485 research outputs found

    Professional future of youth of the digital generation of Russia

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    The article discusses the requirements for professional training in connection with the proliferation of virtual and augmented reality technologies, which determine the direction and character, forms and ways of development, activities and behaviors in their professional futureВ статье рассматриваются требования к профессиональной подготовке специалистов в связи с распространением технологий виртуальной и дополненной реальности, которые определяют направление и характер, формы и пути развития, виды деятельности и способы поведения в их профессиональном будуще

    Transprofessional: problems and solutions

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    The article deals with the challenges of socioeconomic transformations, changes taking place in the field of professional activity of specialists, new qualification requirements for the subjects of professional activity in terms of complexity and complexity of the implementation of professional activitiesВ статье рассматриваются вызовы социально-экономических преобразований, изменения, происходящие в области профессиональной деятельности специалистов, новые квалификационные требования к субъектам профессиональной деятельности в условиях усложнения и комплексности реализации профессиональной деятельност

    Social professions in the paradigm of socio-psychological requirements to the subject of professional activity

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    On the basis of the generalization of the work of domestic and foreign scientists, characteristic features of socionic type professions and subjects of professional activityНа основе обобщения работ отечественных и зарубежных ученых систематизируются характерные черты профессий социономического типа и субъектов профессиональной деятельност


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    В статье рассматриваются культурная история игры, процесс игрофикации различных сфер жизни в различные этапы развития общества. Представлены важнейшие подходы к изучению игры, характеристики игры как формы трансляции знания в разных социальных и культурных контекстахThe article discusses the cultural history of the game, the process of gamification of various spheres of life in various stages of development of society. Presents the most important approaches to the study of the game, the characteristics of the game as a form of knowledge transmission in different social and cultural context

    Psychological bases of computer addiction youth

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    The article deals with current, socially significant problem of harmful effects on the mental health of adolescents and young adults depending on the computerВ статье рассматривается актуальная, социально значимая проблема пагубного влияния на психическое здоровье подростков и молодых людей компьютерной зависимост

    Qualification characteristics of subjects of socio-economic professions

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    In the article you can find answers to the questions, what should be the new educational programs of higher education, what qualifications should a specialist of the future have. The author gives answers to these questions on the example of socionic professionsНа примере социономических профессий даны ответы на вопросы, какими должны быть новые образовательные программы высшего образования, какими квалификационными характеристиками должен обладать специалист будущег

    Geographical Patterns of Weed Diversity in the Central Urals

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    The weed flora of arable lands was studied in four areas: the mountainous part of the Central Urals, the eastern macroslope of the Ural Mountains, the western piedmont of the Ural Mountains and the Transural region. These areas matched vegetation types such as middle taiga, southern taiga and northern forest-steppe. The weed flora consisted of 256 species from 41 families and 166 genera. The greatest taxonomical diversity was revealed in the eastern macroslope of the Ural Mountains (208 species); however, in the mountainous part of the Central Urals and the western piedmont of the Ural Mountains, it was as low as 141–143 species. About 40% of weeds occurred in all areas: the group of territory-specific weeds was clearly significant in the Transuralregion (14%). In the forest-steppe zone, the group of alien species approached 50%, while in the taiga zone it reached 40%. Keywords: Central Urals, weed plants, diversity, life-forms, geographical differentiation of diversit

    Migration safety in education: Adaptation of migrant students to conditions at higher educational establishments

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    The topicality of the problem under study stems from the changed geopolitical and socioeconomic conditions in Russia, which resulted in uncontrollable international and migration processes, changes in the ethnic composition of territories, worsening of ethnic and social relations of migrants and members of the society receiving them, search for educational paradigms complying with new conditions of the country's development. The aim of the research is to determine specific features relating to adaptation of migrant students to conditions at higher educational establishments and to draw up a programme of social, psychological and pedagogical activities to adapt migrant students to conditions at higher educational establishments. The leading research method is an experimental one, which enables us to fully consider the problem of adapting migrant students to conditions at higher educational establishments. The article outlines a system of social, psychological and pedagogical help to migrant students needed to optimise a process of their adaptation to an educational environment. The programme is aimed at creating social, psychological and pedagogical conditions for the efficient interaction of all members of an educational process, as well as full fulfillment of a person in conditions of a poly-cultural educational process. Teachers, curators, heads of subdivision and administrations of higher educational establishments may find the materials of the article useful. © Authors

    On the introduction of information and communication technologies in the educational process of the university

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    The article analyzes the experience of implementation of information and communication technologies in the educational process of the University. Effective forms and tools of this process presents in the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical UniversityВ статье анализируется опыт внедрения информационно-коммуникационных технологий в образовательный процесс вуза. Представлены эффективные формы и средства данного процесса в Российском государственном профессионально-педагогическом университет