39 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian Maduramicine sebagai antikoksidia terhadap skor perlukaan dan gambaran histopatologi sekum ayam setelah diinfeksi Eimeria tenella. Sejumlah 40 ekor ayam tipe pedaging jenis CP 707 umur empat minggu dipakai dalam penelitian 1n1. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan empat perlakuan dan 10 ulangan. Perlakuan P1 (ayam diinfeksi dengan 80.000 ookista Eimeria tenella tanpa pengobatan I kontrol sakit), perlakuan P2 (ayam diinfeksi dengan 80.000 ookista Eimeria tenella dengan pengobatan Maduramicine 5 ppm), perlakuan P3 (ayam diinfeksi 80.000 ookista Eimeria tenella dengan pengobatan Maduramicine 10 ppm), perlakuan P4 (ayam diinfeksi 80.000 ookista Eimeria tenella dengan pengobatan Maduramicine 15 ppm). Infeksi dilakukan per oral pada saat ayam berumur empat minggu, sedangkan pengamatan sekum dilakukan pada hari ke delapan pasca infeksi. Hasil analisis statistik dengan metode Kruskal-Wallis menunjukkan bahwa pemberian Maduramicine dosis 10 ppm yang tidak berbeda dengan dosis 15 ppm, dapat menurunkan skor perlukaan sekum dan memperbaiki gambaran histopatologi sekum ayam secara sangat bermakna (p < 0.01) dibanding kontrol sakit. Sedang pada pengobatan Maduramicine 5 ppm masih belum dapat mengatasi serangan koksidiosis

    High Prevalence genito-Reproductive and Skin disease in Canine geratic at several animal Health Sevices in Surabaya, Periode 2011-2014

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    This research was aimed to find out the prevalence of canine geriatric and diseases of canine geriatric based on age, breed, and sex at several animal health services in Surabaya during 2011 to 2014. The research was using survey method and the secondary data retrieval with these variables canine age, breed, sex, and the disease, during the period. The data were evaluated using the classification tree analysis and descriptive with SPSS version 22.0 for Windows program. 6961 canine were examined at several animal health services over the study period. The results showed that the prevalence of canine geriatric at several animal health service in Surabaya was 21.4 percent. Based on sex were showed high prevalence the diseases of genito-reproductive, urinary, and respiratory. Based on breed, small and large breed male canine geriatric have highest prevalence in the urinary disease, whereas prevalence in genito-reproductive geriatric bitch were highest. Giant breed geriatric were highest genito-cepmductive in bitch and urinary disease ¡n male canine. Medium breed geriatric male canine was higher prevalence of skin disease and other disease than geriatric bitch, whereas the geriatric bitch were highest prevalence of genito-reproductive disease and neoplasia. Keyword : canine, geriatric, genito-reproductive, diseases, skin, disease

    Modification of Carp (Osphronemus Gouramy) Growth with Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I Recombinant Mouse in Vivo

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    Osphronemus gouramy consumption is increasing every year, which causes a high number of inquiries for this fish, which cannot be offset sufficiently by the amount of production. The growth rate of O. gouramy is relatively slow, so achieving the required consumption is relatively long. Quality improvement of productivity by improving the ability of cell metabolism to intake fish feed through hormone injection recombinant mouse insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) is expected to spur growth so that fish production can be increased. This study aims to determine the effect of the hormone IGF-I recombinant mouse on the increased growth of O. gouramy. The benefits of this research are expected to deliver the benefits of science in the form of scientific information to the public in general and fish farmers, especially about the effect of the hormone recombinant mouse IGF-I on the growth of O. gouramy. The research method is carried out experimentally by using a completely randomized design (RAL); this study uses 80 O. gouramy was divided into 4 treatments P0: without hormone injections of IGF-I, P1: injected with the hormone IGF-I at a dose of 10 ng/ml, P2: injected with the hormone IGF-I at a dose of 20 ng/ml and P3: injected with the hormone at a dose of 40 ng/ml each of 5 replicates each test 4 tail O. gouramy. The hormone IGF-I recombinant mouse is done by injection. The treatment with hormone injection of recombinant mouse IGF-I. The parameters measured were growth. The results showed that the treatment hormone injection of recombinant mouse IGF-I with different doses gave significant differences (p &lt;0.05); weight growth (P0: 0 ng/ml = 7,23 gram ± 0,37-gram dan P3: 40 ng/ml = 26,35 gram ± 1,89 gram.); length growth (P0 : 0 ng/ml = 5,76 cm  ± 0,38 cm dan P3: 40 ng/ml = 7,93 cm ± 0,07 cm). The conclusion is that recombinant mouse IGF-I increased the growth by increasing in weight and length of O. gouramy, and improvement of the growth occurred in the treatment injection of the dose: 40 ng/ml

    Gambaran Histopatologik Ginjal Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus) Pasca Ovariohisterektomi dengan Suplemen Kalsium Karbonat Dosis Tinggi

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    The aim of this research was to study the effect of high dose calcium carbonate as supplement to histopatological feature of renal rats (Rattus norvegicus) after ovaryohysterectomy. Ovaryohysterectomy was done to achived the lack of estrogen that equal with menopause in women. Total twenty female rats, strain Spraque dawley, 13 weeks old were used as experimental animals. After ovaryohysterectomy, they were randomized in four groups. P0 has been fed with standart food without calcium carbonate as supplement. P1, P2 and P3 were groups that each rat fed standart food with 75 mg/PO/day, 225 mg/PO/day and 450 mg/PO/day calcium carbonate respectively. The calcium carbonate supplement were given every morning during 42 days successively. The experimental animals were euthanized at 21 weeks old. The dexter kidneys were fixed in to 10% formalin for hystological observation using Haematoxylin-Eosin staining. The hystopatological feature of the kidneys were presented descriptively. The result showed the hypercellularity of glomerulus and necrosis of tubulus contortus proxymal in P0, but normal hystological feature were observed in P1. Contrarary, the sign of renal degeneration were clearly observed in P2 and P3. Sweling of glomerulus and necrosis of tubulus contortus proxymal were observed in P3. The conclusion of the research is the renal deterioration increased with augmentation of calcium carbonat given. Keywords: Ovaryohysterectomy, menopause, estrogen, calcium carbonate, kidne

    The Prevalence of Domesticated Geriatri Cats in Surabaya City at April-May 2019

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    This study is beneficial to give information about population of domesticated geriatric cats in Surabaya period from April to May 2019. This study is also beneficial to give information about likely risks of domesticated geriatric cats in Surabaya City based on gender, cat breed, and cat’s disease. The design of this study was Observational Retrospective using cross-sectional method. Sampling used stratified random sampling method. This study collected primary data and was analyzed descriptively using prevalence test and relative risks. That domesticated geriatric cats in Surabaya City period from April-May 2019, the oldest cats were written 17 years for male cats and 9 years for female cats. The prevalence of domesticated geriatric cats in Surabaya City period from April-May 2019 was 9 (7,5%). Geriatric cats distributed by the gender were 5 (4,2%) male and 4 (3,3%) female, where geriatric cats distributed by the cat breed were 5 (4,2%) pure breed, 4 (3,3%) mixed breed, and 0 (0%) domestic sample. The result of geriatric cats analysis based on gender showed that male cats had a change of 1,4 times higher compared to the female to reach geriatric, whereas based on cat breed it showed pure breed had a change 3,3 times compared to mixed breed to reach geriatric. On this study, the disease often appeared in domesticated geriatric cats in Surabaya City period from April -May 2019 were: on skin, respiration, digestion, and eyes. Based on relative risk analysis on geriatric cats, it had a change of gastrointetinal tract that was higher compared to other diseases

    Morfometry Study of Hemipenis Biawak Air Varanus Salvator on Length Measurement of Snouth Vent Length (Svl) Andbody Weight

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    Varanus salvator is a water reptile that has various kinds depends on the habitat. Varanus salvator   has been hunted by people for hundreds or even thousands of years, therefore the populations decreased. People used Varanus salvator  as a source of protein and as medicine for particular parts of the body. Informations about Varanus salvator reproductive anatomy was highly needed as the base of conservation. The objective of this research was to know the corelation of snouth vent length and body weight to the size of hemipenes. Forty male  Varanus salvator in random sizes  was measured in snoth vent length and body weight, then the measurement’s result was analized and correlated with the size of hemipenes. The size of hemipenes was the length of hemipenes, the diameter of radix hemipenes, the diameter of corpus hemipenes and the diameter of glands hemipenes. The datas was processed using Anova test, Linear regression test, correlation test, and double correlation test.The result showed that body weight and snouth vent length correlated to the size of hemipenes because the value of correlation test showed p&gt;0,5. Based on double correlation test, the result showed that snouth vent lengt was more correlated to the size of hemipenes. The value of double corrrelation test showed z&lt;1,96. Keyword : Snouth vent length, Hemipenis, Varanus salvator

    Difference in Lairage Time Before Slaughtering on Malondialdehyde (MDA) Levels in Landrace Pig Blood Serum

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    Lairage time before slaughtering a pig can recover the stress caused by transportation from the farm to the abattoir. Stress conditions can overcome the imbalance between Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and the ability of the system to be easily detoxified. Malondialdehyde (MDA) is a specific product of lipid peroxidation, it is often used as a biomarker in research. A total of 18 pigs were divided into two groups, pigs with a lairage time of 6-8 hours and a rest period of 12-24 hours, MDA levels were tested using the Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substance (TBARS) method and then analyzed. There was a significant difference (p<0.05) between the group lairage time length of 6-8 hours (18.10 ± 11.616) with a rest period of 12-24 hours (6,80 ± 4,852), there was a decrease in stress levels and was marked by a decreased in levels of MDA in pigs that were rested for 12-24 hours before being slaughtered


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    The aimed of this study is to know malaricidal ability of nanoparticle juwet (Syzygium cumini) leaf extract as adjuvant therapy on liver histopathological of mice (Mus musculus) which infected by Plasmodium berghei. This research uses 30 mice which are divided into six treatment groups namely K0 (not infected without treated), K+ (infected without treated), K1 (infected and treated with chloroquin), K2 (infected and treated with juwet leaf extract), P1 (infected and treated with juwet leaf extract nanoparticle) and P2 (infected and combination treated with chloroquine and juwet leaf extract nanoparticle) which infected by 1x105 in 0.2 ml of Plasmodium berghei. The data were analyzed by Kruskal Wallis using SPSS and followed with Mann-Whitney test. This research result showed there was significant difference (p 0.05) with K+, K2 and P1. Based on this research, it could be concluded that nanoparticle juwet (Syzygium cumini) leaf extract as adjuvant therapy estimated can increase malaricidal ability in degeneration, necrosis, portal inflammation, Kupffer cell hyperplasia, sinusoidal congestion, and hemosiderosis in mice liver which infected by Plasmodium berghei

    Capillaria spp. in a Reticulated Python (Python reticulatus) in Banyuwangi Reptile Community

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    Reptiles as exotic pets become more commonly desired by society, one of which is the reticulated python. Pythons kept as pets also have a risk of disease infection including helminthiasis. Worm parasite infects snake by the oral route. Some snake feed including frogs and mice can act as an intermediate host for worm parasites. A male reticulated python was kept by a member of the Banyuwangi reptile community and was presented with healthy and normal eating habits. This case study was to determine the worm parasite in the wild-caught reticulated python kept as an exotic pet. Fresh fecal samples were stored in a container with 70% alcohol added as a preservative. The sample was then evaluated in the laboratory and examined using the native method, floatation method, and simple sedimentation method. As result, under the microscope to be the Capillaria spp. the egg was observed

    Efek Ekstrak Metanol Daun Ketapang (Terminalia catappa L.) Terhadap Kepadatan Kolagen dalam Penyembuhan Luka Bakar Derajat II pada Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak metanol daun ketapang (Terminalia catappa L.) untuk meningkatkan kepadatan serabut kolagen dalam penyembuhan luka bakar derajat II pada tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus). Sebanyak dua puluh ekor tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) jantan dibagi ke dalam lima kelompok perlakuan yaitu K- luka dengan pemberian basis salep, K+ luka dengan pemberian Bioplacenton®, P1 luka bakar dengan pemberian salep ekstrak daun ketapang 25%, P2 luka bakar dengan pemberian salep ekstrak daun ketapang 50% dan P3 luka bakar dengan pemberian salep ekstrak daun ketapang 100%. Terapi diberikan sehari sekali selama tujuh hari. Hasil data rata-rata jumlah kepadatan serabut kolagen menunjukkan K- 83.57%, K+ 84.52%, P1 90.32%, P2 86.77% dan P3 83.36%. Kelompok P1 dan P2 tidak memiliki perbedaan yang nyata, tetapi berbeda nyata dengan kelompok K+, K- dan P3. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini ekstrak metanol daun ketapang berpengaruh dalam meningkatkan kepadatan serabut kolagen pada proses penyembuhan luka bakar derajat II