158 research outputs found

    Modeling Quantum Enhanced Sensing on a Quantum Computer

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    Quantum computers allow for direct simulation of the quantum interference and entanglement used in modern interferometry experiments with applications ranging from biological sensing to gravitational wave detection. Inspired by recent developments in quantum sensing at the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO), here we present two quantum circuit models that demonstrate the role of quantum mechanics and entanglement in modern precision sensors. We implemented these quantum circuits on IBM quantum processors, using a single qubit to represent independent photons traveling through the LIGO interferometer and two entangled qubits to illustrate the improved sensitivity that LIGO has achieved by using non-classical states of light. The one-qubit interferometer illustrates how projection noise in the measurement of independent photons corresponds to phase sensitivity at the standard quantum limit. In the presence of technical noise on a real quantum computer, this interferometer achieves the sensitivity of 11\% above the standard quantum limit. The two-qubit interferometer demonstrates how entanglement circumvents the limits imposed by the quantum shot noise, achieving the phase sensitivity 17\% below the standard quantum limit. These experiments illustrate the role that quantum mechanics plays in setting new records for precision measurements on platforms like LIGO. The experiments are broadly accessible, remotely executable activities that are well suited for introducing undergraduate students to quantum computation, error propagation, and quantum sensing on real quantum hardware.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Integration of Tobacco Treatment Services into Cancer Care at Stanford.

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    As part of a National Cancer Institute Moonshot P30 Supplement, the Stanford Cancer Center piloted and integrated tobacco treatment into cancer care. This quality improvement (QI) project reports on the process from initial pilot to adoption within 14 clinics. The Head and Neck Oncology Clinic was engaged first in January 2019 as a pilot site given staff receptivity, elevated smoking prevalence, and a high tobacco screening rate (95%) yet low levels of tobacco cessation treatment referrals (<10%) and patient engagement (<1% of smokers treated). To improve referrals and engagement, system changes included an automated "opt-out" referral process and provision of tobacco cessation treatment as a covered benefit with flexible delivery options that included phone and telemedicine. Screening rates increased to 99%, referrals to 100%, 74% of patients were reached by counselors, and 33% of those reached engaged in treatment. Patient-reported abstinence from all tobacco products at 6-month follow-up is 20%. In July 2019, two additional oncology clinics were added. In December 2019, less than one year from initiating the QI pilot, with demonstrated feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy, the tobacco treatment services were integrated into 14 clinics at Stanford Cancer Center

    Video Manipulation Techniques for the Protection of Privacy in Remote Presence Systems

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    Systems that give control of a mobile robot to a remote user raise privacy concerns about what the remote user can see and do through the robot. We aim to preserve some of that privacy by manipulating the video data that the remote user sees. Through two user studies, we explore the effectiveness of different video manipulation techniques at providing different types of privacy. We simultaneously examine task performance in the presence of privacy protection. In the first study, participants were asked to watch a video captured by a robot exploring an office environment and to complete a series of observational tasks under differing video manipulation conditions. Our results show that using manipulations of the video stream can lead to fewer privacy violations for different privacy types. Through a second user study, it was demonstrated that these privacy-protecting techniques were effective without diminishing the task performance of the remote user.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Efek penambahan ekstrak daun mangga arumanis (Mangifera indica l.) pada antibiotik klindamisin dalam menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Staphylococcus aureus

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    Staphylococcus aureus termasuk bakteri yang cukup sering dijumpai pada mulut, terutama pada kasus abses periodontal di mana perawatannya memerlukan pemakaian antibiotik. Tingginya angka resisten bakteri Staphylococcus aureus terhadap antibiotik menyebabkan banyaknya dicari pengobatan alternatif menggunakan herbal. Melihat efek penambahan ekstrak daun mangga arumanis (Mangifera indica L.) pada antibiotik klindamisin dalam menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Staphylococcus aureus. Jenis dari penelitian ini adalah eksperimental laboratorium secara in vitro dengan 25 sampel. Konsentrasi ekstrak daun mangga yang digunakan 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% dan kelompok kontrol. Ekstrak dibuat dengan teknik maserasi dan uji daya hambat dengan metode Kirbi bauer. Hasil dianalisis menggunakan statistik ANOVA, lalu dilanjutkan dengan Post Hoc LSD. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penambahan ekstrak 50%, 75%, 100% meningkatkan daya hambat terhadap Staphylococcus aureus (p=0,000) dibandingkan kelompok kontrol. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi yang digunakan, maka semakin besar zona hambat yang terbentuk. Sedangkan penambahan ekstrak 25% tidak meningkatkan daya hambat (p=0,618) bila dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol. Penambahan ekstrak daun mangga arumanis dengan klindamisin dapat meningkatkan aktivitas antibakteri terhadap Staphylococcus aureus

    Evaluation of Available Medical Interpretation Resources Available to Spanish-Speaking Patients in NJ AHEC Counties

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    According to the US Census Bureau Spanish is the most common non-English language spoken in the US. Despite the growing population of Spanish-speaking individuals, most healthcare providers can only communicate in English. Linguistic differences between patients and providers have been identified to impact the quality of care received, therefore, it is not surprising that Spanish-speaking patients have been found to be less satisfied with healthcare. Language barriers in healthcare lead to poor compliance and underuse of services which eventually negatively impact health outcomes. Several studies found that the most effective communication tools are often underutilized, with healthcare providers relying on untrained interpreters instead, oftentimes leading to medical errors, incorrect treatment and misdiagnosis. The purpose of this study is to investigate the availability of interpretation services offered by New Jersey healthcare providers in Camden, Gloucester, Atlantic, Salem, and Cumberland County and increase awareness of interpretation services available in these healthcare settings

    CTLA-4 mediates inhibitory function of mesenchymal stem/stromal cells

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    Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) are stem cells of the connective tissue, possess a plastic phenotype, and are able to differentiate into various tissues. Besides their role in tissue regeneration, MSCs perform additional functions as a modulator or inhibitor of immune responses. Due to their pleiotropic function, MSCs have also gained therapeutic importance for the treatment of autoimmune diseases and for improving fracture healing and cartilage regeneration. However, the therapeutic/immunomodulatory mode of action of MSCs is largely unknown. Here, we describe that MSCs express the inhibitory receptor CTLA-4 (cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen 4). We show that depending on the environmental conditions, MSCs express different isoforms of CTLA-4 with the secreted isoform (sCTLA-4) being the most abundant under hypoxic conditions. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the immunosuppressive function of MSCs is mediated mainly by the secretion of CTLA-4. These findings open new ways for treatment when tissue regeneration/fracture healing is difficult

    Outbreak-associated Vibrio cholerae Genotypes with Identical Pulsotypes, Malaysia, 2009

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    A cholera outbreak in Terengganu, Malaysia, in November 2009 was caused by 2 El Tor Vibrio cholerae variants resistant to typical antimicrobial drugs. Evidence of replacement of treatable V. cholerae infection in the region with antimicrobial-resistant strains calls for increased surveillance and prevention measures

    Building the hospital event-based surveillance system in Viet Nam: a qualitative study to identify potential facilitators and barriers for event reporting

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    Introduction: Hospitals are a key source of information for the early identification of emerging disease outbreaks and acute public health events for risk assessment, decision-making, and public health response. The objectives of this study were to identify potential facilitators and barriers for reporting of unusual events from the curative sector to the preventive medicine system in Viet Nam. Methods: In 2016, we conducted 18 semi-structured in-depth interviews and 9 focus group discussions with representatives from the curative and preventive medicine sectors in four provinces. We transcribed the interviews and focus group discussions and conducted a thematic analysis of the factors that appeared to affect public health event reporting. Results: We identified five major themes. Firstly, the lack of a legal framework to guide reporting meant there was an over-reliance on internal procedures. Secondly, participants reported the importance of an enabling environment to facilitate reporting such as leadership support and having focal points for reporting. Thirdly, potential benefits for reporting were seen such as support during outbreaks and receiving feedback. Fourthly, some challenges prohibited timely reporting such as not perceiving reporting to be the task of the curative sector and hesitancy to report without laboratory confirmation. Finally, the limited resources and specialist capacities in remote areas hindered timely detection and reporting of unusual events. Discussion: This study identified potential opportunities to promote the detection and reporting of unusual events from health care workers to the public health sector, and thus improving the overall health security system in Viet Nam and beyond