148 research outputs found

    The Food of Juvenile Leiostomus xanthurus and Roccus sa:xatilis taken in the York River

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    The stomach contents of 37 spot and 40 rock taken in the York River over a five week period were examined and the organisms present were identified as nearly as possible

    Terror management and the role of leaders on public attitudes : Instilling fear versus tolerance

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    Fear may contribute to prolonged conflicts, for example, between nations or political parties, by strengthening intergroup prejudice. The purpose of the present study was to explore ways to reduce fear in a context of terrorism and conflict. Undergraduate students participated in an experimental study of the role of a political leader in influencing fear, and the consequences for prejudice. Participants in the two experimental conditions were first induced to feel fear through the 9/11 events via a Terror Management Theory paradigm (Landau et al., 2004), then watched the President deliver a speech designed to either increase or decrease fear of terrorism. A control group performed comparable tasks that were, however, unrelated to 9/11. To investigate the subsequent effects of the speech manipulation on prejudice, all participants subsequently completed explicit and implicit measures of prejudice. Analysis showed no significant differences on the prejudice measures between the groups. This can largely be attributed to methodological difficulties of inducing fear in a lab setting and the liberal values known to characterize the participant group. Explanations and implications of these results are discussed, and caveats and directions for future research are suggested. Key words: fear; tolerance; prejudice; conflict; war; TMT; 9/11; leader

    The freshwater medusa, Craspedacusta sowerbii, in Matoaka Lake, Williamsburg, Virginia

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    The freshwater jellyfish, Craspedacusta sowerbii Lankester, has been described from at least 19 of the 48 states (Schmitt, \u2739). In spite of an apparently widespread distribution it is sufficiently rare that records of its occurrence are noteworthy. Approximately 200 medusae of this species were seen in Matoaka Lake, Williamsburg, Va., on July 18, 1949

    The management of complexity in project management – a qualitative and quantitative case study of certified project managers in Germany

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    With the increased globalization and expansion of the markets worldwide, companies have to struggle with increased competition. Therefore, organisations have begun to offer advantages such as a personalisation of products to potential customers. Market conditions and legal policies can make it challenging to predict whether those ad-vantages can be realized. Project managers are often in the position of having to fulfil these requirements; in continuously changing influencing factors that make tasks diffi-cult to manage. These circumstances create complexity. Frequently, managers are una-ware that complexity has created problems in a specific project. Often, the traditional standards of project management no longer provide a sufficient support to managers of complex projects. This research investigates how current standards of project management address com-plexity, and whether a supplement is necessary. Complexity strengtheners are investi-gated. One standard Project Management Institute (PMI) is selected as an example to analyze the influence of strengtheners on PM-processes. A funnel model is developed based on these research findings. This is aimed to help managers in their daily practice and support them in categorizing the complexity of their projects. Based on this model, managers should be able to recognize the actual strengtheners of complexity and which processes of their project are affected. Finally, a possible adaption of the standard is re-searched. A proposition for a new comprehensive guide is designed to support manag-ers carrying out complex projects. The key managerial implication of this research is the development of a five-step model for handling complexity in projects: forming, storming, norming, performing, and ad-journing. Furthermore, the intent of this thesis is to make a valid contribution to the management literature. For handling complexity the new funnel model should close the gap between the recognition of complexity in a project and underlying causes. The new five-step model thus provides project managers helpful guidelines for handling complex projects. This research applies a mixed method, consisting of a survey (quantitative method) and focus interviews (qualitative method) with experts of project management (PMI) in Germany. There are approximately 4.900 PMI certified project managers in Germany; more than 170 participated in the survey (3.6%). This is considered sufficient to provide reliable results for this research. Further, three focus interviews deepen the knowledge and validate the results of the survey: Complexity is an actual problem in project man-agement. Existing standards are sufficient for project management, but complexity can-not be standardized. This thesis proposes to help project managers to resolve project complexity by providing guidelines for navigating through complex projects

    Die prognostische Bedeutung des Nachweises von Enterovirus-RNA im Myokard bei idiopathischer dilatativer Kardiomyopathie

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    Über die prognostische Bedeutung des Nachweises von myokardialer Enterovirus-RNA bei der idiopathischen DCM lagen zu Studienbeginn 1998 nur zwei Langzeituntersuchungen mit konträren Ergebnissen hinsichtlich der Mortalität der Patienten vor. Ziel dieser prospektiven Studie war es daher bei Patienten mit idiopathischer DCM die prognostische Bedeutung des Nachweises von Enterovirus-RNA im Myokard hinsichtlich des klinischen und hämodynamischen Verlaufes dieser chronischen Herzmuskelerkrankung über einen Mindestbeobachtungszeitraum von 12 Monaten zu untersuchen. In der vorliegenden Studie wurden 64 Patienten (55 Männer, Alter 51+11 Jahre) untersucht, bei denen nach klinischer und invasiver Diagnostik mittels Myokardbiopsie (histologischen und immunhistologischen Beurteilung der Myokardbiopsien; Nachweis enteroviraler RNA mit Hilfe der RT-PCR und anschließender Southern-Blot-Hybridisierung) die Diagnose einer DCM gestellt werden konnte. Bei 26/64 (41%) Patienten konnte Enterovirus-RNA im Myokard nachgewiesen werden, 38/64 (59%) Patienten waren Enterovirus-negativ. Aus den vorliegenden Ergebnissen lässt sich die Schlussfolgerung ziehen, dass es sich bei der Enterovirus-assozierten DCM um eine Untergruppe der DCM mit günstiger Prognose handelt, woraus abgeleitet werden kann, dass der Nachweis von enteroviraler RNA im Myokard von prädiktivem Wert für den Krankheitsverlauf der idiopathischen DCM zu sein scheint

    Professional Development within Bachelors Programs: Addressing the Needs of a Diverse Student Population Entering Health Care

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    Following graduation from an undergraduate institution, students have the perception that they have the skills necessary to be successful in the workforce and/or graduate studies, however employers and professors do not agree. Professional development during undergraduate studies may help bridge the gap between student and employer/professor perceptions. Based on the discrepancies in post-graduation readiness perception and the number underrepresented minorities in health care and post-graduate studies, the Bachelor of Health Sciences (BSHS) program at Rush University established a professional development program with the goal of providing students seminars that  enhance their professional and social skills. Offering a professional development program ensures that students gain and maintain relevant academic and non-academic competencies that will support them in their academics and prepare them for their professional careers, which can be particularly effective for students from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds and students studying within a diverse cohort. Surveys were conducted to determine the perception of effective and usefulness of each seminar as well as utility of the tools provided to students in each seminar during their academic and professional career. Overall, the professional development seminar series improved student utilization and application of tools provided at each seminar to improve student perception of readiness and gain confidence in their academic and professional development. The seminars also positively influenced formation of diverse relationships, as many of the tools provided were used in personal and social situations. A dynamic professional development program can provide useful tools and improve readiness perception in a diverse student population within an undergraduate program. As graduate programs and companies across the country continue to expand their diversity initiatives, professional development during undergraduate studies becomes even more relevant as it addresses their ability to be successful and resilient. Keywords: Professional Development, Diversity, Bachelors, Health Care DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-29-02 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Geomorfologiske undersøkelser av skråningsavsetninger og -prosesser i Kåfjorddalen i Troms

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    Hovedformålet med denne oppgaven er å beskrive og tolke skredavsetninger og -prosesser i den sørvestre dalsiden i Kåfjorddalen i Troms. I tillegg blir det gjort en overordnet vurdering av hvordan sedimenttransporten kan ha vært gjennom holocen og hvordan skredaktiviteten forventes å bli som følge av klimaendringene. Fjorten skredvifter er beskrevet og tolket. Beskrivelsene og tolkningene av skredviftene er basert på feltobservasjoner, feltbilder og tolkning av Digital Terrengmodell (DTM). For skredvifte III er også flyfoto benyttet. Skredviftene III, IV, XI og XIII som er befart i felt, er omtalt mer omfattende enn de øvrige. Dominerende skredprosesser i studieområdet i dag er snøskred, flomskred og steinsprang. Snøskred og flomskred preger den midtre og vestlige delen av studieområdet, mens flomskred er mer markant i østlig del. Noe steinsprang forekommer på alle viftene. Steinskred/steinsprang synes å ha vært den dominerende skredprosessen tidlig i holocen i tiden før holocen temperaturmaksimum (HTM), mens flomskred og snøskred, som også hadde høy frekvens tidlig i holocen, har vært de dominerende prosessene i perioden etter HTM. HTM synes å ha vært en periode med mindre skredaktivitet. Skredviftene i studieområdet er i hovedsak bygd opp av steinskred/steinsprang tidlig i holocen og modifisert av flomskred- og snøskredaktivitet. Et betydelig avvik i estimert volum av dagens vifter i studieområdet og volum antatt fjernet fra kildeområdene, viser at det må ha vært høy skredaktivitet i Kåfjorddalen i tiden før holocen. Det er forventet at et varmere og våtere fremtidig klima med mer ekstremvær, vil øke antall flomskred og mindre steinspranghendelser i studieområdet. Antall snøskred er forventet å øke de kommende tiårene, men vil muligens reduseres mot slutten av århundret

    Volume 14. Article 1. The striped bass, Roccus saxatilis.

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