00469S10361048168

    TOMATO AGAMOUS1 and ARLEQUIN/TOMATO AGAMOUS-LIKE1 MADS-box genes have redundant and divergent functions required for tomato reproductive development

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    [EN] Within the tomato MADS-box gene family, TOMATO AGAMOUS1 (TAG1) and ARLEQUIN/TOMATO AGAMOUS LIKE1 (hereafter referred to as TAGL1) are, respectively, members of the euAG and PLE lineages of the AGAMOUS clade. They perform crucial functions specifying stamen and carpel development in the flower and controlling late fruit development. To gain insight into the roles of TAG1 and TAGL1 genes and to better understand their functional redundancy and diversification, we characterized single and double RNAi silencing lines of these genes and analyzed expression profiles of regulatory genes involved in reproductive development. Double RNAi lines did show cell abnormalities in stamens and carpels and produced extremely small fruit-like organs displaying some sepaloid features. Expression analyses indicated that TAG1 and TAGL1 act together to repress fourth whorl sepal development, most likely through the MACROCALYX gene. Results also proved that TAG1 and TAGL1 have diversified their functions in fruit development: while TAG1 controls placenta and seed formation, TAGL1 participates in cuticle development and lignin biosynthesis inhibition. It is noteworthy that both TAG1 and double RNAi plants lacked seed development due to abnormalities in pollen formation. This seedless phenotype was not associated with changes in the expression of B-class stamen identity genes Tomato MADS-box 6 and Tomato PISTILLATA observed in silencing lines, suggesting that other regulatory factors should participate in pollen formation. Taken together, results here reported support the idea that both redundant and divergent functions of TAG1 and TAGL1 genes are needed to control tomato reproductive development.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Grant Numbers AGL2012-40150-C03-01, AGL2012-40150-C03-02 and AGL2015-64991-C3-1-R); and the European Commission through the JAE-Doc Program of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) (Grant Number AGL2012-40150-C03-01 to B.P.).Giménez Caminero, ME.; Castañeda, L.; Pineda Chaza, BJ.; Pan, IL.; Moreno Ferrero, V.; Angosto, T.; Lozano, R. (2016). TOMATO AGAMOUS1 and ARLEQUIN/TOMATO AGAMOUS-LIKE1 MADS-box genes have redundant and divergent functions required for tomato reproductive development. Plant Molecular Biology. 91(4-5):513-531. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11103-016-0485-4S513531914-

    Método para la obtención de cultivares de tomate con frutos partenocárpicos (sin semillas) y mayor calidad organoléptica

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    Número de publicación: ES2323028 A1 (03.07.2009) También publicado como: ES2323028 B2 (08.07.2010) Número de Solicitud: Consulta de Expedientes OEPM (C.E.O.) P200501603 (23.06.2005)El método se basa en la transferencia y expresión del gen LFY de Arabidopsis thaliana en plantas transgénicas de tomate. Los frutos de las plantas transgénicas con el gen LFY mantienen el mismo tamaño y peso que los del cultivar original, pero carecen de semillas, tienen más carne, menos pulpa y una forma ligeramente apuntillada. El análisis de calidad refleja un incremento del 60 % en el contenido en sólidos solubles (la media alcanza 6,12 ºBrix) y del 60 % en ácidos valorables (la media llega al 0,72 %), lo que indica una mejora de la calidad organoléptica de los frutos en comparación con los del cultivar original no transgénico. Además, los frutos de las plantas transgénicas tienen otros atributos que indican una mayor calidad, tales como un mayor contenido en azúcares (sobre todo glucosa y fructosa) y licopeno, una sustancia que tiene propiedades antioxidantes.Universidad de Almería. Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC

    Método para la obtención de cultivares de tomate con frutos partenocárpicos (sin semillas) y mayor calidad organoléptica

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    Método para la obtención de cultivares de tomate con frutos partenocárpicos (sin semillas) y mayor calidad organoléptica. El método se basa en la transferencia y expresión del gen LFY de Arabidopsis thaliana en plantas transgénicas de tomate. Los frutos de las plantas transgénicas con el gen LFY mantienen el mismo tamaño y peso que los del cultivar original, pero carecen de semillas, tienen más carne, menos pulpa y una forma ligeramente apuntillada. El análisis de calidad refleja un incremento del 60% en el contenido en sólidos solubles (la media alcanza 6,12 ºBrix) y del 60% en ácidos valorables (la media llega al 0,72%), lo que indica una mejora de la calidad organoléptica de los frutos en comparación con los del cultivar original no transgénico. Además, los frutos de las plantas transgénicas tienen otros atributos que indican una mayor calidad, tales como un mayor contenido en azúcares (sobre todo glucosa y fructosa) y licopeno, una sustancia que tiene propiedades antioxidantes.Peer reviewedUniversidad Politécnica de Valencia, Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), Universidad de AlmeríaB2 Patente con examen previ

    Tomato CRABS CLAW paralogues interact with chromatin remodelling factors to mediate carpel development and floral determinacy

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    CRABS CLAW (CRC) orthologues play a crucial role in floral meristem (FM) determinacy and gynoecium formation across angiosperms, the key developmental processes for ensuring successful plant reproduction and crop production. However, the mechanisms behind CRC mediated FM termination are far from fully understood. Here, we addressed the functional characterization of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) paralogous CRC genes. Using mapping-by-sequencing, RNA interference and CRISPR/Cas9 techniques, expression analyses, protein-protein interaction assays and Arabidopsis complementation experiments, we examined their potential roles in FM determinacy and carpel formation. We revealed that the incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity of the indeterminate carpel-inside-carpel phenotype observed in fruit iterative growth (fig) mutant plants are due to the lack of function of the S. lycopersicum CRC homologue SlCRCa. Furthermore, a detailed functional analysis of tomato CRC paralogues, SlCRCa and SlCRCb, allowed us to propose that they operate as positive regulators of FM determinacy by acting in a compensatory and partially redundant manner to safeguard the proper formation of flowers and fruits. Our results uncover for the first time the physical interaction of putative CRC orthologues with members of the chromatin remodelling complex that epigenetically represses WUSCHEL expression through histone deacetylation to ensure the proper termination of floral stem cell activity.Peer reviewe

    Nuevo cultivar con frutos y sépalos convertidos en frutos de alto interés para su consumo fresco y procesado industrial

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    Número de publicación: 2 341 527 21 Número de solicitud: 200900003 51 Int. Cl.: C12N 15/82 (2006.01) A01H 5/00 (2006.01Nuevo cultivar con frutos y sépalos convertidos en frutos de alto interés para su consumo fresco y procesado industrial. En la presente invención se describen secuencias de nucleótidos capaces de incrementar la expresión de un gen de desarrollo reproductivo lo que tiene como resultado la generación de cultivares con un fruto de alto interés para su consumo fresco y procesado industrial caracterizado por poseer características mejoradas respecto de los cultivares conocidos de variedades comerciales. Estos nuevos cultivares tienen el cáliz de la flor carnoso y convertido en fruto. El fruto verdadero y el cáliz tienen mayores niveles de azúcares y licopeno y un mayor contenido en grados Brix. Además, exhiben una mayor tasa de cuajado de fruto y tienen inhibida la zona de abscisión del fruto, lo que facilita la recolección mecánica.Universidad de Almerí

    The tomato mutant ars1 (altered response to salt stress 1) identifies an R1-type MYB transcription factor involved in stomatal closure under salt acclimation

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    [EN] A screening under salt stress conditions of a T-DNA mutant collection of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) led to the identification of the altered response to salt stress 1 (ars1) mutant, which showed a salt-sensitive phenotype. Genetic analysis of the ars1 mutation revealed that a single T-DNA insertion in the ARS1 gene was responsible of the mutant phenotype. ARS1 coded for an R1-MYB type transcription factor and its expression was induced by salinity in leaves. The mutant reduced fruit yield under salt acclimation while in the absence of stress the disruption of ARS1 did not affect this agronomic trait. The stomatal behaviour of ars1 mutant leaves induced higher Na+ accumulation via the transpiration stream, as the decreases of stomatal conductance and transpiration rate induced by salt stress were markedly lower in the mutant plants. Moreover, the mutation affected stomatal closure in a response mediated by abscisic acid (ABA). The characterization of tomato transgenic lines silencing and overexpressing ARS1 corroborates the role of the gene in regulating the water loss via transpiration under salinity. Together, our results show that ARS1 tomato gene contributes to reduce transpirational water loss under salt stress. Finally, this gene could be interesting for tomato molecular breeding, because its manipulation could lead to improved stress tolerance without yield penalty under optimal culture conditions.This work was funded by a research project (AGL2012-40150-C01/C02/C03) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO). This work was also supported by grant RYC2010-06369 (Ramon y Cajal Programme) from the MINECO to NF-G and grant E-30-2011-0443170 (JAE-Doc Programme) from the Spanish Council of Scientific Research (CSIC) to IE and BP. The authors have no conflict of interests to declareCampos, JF.; Cara, B.; Perez-Martin, F.; Pineda Chaza, BJ.; Egea, I.; Flores, FB.; Fernandez-Garcia, N.... (2016). The tomato mutant ars1 (altered response to salt stress 1) identifies an R1-type MYB transcription factor involved in stomatal closure under salt acclimation. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 14(6):1345-1356. https://doi.org/10.1111/pbi.124981345135614

    Albino T-DNA tomato mutant reveals a key function of 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase (DXS1) in plant development and survival

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    [EN] Photosynthetic activity is indispensable for plant growth and survival and it depends on the synthesis of plastidial isoprenoids as chlorophylls and carotenoids. In the non-mevalonate pathway (MEP), the 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase 1 (DXS1) enzyme has been postulated to catalyze the ratelimiting step in the formation of plastidial isoprenoids. In tomato, the function of DXS1 has only been studied in fruits, and hence its functional relevance during plant development remains unknown. Here we report the characterization of the wls-2297 tomato mutant, whose severe deficiency in chlorophylls and carotenoids promotes an albino phenotype. Additionally, growth of mutant seedlings was arrested without developing vegetative organs, which resulted in premature lethality. Gene cloning and silencing experiments revealed that the phenotype of wls-2297 mutant was caused by 38.6 kb-deletion promoted by a single T-DNA insertion affecting the DXS1 gene. This was corroborated by in vivo and molecular complementation assays, which allowed the rescue of mutant phenotype. Further characterization of tomato plants overexpressing DXS1 and comparative expression analysis indicate that DXS1 may play other important roles besides to that proposed during fruit carotenoid biosynthesis. Taken together, these results demonstrate that DXS1 is essentially required for the development and survival of tomato plants.This work was supported by research grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the UE-European Regional Development Fund (AGL2015-64991-C3-1-R, and AGL2015-64991-C3-3-R), and Junta de Andalucia (P12-AGR-1482). PhD fellowship to M.G.-A. was funded by the FPU Programme of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. The authors thank research facilities provided by the Campus de Excelencia Internacional Agroalimentario (CeiA3).Garcia-Alcazar, M.; Giménez Caminero, ME.; Pineda Chaza, BJ.; Capel, C.; García Sogo, B.; Sánchez Martín-Sauceda, S.; Yuste-Lisbona, FJ.... (2017). Albino T-DNA tomato mutant reveals a key function of 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase (DXS1) in plant development and survival. Scientific Reports. 7:1-12. https://doi.org/10.1038/srep45333112

    The res (restored cell structure by salinity) tomato mutant reveals the role of the DEAD-box RNA helicase SlDEAD39 in plant development and salt response

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    [EN] Increasing evidences highlight the importance of DEAD-box RNA helicases in plant development and stress responses. In a previous study, we characterized the tomato res mutant (restored cell structure by salinity), showing chlorosis and development alterations that reverted under salt-stress conditions. Map-based cloning demonstrates that RES gene encodes SlDEAD39, a chloroplast-targeted DEAD-box RNA helicase. Constitutive expression of SlDEAD39 complements the res mutation, while the silencing lines had a similar phenotype than res mutant, which is also reverted under salinity. Functional analysis of res mutant proved SlDEAD39 is involved in the in vivo processing of the chloroplast, 23S rRNA, at the hidden break-B site, a feature also supported by in vitro binding experiments of the protein. In addition, our results show that other genes coding for chloroplast-targeted DEAD-box proteins are induced by salt-stress, which might explain the rescue of the res mutant phenotype. Interestingly, salinity restored the phenotype of res adult plants by increasing their sugar content and fruit yield. Together, these results propose an unprecedented role of a DEAD-box RNA helicase in regulating plant development and stress response through the proper ribosome and chloroplast functioning, which, in turn, represents a potential target to improve salt tolerance in tomato cropsSecretaria de Estado de Investigacion, Desarrollo e Innovacion, Grant/Award Numbers: AGL2015-64991-C3-1-R, AGL2015-64991-C3-2-R, AGL2015-64991-C3-3-R, AGL2017-88702-C2-1-RCapel, C.; Albaladejo, I.; Egea, I.; Massaretto, IL.; Yuste-Lisbona, FJ.; Pineda Chaza, BJ.; García Sogo, B.... (2020). The res (restored cell structure by salinity) tomato mutant reveals the role of the DEAD-box RNA helicase SlDEAD39 in plant development and salt response. Plant Cell & Environment. 43(7):1722-1739. https://doi.org/10.1111/pce.13776S1722173943

    Mutation at the tomato EXCESSIVE NUMBER OF FLORAL ORGANS (ENO) locus impairs floral meristem development, thus promoting an increased number of floral organs and fruit size

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    [EN] A novel tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) mutant affected in reproductive development, excessive number of floral organs (eno), is described in this study. The eno plants yielded flowers with a higher number of floral organs in the three innermost floral whorls and larger fruits than those found in wild-type plants. Scanning-electron microscopy study indicated that the rise in floral organ number and fruit size correlates with an increased size of floral meristem at early developmental stages. It has been reported that mutation at the FASCIATED (FAS) gene causes the development of flowers with supernumerary organs; however, complementation test and genetic mapping analyses proved that ENO is not an allele of the FAS locus. Furthermore, expression of WUSCHEL (SlWUS) and INHIBITOR OF MERISTEM ACTIVITY (IMA), the two main regulators of floral meristem activity in tomato, is altered in eno but not in fas flowers indicating that ENO could exert its function in the floral meristem independently of FAS. Interestingly, the eno mutation delayed the expression of IMA leading to a prolonged expression of SlWUS, which would explain the greater size of floral meristem. Taken together, results showed that ENO plays a significant role in the genetic pathway regulating tomato floral meristem development. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.This work was supported by the research grants AGL2012-40150-C02-01 and AGL2012-40150-C02-02 and a fellowship to AF-L from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. BP was supported by the European Commission through the JAE-Doc Program of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). The authors would like to thank the research facilities provided by the Campus de Excelencia Internacional Agroalimentario (CeiA3).Fernández-Lozano, A.; Yuste-Lisbona, FJ.; Pérez-Martín, F.; Pineda Chaza, BJ.; Moreno Ferrero, V.; Lozano, R.; Angosto, T. (2015). Mutation at the tomato EXCESSIVE NUMBER OF FLORAL ORGANS (ENO) locus impairs floral meristem development, thus promoting an increased number of floral organs and fruit size. Plant Science. 232:41-48. doi:10.1016/j.plantsci.2014.12.007S414823