336 research outputs found

    From Strong to Weak Coupling Regime in a Single GaN Microwire up to Room Temperature

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    Large bandgap semiconductor microwires constitute a very advantageous alternative to planar microcavities in the context of room temperature strong coupling regime between exciton and light. In this work we demonstrate that in a GaN microwire, the strong coupling regime is achieved up to room temperature with a large Rabi splitting of 125 meV never achieved before in a Nitride-based photonic nanostructure. The demonstration relies on a method which doesn't require any knowledge \'a priori on the photonic eigenmodes energy in the microwire, i.e. the details of the microwire cross-section shape. Moreover, using a heavily doped segment within the same microwire, we confirm experimentally that free excitons provide the oscillator strength for this strong coupling regime. The measured Rabi splitting to linewidth ratio of 15 matches state of the art planar Nitride-based microcavities, in spite of a much simpler design and a less demanding fabrication process. These results show that GaN microwires constitute a simpler and promising system to achieve electrically pumped lasing in the strong coupling regime.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Room-temperature exciton-polaritons with two-dimensional WS2

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    Two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides exhibit strong optical transitions with significant potential for optoelectronic devices. In particular they are suited for cavity quantum electrodynamics in which strong coupling leads to polariton formation as a root to realisation of inversionless lasing, polariton condensationand superfluidity. Demonstrations of such strongly correlated phenomena to date have often relied on cryogenic temperatures, high excitation densities and were frequently impaired by strong material disorder. At room-temperature, experiments approaching the strong coupling regime with transition metal dichalcogenides have been reported, but well resolved exciton-polaritons have yet to be achieved. Here we report a study of monolayer WS2_2 coupled to an open Fabry-Perot cavity at room-temperature, in which polariton eigenstates are unambiguously displayed. In-situ tunability of the cavity length results in a maximal Rabi splitting of ℏΩRabi=70\hbar \Omega_{\rm{Rabi}} = 70 meV, exceeding the exciton linewidth. Our data are well described by a transfer matrix model appropriate for the large linewidth regime. This work provides a platform towards observing strongly correlated polariton phenomena in compact photonic devices for ambient temperature applications.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Superparamagnetic Liposomes for MRI Monitoring and External Magnetic Field-Induced Selective Targeting of Malignant Brain Tumors

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    Magnetic-fluid-loadedliposomes (MFLs) of optimized magnetic responsiveness are newly worked out from the entrapment of superparamagnetic maghemite nanocrystals in submicronic PEG-ylated rhodamine-labelled phospholipid vesicles. This nanoplatform provides an efficient tool for the selective magnetic targeting of malignant tumors localized in brain and non-invasive traceability by MRI through intravascular administration. As assessed by in vivo 7-T MRI and ex vivo electron spin resonance, 4-h exposure to 190-T m–1magnetic field gradient efficiently concentrates MFLs into human U87 glioblastoma implanted in the striatum of mice. The magnetoliposomes are then longer retained therein as checked by MRI monitoring over a 24-h period. Histological analysis by confocal fluorescence microscopy confirms the significantly boosted accumulation of MFLs in the malignant tissue up to the intracellular level. Electron transmission microscopy reveals effective internalization by endothelial and glioblastoma cells of the magnetically conveyed MFLs as preserved vesicle structures. The magnetic field gradient emphasizes MFL distribution solely in the tumors according to the enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect while comparatively very low amounts are recovered in the other cerebral areas. Such a selective targeting precisely traceable by MRI is promising for therapeutic applications since the healthy brain tissue can be expected to be spared during treatments by deleterious anticancer drugs carried by magnetically guided MFLs

    Novel recoil nuclei detectors to qualify the AMANDE facility as a Standard for mono-energetic neutron fields

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    The AMANDE facility at IRSN-Cadarache produces mono-energetic neutron fields from 2 keV to 20 MeV with metrological quality. To be considered as a standard facility, characteristics of neutron field i.e fluence distribution must be well known by a device using absolute measurements. The development of new detector systems allowing a direct measurement of neutron energy and fluence has started in 2006. Using the proton recoil telescope principle with the goal of increase the efficiency, two systems with full localization are studied. A proton recoil telescope using CMOS sensor (CMOS-RPT) is studied for measurements at high energies and the helium 4 gaseous micro-time projection chamber (microTPC He4) will be dedicated to the lowest energies. Simulations of the two systems were performed with the transport Monte Carlo code MCNPX, to choose the components and the geometry, to optimize the efficiency and detection limits of both devices or to estimate performances expected. First preliminary measurements realised in 2008 demonstrated the proof of principle of these novel detectors for neutron metrology.Comment: to appear in Radiation Measurements, Proc. of 24th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids (Bologna, 1-5 September 2008

    A human septin octamer complex sensitive to membrane curvature drives membrane deformation with a specific mesh-like organization

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    Septins are cytoskeletal proteins interacting with the inner plasma membrane and other cytoskeletal partners. Being key in membrane remodeling processes, they often localize at specific micrometric curvatures. To analyze the behavior of human septins at the membrane and decouple their role from other partners, we used a combination of bottom-up in vitro methods. We assayed their ultrastructural organization, their curvature sensitivity, as well as their role in membrane reshaping. On membranes, human septins organize into a two-layered mesh of orthogonal filaments, instead of generating parallel sheets of filaments observed for budding yeast septins. This peculiar mesh organization is sensitive to micrometric curvature and drives membrane reshaping as well. The observed membrane deformations together with the filamentous organization are recapitulated in a coarse-grained computed simulation to understand their mechanisms. Our results highlight the specific organization and behavior of animal septins at the membrane as opposed to those of fungal proteins

    Robust, tunable, and high purity triggered single photon source at room temperature using a nitrogen-vacancy defect in diamond in an open microcavity

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    We report progress in the development of tunable room temperature triggered single photon sources based on single nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centres in nanodiamond coupled to open access optical micro-cavities. The feeding of fluorescence from an NV centre into the cavity mode increases the spectral density of the emission and results in an output stream of triggered single photons with spectral line width of order 1 nm, tunable in the range 640 - 700 nm. We record single photon purities exceeding 96% and estimated device efficiencies up to 3%. We compare performance using plano-concave microcavities with radii of curvature from 25 mu m to 4 mu m and show that up to 17% of the total emission is fed into the TEM00 mode. Pulsed Hanbury-Brown Twiss (HBT) interferometry shows that an improvement in single photon purity is facilitated due to the increased spectral density. Published by The Optical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License

    The transmission of unconventional monetary policy to bank credit supply : evidence from the TLTRO

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    We assess the transmission of the Targeted Longer-Term Refinancing Operations (TLTRO) to the bank credit supply for the Euro area (2014:05-2018:01) and for Portugal (2011:01-2018:01), using a panel data setup. For the Euro area, we find a positive relationship between the TLTRO and the amount of credit granted to the real economy. For the vulnerable countries, the effects of the TLTRO on the stock of credit increased from 2016 to 2017. Among the group of small banks, the effects are stronger in less vulnerable countries. We also find that competition has no statistically significant impact on the transmission of the TLTRO to the bank credit supply for the Euro area. For Portugal, using a difference-in-differences model, we find no statistically significant impact of the TLTRO on credit granted by banks. Finally, bidding banks set lower interest rates than non-bidding banks and the difference seems to be larger in 2017. In Portugal, the effects of the TLTRO on loan interest rates also increased from 2016 to 2017 and are stronger for small banks.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
