172 research outputs found

    Sustainable bioenergy for climate mitigation: Developing drought-tolerant trees and grasses

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    \u2022 Background and Aims Bioenergy crops are central to climate mitigation strategies that utilize biogenic carbon, such as BECCS (bioenergy with carbon capture and storage), alongside the use of biomass for heat, power, liquid fuels and, in the future, biorefining to chemicals. Several promising lignocellulosic crops are emerging that have no food role \u2013 fast-growing trees and grasses \u2013 but are well suited as bioenergy feedstocks, including Populus, Salix, Arundo, Miscanthus, Panicum and Sorghum. \u2022 Scope These promising crops remain largely undomesticated and, until recently, have had limited germplasm resources. In order to avoid competition with food crops for land and nature conservation, it is likely that future bioenergy crops will be grown on marginal land that is not needed for food production and is of poor quality and subject to drought stress. Thus, here we define an ideotype for drought tolerance that will enable biomass production to be maintained in the face of moderate drought stress. This includes traits that can readily be measured in wide populations of several hundred unique genotypes for genome-wide association studies, alongside traits that are informative but can only easily be assessed in limited numbers or training populations that may be more suitable for genomic selection. Phenotyping, not genotyping, is now the major bottleneck for progress, since in all lignocellulosic crops studied extensive use has been made of next-generation sequencing such that several thousand markers are now available and populations are emerging that will enable rapid progress for drought-tolerance breeding. The emergence of novel technologies for targeted genotyping by sequencing are particularly welcome. Genome editing has already been demonstrated for Populus and offers significant potential for rapid deployment of drought-tolerant crops through manipulation of ABA receptors, as demonstrated in Arabidopsis, with other gene targets yet to be tested. \u2022 Conclusions Bioenergy is predicted to be the fastest-developing renewable energy over the coming decade and significant investment over the past decade has been made in developing genomic resources and in collecting wild germplasm from within the natural ranges of several tree and grass crops. Harnessing these resources for climate-resilient crops for the future remains a challenge but one that is likely to be successful

    Erratum: Internet and mobile-based psychological interventions: Applications, efficacy and potential for improving mental health. A report of the EFPA E-Health Taskforce (European Psychologist (2018) 23 (167-187) DOI: 10.1027/1016-9040/a000318)

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    © 2018 2018 Hogrefe Publishing. The article entitled Internet and mobile-based psychological interventions: Applications, efficacy and potential for improving mental health. A report of the EFPA E-Health Taskforce. by Ebert, D. D., Van Daele, T., Nordgreen, T., Karekla, M., Compare, A., Zarbo, C., Brugnera, B., Overland, S., Trebbi, G., Jensen, K. L., Kaehlke, F. (on behalf of the EFPA E-Health Taskforce), & Baumeister, H. (2018, European Psychologist, 23(2), 167-187. https://doi.org/ 10.1027/1016-9040/a000318) contained an error on the first page: The author Jacqui Taylor is missing and the list of authors should correctly read as follows: David Daniel Ebert1, Tom Van Daele2, Tine Nordgreen3, Maria Karekla4, Angelo Compare6, Cristina Zarbo5, Agostino Brugnera5, Svein Overland7, Glauco Trebbi8, Kit L. Jensen9, Fanny Kaehlke (on behalf of the EFPA E-Health Taskforce)1, Harald Baumeister10, and Jacqui Taylor11 1Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen- Nrnberg, Erlangen, Germany 2Department of Applied Psychology, Thomas More University of Applied Sciences, Antwerp, Belgium 3Division of Psychiatry, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway 4Department of Psychology, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Republic of Cyprus 5Department of Human and Social Science, University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy 6Human Factors and Technology in Healthcare, University of Bergamo, Bergamo, BG, Italy 7SuperEgo AS, Trondheim, Norway 8Trebbipsicologie, Luxembourg & Societe Luxembourgeoise de Psychologie SLP, Luxembourg 9Private Practice, Skagen, Denmark 10Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, University of Ulm, Germany 11Psychology Department, Bournemouth University, UK The authors regret any inconvenience or confusion this error may have caused

    The characteristics and activities of child and adolescent mental health services in Italy: a regional survey

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To date, no studies have assessed in detail the characteristics, organisation, and functioning of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). This information gap represents a major limitation for researchers and clinicians because most mental disorders have their onset in childhood or adolescence, and effective interventions can therefore represent a major factor in avoiding chronicity. Interventions and mental health care are delivered by and through services, and not by individual, private clinicians, and drawbacks or limitations of services generally translate in inappropriateness and ineffectiveness of treatments and interventions: therefore information about services is essential to improve the quality of care and ultimately the course and outcome of mental disorders in childhood and adolescence.</p> <p>The present paper reports the results of the first study aimed at providing detailed, updated and comprehensive data on CAMHS of a densely populated Italian region (over 4 million inhabitants) with a target population of 633,725 subjects aged 0-17 years.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Unit Chiefs of all the CAMHS filled in a structured 'Facility Form', with activity data referring to 2008 (data for inpatient facilities referred to 2009), which were then analysed in detail.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Eleven CAMHS were operative, including 110 outpatient units, with a ratio of approximately 20 child psychiatrists and 23 psychologists per 100,000 inhabitants aged 0-17 years. All outpatient units were well equipped and organized and all granted free service access. In 2008, approximately 6% of the target population was in contact with outpatient CAMHS, showing substantial homogeneity across the eleven areas thereby. Most patients in contact in 2008 received a language disorder- or learning disability diagnosis (41%). First-ever contacts accounted for 30% of annual visits across all units. Hospital bed availability was 5 per 100,000 inhabitants aged 0-17 years.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The percentage of young people in contact with CAMHS for mental disorders is in line with those observed in previous epidemiological studies. The overall number of child psychiatrists per 100,000 inhabitants is one of the highest in Europe and it is comparable with the most well equipped areas in the US. This comparison should be interpreted with caution, however, because in Italy, child psychiatrists also treat neurological disorders. Critical areas requiring improvement are: the uneven utilisation of standardised assessment procedures and the limited availability of dedicated emergency services during non-office hours (e.g., nights and holidays).</p

    Bi-allelic genetic variants in the translational GTPases GTPBP1 and GTPBP2 cause a distinct identical neurodevelopmental syndrome

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    The homologous genes GTPBP1 and GTPBP2 encode GTP-binding proteins 1 and 2, which are involved in ribosomal homeostasis. Pathogenic variants in GTPBP2 were recently shown to be an ultra-rare cause of neurodegenerative or neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs). Until now, no human phenotype has been linked to GTPBP1. Here, we describe individuals carrying bi-allelic GTPBP1 variants that display an identical phenotype with GTPBP2 and characterize the overall spectrum of GTP-binding protein (1/2)-related disorders. In this study, 20 individuals from 16 families with distinct NDDs and syndromic facial features were investigated by whole-exome (WES) or whole-genome (WGS) sequencing. To assess the functional impact of the identified genetic variants, semi-quantitative PCR, western blot, and ribosome profiling assays were performed in fibroblasts from affected individuals. We also investigated the effect of reducing expression of CG2017, an ortholog of human GTPBP1/2, in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Individuals with bi-allelic GTPBP1 or GTPBP2 variants presented with microcephaly, profound neurodevelopmental impairment, pathognomonic craniofacial features, and ectodermal defects. Abnormal vision and/or hearing, progressive spasticity, choreoathetoid movements, refractory epilepsy, and brain atrophy were part of the core phenotype of this syndrome. Cell line studies identified a loss-of-function (LoF) impact of the disease-associated variants but no significant abnormalities on ribosome profiling. Reduced expression of CG2017 isoforms was associated with locomotor impairment in Drosophila. In conclusion, bi-allelic GTPBP1 and GTPBP2 LoF variants cause an identical, distinct neurodevelopmental syndrome. Mutant CG2017 knockout flies display motor impairment, highlighting the conserved role for GTP-binding proteins in CNS development across species

    Ultra high diluted arsenic reduces spore germination of Alternaria brassicicola and dark leaf spot in cauliflower

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    ABSTRACT A major problem in cauliflower crop is the fungus Alternaria brassicicola, which causes dark leaf spot on Brassicaceae family. The current use of copper salts in agriculture is questioned. In fact, these products present some disadvantages, connected mainly with their deposits in the soil and toxicity on plants. This work investigated the effects of arsenic treatments, in ultra high diluted form (UHD), prepared by a process of repeated dilution and succussion (shaking), through: 1) in vitro germination experiments, where spores of A. brassicicola were suspended in the treatments; 2) in planta experiments and 3) a field trial, where cauliflower plants infected by the fungus were sprayed with treatments. The results showed that ultra high dilutions of arsenic (where no more molecules of this substance are present) were effective in all the experiments, inhibiting spore germination by 60.0%, controlling fungal disease in in planta experiments (relative efficacy of 42.1%), and, in field trial, decreasing the mean infection level in cauliflower heads by 45.7% and 41.6% in artificially inoculated and naturally infected plants, respectively. This is the first study to demonstrate that ultra high dilutions effectively reduce in vitro spore germination and infection of A. brassicicola in cauliflower plants, both under controlled conditions and in the field. Our research is still very experimental, however, in light of the significant results obtained with ultra-diluted arsenic, and given that its extreme high dilution level precludes any toxicity or accumulation in the environment, the use of UHDs could be considered a potential and reliable approach for sustainable agriculture

    Giovan Battista Ramusio tra politica, religione e cultura.

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    I recenti studi sul celebre geografo veneziano G. B. Ramusio hanno sottolineato l'importanza delle funzioni burocratiche da lui esercitate per conto della Repubblica di Venezia come segretario del Consiglio dei Dieci, e la sua profonda competenza umanistica. Sono state però trascurate le tracce evidenti dei suoi rapporti con figure chiave della riforma cattolica, come Egidio da Viterbo, Gasparo Contarini, Pietro Bembo, i cardinali Cortese e Fregoso. Ramusio, come censore per conto dello Stato veneziano, licenziò un'opera del cardinal Fregoso che fu poi gravemente colpita dall'Indice; e collaborò con Gasparo Contarini, divenuto cardinale, a ricerche storiche sui primi Concili ecumenici, in preparazione del nuovo concilio convocato da papa Paolo III Farnese. L'obiettivo delle sue Navigationi e Viaggi è la promozione del sapere geografico da parte dei Principi, con accenti quasi utopistici

    Tiepolo, Ermolao

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    Ermolao Tiepolo fu uno dei pi\uf9 combattivi comandanti navali nella Venezia di fine 500, particolarmente impegnato nella lotta contro i corsari uscocchi. Si pu\uf2 dimostrare, sulla base dei documenti, che Ermolao Tiepolo avrebbe volentieri accettato la collaborazione del Turchi per cacciare i corsari uscocchi da Segna e dall'Adriatico, se non fosse stato fermato dal governo veneziano, che temeva complicazioni nei rapporti con gli Asburgo e con la Santa Sede
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