13 research outputs found

    'Growth rings' in crustose lichens:comparison with directly measured growth rates and implications for lichenometry

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    Some species of crustose lichens, such as Ochrolechia parella (L.) Massal., exhibit concentric marginal rings, which may represent an alternative technique of measuring growth rates and potentially, a new lichenometric dating method. To examine this hypothesis, the agreement and correlation between ring widths and directly measured annual radial growth rates (RaGR, mm a-1) were studied in 24 thalli of O. parella in north Wales, UK, using digital photography and image analysis. Variation in ring width was observed at different locations around a thallus, between thalli, and from year to year. The best agreement and correlation between ring width and lichen growth rates was between mean width of the outer two rings (measured in 2011) and mean RaGR (in 2009/10). The O. parella data suggest that mean width of the youngest two growth rings, averaged over a sample of thalli, is a predictor of recent growth rates and therefore could be used in lichenometry. Potential applications include as a convenient method of comparing lichen growth rates on surfaces in different environmental settings; and as an alternative method of constructing lichen growth-rate curves, without having to revisit the same lichen thalli over many years. However, care is needed when using growth rings to estimate growth rates as: growth ring widths may not be stable; ring widths exhibit spatial and temporal variation; rings may not represent 1-year's growth in all thalli; and adjacent rings may not always represent successive year's growth

    Lichenometric dating (lichenometry) and the biology of the lichen genus rhizocarpon:challenges and future directions

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    Lichenometric dating (lichenometry) involves the use of lichen measurements to estimate the age of exposure of various substrata. Because of low radial growth rates and considerable longevity, species of the crustose lichen genus Rhizocarpon have been the most useful in lichenometry. The primary assumption of lichenometry is that colonization, growth and mortality of Rhizocarpon are similar on surfaces of known and unknown age so that the largest thalli present on the respective faces are of comparable age. This review describes the current state of knowledge regarding the biology of Rhizocarpon and considers two main questions: (1) to what extent does existing knowledge support this assumption; and (2) what further biological observations would be useful both to test its validity and to improve the accuracy of lichenometric dates? A review of the Rhizocarpon literature identified gaps in knowledge regarding early development, the growth rate/size curve, mortality, regeneration, competitive effects, colonization, and succession on rock surfaces. The data suggest that these processes may not be comparable on different rock surfaces, especially in regions where growth rates and thallus turnover are high. In addition, several variables could differ between rock surfaces and influence maximum thallus size, including rate and timing of colonization, radial growth rates, environmental differences, thallus fusion, allelopathy, thallus mortality, colonization and competition. Comparative measurements of these variables on surfaces of known and unknown age may help to determine whether the basic assumptions of lichenometry are valid. Ultimately, it may be possible to take these differences into account when interpreting estimated dates

    The use of lichen growth rings in lichenometry : some preliminary findings

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    Certain species of crustose lichens have concentrically zoned margins which probably represent yearly growth rings. These marginal growth rings offer an alternative method of studying annual growth fluctuations, establishing growth rate–size curves, and determining the age of thalli for certain crustose species. Hence, marginal growth rings represent a potentially valuable, unexploited, tool in lichenometry. In a preliminary study, we measured the widths of the successive marginal rings in 25 thalli of Ochrolechia parella (L.) Massal., growing at a maritime site in north Wales. Mean ring widths of all thalli varied from a minimum of 1.02 mm (the outermost ring) to a maximum of 2.06 mm (the third ring from the margin). There is some suggestion that marginal ring width and thallus size are positively correlated; and hence that growth rates increase in larger thalli in this small population. In a further study on recently exposed bedrock adjacent to Breiðarlon, SE Iceland, we examined the potential for using marginal growth rings to estimate thallus age of a lichen tentatively identified as a Rhizocarpon (possibly R. concentricum (Davies) Beltram.) and thus confirm the timing of surface exposure (c. 50 years). Collectively, these results suggest: 1) the measurement of marginal rings is a possible alternative method of studying the growth of crustose lichens; 2) O. parella may grow differently to other crustose species, exhibiting a rapidly increasing radial growth rate in thalli >40 mm; 3) where lichens with marginal rings grow on recently exposed surfaces (<60 yrs), minimum age estimates can be made using growth rings as an in situ indication of lichen growth rate; 4) it is suggested that this phenomenon could provide a valuable, previously unexploited, in situ lichenometric-dating tool in areas lacking calibration control

    Studies on the growth of Rhizocarpon geographicum in NW Scotland, and some implications for lichenometry

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    Scotland, a maritime subpolar environment (55–60°N), has seen relatively few applications of lichenometry – even though it offers much potential. Perhaps surprisingly, direct measurements of Rhizocarpon geographicum growth rates in Scotland are so far lacking. This study reports on the growth of this crustose areolate species from two sites in Assynt, NW Scotland, between 2002 and 2009. Repeat photography of 23 non-competing thalli growing under identical environmental conditions on a single vertical surface over 5 years at Inchnadamph showed growth rates to be a function of size – with larger thalli (10–30 mm) growing significantly faster than the smallest thalli (10 mm are 0.67 mm yr−1 (s.d. = 0.16). Studies on a second vertical surface near Lochinver, over 7 years, yielded complex growth data on a more mature population of R. geographicum thalli (10 mm) are slower (0.29 mm yr−1; s.d. = 0.12) than those at Inchnadamph. However, at this site, competition with other species rules out any meaningful comparison of growth rates between the two sites. Other growth processes were monitored over the five to seven-year study period, including hypothallus growth, areolae development, thallus coalescence, and inter-species competition – all have important implications for the use of Rhizocarpon species in lichenometry

    Lichenometry on Adelaide Island, Antarctic Peninsula : size-frequency studies, growth rates and snowpatches

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    This paper presents new lichenometric population data from the Antarctic Peninsula (67°S), and describes a new approach to lichen growth-rate calibration in locations where dated surfaces are extremely rare. We use historical aerial photography and field surveys to identify sites of former perennial snowpatches where lichen populations now exist. As an independent check on lichen mortality by snowkill, and the timing of snow patch disappearance, we use a positive-degree day (PDD) approach based on monthly climate data from Rothera Research Station. We find that maximum growth rates for lichens <40 mm in diameter on Adelaide Island are around 0.8 mm/yr. Furthermore, we propose that our combined methodology may be more widely applicable to the Polar Regions where the construction of lichenometric dating (age-size) curves remains a problem

    Growth of crustose lichens : a review

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    Crustose species are the slowest growing of all lichens. Their slow growth and longevity, especially of the yellow-green Rhizocarpon group, has made them important for surface-exposure dating (lichenometry). This review considers various aspects of the growth of crustose lichens revealed by direct measurement including: 1) early growth and development; 2) radial growth rates (RGR, mm yr−1); 3) the growth rate–size curve; and 4) the influence of environmental factors. Many crustose species comprise discrete areolae that contain the algal partner growing on the surface of a non-lichenized fungal hypothallus. Recent data suggest that 'primary' areolae may develop from free-living algal cells on the substratum while 'secondary' areolae develop from zoospores produced within the thallus. In more extreme environments, the RGR of crustose species may be exceptionally slow but considerably faster rates of growth have been recorded under more favourable conditions. The growth curves of crustose lichens with a marginal hypothallus may differ from the 'asymptotic' type of curve recorded in foliose and placodioid species; the latter are characterized by a phase of increasing RGR to a maximum and may be followed by a phase of decreasing growth. The decline in RGR in larger thalli may be attributable to a reduction in the efficiency of translocation of carbohydrate to the thallus margin or to an increased allocation of carbon to support mature 'reproductive' areolae. Crustose species have a low RGR accompanied by a low demand for nutrients and an increased allocation of carbon for stress resistance; therefore enabling colonization of more extreme environments