58 research outputs found

    New constraints on the major neutron source in low-mass AGB stars

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    We compare updated Torino postprocessing asymptotic giant branch (AGB) nucleosynthesis model calculations with isotopic compositions of mainstream SiC dust grains from low-mass AGB stars. Based on the data-model comparison, we provide new constraints on the major neutron source, 13C({\alpha},n)16O in the He-intershell, for the s-process. We show that the literature Ni, Sr, and Ba grain data can only be consistently explained by the Torino model calculations that adopt the recently proposed magnetic-buoyancy-induced 13C-pocket. This observation provides strong support to the suggestion of deep mixing of H into the He-intershell at low 13C concentrations as a result of efficient transport of H through magnetic tubes.Comment: ApJ, accepte

    Carbon-rich presolar grains from massive stars : subsolar ¹²C/¹³C and ¹⁴N/¹⁵N ratios and the mystery of ¹⁵N

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    Carbon-rich grains with isotopic anomalies compared to the Sun are found in primitive meteorites. They were made by stars, and carry the original stellar nucleosynthesis signature. Silicon carbide grains of Type X and C and low-density (LD) graphites condensed in the ejecta of core-collapse supernovae. We present a new set of models for the explosive He shell and compare them with the grains showing ¹²C/¹³C and ¹⁴N/¹⁵N ratios lower than solar. In the stellar progenitor H was ingested into the He shell and not fully destroyed before the explosion. Different explosion energies and H concentrations are considered. If the supernova shock hits the He-shell region with some H still present, the models can reproduce the C and N isotopic signatures in C-rich grains. Hot-CNO cycle isotopic signatures are obtained, including a large production of ¹³C and ¹⁵N. The short-lived radionuclides ²²Na and ²⁶Al are increased by orders of magnitude. The production of radiogenic ²²Ne from the decay of ²²Na in the He shell might solve the puzzle of the Ne-E(L) component in LD graphite grains. This scenario is attractive for the SiC grains of type AB with ¹⁴N/¹⁵N ratios lower than solar, and provides an alternative solution for SiC grains originally classified as nova grains. Finally, this process may contribute to the production of ¹⁴N and ¹⁵N in the Galaxy, helping to produce the ¹⁴N/¹⁵N ratio in the solar system

    Chronology of martian breccia NWA 7034 and the formation of the martian crustal dichotomy

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license, which permits use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, so long as the resultant use is not for commercial advantage and provided the original work is properly cited. Copyright © 2018 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial License 4.0 (CC BY-NC). The attached file is the published version of the article

    NuGrid stellar data set - III. Updated low-mass AGB models and s-process nucleosynthesis with metallicities Z = 0.01, Z = 0.02, and Z = 0.03

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    © 2019 Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. The production of the neutron-capture isotopes beyond iron that we observe today in the Solar system is the result of the combined contribution of the r-process, the s-process, and possibly the i-process. Low-mass asymptotic giant branch (AGB) (1.5 10 M☉) stars have been identified as the main site of the s-process. In this work we consider the evolution and nucleosynthesis of low-mass AGB stars. We provide an update of the NuGrid Set models, adopting the same general physics assumptions but using an updated convective-boundary-mixing model accounting for the contribution from internal gravity waves. The combined data set includes the initial masses MZAMS/M☉ = 2, 3 for Z = 0.03, 0.02, 0.01. These new models are computed with the MESA stellar code and the evolution is followed up to the end of the AGB phase. The nucleosynthesis was calculated for all isotopes in post-processing with the NuGrid mppnp code. The convective-boundary-mixing model leads to the formation of a 13C-pocket three times wider compared to the one obtained in the previous set of models, bringing the simulation results now in closer agreement with observations. Using these new models, we discuss the potential impact of other processes inducing mixing, like rotation, adopting parametric models compatible with theory and observations. Complete yield data tables, derived data products, and online analytic data access are provided

    Application of a theory and simulation-based convective boundary mixing model for AGB star evolution and nucleosynthesis

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    The s-process nucleosynthesis in Asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars depends on the modeling of convective boundaries. We present models and s-process simulations that adopt a treatment of convective boundaries based on the results of hydrodynamic simulations and on the theory of mixing due to gravity waves in the vicinity of convective boundaries. Hydrodynamics simulations suggest the presence of convective boundary mixing (CBM) at the bottom of the thermal pulse-driven convective zone. Similarly, convection-induced mixing processes are proposed for the mixing below the convective envelope during third dredge-up (TDU), where the ¹³C pocket for the s process in AGB stars forms. In this work, we apply a CBM model motivated by simulations and theory to models with initial mass M=2 and M = 3 Mʘ, and with initial metal content Z = 0.01 and Z = 0.02. As reported previously, the He-intershell abundances of ¹²C and ¹⁶O are increased by CBM at the bottom of the pulse-driven convection zone. This mixing is affecting the ²²Ne(α, n)²⁵Mg activation and the s-process efficiency in the ¹³C-pocket. In our model, CBM at the bottom of the convective envelope during the TDU represents gravity wave mixing. Furthermore, we take into account the fact that hydrodynamic simulations indicate a declining mixing efficiency that is already about a pressure scale height from the convective boundaries, compared to mixing-length theory. We obtain the formation of the ¹³C-pocket with a mass of ≈10⁻⁴ Mʘ. The final s-process abundances are characterized by 0.36 < [s Fe] < 0.78 and the heavy-to-light s-process ratio is -0.23 < [hs ls] < 0.45. Finally, we compare our results with stellar observations, presolar grain measurements and previous work

    Silicon carbide grains of type C provide evidence for the production of the unstable isotope ³²Si in supernovae

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    Carbon-rich grains are observed to condense in the ejecta of recent core-collapse supernovae (SNe) within a year after the explosion. Silicon carbide grains of type X are C-rich grains with isotopic signatures of explosive SN nucleosynthesis have been found in primitive meteorites. Much rarer silicon carbide grains of type C are a special sub-group of SiC grains from SNe. They show peculiar abundance signatures for Si and S, isotopically heavy Si, and isotopically light S, which appear to be in disagreement with model predictions. We propose that C grains are formed mostly from C-rich stellar material exposed to lower SN shock temperatures than the more common type X grains. In this scenario, extreme ³²S enrichments observed in C grains may be explained by the presence of short-lived ³²Si (τ 1/2 = 153 yr) in the ejecta, produced by neutron capture processes starting from the stable Si isotopes. No mixing from deeper Si-rich material and/or fractionation of Si from S due to molecular chemistry is needed to explain the ³²S enrichments. The abundance of ³²Si in the grains can provide constraints on the neutron density reached during the SN explosion in the C-rich He shell material. The impact of the large uncertainty of the neutron capture cross sections in the ³²Si region is discussed