23 research outputs found

    Crude oil-utilizing strain Desulfovibrio vulgaris D107G3, a mesophilic sulfate-reducing bacterium isolated from Bach Ho gas-oil field in Vung Tau, Vietnam

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    Some of anaerobic, mesophilic sulfate-reducing bacteria that produce H₂S and cause microbial metal corrosion can degrade crude oil in anaerobic conditions. In this study, a mesophilic sulfate-reducing bacterial strain D107G3 isolated from Bach Ho gas-oil field in Vung Tau, Vietnam that is able to utilize crude oil in the anaerobic condition is reported. The strain D107G3 was classified as a Gram-negative bacterium by using Gram staining method. Basing on scanning microscopy observation, the cell of a strain D107G3 had a curved rod shape. The 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis showed that the strain D107G3 was identified as Desulfovibrio vulgaris with 99.7% identity. The suitable conditions for its growth that was determined via estimating its H₂S production was the modified Postgate B medium containing 1% (v/v) crude oil, 1% NaCl (w/v), pH 7 and 300C incubation. In these conditions, the strain D107G3 can consume 11.4 % of crude oil total and oxidize heavy crude oil (≥ C45) for one month at anoxic condition. These obtained results not only contribute to the science but also continue to warn about the dangers of mesophilic sulfate reducing bacteria to the process of crude oil exploitation, use, and storage in Vung Tau, Vietnam.Trong bài báo này, chủng vi khuẩn khử sunphat (KSF) ưa ấm D107G3 phân lập từ giếng khoan dầu khí mỏ Bạch Hổ, Vũng Tàu, Việt Nam có khả năng sử dụng dầu thô trong điều kiện kị khí được công bố. Chủng D107G3 được xác định là vi khuẩn Gram âm nhờ phương pháp nhuộm Gram. Quan sát trên kính hiển vi điện tử quét cho thấy tế bào chủng D107G3 có hình que cong. Kết quả phân tích trình tự gen 16S rRNA đã xác định được chủng D107G3 thuộc loài Desulfovibrio vulgaris với độ tương đồng 99.7%. Thông qua đánh giá lượng H₂S tạo thành đã khám phá được điều kiện thích hợp cho sinh trưởng của chủng D107G3: môi trường Postgate B cải tiến chứa 1% (v/v) dầu thô, 1 % NaCl (gL⁻¹), pH 7 và nuôi cấy ở 30°C. Trong điều kiện đó, chủng D107G3 đã sử dụng được 11.4 % hàm lượng dầu tổng số, thành phần dầu bị phân huỷ là các n-parafin có mạch C≥45 sau 1 tháng nuôi cấy kỵ khí. Các kết quả này đóng góp về mặt khoa học và tiếp tục cảnh báo mối nguy hại của KSF ưa ấm đến việc khai thác, sử dụng và bảo quản dầu mỏ ở Vũng Tàu, Việt Nam

    Isolation an agar degradation Bacillus sp. AT6 and preliminary application for seaweed saccharification

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    Background: Agar is a common polysaccharide found in nature. However, agar is strongly resisted to the degradation processing, leading to limitation of its application in various areas. Thus, finding an effective solution for agar saccharification significantly improves the economically effects of agar based substrates.Methods: Soil samples were collected from TienPhong Forestry Ltd. Company, ThuyXuan District, ThuaThien Hue province, Vietnam. Potential agar degrading bacteria were screened on a mineral salt agar medium. The isolate was identified based on 16S rRNA nucleotide sequence, morphological, physiological, and biochemical characteristics. Agarase production was evaluated by modification culture conditions including incubation time, shaking speed, and initial inoculum size. Molecular mass of extracellular agarase was determined by native SDS-PAGE. The effect of pH, temperature, metal ions, and organic solvents were conducted for enzyme characterization. Application of enzyme was investigated on seaweed saccharification.Result: An agar degrading bacterial strain was isolated from soils and identified as Bacillus sp. AT6. Maximal agarase accumulation obtained in the culture containing an inoculum size of 10% (v/v), shaking speed of 210 rpm, and 96 hours incubation. The agarase revealed a single band on zymogram analysis with an apparent molecular weight of 180 kDa. The optimal temperature and pH were 40°C and pH 8.0, respectively. All tested metal ions and organic solvents partially decreased enzyme activity. Treatment seaweed by agarase resulted in reducing sugars release present in the reaction, indicating the saccharification of seaweed was succeeded.Conclusion: Bacillus sp. AT6 is a new report of agarolytic bacteria that produces extracellular agarase enzymes. The present results promise strain AT6 is a great candidate for agar saccharification for industrial application

    The effect of some factors on expression of gene encoding endoglucanase from dna metagenome of Binh Chau hot spring in Escherichia coli

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    Expression of microbial target genes in Escherichia coli is broadly used due to its advantages namely: well established system, easy to manipulate, a huge biomass, high level productivity, safe and inexpensive to grow. Metagenomic technique has been applying in Vietnam recently for effective mining of uncultured gene resources, especially in endemic mini-ecologies such as hot springs where the cell densities are low. DNA metagenome of Binh Chau hot spring was isolated and sequenced by Illumia HiseqTM. Based on analyses of databases of cellulase-encoded genes, denovogenes 18736 gene sequence for thermal endoglucanase was selected for expression in E. coli. In this paper, some factors for expression of endoglucanase have been investigated. The results show that appropriate gene expression conditions are:  Expression performed in E. coli C43 (DE3) on TB medium at 30oC with 0.25 mM of IPTG as inducer, the culture volume of 20% compared with the bottle volume and the expression time is 42–48 hours. In this condition, the biomass production and soluble enzyme activity can reached up to 5.54–5.58 g /L and  1.92–1.98 U/mL, respectively. Our results show the prospect of exploiting microbial genes without culture

    Molecular cloning gene and nucleotide sequence of the gene encoding an endo-1,4-β-glucanase from Bacillus sp VLSH08 strain applying to biomass hydrolysis: Research article

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    Bacillus sp VLSH08 screened from sea wetland in Nam Dinh province produces an extracellular endo-1,4-beta-glucanase. According to the results of the classified Kit API 50/CHB as well as sequence of 1500 bp fragment coding for 16S rRNA gene of the Bacillus sp VLSH 08 strain showed that the taxonomical characteristics between the strain VLSH 08 and Bacillus amyloliquefaciene JN999857 are similar of 98%. Culture supernatant of this strain showed optimal cellulase activity at pH 5.8 and 60 Celsius degree and that was enhanced 2.03 times in the presence of 5 mM Co2+. Moreover, the gene encoding endo-1,4-beta-glucanase from this strain was cloned in Escherichia coli using pCR2.1 vector. The entire gene for the enzyme contained a 1500-bp single open reading frame encoding 500 amino acids, including a 29-amino acid signal peptide. The amino acid sequence of this enzyme is very close to that of an EG of Bacillus subtilis (EU022560.1) and an EG of Bacillus amyloliquefaciene (EU022559.1) which all belong to the cellulase family E2. A cocktail of enzyme containing this endo-1,4-beta-glucanase used for biomass hydrolysis indicated that the cellulose conversion attained to 72.76% cellulose after 48 hours.Chủng vi khuẩn Bacillus sp VLSH08 được tuyển chọn từ tập hợp chủng vi khuẩn phân lập ở vùng ngập mặn tỉnh Nam Định có khả năng sinh tổng hợp enzyme endo-1,4-beta-glucanase ngoại bào. Kết quả phân loại chủng vi khuẩn Bacillus sp VLSH08 bằng Kit hóa sinh API 50/CHB cũng như trình tự gen mã hóa 16S rRNA cho thấy độ tương đồng của chủng Bacillus sp VLSH08 và chủng Bacillus amyloliquefaciene JN999857 đạt 98%. Dịch lên men của chủng được sử dụng làm nguồn enzyme thô để nghiên cứu hoạt độ tối ưu của enzyme ở pH 5,8 và nhiệt đô 60oC. Hoạt tính enzyme tăng 2,03 lần khi có mặt 5 mM ion Co2+. Đồng thời, gen mã hóa cho enzyme endo-1,4-betaglucanase cũng được tách dòng trong tế bào Escherichia coli sử dụng vector pCR 2.1. Gen mã hóa cho enzyme này có chiều dài 1500 bp, mã hóa cho 500 axit amin, bao gồm 29 axit amin của chuỗi peptid tín hiệu. So sánh cho thấy trình tự gen endo-1,4-beta-glucanase của chủng Bacillus sp VLSH08 có độ tương đồng cao với enzyme này của chủng Bacillus subtilis (EU022560.1) và của chủng Bacillus amyloliquefaciene (EU022559.1). Tất cả các enzyme nhóm này đều thuộc họ cellulase E2. Enzyme của chủng này cũng đã được phối trộn với các enzyme khác tạo thành cocktail để thủy phân sinh khối cho kết quả cellulose bị thủy phân 72,76% sau 48 giờ

    Preliminary study on phytogeography of Dipterocarpaceae Blume family in Vietnam

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    Biogeographically mapping flora of Vietnam requires the studies on the distribution of some important species groups for identifying the typical species composition of each phytochorion. The Dipterocarpaceae family contains taxa originated in tropical Asia and its subfamily of Dipterocarpoideae is proved to have Southeast Asia origin. In Vietnam, this family includes 43 species in 7 genera. In this study, Dipterocarpaceae species from 645 sites in Vietnam are assessed and compared to those in over the world. In Vietnam, this family distributes in tropical and/or slightly passing to subtropical climate but none of its species is naturally found in the Red River and the Mekong River deltas. In the world, the Dipterocarpaceae species found in Vietnam concentrated distributes in Indochina floristic region, corresponding to the originative area of South Myanmar. Statistically, there are 12 endemic species for the Indochinese floristic region and five of them are endemic for four provinces of this region related to Vietnam, respectively as follows: South China - 1, North Indochina - 1, South Indochina - 2 and Annam - 1. Additionally, some species distribute in East Asia floristic region of Holarctic Kingdom because of expanding the distribution area from the Indochinese floristic region. All genera of this family in Vietnam were originated in the Indochinese floristic region. Moreover, the floristic data and phytogeographical phylogeny diagram, based on analyses of phytogeography and DNA, would be better to use for finding out the distributional source or the forming time of species or genus, then the phylogenetic diagram.ReferencesAngiosperm Phylogeny Group, 2009. An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 161(2), 105-121. Ashton P.S., 1982. Dipterocarpaceae. In: Van Steenis C.G.G.J., 1979-1983, Flora Malesiana. Dipterocarpaceae. Martinus Nijhoff Publisher, The Hague, London, 9(2), 250p. Averyanov L.V., Phan K.L., Nguyen T.H., Harder D.K., 2003. Phytogeographic review of Vietnam and adjacent areas of Eastern Indochina, Komarovia, Saint Petersburg, 3, 1-83. Kress W.J., DeFilipps R.A., Farr E. and Yin D.Y.K., 2003. A checklist of the trees, shrubs, herbs and climbers of Myanmar. National Museum of Nature History, Washington DC, 45, 1-590. Le Tran Chan (Editor), 1999. Some characteristics of the flora of Vietnam. Science and Technique publishing house, Hanoi, 305p (Vietnamese). Li X.W., Li J., Ashton P.S., 2007. Dipterocarpaceae. In: Wu Z.Y., Raven P.H. (Hrsg.). Flora of China. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis, 13, 48-54. Nguyen Hoang Nghia, 2005. Dipterocarps of Vietnam. Agriculture Publishing House, Hanoi, 100p. Nguyen Kim Dao, 2003. “Dipterocarpceae Blume, 1825” in Checklist Plant species of Vietnam. Agricultural Publishing House, Hanoi, 2, 328-340 (Vietnamese). Nguyen Nga Phi, 2009. Molecular phylogeny of Southeast-Asian Dipterocarps belonging to tribe Dipterocarpeae (family Dipterocarpaceae) based on non-coding sequence data of chloroplast and nuclear DNA. Department of Forest Genetics and Georest Tree Breeding, Büsgen Institute, Faculty of Forest Science and Forest Ecology, Georg-August University of Göttingen. Göttingen, 142p. Nguyen Nghia Thin, 2004. Methods in Botanical Research. HNU publishing house, Hanoi, 172p (Vietnamese). Pham Hoang Ho, 2001. Illustration Flora of Vietnam, Youth Publishing House. Ho Chi Minh City, 2, 1022p (Vietnamese). Smitinand T., 1969. The distribution of Dipterocarpaceae in Thailand. National History Bull. Siam Soci., 23, 67-75. Smitinand T., J.E. Vidal, P.H. Ho, 1990. Flore du Cambodge, du Laos et du Vietnam, 25, Diptérocarpacées. Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 123p (French). Takhtajan A. (Translated by Theodore J. Crovello), 1986. Floristic Regions of the World. University of California Press, 544p. Thai Van Trung, 1978. Tropical Forest Ecology systems of Vietnam. Science and Technique publishing house, Hanoi, 314p (Vietnamese). The Plant List (Version 1.1.), 2013. Dipterocarpaceae. http://www.theplantlist.org

    Assessment of Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activities of Lactobacillus farciminis HN11 as a Probiotic Candidate

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    Background and Objective: Lactobacillus farciminis is an obligate homofermentative bacterial species in fermented foods. Although other species such as Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus rhamnosus in Lactobacillus genus have been well characterized, probiotic characteristics of Lactobacillus farciminis still need to investigate. Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate probiotic characteristics and antibacterial activity of Lactobacillus farciminis HN11 isolated from Solanum macrocarpon sauces in Hue city, Vietnam. Material and Methods: Lactobacillus farciminis HN11 was cultured in Rogosa and Sharpe media and antibacterial activity of the free-cell suspension was assessed against Escherichia coli, Vibrio parahaemolyticus K5, Vibrio parahaemolyticus KS-02, Vibrio owensii KS-05, Vibrio alginolyticus KS-08, Vibrio alginolyticus A1-1 and Staphylococcus aureus using agar well diffusion method. Various probiotic characteristics of the isolate including antibacterial and antioxidant activities, autoaggregation and coaggregation were assessed. Furthermore, hemolytic and amino-acid dercarboxylase activities were assessed for biosafety assessment. The strain abilities to resist sodium chloride and bile salts were assessed as well. Results and Conclusion: Lactobacillus farciminis HN11 exhibited significant resistance to NaCl and bile salts. The strain expressed high coaggregation abilities for Escherichia coli, significant autoaggregation abilities and antibacterial activities against Vibrio spp. and Escherichia coli. Antioxidant assessment showed that Lactobacillus farciminis HN11 contained high antioxidant activities. This strain was negative for hemolytic and amino-acid dercarboxylase activities. Moreover, ampicillin and chloramphenicol inhibited growth of Lactobacillus farciminis HN11. This study assessed characteristics of Lactobacillus farciminis HN11 and showed its great potentials as a probiotic in fermented foods, enhancing antioxidant and decreasing harmful foodborne bacteria. Although, encapsulation of the strain within acid resistance materials is suggested to better protect it against high-acid contents of the stomach. Conflict of interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest

    Overseas Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection in US-Bound Immigrants.

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    Seventy percent of tuberculosis (TB) cases in the United States occur among non-US-born persons; cases usually result from reactivation of latent TB infection (LTBI) likely acquired before the person's US arrival. We conducted a prospective study among US immigrant visa applicants undergoing the required overseas medical examination in Vietnam. Consenting applicants >15 years of age were offered an interferon-γ release assay (IGRA); those 12-14 years of age received an IGRA as part of the required examination. Eligible participants were offered LTBI treatment with 12 doses of weekly isoniazid and rifapentine. Of 5,311 immigrant visa applicants recruited, 2,438 (46%) consented to participate; 2,276 had an IGRA processed, and 484 (21%) tested positive. Among 452 participants eligible for treatment, 304 (67%) initiated treatment, and 268 (88%) completed treatment. We demonstrated that using the overseas medical examination to provide voluntary LTBI testing and treatment should be considered to advance US TB elimination efforts

    Outcomes of balloon angioplasty and stent placement for iliac artery lesions classified as TASC II A, B: a single-center study

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    BackgroundIliac artery stenosis or occlusion is a critical condition that can severely impact a patient's quality of life. The effectiveness of balloon angioplasty and intraluminal stenting for the treatment of iliac artery lesions classified as TASC II A and B was evaluated in this single-center prospective study.MethodsConducted between October 2016 and September 2020 at Cho Ray Hospital's Vascular Surgery Department, this prospective study involved PAD patients categorized by TASC II A and B classifications who underwent endovascular intervention. Intervention outcomes were assessed peri-procedure and during short-term and mid-term follow-ups.ResultsOf the total of 133 patients, 34.6% underwent balloon angioplasty, while 65.4% received stenting. The immediate technical success rate was 97.7%, while the clinical success rate was 62.4%. Complications were minimal, with major limb amputation reported in 1.5% of the cases. There was a significant improvement in Rutherford classification and ABI at short-term follow-up, with a patency rate of 90.2%. The mid-term post-intervention follow-up yielded similar results with an 86.1% patency rate. The mortality rates associated with arterial occlusion were 2.3% during short-term follow-up and 1.7% during mid-term follow-up.ConclusionBalloon angioplasty and stent placement are effective and safe interventions for TASC II A and B iliac artery occlusions with favorable short and mid-term outcomes. Further, multi-center studies with larger sample sizes are recommended for more comprehensive conclusions, including long-term follow-up assessment