576 research outputs found

    Analysis of the financial result of Macedonian companies for the year 2020

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    It started as a health crisis, far from Europe and our country, but Covid-19 quickly ledto the global economic crisis. Stock markets crashed, oil prices fell abruptly, productionstopped, factories and shops began to close, and markets of labor were disturbed. Thecrisis has hit businesses, albeit at different speeds and in different extent. Some sectorshave suffered more as a result of prevention and proliferation measures which led toisolation and restricted movement, especially restaurants, educational institutions,tourism and transport. The macedonian economy was severely affected by the crisis, inparticular tourism, catering, airlines, etc.The purpose of this paper is to see how the corona crisis affected the performance ofmacedonian companies and the disclosed financial results in their financial statements,analyzing a few companies from different industries, which stocks are traded onMacedonian stock exchange


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    The idea of health policy at the time with the adoption of the Amsterdam Treaty (1997) was to achieve a new direction, ie to approach diseases, reduce the likelihood and prevent the future emergence of a danger to human health. However, with the advent of the global challenge called COVID-19, there was a need to put the health back on the pedestal as the most important, less neglected, aspect that institutions need to focus on, because there is no doubt that we are in a situation in which even world leaders have left room to express uncertainty about how to respond to the emerging, hitherto unknown situation for all of us, not knowing what lies ahead and what steps need to be taken to strengthen health capacities on national, regional and international level.Health as a moving segment in the world that should be constantly taken into account, as well as the opening of the question of what health policies are pursued by the institutions of the European Union regarding health issues will be elaborated in detail in this scientific paper


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    The main aim of this research is to examine the effect that political elections have on stock prices on the Macedonian Stock Exchange Index MBI 10. Our paper strains to imply the existence of problems due to political uncertainties of the efficient market hypothesis. The methodology used for the research is a simple generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity GARCH (1, 1) model. Also, to control if political uncertainty before the elections influences the return of MBI 10, a dummy variable (D60) is added. In addition, Wald test is applied. When the dummy variable is included in the model, the level of significance is 5%, meaning that the 60-day period before the elections is important for the stock exchange market. Moreover, we find that that past innovations impact MBI 10 asymmetrically. On the basis of a political regime that has two main political parties, this paper finds that the conditional mean of the stock market index is affected by the political uncertainty. The results imply that the parliamentary elections are significant, thus they do impact the Macedonian Stock Exchange


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    Diplomacy as the oldest form of communication between the States and a means of States for conducting foreign policy, which includes all activities in the implementation of foreign policy, as well as the bodies that are in charge of implementing the planned activities, from the moment of the emergence of the Internet and the Internet-revolution in the past few decades up to now has an unstoppable influence on all aspects of an international relations. There was a need to transform the diplomacy of the European Union, as a tool of foreign policy, in accordance with the new circumstances. This paper examines the concept of digital diplomacy vis-à-vis the traditional concept, focusing on the use of digital tools in the field of diplomacy and how EU member states use them in the execution of their foreign policies, as it is an inescapable fact that Cyberspace and security digital tools enable more effective implementation of the diplomatic strategies of the European Union and its member states


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    Директни орални антикоагуланси-баланс помеѓу тромбоза и крвавење

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    Bleeding is a common side effect of anticoagulant use. However, the majority of bleeding events are not life-threatening and can be managed conservatively. The first step in managing any significant bleeding event is to temporarily stop using the anticoagulant. The aim of this review was to determine the appropriate management strategy for an acutely bleeding patient on DOACs.  Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) are now widely used in treatment of venous thromboembolism (VTE) and are recommended first-line over vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) in non-cancer associated VTE. Until recently, supportive measures and infusion of clotting factors were the only available options for reversal of DOACs. Within the last 4 years, approval of specific antidotes has led to hopes for improved outcomes in DOAC-related acute bleeding, however limitations remain including cost, availability and "real-world" data. In severe and life-threatening bleeding events, use of non-specific (e.g. PCC) or specific (e.g. idarucizumab, andexanet alpha) reversal agents are recommended. However, further data is needed to compare outcomes between these two management strategies and identify the cost-effectiveness of these various strategies.Крвавењето е чест несакан ефект од употребата на антиокоагулантни лекови. Повеќето од крвавечките компликации не се животозагрозувачки и можат да се третираат конзервативно. Прв чекор во решавање на значајно крвавење е привремено да се прекине антикоагулансот. Целта на овој труд беше да се одреди соодветната стратегија за акутно крвавење на пациент на ДОАК. Директните орални антиокоагуланси (ДОАК) се нашироко употребувани во третманот на венски тромбоемболизам (ВТЕ) и се препорачани како прва линија пред витамин К антагонисти (ВКА) кај ВТЕ која не е асоцирана со канцер. До скоро, супортивна терапија и инфузија на фактори на коагулација беа единствените достапни опции за пресврт на дејството на  ДОАК. Во последните 4 години одобрувањето на специфични антидоти ја зголемија надежта за подобар исход на крвавењата асоцирани со употреба на ДОАК, но сè уште постојат ограничувања како што се цената, достапноста и податоци од клиничката пракса. При тешки, животозагрозувачки крвавења, се препорачува употреба на неспецифични (пр. PCC) и специфични (idarucizumab, andexanet alpha) агенси. Но, потребни се понатамошни искуства и податоци за споредба на исходот помеѓу двете стратегии во однос на бенефитот и економичноста


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    This paper analyses the relation between the constitution and constitutionalism. It elaborates the traditional notion of constitutionality and separate factors determining their reality and compliance with the constellation of real social relations. The paper also elaborates concepts of limited constitution, symbolic constitution and the idea of constitution behind the constitution, given the dilemmas these categories open in relation to the constitutional and judicial control of the constitutionality and which are more and more challenging for the constitutional and legal science. Often the effect of “broken mirror” especially if the aforementioned concepts are used may create a completely distorted image of actual situations.  That raises the question: Is constitutional review possible without written Constitution?  Is constitution invisible, that is, constitution is what the judges say is a constitution? The paper deals with the question does constitutional judges begin with its reconstruction in the process of interpretation of the “mischievous phrases” of the constitution?  Does the taking away of the “traditional” constitution from the constitutional judges really jeopardize the concept of constitutionalism?  Finally, it seems that the constitutional legal science rigidly adheres to the traditional notion about the constitution in the formal sense as stable, written and codified act.  It can be concluded that the constitution is the core of the constitutionalism. However constitution and constitutionalism cannot be equated. The implementation and fostering of the constitutionalism in practice seems to be conditioned by a number of other factors such as political culture, constitutional history, political, social and legal certainty and economic stability.  The constitution may project the idea of achieving constitutionalism, but whether it will be implemented in the real sense of the word depends finally on the state and the will of the society

    THE RIGHT OF LEGISLATIVE INITIATIVE (Comparative Analysis of Macedonian and Swiss Model of Normative Solutions)

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    Legislation is a special state activity which, based on the constitution, establishes the foundations of social and state organization and the legal system. The paper will elaborate the issue of legislative initiative as a constitutionally guaranteed right to propose laws. Namely, the procedure for enacting laws is realized through several separate stages, and it starts with the legislative initiative. If we take into account the fact that "to propose a law means to rule", it will not be difficult to conclude that the legislative initiative represents more than just an initial phase of the legislative procedure and much more than just a technical issue. A special review in the paper will be the analysis of the legislative initiative in the Macedonian and Swiss model of legislative procedure. They are subject to elaboration, considering the broad nature of the right to legislative initiative. The paper will examine the thesis whether the number of entities that have the right to legislative initiative is an indicator of the degree of involvement of citizens in the process of passing laws


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    Advances in Internet technologies (IT) and online social networks have made many benefits for humanity in general, facilitating the availability of communication tools as well as the possibility of advancement in the whole in countless fields from professional life to households. At the same time, the dark side of these benefits has put us in a situation where we witness or are (in)direct victims of hate speech. Hate speech is an offensive type of communication mechanism that expresses a certain (specific) hate ideology using stereotypes in its existence. However, the concept of hate speech really raises very difficult questions: What does "hate" refer to in hate speech? Can hate speech be directed at dominant groups or is it by definition directed at oppressed or marginalized communities? What is the damage? And, perhaps the most challenging question, what can or should be done to counter the hate speech? To establish some order requires the control of hate speech which can be made possible by the effective use of various national and international legal frameworks. The European Union has adopted legal legislation aimed at eliminating hate speech when using social platforms that will come into force from 2023