7 research outputs found


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    O presente trabalho apresenta um sistema domótico básico, baseado na plataforma Arduino. Com essa tecnologia, podem-se desenvolver soluções de baixo custo, de fácil adaptação e de excelente relação custo-benefício. Além disso, todo o produto gerado é open source hardware, permitindo que qualquer um com interesse possa adaptá-lo à sua necessidade e melhorá-lo, contribuindo para seu amadurecimento. A interação com o usuário é feita através da Internet via Web, ou pela rede pública de telefonia comutada, utilizando-se processamento digital de sinal com o algoritmo de Goertzel, para decodificar os sinais Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) gerados pelo telefone. Ao final, é apresentado um circuito elétrico (produto final), o qual poderá ser utilizado para aplicações em ambientes reais.Palavras-chave: Domótica. Arduino. Dual Tone Multi-Frequency. Public Switched Telephone Network. Goertzel

    Influence of nicotine on machined- and anodized-surface implants. Histometric analysis

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    Background: The nicotine may generate a influence on bone repair and longevity of dental implants. This fact makes studies to improve the surface of the implants are constantly conducted. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of subcutaneous nicotine injection in the osseointegration process on different implant surfaces, through histomorphometric analysis. Material and Methods: Therefore, twenty-two male rabbits were randomly distributed into two groups according to the subcutaneous injections: (1) nicotine, 3 mg/day/kg and (2) 0.9% NaCI, 3 mL/day/kg, three times a day. Subgroups were then designated - machined and anodized dental implants were installed in the right and left tibia bones, respectively. The animals were subjected to euthanasia after periods of eight weeks for histomorphometric analysis. The bone samples with implants were removed and the routine histological processing was performed. Next, the images obtained from the blades were evaluated by the Image Tool? software, assessing the osseointegrated areas of implants (BIC), in pixels. Data obtained were subjected to intergroup statistical analysis through the Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test (?=5%). Results: The test result showed no statistically significant difference among the groups studied ( p =0.446). Conclusions: Based on the methodology studied, it is concluded that the daily application of low doses of nicotine did not interfere with the osseointegration of machined and anodized implants

    Desempenho inicial do crescimento de espécies madeireiras na região sul do Brasil: Araucaria angustifolia, Balfourodendron riedelianum e Parapiptadenia rigida

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    The initial growth of three Brazilian native timber species in the city of Dois Vizinhos-PR, Brazil, was described - Araucaria angustifolia, Balfourodendron riedelianum, and Parapiptadenia rigida, using four non-linear mathematical models (Gompertz, Logistic, Logistic 4P, and Chapman-Richards). In the fi rst 4 years after planting, information about collar diameter (mm), total height (m), crown height (m), and crown diameter (m) was obtained twice a year for 12 individuals per species. Crown area (m²) and crown volume (m³) were estimated. The growth in these four variables (collar diameter, total height, crown area, and crown volume) was projected using the models, and their fi tting was assessed based on the values of the Akaike Information Criterion, the Bayesian Information Criterion, the standard error of estimate, and the coeffi cient of determination. The models generated excellent statistics for all parameters in all variables, with better statistics for collar diameter (coeffi cient of determination higher than 0.65 and standard error lower than 30%) and total height (coeffi cients of determination higher than 0.72 and standard error lower than 37%). Considering the three species, Parapiptadenia rigidaFoi avaliado o crescimento inicial de três espécies madeireiras nativas do Brasil - Araucaria angustifolia, Balfourodendron riedelianum e Parapiptadenia rigida – em Dois Vizinhos – PR, Brasil, usando quatro modelos matemáticos não lineares (Gompertz, Logistic, Logistic 4P e Chapman-Richards). Ao longo dos quatro anos iniciais após plantio, informações sobre diâmetro do colo (mm), altura total (m), altura de copa (m) e diâmetro de copa (m) foram obtidas semestralmente em doze indivíduos de cada espécie. Foi calculada a área de copa (m²) e volume de copa (m³) desses indivíduos. O crescimento em termos de diâmetro de colo, altura total, área de copa e volume de copa foi projetado usando os modelos, e o ajuste dos mesmos foi avaliado em termos de Critério de Informação Akaike e Critério de Informação Bayesiano, Erro padrão da estimativa e Coefi ciente de determinação. Os modelos geraram excelentes estatísticas para todos os parâmetros em todas as variáveis, com melhores estatísticas para diâmetro de colo e altura total. Considerando as três espécies, Parapiptadenia rígida apresentou o crescimento mais rápido em todas as variáveis (mediana de 70,97 mm para o diâmetro do colo, mediana de 4,475 m para altura total, mediana de 10,35 m² para área de copa e mediana de 15,30 m³ para volume de copa, aos 48 meses). Um monitoramento mais longo e outros experimentos são recomendados para caracterizar o crescimento dessas três espécies madeireiras nativas brasileiras para descrever seu desempenho para produção de madeira e também para projetos de restauração florestal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Odontologia na extensão universitária: saúde bucal ao alcance de todos / Dentistry in university extension: oral health within everyone's reach

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    A constante interdisciplinaridade entre as áreas da saúde, incluindo a Odontologia, objetiva, por meio de ações de extensão universitária, proporcionar tratamento às populações socialmente vulneráveis. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar, por meio de um caso clínico de prótese total imediata (PTI), a experiência extensionista dos acadêmicos de Odontologia da UPF. A PTI consiste na instalação de uma dentadura imediatamente após a extração dos dentes de um arco dentário. Tal tratamento auxilia o paciente a manter ou restaurar as funções bucais durante o período de transição. O objetivo dessa prótese é suprir as perdas dentárias tão efetivamente quanto possível. O caso clínico apresentado trata de um paciente masculino, leucoderma, 58  anos,  que  possuía  situação  dentária precária no aspecto estético e funcional. Após o devido planejamento, confeccionou-se duas PTIs, que foram instaladas logo após a exodontia dos dentes remanescentes, os quais se encontravam periodontalmente abalados. Pode-se notar que tratamentos simples e relativamente pouco onerosos como a PTI possibilitam devolver satisfatoriamente a saúde bucal e auto-estima das populações vulneráveis.

    Satisfaction of patients and students at the Integrated Clinics of a Dental School

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    Aim: The objective of this questionnaire-based research was to evaluate the level of satisfaction of students and patients at the School of Dentistry of the University of Passo Fundo (FOUPF). Methods: The questionnaire was administered after the patient’s care, as follows: first, the student explained the study purposes and methodology to the patient, the option of not participating and the full confidentiality of the information obtained. Patients were selected among those undergoing treatment at the Integrated Clinic I and II Disciplines (5th year of undergraduate dental course) between March and November 2010. Results: Satisfactory results were obtained, as most interviewed patients (49; 98%) considered the care given by FOUPF students as positive. Another important factor mentioned by patients was the use of individual protection equipment and biosafety measures adopted by the students; 98% (n = 49) of the patients affirmed that the students were properly wearing individual protection equipment. With regard to aspects that could be improved, 36.7% (n = 18) of interviewed patients mentioned the need to schedule appointments more than once a week, 12.2% (n = 6) felt the need to reduce waiting times for consultations, and 10.2% (n = 5) wanted to reduce appointment duration. As much as 98% of students (n = 49) declared being attentive to dentistry situations, 56% (n = 28) were satisfied with their technical aptitudes, and 96% (n = 48) mentioned enjoying helping patients. Conclusions: The care given to patients by FOUPF students is done well, not requiring significant changes

    Satisfaction of patients and students at the Integrated Clinics of a Dental School

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    e objective of this questionnaire-based research was to evaluate the level of satisfaction of students and patients at the School of Dentistry of the University of Passo Fundo (FOUPF). Methods: The questionnaire was administered after the patients care, as follows: first, the student explained the study purposes and methodology to the patient, the option of not participating and the full confidentiality of the information obtained. Patients were selected among those undergoing treatment at the Integrated Clinic I and II Disciplines (5th year of undergraduate dental course) between March and November 2010. Results: Satisfactory results were obtained, as most interviewed patients (49; 98%) considered the care given by FOUPF students as positive. Another important factor mentioned by patients was the use of individual protection equipment and biosafety measures adopted by the students; 98% (n = 49) of the patients affirmed that the students were properly wearing individual protection equipment. With regard to aspects that could be improved, 36.7% (n = 18) of interviewed patients mentioned the need to schedule appointments more than once a week, 12.2% (n = 6) felt the need to reduce waiting times for consultations, and 10.2% (n = 5) wanted to reduce appointment duration. As much as 98% of students (n = 49) declared being attentive to dentistry situations, 56% (n = 28) were satisfied with their technical aptitudes, and 96% (n = 48) mentioned enjoying helping patients. Conclusions: The care given to patients by FOUPF students is done well, not requiring significant changes

    Número 56

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