305 research outputs found

    Distributed bounded-error state estimation for partitioned systems based on practical robust positive invariance

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    We propose a partition-based state estimator for linear discrete-time systems composed by coupled subsystems affected by bounded disturbances. The architecture is distributed in the sense that each subsystem is equipped with a local state estimator that exploits suitable pieces of information from parent subsystems. Moreover, differently from methods based on moving horizon estimation, our approach does not require the on-line solution to optimization problems. Our state-estimation scheme, that is based on the notion of practical robust positive invariance developed in Rakovic 2011, also guarantees satisfaction of constraints on local estimation errors and it can be updated with a limited computational effort when subsystems are added or removed

    Plug-and-Play Fault Detection and control-reconfiguration for a class of nonlinear large-scale constrained systems

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    This paper deals with a novel Plug-and-Play (PnP) architecture for the control and monitoring of Large-Scale Systems (LSSs). The proposed approach integrates a distributed Model Predictive Control (MPC) strategy with a distributed Fault Detection (FD) architecture and methodology in a PnP framework. The basic concept is to use the FD scheme as an autonomous decision support system: once a fault is detected, the faulty subsystem can be unplugged to avoid the propagation of the fault in the interconnected LSS. Analogously, once the issue has been solved, the disconnected subsystem can be re-plugged-in. PnP design of local controllers and detectors allow these operations to be performed safely, i.e. without spoiling stability and constraint satisfaction for the whole LSS. The PnP distributed MPC is derived for a class of nonlinear LSSs and an integrated PnP distributed FD architecture is proposed. Simulation results in two paradigmatic examples show the effectiveness and the potential of the general methodology

    A distributed attack detection method for multi-agent systems governed by consensus-based control

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    The paper considers the problem of detecting cyber-attacks occurring in communication networks for distributed control schemes. A distributed methodology is proposed to detect the presence of malicious attacks aimed at compromising the stability of large-scale interconnected systems and multi-agent systems governed by consensus-based controllers. Only knowledge of the local model is required. The detectability properties of the proposed method are analyzed. A class of undetectable attacks is identified. Preliminary simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Distributed Attack Monitoring Scheme for Islanded DC Microgrids

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    Distributed Cyber-Attack Detection in the Secondary Control of DC Microgrids

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    The paper considers the problem of detecting cyber-attacks occurring in communication networks typically used in the secondary control layer of DC microgrids. The proposed distributed methodology allows for scalable monitoring of a microgrid and is able to detect the presence of data injection attacks in the communications among Distributed Generation Units (DGUs) - governed by consensus-based control - and isolate the communication link over which the attack is injected. Each local attack detector requires limited knowledge regarding the dynamics of its neighbors. Detectability properties of the method are analyzed, as well as a class of undetectable attacks. Some results from numerical simulation are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Containment Control in Mobile Networks

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    (c) 2008 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TAC.2008.930098In this paper, the problem of driving a collection of mobile robots to a given target destination is studied. In particular, we are interested in achieving this transfer in an orderly manner so as to ensure that the agents remain in the convex polytope spanned by the leader-agents, while the remaining agents, only employ local interaction rules. To this aim we exploit the theory of partial difference equations and propose hybrid control schemes based on stop-go rules for the leader-agents. Non-Zenoness, liveness and convergence of the resulting system are also analyzed

    Plug and Play Distributed Model Predictive Control Based on Distributed Invariance and Optimization

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    Abstract—This paper presents a method for plug-and-play distributed MPC of a network of interacting linear systems. The previously introduced idea of plug and play control addresses the challenge of performing network changes in the form of subsystems that are joining or leaving the network during closed-loop operation, while maintaining stability and constraint satisfaction. This work extends these ideas to an iterative distributed MPC scheme for systems with strong coupling by employing a recently proposed method for distributed MPC that takes the coupling dynamics into account in the form of time-varying terminal sets and distributed optimization. A distributed synthesis procedure for the update of the local control laws is proposed together with a transition scheme preparing the system for the upcoming modifications. This enables automatic plug-and-play operation, including rejection if the new network topology is infeasible. Both the synthesis and online control are entirely distributed and are only based on local information on the subsystems and their coupled neighbors. Finally, the proposed scheme is applied to the problem of frequency control in a power network

    MRI compared to conventional diagnostic work-up in the detection and evaluation of invasive lobular carcinoma of the breast: a review of existing literature

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    Item does not contain fulltextPURPOSE: The clinical diagnosis and management of invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC) of the breast presents difficulties. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been proposed as the imaging modality of choice for the evaluation of ILC. Small studies addressing different aspects of MRI in ILC have been presented but no large series to date. To address the usefulness of MRI in the work-up of ILC, we performed a review of the currently published literature. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We performed a literature search using the query "lobular AND (MRI OR MR OR MRT OR magnetic)" in the Cochrane library, PubMed and scholar.google.com, to retrieve all articles that dealt with the use of MRI in patients with ILC. We addressed sensitivity, morphologic appearance, correlation with pathology, detection of additional lesions, and impact of MRI on surgery as different endpoints. Whenever possible we performed meta-analysis of the pooled data. RESULTS: Sensitivity is 93.3% and equal to overall sensitivity of MRI for malignancy in the breast. Morphologic appearance is highly heterogeneous and probably heavily influenced by interreader variability. Correlation with pathology ranges from 0.81 to 0.97; overestimation of lesion size occurs but is rare. In 32% of patients, additional ipsilateral lesions are detected and in 7% contralateral lesions are only detected by MRI. Consequently, MRI induces change in surgical management in 28.3% of cases. CONCLUSION: This analysis indicates MRI to be valuable in the work-up of ILC. It provides additional knowledge that cannot be obtained by conventional imaging modalities which can be helpful in patient treatment
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