213 research outputs found


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    Food-borne parasite infections affect communities worldwide by transmitting microorganisms, imposing a serious risk to human and animal health. The aim of this study was to analyze the parasitological contamination in cress (Nasturtium officinale, Barbarea verna e Lepidium sativum) from various establishments in the metropolitan area of Curitiba, State of Parana. We analyzed 50 cress samples using the wash and centrifugation technique and the sedimentation method. Among the samples, 6 presented trophozoites of Balantidium coli, cyst of Entamoeba coli and parasites of Stronylidae and Trichuridae Family and 14 samples were contaminated with maggots, slugs and snails. Factors related to this parasitological contamination may be the failure in the quality of water used for irrigation, and the planting, storage and the distribution of the plants. As these vegetables are mainly eaten in natura, we recommend the inclusion of safety procedures along the entire process to protect the health of consumers, since vegetables  can be a zoonosis transmitter vehicle. Food-borne parasite infections affect communities worldwide by transmitting microorganisms, imposing a serious risk to human and animal health. The aim of this study was to analyze the parasitological contamination in cress (Nasturtium officinale, Barbarea verna e Lepidium sativum) from various establishments in the metropolitan area of Curitiba, State of Parana. We analyzed 50 cress samples using the wash and centrifugation technique and the sedimentation method. Among the samples, 6 presented trophozoites of Balantidium coli, cyst of Entamoeba coli and parasites of Stronylidae and Trichuridae Family and 14 samples were contaminated with maggots, slugs and snails. Factors related to this parasitological contamination may be the failure in the quality of water used for irrigation, and the planting, storage and the distribution of the plants. As these vegetables are mainly eaten in natura, we recommend the inclusion of safety procedures along the entire process to protect the health of consumers, since vegetables can be a zoonosis transmitter vehicle

    Formação do Oficial da Polícia Militar do Paraná

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    Orientadora: Profª Drª Clara Brener MindalDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação. Defesa: Curitiba, 12/09/2013Inclui referênciasResumo: O presente estudo tem seu foco na formação do oficial de Polícia Militar. As questões norteadoras da pesquisa consistem em descrever como é feita a formação do oficial de polícia militar do Paraná, e investigar o que dizem as teses e dissertações produzidas nos programas de pós-graduação brasileiros entre 1988 e 2011 sobre a formação dos oficiais de Polícia Militar no Brasil. Com o processo de redemocratização do Brasil, que tem seu primeiro grande marco em 1988, ano da promulgação da nova Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil, ainda vigente, as Polícias Militares passaram a buscar uma nova identidade profissional por meio da formação adequada de seus membros. Assim, o objetivo da pesquisa é aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a formação atual dos oficiais de Polícia Militar, as propostas de formação, e as discussões acadêmicas que envolvem esse tema. Os objetivos específicos são: conhecer a história das polícias militares; descrever como é feita a formação do oficial de Polícia Militar no Paraná; Levantar a legislação que regula a formação atual do Oficial no Paraná; descrever a Doutrina de formação utilizada na APMG; conhecer a proposta da Matriz Curricular Nacional Para Ações Formativas dos Profissionais da Área de Segurança Pública; descrever e analisar o que dizem as teses e dissertações produzidas no Brasil sobre formação do Oficial de Policial Militar. A metodologia desta pesquisa, que é de natureza teórico-descritiva, realizou-se por meio de documentos oficiais, literatura científica disponível e do estudo das produções acadêmicas no período citado. Para o acesso (ao material de pesquisa) as produções acadêmicas utilizou-se o Banco de Teses da CAPES. Como resultados destacam-se: a pouca pesquisa desenvolvida sobre o tema e, consequentemente, o desconhecimento acadêmico em relação à figura do oficial de Polícia Militar como formador; o quão pouco difundida é a Matriz Curricular Nacional Para Ações Formativas dos Profissionais da Área de Segurança Pública (2003); o modelo tradicional de acordo com o qual é feita a formação do oficial de Polícia Militar. Mesmo assim concluiu-se que, desde o ano de 1988 até 2011, ocorreram melhorias significativas na formação do oficial de Polícia Militar, inclusive com a entrada de policiais militares nos cursos de pós-graduação acadêmicos (mestrado e doutorado), não obstante ainda predominar o processo de formação endógeno e tradicionalista nas academias de Polícia Militar.Abstract: This study focuses on the education of the Brazilian Military Police officer. The main idea of this research consists of describing the Military Officer's graduation course in Parana State, and what is stated in theses and dissertations of Brazilian post-graduates between 1988 and 2011, the subject being the professional education of Brazilian Military Police officers. With the process of re-democratization in Brazil, which had its first major mark in 1988 (the year of the proclamation of the new Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil), the still active Military Police began to seek new professional identities through suitable training of its officers. So, the goal of this research is to deepen the knowledge of current training of Military Police officers, training ideas and proposals, and academic disscusions involving this subject. Specific goals include: to understand the history of military police organizations; to describe how a Paraná Military Police officer is trained; to bring to the table the legislation that regulates current training of a Paraná officer; to describe the the training doctrine utilized by APMG; to understand the proposal of the National Curriculum Headquarters for the Training of Public Security Professionals (Matriz Curricular Nacional Para Ações Formativas dos Profissionais da Área de Segurança Pública); to describe and analyze what is stated in Brazilian theses and dissertations covering the training of Military Police officers. The methodology of this research, which is of theoretical and descriptive nature, was based on official documents available scientific papers, and on the study of the cited academic works in the above mentioned period the CAPES Theses Bank was used for access to research material and academic papers. Highlighted results: little research has been conducted on this subject and, consequently, it forms academic ignorance in relation to the of image of the Military Police trainer; just how little widespread the National Curriculum Headquarters for the Training of Public Security Professionals (2003) actually is; the traditional models used in training Military Police officers. Nevertheless, the conclusion is that from 1988 to 2011 significant improvements were made in the training of Military Police officers, including the entrance of officers in post-graduate education courses (Masters and Doctorate), despite the predominant endogenous and traditional training models present in the Military Police academies


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    To be competitive in current knowledge economy, startup companies should effectively use available knowledge to implement their development strategies. Consequently, it is necessary to identify which knowledge management (KM) practices are used by startup companies. This paper aims to identify KM practices used to overcome critical factors of startups’ development in Brazil. It will be discussed the relation between the critical factors of startup development and theKMpractices used. Interviews were conducted with startups established in business incubators in the southern region of Brazil. Results demonstrated that the main KM practices used to overcome critical factors of startup development – Opportunity Recognition, Entrepreneurial Commitment, Credibility and Sustainability – are related to company’s internal knowledge. Internal knowledge is a company asset, which includes not only R&D activities but also its actions and routines. An important remark was that even though startups are not aware of KM practices, they have organized routines and standards aligned with current KM theories

    Ecologia Industrial na Prática: oportunidades e limitações para a instalação de uma indústria de brita ecológica em Rio Grande/RS

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    Aiming to achieve a balance between economic growth and the nature preservation, emerged the concept of industrial ecology (IE), with the fundamental perspective of nature as a model by integrating ecological and industrial systems. Thus, residues from a production process can be used as raw material for other products manufacture. Particularly, the ecological crushed stone is a product considered environmentally friendly, because it is an alternative to the proper treatment of waste from one sector (footwear industry) in another economic activity (construction).The construction sector could cause major environmental impacts by the use of natural resources and the waste generation. In this context, this research aims to analyze the opportunities and limitations of the possibility of installing ecological crushed stone industry in Rio Grande. To do so, we conducted interviews with potential suppliers, customers and competitors. The results show that there is interest in selling the product, taking into account the increasing need to reduce consumption and extraction from natural sources. However, there is public resistance to using innovative products targeted to the sector, the lack of knowledge about ecological crushed stone characteristics and constraints involving the amount of waste and the condition for its supply.Visando atingir o equilíbrio entre o crescimento econômico e a preservação da natureza, o conceito de Ecologia Industrial (EI) surge com a perspectiva fundamental da natureza como modelo, através da integração entre os sistemas ecológico e industrial. Assim, os resíduos de um processo produtivo poderão servir de matéria-prima para a fabricação de outros subprodutos. Particularmente, a brita ecológica é um produto considerado uma alternativa para o tratamento adequado dos resíduos provenientes de um setor (indústria calçadista) em outra atividade econômica (construção civil). A construção civil pode causar consideráveis impactos ambientais, tanto pela utilização dos recursos naturais quanto pela geração de resíduos. Nesse contexto, esta pesquisa objetiva analisar as oportunidades e limitações acerca da possibilidade da instalação de uma indústria de brita ecológica na cidade de Rio Grande. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas com potenciais fornecedores, clientes e concorrentes. Os resultados evidenciam que existe interesse na venda do produto, tendo em vista o aumento do consumo e a necessidade de reduzir a extração em fontes naturais. Entretanto, há resistência da população em utilizar produtos inovadores direcionados ao setor, o desconhecimento acerca das características da brita ecológica e limitações envolvendo a quantidade de resíduo e a condição para o seu fornecimento