729 research outputs found

    The Recognition and Determinants of Depression at a South African Primary Care Clinic

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    Depression leads to substantial morbidity and mortality on a global scale, but it is frequently underrecognized and inadequately treated in primary care settings. The detection of depression is particularly challenging in under-resourced countries. This study attempts to determine rates of recognition and treatment of depressive disorders at a community clinic in the Cape Flats, South Africa. The diagnostic instrument PRIME-MD was administered and charts reviewed for a sample of 222 patients presenting to the Lotus River Community Health Centre. Outcomes sought were (1) the prevalence of depressive disorders and (2) rates of detection and treatment as indicated by antidepressant prescription through chart review. The prevalence of depressive disorders in the group was found to be 32% (N=70), with 13% meeting criteria for major depressive disorder (N=29). Depressed patients tended to be younger (p\u3c.001) and female (p=.026) and were more likely to describe somatic symptoms than were non depressed (p\u3c.001). There was a statistically significant correlation between a diagnosis of depression and prescription of a tricyclic antidepressant (TCA) (p=.028). The sensitivity and specificity of a TCA prescription for depression were 20% and 91%, respectively. Multiple logistic regression analysis demonstrated that the strongest factor contributing to either a diagnosis of depression or a prescription of an antidepressant was the presence of somatic complaints. In this primary care setting, patients with depressive diagnoses were reliably recognized as indicated by a significant correlation between depression and antidepressant receipt. Physicians appeared to respond primarily to somatic rather than psychological presentations. While depressed patients received antidepressants more frequently than non-depressed, only a minority of depressed patients was recognized as such. Analyzing patterns of recognition requires an understanding not only of physician practices but also of the cultural setting of the health care system

    Integrated Airline Organizational Frameworks and Crew Resource Management Effectiveness

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    It is only through well-designed and implemented Crew Resource Management being deeply rooted in an airline\u27s organizational culture that an airline can achieve its highest possible standard of safety, by having the highest degree of operational efficiency. It is not Crew Resource Management training itself that contributes to well-trained crew members who implement Crew Resource Management principles in flight operations. Rather, it is a strong company organizational culture that contributes, ultimately, to the effectiveness of Crew Resource Management

    Growing Elementary Education with Curriculum Founded in Place

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    Public school education has become increasingly homogenized as teachers work to meet national and state standardized curriculum goals. What is at risk is students losing touch with the places where their learning occurs. By inviting our schoolyard habitats, neighborhoods, and communities back into the curriculum educators can reconnect their classrooms to place allowing the environment, both ecological and cultural, to serve as the foundation for meaningful learning. Through the development of a guidebook, that administrators and educators can use, this project serves as a tool to implement place-based education. The guidebook has been designed as a scaffold of seven core concepts to work grade level content connections into elementary school standards that align learning through place. These core concepts are: encouraging student sense of place, reviving nature study and phenology, mapmaking, water fluency, using learning that occurs across curriculum with content standards as the guide, allowing for an emphasis on inquiry led investigations, and acknowledging that teachers are the “key” to success in place-based learning. The guidebook inspires students to address issues that often have a global scale on a local level, emboldening civic action that is accessible and meaningful, while encouraging students to steward the places where they learn

    Stuck in the Middle Revisited: The Case of the Airline Industry

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    When Porter (1980) introduced his typology of business strategies, he used Laker Airways\u27 as an example to illustrate the danger of being stuck in the middle between the two basic types of competitive advantage, namely low cost and differentiation. However, the changing nature of competitive pressure in many business sectors and the accompanying need to perform well simultaneously in several aspects of operations performance, have eventually lead Porter (1990) to revisit his early idea. When presenting Porter\u27s generic competitive strategies, most strategy textbooks now offer a new choice, namely the integrated cost leadership/differentiation strategy (Coulter, 2002; Hitt, Ireland, & Hoskisson, 2003), or the best-cost provider strategy (Thompson & Strickland, 2001). Given this background, the purpose of this theoretical paper is to build upon the strategic management and operations strategy literature to develop a conceptual framework that will subsequently be used to explore the extent that airline companies successfully pursue the best-cost provider (or integrated cost leadership/differentiation) strategy, and how they manage to resolve the trade-off between low-cost and differentiation. We aim at revisiting the stuck in the middle prescription by demonstrating that a number of aviation strategic options exist between the \u27\u27traditional\u27\u27 and low-cost model

    Financial Comparisons across Different Business Models in the Canadian Airline Industry

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    This paper examines the accounting and stock price performance of two Canadian airlines, WestJet and Air Canada, over a five year period, taking into account the aftermath of the systemic shock to the airline industry produced by the September 11, 2001 (9-11), terrorist attacks and subsequent events such as the 2002 SARS outbreak, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the accompanying rise in jet fuel prices. Our study focuses on the viability of low-cost versus conventional-cost business models in Canada under the current business environment and the ability of airlines to withstand and effectively respond to catastrophic industry events. Furthermore, we link the effectiveness of the airlines responses to these events to specific elements of their respective business models. We test our hypothesis through a case study. We focus on WestJet as a typical low-cost airline and compare its accounting and stock performance to Air Canada, a legacy carrier and rival in several business sectors. We find WestJet to be much less affected by catastrophic industry events. By decomposing each airline s return volatility, we observe that WestJet s systematic and unsystematic risk increased only slightly during the industry's post-9-11 turmoil when compared to Air Canada. In addition, we find that both WestJet s accounting and stock performance have been highly superior to those of Air Canada. We argue that WestJet s business model provides the firm with significantly more financial and operational flexibility than its legacy rival, Air Canada. WestJet's lower operating costs, high consumer trust, product offering, corporate structure, workforce and work practices, as well as operational procedures are all factors that appear to contribute to its relative success

    Confidence in Airline Performance in Difficult Market Conditions: An Analysis of JetBlue's Financial Market Results

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    This paper examines the stock market s reaction to JetBlue s Initial Public Offering (1PO) and subsequent price movements of the stock. In particular, w e examine whether the euphoria surrounding JetBlue s IPO carried over to other firms in the sector by testing whether the shares of JetBlue s competitors showed a significant price reaction to JetBlue s IPO. JetBlue's IPO took place just a few months following September 11, 2001. These events resulted in dramatic changes in the airline industry and had significant implications on the economic gains of airlines. We examine JetBlue s accounting and stock performance and compare it to the relative performance of Southwest Airlines (SWA), a representative of the loa-cost carrier group. In addition, we compare both JetBlue's and SWA's financial condition and the relative performance of their stock to two mainline U S. carriers, Continental and Northwest. representatives of the conventional-cost carrier group. We analyze whether there are any performance differences among the low-cost carriers and between low-cost carriers and conventional-cost carriers. In particular, we examine whether low-cost carriers were able to sustain the economic impacts of 9/11 better than the conventional-cost carriers

    Review of Recent Legacy Airline Mergers in the U.S.: An Empirical Study from Investors’ Perspectives

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    Since the 2008 financial crisis, three legacy airline mergers have dramatically reshaped the landscape of the U.S. airline industry. Due to the lengthy process involved in an airline merger, it is important to understand whether the investors view the merger favorably. This study examined how investors reacted to the three recent legacy airline mergers in the U.S. by adopting a GARCH-EVT-Copula approach. Our empirical results revealed that positive dependencies between returns and trading volume changes were observed for each merger during various periods, indicating that investors were optimistic about the mergers. Accordingly, implications for future mergers are discussed


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    Kapas (Gossypium hirsutum L.) merupakan salah satu tanaman penghasil serat yang memiliki nilai ekonomis cukup tinggi. Sebagian besar permintaan serat oleh industri Tekstil dan Produk Tekstil  >99% bahan baku berupa serat masih di impor dari negara-negara penghasil serat (BPS, 2010). Kelebihan kapas serat warna coklat yaitu warna seratnya bisa lebih tahan terhadap pencucian, tidak mudah pudar oleh sinar ultra violet, dan tidak memerlukan proses pewarnaan secara kimia. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret sampai September 2012 di kebun percobaan Karangploso, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pemanis dan Serat. Percobaan ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK), terdiri dari 8 galur F6 dengan 2 (dua) ulangan. Parameter yang diamati antara lain tinggi tanaman, jumlah cabang vegetative, generative, bulu daun, jumlah buah, panen dan potensi hasil per hektar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 8 galur yang diuji tidak memberikan perbedaan pada tinggi tanaman, jumlah cabang vegetatif, dan generatif.  Perbedaan nyata terdapat pada jumlah buah, bulu daun dan hasil (kg/30 m2). Galur yang memiliki hasil tinggi dan berserat coklat adalah K1 (06063/3). Kata kunci: Kapas Serat Coklat, Galur F6, Sinar Ultra Violet, Tektil dan Produk Teksti

    Uji Daya Hasil Pendahuluan Delapan Galur F6 Kapas (Gossypium Hirsutum L.) Serat Warna Coklat

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    Kapas (Gossypium hirsutum L.) merupakan salah satu tanaman penghasil serat yang memiliki nilai ekonomis cukup tinggi. Sebagian besar permintaan serat oleh industri Tekstil dan Produk Tekstil >99% bahan baku berupa serat masih di impor dari negara-negara penghasil serat (BPS, 2010). Kelebihan kapas serat warna coklat yaitu warna seratnya bisa lebih tahan terhadap pencucian, tidak mudah pudar oleh sinar ultra violet, dan tidak memerlukan proses pewarnaan secara kimia. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret sampai September 2012 di kebun percobaan Karangploso, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pemanis dan Serat. Percobaan ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK), terdiri dari 8 galur F6 dengan 2 (dua) ulangan. Parameter yang diamati antara lain tinggi tanaman, jumlah cabang vegetative, generative, bulu daun, jumlah buah, panen dan potensi hasil per hektar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 8 galur yang diuji tidak memberikan perbedaan pada tinggi tanaman, jumlah cabang vegetatif, dan generatif. Perbedaan nyata terdapat pada jumlah buah, bulu daun dan hasil (kg/30 m2). Galur yang memiliki hasil tinggi dan berserat coklat adalah K1 (06063/3)
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