17 research outputs found

    Análise Cladística de Omalodini Kryzhanovskij, 1972 (Coleptera, Histeridae, Histerinae)

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    Resumo: Histerinae está dividida em cinco tribos: Exosternini Bickhardt, 1914; Hololeptini Hope, 1840; Platysomatini Bickhardt, 1914; Omalodini Kryzhanovskij, 1972 e Histerini Gyllenhal, 1808. Estudos de abordagem filogenética para Histeroidea e Histeridae têm questionado a monofilia da subfamília e da maioria de suas tribos. Segundo a classificação corrente de Histeridae, Omalodini é composta por 94 espécies descritas em 12 gêneros distribuídos pelas regiões Neotropical, Afrotropical, Afrotemperada e Oriental: Notolister Lewis, 1894; Sphyracus Marseul, 1853; Ebonius Lewis, 1885; Scapomegas Lacordaire, 1854; Lewisister Bickhardt, 1824; Asolenus Lewis, 1906; Blypotehus Vienna, 2000; Perfidolenus Vienna, 2000; Atribalus Bickhardt, 1921, Rhypochares Marseul, 1854; Theropatina Mazur, 1984; e Omalodes Erichson, 1844, este último dividido em Omalodes (Omalodes), O. (Diplogrammicus) Lewis, 1907 e O. (Cornillus) Lewis, 1907. Os objetivos da presente pesquisa foram testar a monofilia de Omalodini, com base na análise cladística, e propor uma hipótese de relacionamento filogenético para os grupos que compõem a tribo. A matriz foi formada por 50 táxons terminais (35 do grupo interno e 15 do grupo externo) e por 135 caracteres da morfologia dos adultos. Foram realizadas análises com pesos iguais e implícitos aos caracteres. Em ambas as análises, Omalodini apresentou-se um grupo polifilético e as árvores resultantes da análise com pesos iguais (quatro árvores igualmente parcimoniosas) foram escolhidas para restabelecer a monofilia da tribo. Omalodini foi aqui reconhecida com linhagens de Ebonius, Omalodini sp. (novo gênero a ser descrito) e Omalodes, sendo apoiada por seis transformações (Ebonius + (Omalodini sp. + Omalodes)). O grupo irmão de Omalodini foi definido como um clado composto pelas linhagens de Histerini, Platysomatini e Hololeptini. Hipóteses conflitantes foram geradas sobre o posicionamento dos subgêneros de Omalodes perante a análise com pesos implícitos. Salienta-se que Omalodes (Omalodes) compõe o maior grupo de Omalodini sendo necessária uma análise com maior amostragem para considerações mais precisas acerca das relações internas do gênero. Os grupos excluídos a posteriori de Omalodini, Theropatina, Asolenus, Atribalus, Blypotehus, Lewisister, Notolister, Perfidolenus, Rhypochares, Sphyracus, e Scapomegas não puderam ser alocados em nenhuma das tribos existentes de Histerinae

    Biodiversity of histerid beetles (Coleoptera: Histeridae) from Brazil. I. Southern region

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    This contribution adds data to the conservation and distribution of Histeridae species (Coleoptera) in the Neotropical region through a survey of Brazil’s South region. More specifically, it provides: i) a list of local Histeridae species; ii) a list of species that are inside Conservation Units in southern Brazil; iii) biotic (biome, ecoregion and associations/affinities) and abiotic information (altitude and month of occurrence) for each species. In total, 66 genera and 164 histerid beetle species were recorded, distributed in seven subfami­lies and 11 tribes. Among these, one genus and three species are new records for the region. Fifty percent of the species are known from a single geographic record. The Atlantic Forest is the richest biome in the South, in terms of number of species, and the Alto Paraná Atlantic forest is the richest ecoregion. Carcinops (s. str.) troglodytes (Paykull), Euspilotus (Hesperosaprinus) azureus (Sahlberg) and Omalodes (s. str.) angulatus (Fa­bricius) were recorded every month of the survey. Species’ richness was higher in October, December and January. Of the species recorded, 45 (27% of the total) are legally protected by Conservation Units in southern Brazil. Twenty-seven percent of the species recorded are associated with live animals. Collectively, the data presented here is a contribution to the taxonomic catalog of the Brazilian fauna

    Rediscovery of Omalodes (Omalodes) fassli Bickhardt, 1911 (Coleoptera: Histeridae) in Colombia and first report of the species on banana crops (Musa paradisiaca)

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    After 106 years, the presence of Omalodes (Omalodes) fassli in Colombia has been confirmed, and new distributional data for the country has been provided. This is the first report of the species on banana crops (Musa paradisiaca), it highlights its potential role in the control of the banana weevil, a key pest of this crop worldwide.Después de 106 años, se confirma la presencia de Omalodes (Omalodes) fassli en Colombia y se aportan nuevos datos de su distribución para el país. Este representa el primer registro de la especie en cultivos de plátano (Musa paradisiaca) y se destaca su potencial papel como controlador del picudo del plátano, plaga clave de este cultivo en el mundo

    Metadata_Histerid beetles from Brazil. I. Southern region_20.iv.2023.xlsx

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    This contribution adds data to the conservation and distribution of Histeridae species (Coleoptera) in the Neotropical region through a survey of Brazil’s South region. More specifically, it provides: i) a list of local Histeridae species; ii) a list of species that are inside Conservation Units in southern Brazil; iii) biotic (biome, ecoregion and associations/affinities) and abiotic information (altitude and month of occurrence) for each species. In total, 66 genera and 164 histerid beetle species were recorded, distributed in seven subfamilies and 11 tribes. Among these, one genus and three species are new records for the region. Fifty percent of the species are known from a single geographic record. The Atlantic Forest is the richest biome in the South, in terms of number of species, and the Alto Paraná Atlantic forest is the richest ecoregion. Carcinops (s. str.) troglodytes (Paykull), Euspilotus (Hesperosaprinus) azureus (Sahlberg) and Omalodes (s. str.) angulatus (Fabricius) were recorded every month of the survey. Species’ richness was higher in October, December and January. Of the species recorded, 45 (27% of the total) are legally protected by Conservation Units in southern Brazil. Twenty-seven percent of the species recorded are associated with live animals. Collectively, the data presented here is a contribution to the taxonomic catalog of the Brazilian fauna. These data are published in the scientific journal Insecta Mundi (2023).</p

    Checklist de Histeridae do sul do Brasil (Insecta: Coleoptera: Staphyliniformia)

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    The histerid beetles are predator, mainly larvae Diptera, that present diversified morphology. There is little information about the histerid beetles from Neotropical and Brazil, with a large lack mainly about regional data. Our goal was to present a checklist of Histeridae from southern Brazil in order to fill this gap of knowledge. The data were collected through a bibliographic review and supplemented with the study of specimens deposited in the main Biological Collections from Southern Brazil. There are 66 genera and 157 species of Histeridae for the southern Brazil, allocated in 11 tribes and seven subfamilies. Were recorded: 68 species to State of Paraná, 106 species to State of Santa Catarina and 25 species to State of Rio Grande do Sul. This is the most complete regional checklist of Histeridae species from Brazil and the first to southern of the countryOs Histeridae são besouros predadores, principalmente de larvas de Diptera, que apresentam morfologia diversificada. Ainda há pouca informação sobre os Histerídeos ocorrentes na região Neotropical e no Brasil, com carência principalmente de dados regionais. O presente estudo visa preencher esta lacuna de conhecimento por meio de elaboração uma lista de espécies para a região sul do Brasil. Os dados foram levantados por meio de revisão bibliográfica e complementados com o estudo de exemplares depositados nas principais Coleções Biológica do sul do Brasil. São registrados: 66 gêneros e 157 espécies de Histeridae para a Região sul do país, alocados em 11 tribos e sete subfamílias. Essa é a lista regional mais completa de espécies de Histeridae para o Brasil e a primeira para o sul do país

    Evaluation of the composition of terrestrial invertebrates in a rural area of Campina Grande do Sul, Paraná, Brazil

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    The terrestrial invertebrates participate actively in the formation of the soil, and can be utilized as bioindicators of environmental disturbance. Thus, the objective of this research was to evaluate the fauna composition of terrestrial invertebrates, in a rural area of Campina Grande do Sul. The collection was carried out in a single fragment of Araucaria Forest, with structurally differentiated two-point samplings, through pitfall traps. A total of 1,776 invertebrates was captured, pertaining to Arthropoda, Annelida, Mollusca and Plathyhelminthes phyla, of which Arthropoda and Hexapoda were the most representative groups. In Hexapoda, eleven orders were registered, and of those, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Collembola and Diptera were the most abundant. Although the studied fragment had been under recuperation for about 10 years after approximately 40 years of antropic interference, and was therefore surrounded by areas utilized for farming, agriculture and highways, it contained different groups of terrestrial invertebrates on wide-ranging thropic levels, which were important for the spatial structure and the composition of litterfall of the fragment


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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/2175-7925.2008v21n1p65Os invertebrados terrestres que participam ativamente na formação do solo  podem ser utilizados como indicadores de perturbação ambiental. Assim, objetivou-se realizar uma avaliação da composição da fauna de invertebrados terrestres, em uma área rural, no município de Campina Grande do Sul. As coletas foram realizadas em um fragmento de Floresta com Araucária, com dois pontos amostrais estruturalmente diferenciados, através de armadilhas pitfall. Foram capturados 1776 invertebrados, pertencentes aos filos Arthropoda, Annelida, Mollusca e Plathyhelminthes, sendo Arthropoda e  Hexapoda os grupos mais representativos. Dentro dos Hexapoda, onze ordens foram registradas, destas, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Collembola e Diptera foram as mais abundantes. O fragmento estudado, embora esteja em recuperação há cerca de 10 anos após interferência antrópica de aproximadamente 40 anos e, todavia, ser rodeado de áreas utilizadas para agropecuária, agricultura e estradas, comporta diferentes grupos de invertebrados terrestres de níveis tróficos abrangentes, sendo importantes para a estrutura espacial e a composição da serrapilheira do fragmento.Evaluation of the composition of terrestrial invertebrates in a rural area of  Campina Grande do Sul, Paraná, Brazil. The terrestrial invertebrates parti- cipate actively in the formation of the soil, and can be utilized as bioindi- cators of environmental disturbance. Thus, the objective of this research was to evaluate the fauna composition of terrestrial invertebrates, in a rural area of Campina Grande do Sul. The collection was carried out in a single fragm- ent of Araucária Forest, with structurally differentiated two- point samplings, through pitfall traps. A total of 1,776 invertebrates was captured, pertaining to Arthropoda, Annelida, Mollusca and Plathyhelmin- thes phyla, of which Arthropoda and Hexapoda were the most represen- tative groups. In Hexa- poda, eleven orders were registered, and of those, Coleoptera, Hymeno- ptera, Collembola and Diptera were the most abun- dant. Although the studied fragment had been under recuperation for about 10 years after approximately 40 years of antropic interference, and  was therefore surroun- ded by areas utilized for farming, agriculture and highways, it contained different groups of terrestrial invertebrates on  wide-ranging thropic levels, which were important for the spatial structure and the composition of litterfall of the fragment

    Checklist de Histeridae do sul do Brasil (Insecta: Coleoptera: Staphyliniformia)

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    Resumo. Os Histeridae são besouros predadores, principalmente de larvas de Diptera, que apresentam morfologia diversificada. Ainda há pouca informação sobre os Histerídeos ocorrentes na região Neotropical e no Brasil, com carência principalmente de dados regionais. O presente estudo visa preencher esta lacuna de conhecimento por meio de elaboração uma lista de espécies para a região sul do Brasil. Os dados foram levantados por meio de revisão bibliográfica e complementados com o estudo de exemplares depositados nas principais Coleções Biológica do sul do Brasil. São registrados: 66 gêneros e 157 espécies de Histeridae para a Região sul do país, alocados em 11 tribos e sete subfamílias. Essa é a lista regional mais completa de espécies de Histeridae para o Brasil e a primeira para o sul do país. Checklist of Histeridae from southern Brazil (Insecta: Coleoptera: Staphyliniformia) Abstract. The histerid beetles are predator, mainly larvae Diptera, that present diversified morphology. There is little information about the histerid beetles from Neotropical and Brazil, with a large lack mainly about regional data. Our goal was to present a checklist of Histeridae from southern Brazil in order to fill this gap of knowledge. The data were collected through a bibliographic review and supplemented with the study of specimens deposited in the main Biological Collections from Southern Brazil. There are 66 genera and 157 species of Histeridae for the southern Brazil, allocated in 11 tribes and seven subfamilies. Were recorded: 68 species to State of Paraná, 106 species to State of Santa Catarina and 25 species to State of Rio Grande do Sul. This is the most complete regional checklist of Histeridae species from Brazil and the first to southern of the country