102 research outputs found

    Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the recent history of Lake Chiuta Wetland, south Malawi

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    Understanding the environmental trajectory over the recent (ca. 200 years) of shallow inland water bodies is key to sustainable management of the fisheries industry that is facing severe challenges. Paleolimnological techniques using multiple proxies provide valuable insights into the drivers and responses of these delicate systems currently threatened by environmental degradation and climatic extremes. Until the latter part of the 20th Century, Lake Chiuta used to be an important ground for fisheries. The cause of the collapse of the fisheries industry is mostly assumed to be overfishing although there are pointers of water quality change and environmental degradation within the riparian catchment of the lake. This study used a multiple proxies such as LOI, grain size analyses and diatoms for mapping recent environmental changes of Lake Chiuta. Results of the study indicate that the lake is periodically affected by near decadal variability of climate in the short term but is on a medium to long term trajectory of declination affected by a shrinking lake and rapid incursion of marshland onto the open water. These may pose serious challenges not only to the fishery, but long term survival of the water body for other uses. It is recommended that integrated watershed management programs be used as a medium to long term solution to the water quality problems that impact the lake at various scales.Keywords: Diatoms, Lake Chiuta, Marshland, Palaeolimnolog

    Advanced Hyperspectral Analysis of Sediment Core Samples from the Chew Bahir Basin, Ethiopian Rift, in the Spectral Range from 0.25 to 17 µm:Support for Climate Proxy Interpretation

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    Establishing robust environmental proxies at newly investigated terrestrial sedimentary archives is a challenge, because straightforward climate reconstructions can be hampered by the complex relationship between climate parameters and sediment composition, proxy preservation or (in)sufficient sample material. We present a minimally invasive hyperspectral bidirectional reflectance analysis on discrete samples in the wavelength range from 0.25 to 17 mu m on 35 lacustrine sediment core samples from the Chew Bahir Basin, southern Ethiopia for climate proxy studies. We identified and used absorption bands at 2.2 mu m (Al-OH), at 2.3 mu m (Mg-OH), at 1.16 mu m (analcime), and at 3.98 mu m (calcite) for quantitative spectral analysis. The band depth ratios at 2.3/2.2 mu m in the spectra correlate with variations in the potassium content of the sediment samples, which also reflect periods of increased Al-to-Mg substitution in clay minerals during drier climatic episodes. During these episodes of drier conditions, absorption bands diagnostic of the presence of analcime and calcite support this interpretation, with analcime indicating the driest conditions. These results could be compared to qualitative analysis of other characteristic spectral properties in the spectral range between 0.25 and 17 mu m. The results of the hyperspectral measurements complement previous sedimentological and geochemical analyses, allowing us in particular to resolve more finely the processes of weathering in the catchment and low-temperature authigenic processes in the sediment. This enables us to better understand environmental changes in the habitat of early humans

    Spatio-temporal variations of climate along possible African-Arabian routes of H. sapiens expansion

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    Eastern Africa and Arabia were major hominin hotspots and critical crossroads for migrating towards Asia during the late Pleistocene. To decipher the role of spatiotemporal environmental change on human occupation and migration patterns, we remeasured the marine core from Meteor Site KL 15 in the Gulf of Aden and reanalyzed its data together with the aridity index from ICDP Site Chew Bahir in eastern Africa and the wet-dry index from ODP Site 967 in the eastern Mediterranean Sea using linear and nonlinear time series analysis. These analyses show major changes in the spatiotemporal paleoclimate dynamics at 400 and 150 ka BP (thousand years before 1950), presumably driven by changes in the amplitude of the orbital eccentricity. From 400 to 150 ka BP, eastern Africa and Arabia show synchronized wet-dry shifts, which changed drastically at 150 ka BP. After 150 ka BP, an overall trend to dry climate states is observable, and the hydroclimate dynamics between eastern Africa and Arabia are negatively correlated. Those spatio-temporal variations and interrelationships of climate potentially influenced the availability of spatial links for human expansion along those vertices. We observe positively correlated network links during the supposed out-of-Africa migration phases of H. sapiens. Furthermore, our data do not suggest hominin occupation phases during specific time intervals of humid or stable climates but provide evidence of the so far underestimated potential role of climate predictability as an important factor of hominin ecological competitiveness

    Early warning signals of the termination of the African Humid Period(s)

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    The transition from a humid green Sahara to today’s hyperarid conditions in northern Africa ~5.5 thousand years ago shows the dramatic environmental change to which human societies were exposed and had to adapt to. In this work, we show that in the 620,000-year environmental record from the Chew Bahir basin in the southern Ethiopian Rift, with its decadal resolution, this one thousand year long transition is particularly well documented, along with 20–80 year long droughts, recurring every ~160 years, as possible early warnings. Together with events of extreme wetness at the end of the transition, these droughts form a pronounced climate “flickering”, which can be simulated in climate models and is also present in earlier climate transitions in the Chew Bahir environmental record, indicating that transitions with flickering are characteristic of this region

    A phytolith supported biosphere-hydrosphere predictive model for Southern Ethiopia:Insights into paleoenvironmental changes and human landscape preferences since the last glacial maximum

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    During the past 25 ka, southern Ethiopia has undergone tremendous climatic changes, from dry and relatively cold during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 25–18 ka) to the African Humid Period (AHP, 15–5 ka), and back to present-day dry conditions. As a contribution to better understand the effects of climate change on vegetation and lakes, we here present a new Predictive Vegetation Model that is linked with a Lake Balance Model and available vegetation-proxy records from southern Ethiopia including a new phytolith record from the Chew Bahir basin. We constructed a detailed paleo-landcover map of southern Ethiopia during the LGM, AHP (with and without influence of the Congo Air Boundary) and the modern-day potential natural landcover. Compared to today, we observe a 15–20% reduction in moisture availability during the LGM with widespread open landscapes and only few remaining forest refugia. We identify 25–40% increased moisture availability during the AHP with prevailing forests in the mid-altitudes and indications that modern anthropogenic landcover change has affected the water balance. In comparison with existing archaeological records, we find that human occupations tend to correspond with open landscapes during the late Pleistocene and Holocene in southern Ethiopia

    Modern Sedimentation and Authigenic Mineral Formation in the Chew Bahir Basin, Southern Ethiopia:Implications for Interpretation of Late Quaternary Paleoclimate Records

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    We present new mineralogical and geochemical data from modern sediments in the Chew Bahir basin and catchment, Ethiopia. Our goal is to better understand the role of modern sedimentary processes in chemical proxy formation in the Chew Bahir paleolake, a newly investigated paleoclimatic archive, to provide environmental context for human evolution and dispersal. Modern sediment outside the currently dry playa lake floor have higher SiO2 and Al2O3 (50-70 wt.%) content compared to mudflat samples. On average, mudflat sediment samples are enriched in elements such as Mg, Ca, Ce, Nd, and Na, indicating possible enrichment during chemical weathering (e.g., clay formation). Thermodynamic modeling of evaporating water in upstream Lake Chamo is shown to produce an authigenic mineral assemblage of calcite, analcime, and Mg-enriched authigenic illitic clay minerals, consistent with the prevalence of environments of enhanced evaporative concentration in the Chew Bahir basin. A comparison with samples from the sediment cores of Chew Bahir based on whole-rock MgO/Al2O3, Ba/Sr and authigenic clay mineral delta O-18 values shows the following: modern sediments deposited in the saline mudflats of the Chew Bahir dried out lake bed resemble paleosediments deposited during dry periods, such as during times of the Last Glacial Maximum and Younger Dryas stadial. Sediments from modern detrital upstream sources are more similar to sediments deposited during wetter periods, such as the early Holocene African Humid Period

    Using multiple chronometers to establish a long, directly-dated lacustrine record:Constraining >600,000 years of environmental change at Chew Bahir, Ethiopia

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    Despite eastern Africa being a key location in the emergence of Homo sapiens and their subsequent dispersal out of Africa, there is a paucity of long, well-dated climate records in the region to contextualize this history. To address this issue, we dated a ∼293 m long composite sediment core from Chew Bahir, south Ethiopia, using three independent chronometers (radiocarbon, 40Ar/39Ar, and optically stimulated luminescence) combined with geochemical correlation to a known-age tephra. The site is located in a climatically sensitive region, and is close to Omo Kibish, the earliest documented Homo sapiens fossil site in eastern Africa, and to the proposed dispersal routes for H. sapiens out of Africa. The 30 ages generated by the various techniques are internally consistent, stratigraphically coherent, and span the full range of the core depth. A Bayesian age-depth model developed using these ages results in a chronology that forms one of the longest independently dated, high-resolution lacustrine sediment records from eastern Africa. The chronology illustrates that any record of environmental change preserved in the composite sediment core from Chew Bahir would span the entire timescale of modern human evolution and dispersal, encompassing the time period of the transition from Acheulean to Middle Stone Age (MSA), and subsequently to Later Stone Age (LSA) technology, making the core well-placed to address questions regarding environmental change and hominin evolutionary adaptation. The benefits to such studies of direct dating and the use of multiple independent chronometers are discussed. Highlights • Four independent dating methods applied to ∼293 m lake core from southern Ethiopia. • Reveals 620 ka high-resolution sedimentary record near key fossil hominin sites. • Mean accumulation rate of 0.47 mm/a comparable to other African lacustrine sediments. • Accumulation rate fell to 0.1 mm/a during MIS 2, likely due to reduced sediment supply. • Use of multiple independent chronometers is a powerful approach in lake settings

    Paleo-ENSO influence on African environments and early modern humans

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    Our results identify the prime driver of climate variation in Africa’s low latitudes over the past 620 ky—the key time frame for the evolution of our species. Warming and cooling of the tropical Pacific Ocean paced by insolation changes modulated the tropical Walker circulation, driving opposing wet–dry states in eastern and western Africa. We show that the effects of glacial/interglacial cycles were not the predominant source of environmental change in most of the continent. Africa’s environmental patchwork driven by low-latitude climate processes should therefore be a critical component in conceptual models of human evolution and early demography over the past 620 ky.In this study, we synthesize terrestrial and marine proxy records, spanning the past 620 ky, to decipher pan-African climate variability and its drivers and potential linkages to hominin evolution. We find a tight correlation between moisture availability across Africa to El Niño Southern Ocean oscillation (ENSO) variability, a manifestation of the Walker Circulation, that was most likely driven by changes in Earth’s eccentricity. Our results demonstrate that low-latitude insolation was a prominent driver of pan-African climate change during the Middle to Late Pleistocene. We argue that these low-latitude climate processes governed the dispersion and evolution of vegetation as well as mammals in eastern and western Africa by increasing resource-rich and stable ecotonal settings thought to have been important to early modern humans.All study data are included in the article and/or supporting information.Results Discussion Conclusion Materials and Methods - pwPCA. - Breakpoint Analysis. - Median Calculation

    Orbital controls on eastern African hydroclimate in the Pleistocene

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    Understanding eastern African paleoclimate is critical for contextualizing early human evolution, adaptation, and dispersal, yet Pleistocene climate of this region and its governing mechanisms remain poorly understood due to the lack of long, orbitally-resolved, terrestrial paleoclimate records. Here we present leaf wax hydrogen isotope records of rainfall from paleolake sediment cores from key time windows that resolve long-term trends, variations, and high-latitude effects on tropical African precipitation. Eastern African rainfall was dominantly controlled by variations in low-latitude summer insolation during most of the early and middle Pleistocene, with little evidence that glacial–interglacial cycles impacted rainfall until the late Pleistocene. We observe the influence of high-latitude-driven climate processes emerging from the last interglacial (Marine Isotope Stage 5) to the present, an interval when glacial–interglacial cycles were strong and insolation forcing was weak. Our results demonstrate a variable response of eastern African rainfall to low-latitude insolation forcing and high-latitude-driven climate change, likely related to the relative strengths of these forcings through time and a threshold in monsoon sensitivity. We observe little difference in mean rainfall between the early, middle, and late Pleistocene, which suggests that orbitally-driven climate variations likely played a more significant role than gradual change in the relationship between early humans and their environment