30 research outputs found

    Antioxidant and neuroprotective activity of vitamin E homologues : in vitro study

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    Here we present comparative data on the inhibition of lipid peroxidation by a variety of tocochromanols in liposomes. We also show for the first time the potential neuroprotective role of all the vitamin E homologues investigated on the neuronally differentiated human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cell line. 伪-Tocopherol had nearly no effect in the inhibition of lipid peroxidation, while 尾-, 纬-, and 未-tocopherols inhibited the reaction completely when it was initiated in a lipid phase. Similar effects were observed for tocotrienol homologues. Moreover, in this respect plastochromanol-8 was as effective as 尾-, 纬-, and 未-tocochromanols. When the prenyllipids were investigated in a 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) test and incorporated into different lipid carriers, the radical oxidation was most pronounced in liposomes, followed by mixed micelles and the micellar system. When the reaction of tocochromanols was examined in niosomes, the oxidation was most pronounced for 伪-tocopherol and plastochromanol-8, followed by 伪-tocotrienol. Next, using retinoic acid-differentiated SH-SY5Y cells, we tested the protective effects of the compounds investigated on hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2))-induced cell damage. We showed that tocotrienols were more active than tocopherols in the oxidative stress model. Plastochromanol-8 had a strong inhibitory effect on H(2)O(2)-induced lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release and H(2)O(2)-induced decrease in cell viability. The water-soluble 伪-tocopherol phosphate had neuroprotective effects at all the concentrations analyzed. The results clearly indicate that structural differences between vitamin E homologues reflect their different biological activity and indicate their potential application in pharmacological treatments for neurodegenerative diseases. In this respect, the application of optimal tocochromanol-carrying structures might be critical

    Effect of trimethyltin chloride on slow vacuolar (SV) channels in vacuoles from red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) taproots

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    In the present study, patch-clamp techniques have been used to investigate the effect of trimethyltin chloride (Met3SnCl) on the slow vacuolar (SV) channels in vacuoles from red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) taproots. Activity of SV channels has been measured in whole-vacuole and cytosolic side-out patch configurations. It was found that addition of trimethyltin chloride to the bath solution suppressed, in a concentration-dependent manner, SV currents in red beet vacuoles. The time constant, 蟿, increased significantly in the presence of the organotin. When single channel activity was analyzed, only little channel activity could be recorded at 100 渭M Met3SnCl. Trimethyltin chloride added to the bath medium significantly decreased (by ca. threefold at 100 渭M Met3SnCl and at 100 mV voltage, as compared to the control medium) the open probability of single channels. Single channel recordings obtained in the presence and absence of trimethyltin chloride showed that the organotin only slightly (by <10%) decreased the unitary conductance of single channels. It was also found that Met3SnCl significantly diminished the number of SV channel openings, whereas it did not change the opening times of the channels. Taking into account the above and the fact that under the here applied experimental conditions (pH = 7.5) Met3SnCl is a non-dissociated (more lipophilic) compound, we suggest that the suppression of SV currents observed in the presence of the organotin results probably from its hydrophobic properties allowing this compound to translocate near the selectivity filter of the channel

    Role of auxin (IAA) in the regulation of slow vacuolar (SV) channels and the volume of red beet taproot vacuoles

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    Background: Auxin (IAA) is a central player in plant cell growth. In contrast to the well-established function of the plasma membrane in plant cell expansion, little is known about the role of the vacuolar membrane (tonoplast) in this process. Results: It was found that under symmetrical 100 mM K+ and 100 渭M cytoplasmic Ca2+ the macroscopic currents showed a typical slow activation and a strong outward rectification of the steady-state currents. The addition of IAA at a final concentration of 1 渭M to the bath medium stimulated the SV currents, whereas at 0.1 and 10 渭M slight inhibition of SV currents was observed. The time constant, decreased in the presence of this hormone. When single channels were analyzed, an increase in their activity was recorded with IAA compared to the control. The single-channel recordings that were obtained in the presence of IAA showed that auxin increased the amplitude of the single-channel currents. Interestingly, the addition of IAA to the bath medium with the same composition as the one that was used in the patch-clamp experiments showed that auxin decreased the volume of the vacuoles. Conclusions: It is suggested that the SV channels and the volume of red beet taproot vacuoles are modulated by auxin (IAA)

    Wykorzystanie urz膮dzenia Pragma w rehabilitacji ko艅czyny g贸rnej

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    Introduction. PNF patterns are one of the physiotherapeutic methods used in upper limb rehabilitation. Intensification of the effect can be achieved by application of additional resistance. Muscles of the therapist are usually the resistance generator, but in this case there is no possibility to make objective estimation of the applied force value.Material and method. In the present study using of accordingly fixed rubbers with different modulus of elasticity is proposed to monitor the resistant overcame by patient鈥檚 muscles. Values of these forces were determined, both at the beginning and the end of the motion patterns, using six different rubbers.Results . Study shows that a possibility of choices of the initial protraction and a color of rubber allows a smooth and controlled increase of additional forces of resistance along with progress of the treatment.Conclusions. Knowledge of the value of these forces allows an objective assessment of the patient鈥檚 motor system abilities.Jedn膮 z metod rehabilitacji ko艅czyny g贸rnej jest wykonywanie ruch贸w wed艂ug wzorc贸w PNF. Wzmocnienie efektu mo偶na uzyska膰 poprzez zastosowanie dodatkowego oporu. Zazwyczaj jego 藕r贸d艂em s膮 mi臋艣nie terapeuty, jednak nie ma w贸wczas mo偶liwo艣ci obiektywnej oceny warto艣ci przy艂o偶onej si艂y.Materia艂 i metody. W pracy zaproponowano zastosowanie odpowiednio mocowanych gum lateksowych o r贸偶nych wsp贸艂czynnikach spr臋偶ysto艣ci do monitorowania opor贸w pokonywanych przez mi臋艣nie pacjenta. Wyznaczono warto艣ci tych si艂, zar贸wno na pocz膮tku, jak i na ko艅cu wybranych wzorc贸w ruch贸w dla sze艣ciu r贸偶nych gum.Wyniki. Pokazano, 偶e mo偶liwo艣膰 wyboru wyd艂u偶enia pocz膮tkowego oraz koloru gumy pozwala na p艂ynne i kontrolowane zwi臋kszanie si艂y dodatkowego oporu wraz z post臋pem rehabilitacji.Wnioski. Znajomo艣膰 warto艣ci tych si艂 umo偶liwia obiektywn膮 ocen臋 mo偶liwo艣ci uk艂adu ruchu pacjenta

    Pragma Device in Upper Limb Rehabilitation

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    Introduction. PNF patterns are one of the physiotherapeutic methods used in upper limb rehabilitation. Intensification of the effect can be achieved by application of additional resistance. Muscles of the therapist are usually the resistance generator, but in this case there is no possibility to make objective estimation of the applied force value. Material and method. In the present study using of accordingly fixed rubbers with different modulus of elasticity is proposed to monitor the resistant overcame by patient鈥檚 muscles. Values of these forces were determined, both at the beginning and the end of the motion patterns, using six different rubbers. Results. Study shows that a possibility of choices of the initial protraction and a color of rubber allows a smooth and controlled increase of additional forces of resistance along with progress of the treatment. Conclusions. Knowledge of the value of these forces allows an objective assessment of the patient鈥檚 motor system abilities.Jedn膮 z metod rehabilitacji ko艅czyny g贸rnej jest wykonywanie ruch贸w wed艂ug wzorc贸w PNF. Wzmocnienie efektu mo偶na uzyska膰 poprzez zastosowanie dodatkowego oporu. Zazwyczaj jego 藕r贸d艂em s膮 mi臋艣nie terapeuty, jednak nie ma w贸wczas mo偶liwo艣ci obiektywnej oceny warto艣ci przy艂o偶onej si艂y. Materia艂 i metody. W pracy zaproponowano zastosowanie odpowiednio mocowanych gum lateksowych o r贸偶nych wsp贸艂czynnikach spr臋偶ysto艣ci do monitorowania opor贸w pokonywanych przez mi臋艣nie pacjenta. Wyznaczono warto艣ci tych si艂, zar贸wno na pocz膮tku, jak i na ko艅cu wybranych wzorc贸w ruch贸w dla sze艣ciu r贸偶nych gum. Wyniki. Pokazano, 偶e mo偶liwo艣膰 wyboru wyd艂u偶enia pocz膮tkowego oraz koloru gumy pozwala na p艂ynne i kontrolowane zwi臋kszanie si艂y dodatkowego oporu wraz z post臋pem rehabilitacji. Wnioski. Znajomo艣膰 warto艣ci tych si艂 umo偶liwia obiektywn膮 ocen臋 mo偶liwo艣ci uk艂adu ruchu pacjenta

    Tocochromanols and fatty acid composition in flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) accessions

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    Flax, Linum usitatissimum, cultivars are grown throughout the world. Flax oil is a dietary source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E, as well as phospholipids, sterols, and phenolic acids. Linseed plays a pivotal role in protecting cells from oxidative damage associated diseases, i.e., atherosclerosis, neurodegenerative disorders, cancer, and inflammation. In this study, two groups of L. usitatissimum seeds were used to evaluate and compare the content and composition of tocochromanols (vitamin E) and fatty acids. Group I included accessions originating from Poland and the Ukraine, while Group II encompassed worldwide flax cultivars (such as from the United States, Argentina, and Italy). A comparison of the tocochromanol profiles showed a higher content in Group I, although there were no significant differences in tocopherol content and composition between the genotypes within this group. All accessions in Groups I and II contained 纬-tocotrienol and plastochromanol-8, which confirms the high nutritional value of flaxseeds. The composition of fatty acids varied depending on the varieties, with linolenic acid showing the greatest discrepancy. Based on the tocochromanol content and fatty acid composition, we conducted a principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis, which revealed a greater similarity among the accessions in Group I. An analysis of the tocochromanol and fatty acid composition of flaxseeds is important from an agronomic and medicinal perspective and can be used to select the most appropriate flax cultivar

    FLUKA simulations of the target thickness dependence of Cu-K\beta/K\alpha intensity ratios

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    The numerical Monte-Carlo simulations of Cu-K\alpha and Cu-K\beta fluorescence lines induced by monoenergetic Am-241 radiation in copper have been presented. The simulations included modeling the K\beta/K\alpha intensity ratios for various thicknesses of copper. The results obtained using the FLUKA code were compared to available experimental and theoretical values. A clear relationship was observed between the simulated K\beta/K\alpha intensity ratios and the sample thickness: as the thickness increased, the K\beta/K\alpha ratio also increased until it reached saturation

    The impact of spa treatment on quality of life of elderly people

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    Warde艅ska Marta, Perzy艅ska Agnieszka, Kochanowicz Magdalena, Pabianek 艁ukasz, Trela Ewa, Zukow Walery. The impact of spa treatment on quality of life of elderly people. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2017;7(3):341-360. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.343945 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/4293 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 1223 (26.01.2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 漏 The Author (s) 2017; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 01.02.2017. Revised 23.02.2017. Accepted: 24.02.2017. WP艁YW LECZENIA UZDROWISKOWEGO NA JAKO艢膯 呕YCIA OS脫B STARSZYH The impact of spa treatment on quality of life of elderly people Marta Warde艅ska a, Agnieszka Perzy艅ska a, Magdalena Kochanowicz b, 艁ukasz Pabianek c, Ewa Trela a, Walery Zukow c a Nicolaus Copernicus University Ludwik Rydygier Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz, Poland b Faculty of Physical Education, Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport, Gda艅sk, Poland c Institute of Physical Culture, Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Key words: quality of life, spa, spa treatment, aging S艂owa kluczowe: jako艣膰 偶ycia, uzdrowisko, leczenie uzdrowiskowe, staro艣膰 STRESZCZENIE Celem pracy by艂a ocena wp艂ywu korzystania z leczenia uzdrowiskowego na jako艣膰 偶ycie os贸b starszych. Badaniem obj臋to 18 kobiet i 22 m臋偶czyzn po 60. 偶ycia. Pos艂u偶ono si臋 metod膮 sonda偶u diagnostycznego - kwestionariusza ankiety zawieraj膮cego pytania zamkni臋te oraz otwarte, dotycz膮ce subiektywnej oceny w艂asnej jako艣ci 偶ycia, a tak偶e leczenia uzdrowiskowego i jego wp艂ywu na zdrowie oraz samopoczucie. Badanie to pozwoli艂o na stwierdzenie, i偶 dzi臋ki leczeniu sanatoryjnemu, jako艣膰 偶ycia kuracjuszy po 60. roku 偶ycia wyra偶ona ich subiektywn膮 ocen膮 poprawia si臋. Potwierdza to hipotez臋 zak艂adaj膮c膮, 偶e osoby starsze ch臋tnie korzystaj膮ce z leczenia uzdrowiskowego cechuj膮 si臋 wyra藕nie wy偶sz膮 jako艣ci膮 偶ycia. SUMMARY The aim of this study was to assess the impact of the spa treatment on the quality of life of the older people. The study included 18 women and 22 men over 60 years of age. Method used was diagnostic survey - a questionnaire containing closed and open questions, on the subjective assessment of their own quality of life, as well as spa treatment and its impact on health and well-being. This study lead to a conclusion that due the spa treatment, the quality of life of patients over 60 ages expressed their subjective assessment improves. This confirms the hypothesis that older people using spa treatment are characterized by a significantly higher level of quality of life

    Kliniczne zasady planowania i realizacji radioterapii modulacj膮 intensywno艣ci wi膮zki (IMRT) u chorych na nowotwory g艂owy i szyi - cz臋艣膰 1

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    Intensity modulated radiation therapy is one of the newest method in use in contemporary radiotherapy. In the presented article the authors show the advantages of using IMRT in patients with head and neck cancers. The detailed method麓s description, protecting normal tissue and treatment planning were presented.Jedn膮 z najnowocze艣niejszych technik radioterapii konformalnej jest napromienianie z zastosowaniem modulacji intensywno艣ci wi膮zki (IMRT). W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono korzy艣ci z zastosowania IMRT u pacjent贸w z nowotworami g艂owy i szyi. Szczeg贸艂owo opisano techniki, wed艂ug kt贸rych nale偶y t臋 metod臋 stosowa膰, oraz sposoby ochrony narz膮d贸w krytycznych, a tak偶e zasady powstawania planu leczenia metod膮 IMRT

    Sexuality of disabled women : cultural and art aspects

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    Kobiety niepe艂nosprawne w wielu krajach doznaj膮 znacz膮cego ograniczenia swojej seksualno艣ci. Traktowane s膮 niejednokrotnie jako osoby pozbawione uczu膰 i pragnie艅, w tym zwi膮zanych z ich fizyczno艣ci膮. Celem artyku艂u jest przedstawienie zagadnienia seksualno艣ci kobiet niepe艂nosprawnych w wymiarze kultury i sztuki w r贸偶nych kontekstach historycznych oraz odmiennych kontekstach kulturowych. Analizy dokonano na podstawie publikacji naukowych autor贸w uznanych za wiod膮cych w tym zakresie tematycznym, obejmuj膮cym przede wszystkim rozmaite obszary funkcjonowania kobiet niepe艂nosprawnych we wsp贸艂czesnym 艣wiecie, a tak偶e publikacji internetowych zwi膮zanych z poruszanym zagadnieniem. Z przeprowadzonej eksploracji mo偶liwe staje si臋 wyprowadzenie wniosku, odnosz膮cego si臋 do odmiennej ni偶 w staro偶ytno艣ci, aktualnej obecno艣ci kobiet niepe艂nosprawnych w przestrzeni publicznej, w tym w wydarzeniach kulturalnych i artystycznych, kt贸re odnosi艂yby si臋 wprost lub symbolicznie do ich kobieco艣ci i seksualno艣ci. Do艣wiadczenia polskie wskazuj膮, i偶 w tym zakresie jeste艣my znacz膮co op贸藕nieni w stosunku do kraj贸w zachodnich, gdzie zr贸偶nicowanie pi臋kna istoty ludzkiej, bez wzgl臋du na fizyczne przymioty, to jest sprawno艣膰 lub jej brak, jest o wiele cz臋艣ciej dostrzegane ni偶 w Polsce. Podejmowane jednak s膮 dzia艂ania, kt贸rych celem staje si臋 przedstawienie pi臋kna kobiecego cia艂a w ka偶dym wymiarze, tak偶e niepe艂nosprawnym, istnienia cz艂owieka.In many countries disabled women experience significant limitations of their sexuality. Also they are often treated as persons without feelings and physical desires. The main goal of this article is to show issues of disabled women鈥檚 sexuality in cultural and art aspects of different historical and cultural contexts. The analysis was made on the basis of scientific articles of authors reputed in this topic, examining various areas of disabled women鈥檚 functioning in the present conditions. The second source were Internet articles about disabled women and their lives. The completed analysis reveals that in the present times (in opposition to antiquity) disabled women are significantly absent in public life, including cultural and art events which would be directly or symbolically correlated with their femininity and sexuality. Our experience indicates that in this respect Poland is still behind the European countries, where human beauty can be appreciated regardless physical imperfections. However, some actions are undertaken to present the beauty of a female body in all aspects of human existence, including physical disabilities