363 research outputs found

    Adherence to Mediterranean diet, physical activity level, and severity of periodontitis: Results from a university-based cross-sectional study

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    Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between adherence to Mediterranean diet (MD) and physical activity (PA) level with the periodontal status of a University-based cohort of individuals. Methods: A total of 235 individuals were included in the study. MD adherence and PA level were registered through validated questionnaires, together with a full periodontal examination. Crude and adjusted odds ratios (ORs) [95% confidence interval] were calculated to evaluate the association between MD adherence, PA level, and periodontitis severity. A final logistic multivariate regression model was built to evaluate the impact of the combination between low MD adherence and low PA level on the prevalence of Stage III/IV periodontitis. Results: The adjusted ORs for Stage III/IV periodontitis were 1.65 [0.84 to 3.28; P = 0.42] for low PA and 5.63 [3.21 to 9.84; P = 0.00] for low MD adherence. The final logistic multivariate regression model resulted in OR = 10.23 [4.01, 26.09; P = 0.00] of having Stage III/IV periodontitis in individuals with low MD adherence and low PA. Conclusions: Individuals conducting a lifestyle characterized by the combination of low MD adherence and lack of regular exercise had 10 times the odds to have severe forms of periodontitis. © 2022 The Author

    Elastic properties of graphene suspended on a polymer substrate by e-beam exposure

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    A method for fabricating multiple free-standing structures on the same sheet of graphene is demonstrated. Mechanically exfoliated mono- and bilayer graphene sheets were sandwiched between two layers of polymethyl-methacrylate. Suspended areas were defined by e-beam exposure allowing precise control over their shape and position. Mechanical characterization of suspended graphene sheets was performed by nanoindentation with an atomic force microscopy tip. The obtained built-in tensions of 12 nN are significantly lower than those in suspended graphene exfoliated on an SiO2 substrate, and therefore permit access to the intrinsic properties of this material system

    Holocene volcanic history as recorded in the sulfate stratigraphy of the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica Dome C (EDC96) ice core

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    A detailed history of Holocene volcanism was reconstructed using the sulfate record of the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica Dome C (EDC96) ice core. This first complete Holocene volcanic record from an Antarctic core provides a reliable database to compare with long records from Antarctic and Greenland ice cores. A threshold method based on statistical treatment of the lognormal sulfate flux distribution was used to differentiate volcanic sulfate spikes from sulfate background concentrations. Ninety-six eruptions were identified in the EDC96 ice core during the Holocene, with a mean of 7.9 events per millennium. The frequency distribution (events per millennium) showed that the last 2000 years were a period of enhanced volcanic activity. EDC96 volcanic signatures for the last millennium are in good agreement with those recorded in other Antarctic ice cores. For older periods, comparison is in some cases less reliable, mainly because of dating uncertainties. Sulfate depositional fluxes of individual volcanic events vary greatly among the different cores. A volcanic flux normalization (volcanic flux/Tambora flux ratio) was used to evaluate the relative intensity of the same event recorded at different sites in the last millennium. Normalized flux variability for the same event showed the highest value in the 1100–1500 AD period. This pattern could mirror changes in regional transport linked to climatic variations such as slight warming stages in the Southern Hemisphere (Southern Hemisphere Medieval Warming–like period?)

    An evaluation of an adaptive learning system based on multimodal affect recognition for learners with intellectual disabilities

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    Artificial intelligence tools for education (AIEd) have been used to automate the provision of learning support to mainstream learners. One of the most innovative approaches in this field is the use of data and machine learning for the detection of a student's affective state, to move them out of negative states that inhibit learning, into positive states such as engagement. In spite of their obvious potential to provide the personalisation that would give extra support for learners with intellectual disabilities, little work on AIEd systems that utilise affect recognition currently addresses this group. Our system used multimodal sensor data and machine learning to first identify three affective states linked to learning (engagement, frustration, boredom) and second determine the presentation of learning content so that the learner is maintained in an optimal affective state and rate of learning is maximised. To evaluate this adaptive learning system, 67 participants aged between 6 and 18 years acting as their own control took part in a series of sessions using the system. Sessions alternated between using the system with both affect detection and learning achievement to drive the selection of learning content (intervention) and using learning achievement alone (control) to drive the selection of learning content. Lack of boredom was the state with the strongest link to achievement, with both frustration and engagement positively related to achievement. There was significantly more engagement and less boredom in intervention than control sessions, but no significant difference in achievement. These results suggest that engagement does increase when activities are tailored to the personal needs and emotional state of the learner and that the system was promoting affective states that in turn promote learning. However, longer exposure is necessary to determine the effect on learning

    A Pixel Read-Out Front-End in 28 nm CMOS with Time and Space Resolution

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    Future high luminosity colliders will require front-end electronics with unprecedented performance, both in space and time resolution (tens of micrometers and tens of picoseconds) and in radiation hardness (tens of megagray). Moreover, the high number of events will generate an enormous quantity of data (some terabits per second), and the limited bandwidth requires to perform data selection as close as possible to the front-end stage, to reduce the amount of data transmitted and stored for off-line analysis.The TimeSpOT (TIME and SPace real-time Operating Tracker) project, funded by INFN, is developing a complete demonstrator of a tracking device including all the features needed for future high luminosity experiments.In this presentation, we describe the first prototype of the readout electronics in 28 nm CMOS technology. The modules of the front-end circuitry have been designed and integrated in a test chip, which will allow us to characterize each block separately, and to connect them in a processing chain to evaluate the overall performance

    2014 iAREA campaign on aerosol in Spitsbergen – Part 2: Optical properties from Raman-lidar and in-situ observations at Ny-Ålesund

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    In this work multi wavelength Raman lidar data from Ny-Ålesund, Spitsbergen have been analysed for the spring 2014 Arctic haze season, as part of the iAREA campaign. Typical values and probability distributions for aerosol backscatter, extinction and depolarisation, the lidar ratio and the color ratio for 4 different altitude intervals within the troposphere are given. These quantities and their dependencies are analysed and the frequency of altitude-dependent observed aerosol events are given. A comparison with ground-based size distribution and chemical composition is performed. Hence the aim of this paper is to provide typical and statistically meaningful properties of Arctic aerosol, which may be used in climate models or to constrain the radiative forcing. We have found that the 2014 season was only moderately polluted with Arctic haze and that sea salt and sulphate were the most dominant aerosol species. Moreover the drying of an aerosol layer after cloud disintegration has been observed. Hardly any clear temporal evolution over the 4 week data set on Arctic haze is obvious with the exception of the extinction coefficient and the lidar ratio, which significantly decreased below 2 km altitude by end April. In altitudes between 2 and 5 km the haze season lasted longer and the aerosol properties were generally more homogeneous than closer to the surface. Above 5 km only few particles were found. The variability of the lidar ratio is discussed. It was found that knowledge of the aerosol’s size and shape does not determine the lidar ratio. Contrary to shape and lidar ratio, there is a clear correlation between size and backscatter: larger particles show a higher backscatter coefficient

    Physicochemical characterization and source apportionment of Arctic ice-nucleating particles observed in Ny-Ã…lesund in autumn 2019

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    Ice-nucleating particles (INPs) initiate primary ice formation in Arctic mixed-phase clouds (MPCs), altering cloud radiative properties and modulating precipitation. For atmospheric INPs, the complexity of their spatiotemporal variations, heterogeneous sources, and evolution via intricate atmospheric interactions challenge the understanding of their impact on microphysical processes in Arctic MPCs and induce an uncertain representation in climate models. In this work, we performed a comprehensive analysis of atmospheric aerosols at the Arctic coastal site in Ny-Ã…lesund (Svalbard, Norway) from October to November 2019, including their ice nucleation ability, physicochemical properties, and potential sources. Overall, INP concentrations (NINP) during the observation season were approximately up to 3 orders of magnitude lower compared to the global average, with several samples showing degradation of NINP after heat treatment, implying the presence of proteinaceous INPs. Particle fluorescence was substantially associated with INP concentrations at warmer ice nucleation temperatures, indicating that in the far-reaching Arctic, aerosols of biogenic origin throughout the snow- and ice-free season may serve as important INP sources. In addition, case studies revealed the links between elevated NINP and heat lability, fluorescence, high wind speeds originating from the ocean, augmented concentration of coarse-mode particles, and abundant organics. Backward trajectory analysis demonstrated a potential connection between high-latitude dust sources and high INP concentrations, while prolonged air mass history over the ice pack was identified for most scant INP cases. The combination of the above analyses demonstrates that the abundance, physicochemical properties, and potential sources of INPs in the Arctic are highly variable despite its remote location.</p

    Annual variability of ice-nucleating particle concentrations at different Arctic locations

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    Abstract. Number concentrations of ice-nucleating particles (NINP) in the Arctic were derived from ground-based filter samples. Examined samples had been collected in Alert (Nunavut, northern Canadian archipelago on Ellesmere Island), Utqiaġvik, formerly known as Barrow (Alaska), Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard), and at the Villum Research Station (VRS; northern Greenland). For the former two stations, examined filters span a full yearly cycle. For VRS, 10 weekly samples, mostly from different months of one year, were included. Samples from Ny-Ålesund were collected during the months from March until September of one year. At all four stations, highest concentrations were found in the summer months from roughly June to September. For those stations with sufficient data coverage, an annual cycle can be seen. The spectra of NINP observed at the highest temperatures, i.e., those obtained for summer months, showed the presence of INPs that nucleate ice up to −5 ∘C. Although the nature of these highly ice-active INPs could not be determined in this study, it often has been described in the literature that ice activity observed at such high temperatures originates from the presence of ice-active material of biogenic origin. Spectra observed at the lowest temperatures, i.e., those derived for winter months, were on the lower end of the respective values from the literature on Arctic INPs or INPs from midlatitude continental sites, to which a comparison is presented herein. An analysis concerning the origin of INPs that were ice active at high temperatures was carried out using back trajectories and satellite information. Both terrestrial locations in the Arctic and the adjacent sea were found to be possible source areas for highly active INPs

    Saharan dust aerosol over the central Mediterranean Sea: PM<sub>10</sub> chemical composition and concentration versus optical columnar measurements

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    This study aims to determine the mineral contribution to PM<sub>10</sub> in the central Mediterranean Sea, based on 7 yr of daily PM<sub>10</sub> samplings made on the island of Lampedusa (35.5° N, 12.6° E). <br><br> The chemical composition of the PM<sub>10</sub> samples was determined by ion chromatography for the main ions, and, on selected samples, by particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) for the total content of crustal markers. Aerosol optical depth measurements were carried out in parallel to the PM<sub>10</sub> sampling. <br><br> The average PM<sub>10</sub> concentration at Lampedusa over the period June 2004–December 2010 is 31.5 μg m<sup>−3</sup>, with low interannual variability. The annual means are below the EU annual standard for PM<sub>10</sub>, but 9.9% of the total number of daily data exceeds the daily threshold value established by the European Commission for PM (50 μg m<sup>−3</sup>, European Community, EC/30/1999). <br><br> The Saharan dust contribution to PM<sub>10</sub> was derived by calculating the contribution of Al, Si, Fe, Ti, non-sea-salt (nss) Ca, nssNa, and nssK oxides in samples in which PIXE data were available. Cases in which crustal content exceeded the 75th percentile of the crustal oxide content distribution were identified as elevated dust events. Using this threshold, we obtained 175 events. Fifty-five elevated dust events (31.6%) displayed PM<sub>10</sub> higher than 50 μg m<sup>−3</sup>, with dust contributing by 33% on average. <br><br> The crustal contribution to PM<sub>10</sub> has an annual average value of 5.42 μg m<sup>−3</sup>, and reaches a value as high as 67.9 μg m<sup>−3</sup> (corresponding to 49% of PM<sub>10</sub>) during an intense Saharan dust event. <br><br> The crustal content estimated from a single tracer, such as Al or Ca, is in good agreement with the one calculated as the sum of the metal oxides. Conversely, larger crustal contents are derived by applying the EU guidelines for demonstration and subtraction of exceedances in PM<sub>10</sub> levels due to high background of natural aerosol. The crustal aerosol amount and contribution to PM<sub>10</sub> showed a very small seasonal dependence; conversely, the dust columnar burden displays an evident annual cycle, with a strong summer maximum (monthly average aerosol optical depth at 500 nm up to 0.28 in June–August). We found that 71.3% of the dust events identified from optical properties over the atmospheric column display a high dust content at the ground level. Conversely, the remaining 28.7% of cases present a negligible or small impact on the surface aerosol composition due to the transport processes over the Mediterranean Sea, where dust frequently travels above the marine boundary layer, especially in summer. <br><br> Based on backward trajectories, two regions, one in Algeria–Tunisia, and one in Libya, are identified as main source areas for intense dust episodes occurring mainly in autumn and winter. Data on the bulk composition of mineral aerosol arising from these two source areas are scarce; results on characteristic ratios between elements show somewhat higher values of Ca / Al and (Ca + Mg) / Fe (2.5 ± 1.0, and 4.7 ± 2.0, respectively) for Algeria–Tunisia than for Libyan origin (Ca / Al = 1.9 ± 0.7 and (Ca + Mg) / Fe = 3.3 ± 1.1)

    Differentiation of coarse-mode anthropogenic, marine and dust particles in the High Arctic islands of Svalbard

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    19 pages, 8 figures,1 table, 1 appendix.-- Data availability: The APS data can be accessed from https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3961473 (Traversi et al., 2020). The absorption coefficient data are available upon request from Gilardoni et al. (2020). Data supporting this publication can be accessed upon request from the corresponding authorsUnderstanding aerosol–cloud–climate interactions in the Arctic is key to predicting the climate in this rapidly changing region. Whilst many studies have focused on submicrometer aerosol (diameter less than 1 µm), relatively little is known about the supermicrometer aerosol (diameter above 1 µm). Here, we present a cluster analysis of multiyear (2015–2019) aerodynamic volume size distributions, with diameter ranging from 0.5 to 20 µm, measured continuously at the Gruvebadet Observatory in the Svalbard archipelago. Together with aerosol chemical composition data from several online and offline measurements, we apportioned the occurrence of the coarse-mode aerosols during the study period (mainly from March to October) to anthropogenic (two sources, 27 %) and natural (three sources, 73 %) origins. Specifically, two clusters are related to Arctic haze with high levels of black carbon, sulfate and accumulation mode (0.1–1 µm) aerosol. The first cluster (9 %) is attributed to ammonium sulfate-rich Arctic haze particles, whereas the second one (18 %) is attributed to larger-mode aerosol mixed with sea salt. The three natural aerosol clusters were open-ocean sea spray aerosol (34 %), mineral dust (7 %) and an unidentified source of sea spray-related aerosol (32 %). The results suggest that sea-spray-related aerosol in polar regions may be more complex than previously thought due to short- and long-distance origins and mixtures with Arctic haze, biogenic and likely blowing snow aerosols. Studying supermicrometer natural aerosol in the Arctic is imperative for understanding the impacts of changing natural processes on Arctic aerosoThis research has been supported by the Natural Environment Research Council (grant no. NE/S00579X/1). We acknowledge support of the publication fee by the CSIC Open Access Publication Support Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI)With the institutional support of the ‘Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence’ accreditation (CEX2019-000928-S)Peer reviewe
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