169 research outputs found

    Positronium signature in organic liquid scintillators for neutrino experiments

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    Electron anti-neutrinos are commonly detected in liquid scintillator experiments via inverse beta decay, by looking at the coincidence between the reaction products, neutron and positron. Prior to positron annihilation, an electron-positron pair may form an orthopositronium (o-Ps) state, with a mean life of a few ns. Even if the o-Ps decay is speeded up by spin flip or pick off effects, it may introduce distortions in the photon emission time distribution, crucial for position reconstruction and pulse shape discrimination algorithms in anti-neutrino experiments. Reversing the problem, the o-Ps induced time distortion represents a new signature for tagging anti-neutrinos in liquid scintillator. In this paper, we report the results of measurements of the o-Ps formation probability and lifetime, for the most used solvents for organic liquid scintillators in neutrino physics (pseudocumene, linear alkyl benzene, phenylxylylethane, and dodecane). We characterize also a mixture of pseudocumene +1.5 g/l of 2,5-diphenyloxazole, a fluor acting as wavelength shifter. In the second part of the paper, we demonstrate that the o-Ps induced distortion of the scintillation photon emission time distributions represent an optimal signature for tagging positrons on an event by event basis, potentially enhancing the anti-neutrino detection.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figure

    Influence of Quince rootstocks on Entomosporium Leaf Spot (Entomosporium mespili) susceptibility in European Pear cv. Abate Fetel

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    Entomosporium leaf spot (ELS) is caused by the fungus Fabraea maculata (anamorph: Entomosporium mespili) and affects most pear cultivars and quince rootstocks in Brazil. The aim of this study was to characterize the effect of Adams, EMA and EMC quince rootstocks on ELS in European pear cultivar “Abate Fetel” in Southern Brazil, during the 2009/2010, 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 growing season. The incidence and severity of disease was quantified weekly in 100 randomly leaves distributed in four medium-height branches per plant with eight replications. Disease progress curves of ELS were constructed and the epidemics compared according to: (1) the beginning of symptoms appearance (BSA); (2) the time to reach the maximum disease incidence and severity (TRMDI and TRMDS); (3) area under the incidence and severity disease progress curve (AUIDPC and AUSDPC). The data were analyzed by linear regression and adjusted for three empirical models: Logistic, Monomolecular and Gompertz. The Abate Fetel cultivar under all rootstocks evaluated was susceptible to E. mespili. However, there were significant differences in ELS intensity among rootstocks evaluated. The highest ELS intensities were observed in combinations with EMA and Adams quince rootstock. Abate Fetel cultivar grafted on EMC quince rootstock showed all epidemiological variables results significantly different when compared with EMA quince rootstock. EMC quince rootstock induced late resistance compared with the other considerated rootstocks. The Logistic model was the most appropriates to describe the ELS progress of Abate Fetel cultivar under all rootstocks evaluated in the edafoclimatic conditions of Southern Brazil, during the 2009/2010, 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 growing season

    22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome. Impact of Genetics in the Treatment of Conotruncal Heart Defects

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    Congenital heart diseases represent one of the hallmarks of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. In particular, conotruncal heart defects are the most frequent cardiac malformations and are often associated with other specific additional cardiovascular anomalies. These findings, together with extracardiac manifestations, may affect perioperative management and influence clinical and surgical outcome. Over the past decades, advances in genetic and clinical diagnosis and surgical treatment have led to increased survival of these patients and to progressive improvements in postoperative outcome. Several studies have investigated long-term follow-up and results of cardiac surgery in this syndrome. The aim of our review is to examine the current literature data regarding cardiac outcome and surgical prognosis of patients with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. We thoroughly evaluate the most frequent conotruncal heart defects associated with this syndrome, such as tetralogy of Fallot, pulmonary atresia with major aortopulmonary collateral arteries, aortic arch interruption, and truncus arteriosus, highlighting the impact of genetic aspects, comorbidities, and anatomical features on cardiac surgical treatment

    Towards the Definition of the Molecular Hallmarks of Idiopathic Membranous Nephropathy in Serum Proteome: A DIA-PASEF Approach

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    Idiopathic membranous nephropathy (IMN) is a pathologically defined disorder of the glomerulus, primarily responsible for nephrotic syndromes (NS) in nondiabetic adults. The underlying molecular mechanisms are still not completely clarified. To explore possible molecular and functional signatures, an optimised mass spectrometry (MS) method based on next-generation data-independent acquisition combined with ion-mobility was applied to serum of patients affected by IMN (n = 15) or by other glomerulopathies (PN) (n = 15). The statistical comparison highlighted a panel of 57 de-regulated proteins with a significant increase in lipoprotein-related proteins (APOC1, APOB, APOA1, APOL1 and LCAT) and a substantial quantitative alteration of key serpins (including A4, D1, A7, A6, F2, F1 and 1) possibly associated with IMN or NS and podocyte stress. A critical dysregulation in metabolisms of lipids (e.g., VLDL assembly and clearance) likely to be related to known hyperlipidemia in IMN, along with involvement of non-classical complement pathways and a putative enrolment of ficolin-2 in sustaining the activation of the lectin-mediated complement system have been pinpointed. Moreover, mannose receptor CD206 (MRC1-down in IMN) and biotinidase (BTD-up in IMN) are able alone to accurately distinguish IMN vs. PN. To conclude, our work provides key proteomic insights into the IMN complexity, opening the way to an efficient stratification of MN patients

    The value of a panel of autoantibodies for predicting the activity of lupus nephritis at time of renal biopsy

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    Few studies have correlated serum biomarkers with renal histology, the gold standard for renal activity, in lupus nephritis (LN). We tested a panel of autoantibodies and complement at the time of kidney biopsy and after treatment. Anti-dsDNA, anti-nucleosome, anti-ribosome P, and anti-C1q antibodies and C3/C4 were measured in 107 patients with LN at the time of renal biopsy and after 6-12 months and were correlated with clinical/histological parameters. At multivariate analysis, high titers of anti-C1q antibodies or of anti-dsDNA antibodies (P = 0.005, OR = 8.67, CI: 2.03-37.3) were the independent predictors that discriminate proliferative from nonproliferative LN. All the immunological parameters, except anti-ribosome, showed a significant correlation with activity index but not with chronicity index. Only anti-C1q showed a significant correlation with the amount of proteinuria (R = 0.2, P = 0.03). None of the immunological parameters were predictive of remission at 6 and 12 months. We found that anti-C1q alone or in combination with anti-dsDNA emerged as the most reliable test in differentiating proliferative and nonproliferative LN. Anti-C1q was the only test correlated with the clinical presentation of LN. After treatment, the titre of the autoantibodies was significantly reduced, but none was predictive of remission

    Rituximab vs mycophenolate and vs cyclophosphamide pulses for induction therapy of active lupus nephritis: A clinical observational study

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    Objective. We report the first comparison between rituximab (RTX) and either MMF or CYC pulses in the treatment of active LN. Methods. Fifty-four patients with active LN received three methylprednisolone pulses for 3 consecutive days followed by oral prednisone and RTX 1 g at days 3 and 18 (17 patients) or MMF 2-2.5 g/day (17 patients) or six CYC pulses (0.5 g every fortnight) (20 patients). At 4 months MMF, AZA or ciclosporin were associated to prednisone as a consolidation/maintenance therapy in all groups. The outcomes of the three groups were compared at 3 and 12 months. Results. Patients in the RTX group were older, had a longer duration of SLE and LN, had more renal flares, had higher activity and had higher chronicity indexes at renal biopsy than the other two groups. Four patients in each group had acute renal dysfunction and 3c50% had nephrotic syndrome. At 3 months, proteinuria was reduced by 50% in 58.8% of patients on RTX, in 64.7% on MMF and in 63.1% on CYC. At 12 months, complete remission was present in 70.6% of patients on RTX, in 52.9% on MMF, and in 65% on CYC. Partial remission was reached in 29.4% on RTX, 41.2% on MMF, and 25% on CYC. Conclusion. RTX seems to be at least as effective as MMF and CYC pulses in inducing remission. Considering that patients treated with RTX had more negative renal prognostic factors, this drug should be considered a viable alternative for the treatment of active LN

    Multicenter evaluation of use of dried blood spot compared to conventional plasma in measurements of globotriaosylsphingosine (LysoGb3) concentration in 104 Fabry patients.

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    Abstract Objectives Fabry disease (FD) is an X-linked lysosomal storage disorder, resulting from a deficiency of the enzyme α-galactosidase A, responsible for breaking down glycolipids such as globotriaosylceramide and its deacylated derivative, globotriaosylsphingosine (LysoGb3). Here, we compare the levels of LysoGb3 in dried blood spots (DBS) and plasma in patients with classic and late-onset phenotypes. Methods LysoGb3 measurements were performed in 104 FD patients, 39 males and 65 females. Venous blood was collected. A portion was spotted onto filter paper and another portion separated to obtain plasma. The LysoGb3 concentrations in DBS and plasma were determined by highly sensitive electrospray ionization liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Agreement between different matrices was assessed using linear regression and Bland Altman analysis. Results The method on DBS was validated by evaluating its precision, accuracy, matrix effect, recovery, and stability. The analytical performances were verified by comparison of a total of 104 paired DBS and plasma samples from as many FD patients (representing 46 GLA variants). There was a strong correlation between plasma and the corresponding DBS LysoGb3 concentrations, with few exceptions. Discrepancies were observed in anemic patients with typically low hematocrit levels compared to the normal range. Conclusions The method proved to be efficient for the rapid analysis of LysoGb3. DBS provides a convenient, sensitive, and reproducible method for measuring LysoGb3 levels for diagnosis, initial phenotypic assignment, and therapeutic monitoring in patients with FD

    Plasma metabolic signatures of healthy overweight subjects challenged with an oral glucose tolerance test

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    Insulin secretion following ingestion of a carbohydrate load affects a multitude of metabolic pathways that simultaneously change direction and quantity of interorgan fluxes of sugars, lipids and amino acids. In the present study, we aimed at identifying markers associated with differential responses to an OGTT a population of healthy adults. By use of three metabolite profiling platforms, we assessed these postprandial responses of a total of 202 metabolites in plasma of 72 healthy volunteers undergoing comprehensive phenotyping and of which half enrolled into a weight-loss program over a three-month period. A standard oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) served as dietary challenge test to identify changes in postprandial metabolite profiles. Despite classified as healthy according to WHO criteria, two discrete clusters (A and B) were identified based on the postprandial glucose profiles with a balanced distribution of volunteers based on gender and other measures. Cluster A individuals displayed 26% higher postprandial glucose levels, delayed glucose clearance and increased fasting plasma concentrations of more than 20 known biomarkers of insulin resistance and diabetes previously identified in large cohort studies. The volunteers identified by canonical postprandial responses that form cluster A may be called pre-pre-diabetics and defined as “at risk” for development of insulin resistance. Moreover, postprandial changes in selected fatty acids and complex lipids, bile acids, amino acids, acylcarnitines and sugars like mannose revealed marked differences in the responses seen in cluster A and cluster B individuals that sustained over the entire challenge test period of 240 min. Almost all metabolites, including glucose and insulin, returned to baseline values within this timeframe, except a variety of amino acids and here those that have been linked to diabetes development. Analysis of the corresponding metabolite profile in a fasting blood sample may therefore allow for early identification of these subjects at risk for insulin resistance without the need to undergo an OGTT

    Glomerular Autoimmune Multicomponents of Human Lupus Nephritis In Vivo (2): Planted Antigens.

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    Glomerular planted antigens (histones,DNA,andC1q) arepotential targets of autoimmunity in lupus nephritis (LN). However, the characterization of these antigens in human glomeruli in vivo remains inconsistent. We eluted glomerular autoantibodies recognizing planted antigens from laser-microdissected renal biopsy samples of 20 patientswith LN. Prevalent antibody isotypes were defined, levelswere determined, and glomerular colocalization was investigated. Renal and circulating antibodieswerematched, and serum levelswere compared in 104 patients with LN, 84 patients with SLE without LN, and 50 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Autoantibodies against podocyte antigens (antia-enolase/antiannexin AI) were also investigated. IgG2 autoantibodies against DNA, histones (H2A, H3, and H4), and C1q were detected in 50%, 55%, and 70% of biopsy samples, respectively. Anti-DNA IgG3 was the unique non-IgG2 anti-DNA deposit, and anti-C1q IgG4 was mainly detected in subepithelial membranous deposits. Anti-H3, anti-DNA, and anti-C1q IgG2 autoantibodies were also prevalent in LN serum, which also contained IgG3 against the antigen panel and anti-C1q IgG4. Serum and glomerular levels of autoantibodies were not strictly associated. High serum levels of all autoantibodies detected, including anti a-enolase and antiannexin AI, identified LN versus SLE and RA. Anti-H3 and antia-enolase IgG2 levels had the most remarkable increase in LN serum and represented a discriminating feature of LN in principal component analysis. The highest levels of these two autoantibodies were also associated with proteinuria.3.5 g/24 hours and creatinine>1.2 mg/dl. Our findings suggest that timely autoantibody characterization might allow outcome prediction and targeted therapies for patients with nephritis
