10 research outputs found
Pentahelix's Collaboration In The Development of Halal Tourism For Sustainable Regional Economic Development
This paper aims to explore the implementation of the pentahelix collaboration policy in the development of halal tourism in the region, as well as to design an ideal synergy model for the development of sustainable halal tourism. They use the qualitative methodology and a comparative approach to two halal tourism development areas, Malang city and Banyuwangi regency. This research discovered comparative advantages to implementing the penta-helix collaboration policy in establishing halal tourism in the two locations where there are variances and diversity in implementing the pentahelix collaboration in halal tourism. Each region has advantages that multi-sector and multi-stakeholder institutions complement. The development of halal tourism in Malang and Banyuwangi is further stymied by the absence of rules as a legal framework for development. However, the two regions are working to assure and expedite the development of halal tourism following local wisdom. This research helps to fill gaps in the development of halal tourism in Malang and Banyuwangi. Furthermore, this research contributes to the region's role as a paradigm for developing sustainable halal tourism
Pengaruh Inflasi, Suku Bunga (BI Rate), Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) Terhadap ROA (Studi Pada Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah (BPRS) di Indonesia Tahun 2009-2016)
Sharia financing banks serve and be source of capital for small and micro business community. After the crisis in 2008, the profitability of the sharia financing banks has decreased significantly. So the impact on slowing economic growth, rising financing stalled and declining market share of Islamic banking. This study used quantitative research methods. Data collection techniques used were documentation and analyzed using multiple regression analysis. With a total population of all sharia financing banks in Indonesia during the eight-year period from 2009 to 2016. The results of this study prove that (1) Inflation does not affect the ROA with a significance value of 0,382 and F arithmetic amounted to 0,788, (2) The interest rate a significant negative affect on ROA with a significance value of 0,029 and F arithmetic amounted to 5,268, (3) GDP does not affect the ROA with a significance value of 0,062 and F calculate equal to 3,774, (4) Inflation, Interest Rate and GDP simultaneously has of effect on ROA with a significance value of 1,66 and F count equal to 1,835.</strong
Pengaruh Inflasi, Suku Bunga (BI Rate), Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) Terhadap ROA (Studi Pada Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah (BPRS) di Indonesia Tahun 2009-2016)
Sharia financing banks serve and be source of capital for small and micro business community. After the crisis in 2008, the profitability of the sharia financing banks has decreased significantly. So the impact on slowing economic growth, rising financing stalled and declining market share of Islamic banking. This study used quantitative research methods. Data collection techniques used were documentation and analyzed using multiple regression analysis. With a total population of all sharia financing banks in Indonesia during the eight-year period from 2009 to 2016. The results of this study prove that (1) Inflation does not affect the ROA with a significance value of 0,382 and F arithmetic amounted to 0,788, (2) The interest rate a significant negative affect on ROA with a significance value of 0,029 and F arithmetic amounted to 5,268, (3) GDP does not affect the ROA with a significance value of 0,062 and F calculate equal to 3,774, (4) Inflation, Interest Rate and GDP simultaneously has of effect on ROA with a significance value of 1,66 and F count equal to 1,835
Budgeting From an Islamic Green Economy Perspective in Local Development
Global climate change and environmental problems significantly threaten the Earth's ability to support human needs and well-being. This crisis is exacerbated by increased economic development activities that rely heavily on the exploitation of natural resources. Indonesia, facing similar challenges, requires the implementation of a sustainable and environmentally friendly economic model. This study examines budgeting in the context of local government budget documents and regional development reports, focusing on the integration of green economic principles in the Mataraman region of East Java, Indonesia. Using a qualitative approach, the research examines local government budget and economic development reports from Madiun City and Ponorogo Regency. It involves a comprehensive analysis of both primary and secondary sources related to local development and budgeting. The findings aim to contribute to the promotion and acceleration of green economic development in the region, thereby influencing the allocation of resources to foster an inclusive and prosperous community
Budgeting From an Islamic Green Economy Perspective in Local Development
Global climate change and environmental problems significantly threaten the Earth's ability to support human needs and well-being. This crisis is exacerbated by increased economic development activities that rely heavily on the exploitation of natural resources. Indonesia, facing similar challenges, requires the implementation of a sustainable and environmentally friendly economic model. This study examines budgeting in the context of local government budget documents and regional development reports, focusing on the integration of green economic principles in the Mataraman region of East Java, Indonesia. Using a qualitative approach, the research examines local government budget and economic development reports from Madiun City and Ponorogo Regency. It involves a comprehensive analysis of both primary and secondary sources related to local development and budgeting. The findings aim to contribute to the promotion and acceleration of green economic development in the region, thereby influencing the allocation of resources to foster an inclusive and prosperous community
Pengaturan Wisata Halal Untuk Pembangunan Daerah: Transformasi Industri Halal Di Era Disrupsi
AbstractHalal tourism is one of the sectors in the global economy that isexperiencing significant development. Indonesia as a country with aMuslim majority has the potential to develop halal tourism. However,there is a regulatory vacuum related to efforts to develop this potential inIndonesia. The existing legal basis is in the form of Fatwa Number 108 /DSN-MUI / X / 2016 concerning Guidelines for Organizing TourismBased on Sharia Principles. The government currently does not have astrong legal umbrella related to the development of the halal tourismsector. This halal tourism potential must be responded positively by theregions through transformative regional regulations as a means of regionaldevelopment and the welfare of the people. This article aims to explorethe ideal transformation model of halal tourism arrangements forsustainable regional development. Using a qualitative-interpretativeapproach, this study produces an ideal and synergic legal model of legalhalal tourism arrangements between local law and Islamic law as aninstrument of regional development in realizing people's welfare in theindustrial revolution era.Keywords: arrangement, transformation, halal tourism, regional regulatio
The study aims to explore the policy of halal tourism as an instrument for regional development on the island of Lombok. The main problem of halal tourism policy, in addition to the inadequacy of the legal basis for tourism, is an unclear institutional position of halal tourism. This creates a further question on how to manage halal tourism to maximize its contributions. By using policy theory and a qualitative-interpretative approach, this study finds that halal tourism policy is a strategic policy in supporting the regional economy, as well as being able to accelerate sustainable regional development. However, at a practical level, halal tourism as a policy still experiences various obstacles and challenges. In principle, halal tourism is a universal service product because it can be used by all people, including non-Muslim tourists, but on the island of Lombok, it has not been well understood by all stakeholders. As a strategic policy, the halal tourism policy is a multi-sector and multi-regional policy. So it is necessary that Lombok halal tourism policy is integrally formulated with the vision of sustainable development. Kajian ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi kebijakan wisata halal sebagai instrumen pembangunan daerah di pulau Lombok. Sebagaimana dipahami, problem mendasar kebijakan wisata halal, selain belum memadainya dasar hukum pariwisata halal, juga secara kelembagaan masih terdapat problem. Sehingga yang menjadi pertanyaan bagaimana sebaiknya pariwisata dikelola agar mampu berkontribusi bagi kesejahteraan rakyat. Dengan menggunakan teori kebijakan dan pendekatan kualitatif-interpretatif, kajian ini menghasilkan temuan bahwa kebijakan wisata halal merupakan kebijakan yang strategis dalam menunjang perekonomian daerah sekaligus mampu mengakselerasi pembangunan daerah yang berkelanjutan. Namun, dalam praktiknya wisata halal sebagai sebuah kebijakan masih mengalami berbagai hambatan dan tantangan. Wisata halal pada prinsipnya merupakan produk jasa yang universal karena dapat dimanfaatkan semua orang, termasuk wisatawan non-Muslim namun di Pulau Lombok belum dipahami secara baik oleh semua stakeholders. Sebagai kebijakan yang strategis, kebijakan pariwisata halal merupakan kebijakan yang multisektor sekaligus multi-regional. Sehingga dibutuhkan rumusan kebijakan wisata halal Lombok yang terintegrasi dengan visi sustainable development (pembangunan berkelanjutan)
Abstract:This article analyzes the concept of fee based services in Islamic banks. Islamic banks are financial institutions that provide various forms of transactions, one of which is to provide various types of transactions in the field of service or fee based service. This service service consists of various kinds of service products according to the type of contract. In terms of service, banks obtain revenue in the form of fee-based income service. Fee based income comes from costs intended to facilitate the implementation of transactions or financing. This service facility is provided to customers and non-bank customers. In this writing using a type of descriptive qualitative research. The limitations in this writing are focused on the concept of income of Islamic banks in the form of fee-based income service. Fee based income comes from administrative costs that come from transactions in transfer, collection, clearing, bank guarantees, letters of credit, and other payment services. These contracts in the concept of fee based income services include Al Wakalah, Al-Kafalah, Al-Hawalah, Ar-Rahn, and Qardh. الملخص: البنوك الإسلامية هي مؤسسات مالية تقدم أنواعًا مختلفة من المنتجات ، أحدها في قطاع الخدمات, تتكون الخدمات التي تقدمها البنوك الإسلامية من أنواع مختلفة من منتجات الخدمات التي تتوافق مع نوع العقدها من حيث هذه الخدمة يحصل البنك علىالدخل القائم على الرسوم. يأتي الدخل على أساس الرسوم من التكاليف التي تهدف إلى تسهيل تنفيذ المعاملات أو التمويل، تقدم المصارف الإسلامية تسهيلات الخدمات للعملاء أو غير العملاء. يشمل مفهوم الخدمات (الدخل المستند إلى الرسوم) في الخدمات المصرفية الإسلامية الوكلة، والكفلة، والحولة، والرهن، والقرض. Abstrak:Artikel ini menganalisis tentang konsep fee based services dalam bank syariah. Bank syariah merupakan lembaga keuangan yang menyediakan berbagai macam bentuk transaksi, salah satunya ialah menyediakan berbagai macam transaksi dibidang pelayanan jasa atau fee based service. Pelayanan jasa ini terdiri dari berbagai macam produk layanan sesuai dengan jenis akadnya. Dalam hal pelayanan jasa, bank memperoleh pendapatan yang berupa fee based income service. Fee based income berasal dari biaya-biaya yang ditujukan untuk mempermudah pelaksanaan transaksi ataupun pembiayaan. Fasilitas pelayanan jasa ini diberikan kepada nasabah maupun bukan nasabah bank tersebut. Dalam penulisan ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Batasan dalam penulisan ini difokuskan pada konsep pendapatan bank syariah dalam bentuk fee based income service. Fee based income berasal dari biaya-biaya administrasi yang berasal dari transaksi jasa transfer, inkaso, kliring, bank garansi, letter of credit, dan jasa pembayaran lainnya.Akad dalam konsep fee based income services ini diantaranya adalah Al-Wakalah, Al-Kafalah, Al-Hawalah, Ar-Rahn, dan Qardh
Budgeting From an Islamic Green Economy Perspective in Local Development
Global climate change and environmental problems significantly threaten the Earth's ability to support human needs and well-being. This crisis is exacerbated by increased economic development activities that rely heavily on the exploitation of natural resources. Indonesia, facing similar challenges, requires the implementation of a sustainable and environmentally friendly economic model. This study examines budgeting in the context of local government budget documents and regional development reports, focusing on the integration of green economic principles in the Mataraman region of East Java, Indonesia. Using a qualitative approach, the research examines local government budget and economic development reports from Madiun City and Ponorogo Regency. It involves a comprehensive analysis of both primary and secondary sources related to local development and budgeting. The findings aim to contribute to the promotion and acceleration of green economic development in the region, thereby influencing the allocation of resources to foster an inclusive and prosperous community