2,211 research outputs found

    Pressure stimulated currents in rocks and their correlation with mechanical properties

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    The spontaneous electrification of marble samples was studied while they were subjected to uniaxial stress. The Pressure Stimulated Current (PSC) technique was applied to measure the charge released from compressed Dionysos marble samples, while they were subjected to cyclic loading. The experimental results demonstrate that, in the linear elastic region of the sample, no PSC is recorded, while beyond the stress limit (s>0.60), observable variations appear, which increase considerably in the vicinity of sample failure, reaching a maximum value just before the failure. The emitted current is reduced on each loading cycle and it has a reciprocal dependence to the normalized Young modulus. The MCD model, applied out of the vicinity of sample failure explains successfully the above findings. The existence of a "memory-like" behavior of the sample, could justify the weakness or absence of electrical earthquake precursors, during an aftershock sequence

    The Macaronesian province: patterns of species richness and endemism of arthropods

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    "[…]. The Macaronesian arthropod fauna displays a number of characteristics typical of oceanic islands, including a high degree of endemism, ranging from 19% for the Azores (Borges et al., 2005a), to 28% for Madeira (Borges et al., 2008a), 30% for Cape Verde (Arechavaleta etal., 2005) and 45% for the Canary Islands (Izquierdo et al., 2004; see Table I). The preponderance of endemic species has made the Macaronesian islands an outstanding area for studies of evolution and speciation, and arthropods from these islands have been the focus of particularly intensive investigation in the last ten years. Numerous biogeographic analyses of Macaronesian arthropod groups have provided valuable insights into the processes regulating species richness as well as the relationships among the region's endemics (e.g. Juan et al.,1996; Arnedo & Ribera, 1999; Borges & Brown, 1999; Emerson et al., 1999, 2006; Emerson & Oromí, 2005; Dimitrov et al., 2008; Borges & Hortal, 2009; Hochkirch & Görzig, 2009). Here we investigate the factors shaping arthropod species richness and patterns of endemism in the Macaronesian archipelagos, considering two levels of analysis: a) individual archipelagos of the Macaronesian region (except Madeira and Salvages due to their limited number of islands), and b) all the islands of the region altogether. We do this following the recently published works of Whittaker et al. (2008) and Borges & Hortal (2009), examining data sets for several taxa from the Macaronesian archipelagos. […]." (da Introdução)Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal

    Drivers of diversity in Macaronesian spiders and the role of species extinctions

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    Copyright © 2010 Blackwell Publishing.AIM To identify the biogeographical factors underlying spider species richness in the Macaronesian region and assess the importance of species extinctions in shaping the current diversity. LOCATION The European archipelagos of Macaronesia with an emphasis on the Azores and Canary Islands

    Resolving the Azorean knot: a response to Carine & Schaefer (2010)

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    Copyright © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.Carine & Schaefer (Journal of Biogeography, 2010, 37, 77–89) suggest that the lack of past climate oscillations in the Azores may have contributed to the low plant endemism in this archipelago compared to that of the Canary Islands, a pattern they term the Azorean diversity enigma. Here we challenge their hypothesis, and discuss how the particular characteristics of the Azores may have driven current diversification patterns in this archipelago. We argue that the restricted number of Azorean endemic species and their wide distribution is explicable by the geological, geographical and ecological attributes of the archipelago. That is, the Azores are too young, too small, and too environmentally homogeneous to have hosted many in situ diversification events, so they do not host as many endemic species as other Macaronesian archipelagos, such as Madeira and especially the Canary Islands

    Functional traits of indigenous and exotic ground-dwelling arthropods show contrasting responses to land-use change in an oceanic island, Terceira, Azores

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    Aim: Land-use change typically goes hand in hand with the introduction of exotic-species, which mingle with indigenous species to form novel assemblages. Here, we compare the functional structure of indigenous and exotic elements of ground-dwelling arthropod assemblages across four land-uses of varying management intensity. Location: Terceira Island (Azores, North Atlantic). Methods: We used pitfall traps to sample arthropods in 36 sites across the four land-uses and collated traits related to dispersal ability, body size and resource use. For both indigenous and exotic species, we examined the impact of land-uses on trait diversity and tested for the existence of non-random assembly processes using null models. We analysed differences in trait composition among land-uses for both indigenous and exotic species with multivariate analyses. We used point-biserial correlations to identity traits significantly correlated with specific land-uses for each element. Results: We recorded 86 indigenous and 116 exotic arthropod species. Under high-intensity land-use, both indigenous and exotic elements showed significant trait clustering. Trait composition strongly shifted across land-uses, with indigenous and exotic species being functionally dissimilar in all land-uses. Large-bodied herbivores dominated exotic elements in low-intensity land-uses, while small-bodied spiders dominated exotic elements in high-intensity land-uses. In contrast, with increasing land-use intensity, indigenous species changed from functionally diverse to being dominated by piercing and cutting herbivores. Main conclusions: Our study revealed two main findings: first, in high-intensity - land-uses, trait clustering characterized both indigenous and exotic elements; second, exotic species differed in their functional profile from indigenous species in all land-use types. Overall, our results provide new insights into the functional role of exotic species in a land-use context, suggesting that, in agricultural landscape, exotic species may contribute positively to the maintenance of some ecosystem functions.Peer reviewe

    Patterns of colonization and species distribution for Azorean arthropods: evolution, diversity, rarity and extinction

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    Proceedings of the Symposium "Darwin's Mistake and what we are doing to correct it". Ponta Delgada, 19-22 September, 2009.Com base em estudos ecológicos e biogeográficos realizados nos Açores (um arquipélago remoto composto por nove ilhas vulcânicas) durante muitos anos de uma forma continuada, apresentamos um conjunto de questões. O grupo alvo são os artrópodes e o principal habitat é a Laurissilva, a floresta nativa dos Açores. A diversificação das espécies de artrópodes dos Açores é afectada pela idade das ilhas, área das ilhas e seu isolamento. No entanto, os estudos que decorreram durante os últimos dez anos mostram que os vários tipos de grupos taxonómicos e ecológicos são afectados de forma diferente por estes factores, tendo como consequência padrões de distribuição espacial únicos. A distribuição espacial dos artrópodes em cada ilha é causada for "efeitos de massa", muitas espécies possuindo dinâmicas "fonte-sumidouro". As espécies verdadeiramente raras à escala regional são aquelas que são especialistas de um particular habitat, muitas delas sendo espécies endémicas ameaçadas. Embora várias espécies endémicas persistam com populações sumidouro em habitats criados pelo Homem (e.g. florestas exóticas), mais de metade das espécies especialistas da floresta nativa já estão extintas ou poderão extinguir-se no futuro. De facto, aquelas espécies que evoluíram e apenas são encontradas nas florestas nativas foram afectadas de forma dramática como resultado da destruição alargada das florestas nativas dos Açores. Defendemos que a única forma de evitar a extinção de uma fauna única das florestas nativas dos Açores será através de medidas de restauro desta floresta.ABSTRACT: Here we address a list of questions based on long-term ecological and biogeographical studies performed in the Azores, a remote volcanic oceanic archipelago composed by nine islands. The target group are the arthropods, and the main habitat the Laurisilva, the Azorean native forest. Diversification of Azorean arthropod species is affected by island age, area and isolation. However, results obtained for over a decade show that distinct groups are differently affected by these factors, which has lead to the extreme diverse distribution patterns currently observed. Spatial distribution of arthropods in each island may be interpreted as caused by a typical "mass effect", with many species following a "source-sink" dynamics. Truly regionally rare species are those that are habitat specialists, many of them being threatened endemic species. Although various endemics persist as sink populations in human-made habitats (e.g., exotic forests), more than half of the original endemic forest arthropods may already have vanished or may eventually be driven to extinction in the future. Those species which have evolved in and are mainly found in native forests, have been dramatically affected by hitherto unrecognized levels of extinction debt, as a result of extensive destruction of native forest. We argue that immediate action to restore and expand native forest habitat is required to avoid a future of disastrous extinctions of a biologically unique fauna with an unique evolutionary history