21 research outputs found

    Application of Overall Equipment Effectiveness and Failure Mode Efffect and Criticality Analysis Methods to Improve Machine Performance Effectiveness

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    PT XYZ is a company that produces hot rolled coils (HRC) steel products. One of the machines used in the process is a rough mill machine in the milling process. The problem is downtime on the rough mill machine that disrupts the production process time. The purpose of this study is to determine the value of the effectiveness of the machine, find the largest losses that affect the value of the effectiveness of the machine, identify the cause of the biggest losses and provide recommendations for improvement steps. The methods used are overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), six big losses, and the failure mode effect and criticality analysis (FMECA). The results show that the average OEE value of PT XYZ is 80%, but this value was still not following the ideal standard. By identifying the six big losses, the most significant losses are reduced speed losses, with a total percentage value of 86% and an average time loss of  5,020 minutes. FMECA results obtain three components that cause the biggest losses: the engine motor, gearbox, and spindle. Recommendations for improvement include making and setting schedules, implementing predictive maintenance and preventive maintenance on rough mill machines, and regularly checking and replacing component spare parts

    Securing Coconut Availability in Indonesia

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    Coconut shortage has been a concerning issue in Indonesia for the past few years. Using a system dynamics (SD) approach and the supply and demand ratio (S/D ratio), this study aims to build a simulation model for the sustainability of coconut supply in Indonesia. The result shows that the S/D ratio will fall below 1 by 2023, indicating that the supply will no longer meet the demands. The model suggests that the most effective policy is doubling the coconut plantations areas and increasing the yield up to 2 tons/ha of copra

    A Hybrid Simulation Study to Determine an Optimal Maintenance Strategy

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    With the increasing complexity of the process industry, having excellent maintenance management is essential for manufacturing industries. Various parts that interact and interdependent with each other make a well-planned maintenance strategy is one of the major challenges facing by industry. The whole system could be interrupted just simply because of the failure of a component.  Therefore, a review of a maintenance strategy must be done from a system perspective. It is suggested that the optimal preventive maintenance time interval is not only determined by the lowest maintenance cost of each machine but also its impact on the whole system. Two main indicators that can accommodate the system perspective are reliability and revenue. A large number of machines and the array of machines can be synthesized in the reliability indicator. Moreover,  the creation of maximum revenue is always the main goal for a business. The best maintenance strategy will be determined from the revenue obtained by a process industry. The process industry discussed in this study is a flour mill which is very well known in Surabaya. This study applied a hybrid simulation to solve this problem. Monte Carlo simulation was used to observe the machine individually and the results are reviewed using the application of System Dynamics. Three improvement scenarios were proposed in this simulation study. Scenario 2 was chosen as the best scenario because it was able to generate the highest revenue at the end of the period. Scenario 2 recommends setting the preventive maintenance time interval considering resource availability


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    Ketahanan pangan adalah salah satu issue yang besar di Indonesia, terutama di masa setelah pandemi COVID-19, perang dan perubahan iklim dimana bahan baku makanan menjadi langka. Indonesia termasuk negara yang bergantung kepada bahan baku tepung gandum yang diimpor dari luar negeri untuk membuat mie dan berbagai macam variasi kue. Sementara, Indonesia mempunyai banyak sumber pangan seperti umbi-umbian. Indonesia mempunyai berbagai macam umbi-umbian seperti suweg, porang, talas, uwi, gembili, gembolo, ganyung, dan garut yang ketersediaanya sangat berlimpah. Oleh karena itu, tim Pengabdian Masyarakat dari Jurusan Teknik Industri Elektro dan Kimia Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya (UKWMS) tergerak untuk memberikan penyuluhan kepada komunitas di Desa Betro yang tidak beruntung namun memiliki banyak sumber umbi-umbian. Dalam pelaksanaannya, pertama, tim menyediakan pelatihan pembuatan tepung dari umbi. Kedua, tim juga mengajarkan bagaimana cara membuat kue brownies menggunakan tepung umbi. Tim juga mengajarkan bagaimana menghitung harga pokok produksi dan profit. Akhirnya, tim buka order dan melalui media sosial. Hasil yang didapatkan setelah kegiatan ini adalah, Komunitas Desa Betro, Sedati, Sidoarjo mengetahui cara penepungan, pembuatan brownies, perhitungan harga pokok produksi dan menjualnya. Dengan kegiatan ini diharapkan, tim dapat berkontribusi dengan menaikkan taraf ekonomi komunitas Desa Betro, Sedati, Sidoarj

    Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Pelanggan Fixed Line Indosat Terhadap Kualitas Layanan Di PT Indosat Tbk Divisi Regional Timur Surabaya

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    Scbagai negara berkembang Indonesia terus bcrusaha meningkatkan bidang industrinya termasuk industri penyedia jasa. Salah satunya adalah industri telekomunikasi yang saat ini sangat marak perkembangannya..

    Design of global sustainable supply chains

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    Increasing concern about the sustainability of supply chain operations is motivating companies and organizations to pursue strategies to reduce their contribution to global environmental and social negative impacts. While most papers in the field of sustainable supply chains have focused on economic and environmental performance at the firm level, recently some studies have considered the problem at the national level. However, there still exists a gap in quantitatively modeling social impacts, together with environmental and economic impacts, at the global level. To fill this gap, this research presents a multi-objective mathematical model for the design and planning of a supply chain, integrating the three dimensions of sustainability (economic, environmental, and social). In this research, the economic dimension of sustainability is addressed by considering the costs of the supply chain. Then MRIO, a national input-output table that describes the interdependencies between countries and economic sectors, is integrated with national environmental and social impacts to construct a triple bottom line (3BL) approach by industrial sectors. This model supports decision making by including both direct impacts, as well as indirect impacts, associated with upstream supply chain paths. This expands the range of impact considered in sustainable performance measurement both within and beyond the supply chain boundary. The integrated model can improve a company's ability to select supply chain partners based on a wider range of criteria, rather than being based on economics alone. A case study is conducted that considers three tiers of the transportation and equipment supply chain, which consists of six industrial sectors that are part of a larger system of fourteen industrial sectors operating across seventeen of the largest manufacturing countries in the world. The model is solved using a [epsilon]-constraint method; and the resulting Pareto optimal curves show the tradeoffs between the economic, environmental and social dimensions. The results reveal that indirect economic activities dominate when contributing to the environmental and social impact of the whole system. Expanding the scope of sustainability changes supply chain configuration decisions. Therefore, the primary result from this research is that firms and industry sectors need to change their focus from solely on economic aspects and include environmental and social aspects in supply chain decision making at operational and/or strategic levels of decisions

    The Effect of Heat Treatment on Specific Gravity and Organoleptic Properties of Jack Bean (Canavalia ensiformis) Milk

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    AbstractMost of the dairy products sold in the market in Indonesia are animal milk but those products cannot be consumed by people with lactose intolerance and allergies. Plant-based milk is an alternative substitute for animal milk, and the most widely known is soy milk, but the production of soybeans in Indonesia is low. Jack beans (Canavalia ensiformis) are an alternative raw material substitute for plant-based milk. Meanwhile, the protein content of jack beans is similar to soybeans, but it is not popular as a food ingredient. This study aims to obtain the acceptable combination factors in processing jack bean milk. A full factorial design experiment was conducted to analyze the effect of temperature and heating duration on the specific gravity of jack bean milk and its organoleptic properties such as color, aroma, taste, and texture. The results showed that the temperature and heating time influenced the specific gravity and organoleptic properties of jack bean milk. In addition, the best combination of factors and levels is at a heating temperature of 100 °C for 20 minutes, which results in the specific gravity of jack bean milk, which is 1.0758.Keywords: design of experiments, jack beans, plant-based milk AbstrakSebagian besar produk susu yang dijual di pasaran di Indonesia adalah susu hewani, tetapi produk tersebut tidak dapat dikonsumsi oleh penderita intoleransi laktosa dan alergi. Susu nabati dapat menjadi alternatif pengganti susu hewani. Susu nabati yang paling dikenal adalah susu kedelai, tetapi produksi kedelai di Indonesia masih rendah. Kacang koro pedang (Canavalia ensiformis) dapat menjadi alternatif pengganti dalam pembuatan susu nabati. Kacang koro pedang belum dikenal sebagai bahan makanan meskipun kandungan protein dalam kacang koro pedang mirip dengan kacang kedelai. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan kombinasi faktor dalam mengolah kacang koro pedang yang dapat diterima masyarakat. Percobaan faktorial dalam rancangan acak lengkap dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruh suhu dan lama waktu pemanasan terhadap berat jenis dan karakteristik organoleptik susu koro pedang, seperti warna, aroma, rasa, dan tekstur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suhu dan lama waktu pemanasan mempengaruhi berat jenis dan karakteristik organoleptik susu koro pedang. Kombinasi faktor dan level terbaik diperoleh pada pemanasan dengan suhu 100 °C selama 20 menit yang menghasilkan berat jenis 1,0758.Kata kunci: kacang koro, rancangan percobaan, susu nabat

    Sustainability Issues of the Coconut Supply Chain in Indonesia

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    Coconut is one of Indonesia's strategic agricultural commodities. However, in the past five years, many issues on the sustainability of the coconut supply chain in Indonesia have been revealed in the mass media. This study aims to explore the issue by exploring discussions that emerge in online news articles. It employs content analysis and binary factor analysis to investigate and construct the information in identifying and narrating the issue of sustainability of the coconut supply chain in Indonesia. The result shows that the sustainability of the coconut supply chain in Indonesia experiences disruptions and requires an immediate long-term strategy for restoration. This will provide insight into the real condition of the coconut supply chain in Indonesia so that could become the basis for further research. Future work should include a simulation study to find the best policy in maintaining the sustainability of the coconut supply chain in Indonesia

    Perancangan dan Pelatihan Sistem Operasional Usaha di Peternakan Cacing Yapoka Anugerah Mandiri (YAM)

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    Peluang wirausaha budidaya cacing Lumbricus Rubellus (LR) memiliki prospek yang sangat baik karena tingginya permintaan dari dalam maupun luar negeri. Peternakan cacing YAM yang berlokasi di Surabaya, telah merintis usaha ini selama dua tahun. Saat ini, peternakan YAM memerlukan pembenahan sistem operasional usaha untuk dapat melakukan efisiensi biaya melalui perencanaan dan pengembangan strategi usaha guna mendukung keberlanjutan usaha peternakan YAM. Pembenahan sistem operasional usaha yang dilakukan  meliputi perancangan website, database, dan pelatihan sistem operasional usaha bagi karyawan peternakan YAM. Beberapa keterampilan yang diperoleh dari pelatihan ini antara lain proses edit website, penggunaan database dan penggunaan software untuk peramalan permintaan. Hasil evaluasi dari peserta pelatihan ditemukan perlunya pendampingan lanjutan terkait materi yang diberikan dan juga kesempatan untuk melakukan pelatihan yang sama dengan ruang lingkup peserta  yang lebih luas


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    Tindakan kasus Kejahatan Seksual pada Anak (KSA)di Indonesia semakin memprihatinkan. Angka kasus KSA dari tahun ke tahun meningkat. Kasus KSA ini kini sudah mulai menyerang anak-anak TK maupun SD. Pada tahun 2014 ini dari laporan kekerasan pada anak yang ditangani komisi perlindungan anak 58 % adalah kasus KSA. Kejadian KSA tidak saja di rumah tetapi di sekolah. Sebagai lembaga pendidikan yang menghasasilkan guru-guru untuk tingkat TK, SD, SMP, dan SLTA kami tergugah untuk terlibat aktif mencegah kejahatan ini. Salah satu tindakan untuk mencegah terjadinya KSA adalah diberikan pengetahuan mengenai tubuhku milikku pada anak usia dini yang merupakan kelompok paling rentan akan KSA. Dengan pemberian pengetahuan sejak dini ini diharapkan anak-anak mampu menjaga tubuhnya dari KSA. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 30 orang guru dari dua TK berbasis agama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 30 guru (100%) memiliki persepsi yang sangat positif mengenai pendidikan seksualitas siswa usia TK. Guru menilai bahwa orangtua merupakan pihak yang paling bertanggungjawab terhadap pengajaran pendidikan seksualitas bagi anak usia dini. Hasil penelitin juga menunjukkan bahwa topik mengenai anggota tubuh manusia merupakan topik yang penting diberikan kepada siswa TK melalui metode pembelajaran berceritera