1,267 research outputs found

    The rights of children and adolescents in Italy: An impact assessment of CRC Group's work from a regional perspective.

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    openThis research aims to question whether the presence of regional inequalities concerning the right to health and the right to pursue the highest attainable standard of health towards children and adolescents living in Italy can be regarded as a case of systemic discrimination. This study has the ultimate goal of framing this failure within an international framework, verifying whether, in accordance with the principles of international law, it can be defined as a serious violation of human rights. The inspiration for this work comes from the preliminary analysis of the monitoring Reports produced annually by the Italian NGO Group for the Convention on the Rights of the Child – Gruppo CRC, which has been working for years on the concept of discrimination in Italy and which first analyzed the issue of discrimination rooted on a regional basis towards children and adolescents. This work focuses mainly on the impact assessment of the reports and recommendations published by the CRC Group, confirming them as a multi-level governance tool. Along with the tools published by the CRC Group, reports and monitoring produced at the international level were analyzed, with the aim of linking the concept of systemic discrimination framed at the level of international law with the situation analyzed at the Italian level. This research focuses mainly on the inequalities present on a regional basis regarding the right to health and the right to pursue the highest attainable standard of health. The right to health is fundamental to the full enjoyment of other human rights, and the presence of discrimination in this field results in a serious violation of human rights. This study focuses mainly on inequalities toward children and adolescents living in Italy. This choice is driven by the awareness that the foundations for healthy living are laid mainly in the early years of life and the presence of regional disparities in access to health services will therefore result in some children and adolescents living in worse conditions than others, possibly condemning them to worse health conditions. The first chapter of this research focuses on analyzing how the concept of structural discrimination is recognized and defined within international law. Since the full enjoyment of the right to health is the basis for the full enjoyment of other human rights, the interdependent connection between these two principles will also be examined in this chapter. The aim is to delineate where the boundary beyond which a violation of human rights occurs within international law, with regard to the principle of non-discrimination in access to the fundamental right to health, specifically in relation to minors living in Italy. In addition, as the subject of this study are minors living in Italy, conventions that protect this group of people are also analyzed during this first chapter. The second chapter aims to collect multiple national and international publications which quote inequalities rooted on a regional basis present in Italy in access to health services for children, to concretize the complaint of a situation of structural discrimination in Italy that has the serious effect of reserving different, and very often worse, treatment for children and adolescents living in Italy, depending on the region of origin. The third chapter aims to demonstrate the presence of structural discrimination in access to certain health-related services against minors in Italy. To carry out this analysis, five health indicators were selected, and accurate data was collected region by region. The purpose is to provide a picture of the Italian situation, in relation to fundamental factors in the lives of minors in Italy, and to verify, through updated data, whether treatment appears to be homogeneous in all regions or the inequalities reported at the international level are supported and that therefore, the presence of structural discrimination can be confirmed.This research aims to question whether the presence of regional inequalities concerning the right to health and the right to pursue the highest attainable standard of health towards children and adolescents living in Italy can be regarded as a case of systemic discrimination. This study has the ultimate goal of framing this failure within an international framework, verifying whether, in accordance with the principles of international law, it can be defined as a serious violation of human rights. The inspiration for this work comes from the preliminary analysis of the monitoring Reports produced annually by the Italian NGO Group for the Convention on the Rights of the Child – Gruppo CRC, which has been working for years on the concept of discrimination in Italy and which first analyzed the issue of discrimination rooted on a regional basis towards children and adolescents. This work focuses mainly on the impact assessment of the reports and recommendations published by the CRC Group, confirming them as a multi-level governance tool. Along with the tools published by the CRC Group, reports and monitoring produced at the international level were analyzed, with the aim of linking the concept of systemic discrimination framed at the level of international law with the situation analyzed at the Italian level. This research focuses mainly on the inequalities present on a regional basis regarding the right to health and the right to pursue the highest attainable standard of health. The right to health is fundamental to the full enjoyment of other human rights, and the presence of discrimination in this field results in a serious violation of human rights. This study focuses mainly on inequalities toward children and adolescents living in Italy. This choice is driven by the awareness that the foundations for healthy living are laid mainly in the early years of life and the presence of regional disparities in access to health services will therefore result in some children and adolescents living in worse conditions than others, possibly condemning them to worse health conditions. The first chapter of this research focuses on analyzing how the concept of structural discrimination is recognized and defined within international law. Since the full enjoyment of the right to health is the basis for the full enjoyment of other human rights, the interdependent connection between these two principles will also be examined in this chapter. The aim is to delineate where the boundary beyond which a violation of human rights occurs within international law, with regard to the principle of non-discrimination in access to the fundamental right to health, specifically in relation to minors living in Italy. In addition, as the subject of this study are minors living in Italy, conventions that protect this group of people are also analyzed during this first chapter. The second chapter aims to collect multiple national and international publications which quote inequalities rooted on a regional basis present in Italy in access to health services for children, to concretize the complaint of a situation of structural discrimination in Italy that has the serious effect of reserving different, and very often worse, treatment for children and adolescents living in Italy, depending on the region of origin. The third chapter aims to demonstrate the presence of structural discrimination in access to certain health-related services against minors in Italy. To carry out this analysis, five health indicators were selected, and accurate data was collected region by region. The purpose is to provide a picture of the Italian situation, in relation to fundamental factors in the lives of minors in Italy, and to verify, through updated data, whether treatment appears to be homogeneous in all regions or the inequalities reported at the international level are supported and that therefore, the presence of structural discrimination can be confirmed

    Essays on Plato’s Epistemology

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    Through a careful survey of several significant Platonic texts, mainly focussing on the nature of knowledge, Essays on Plato’s Epistemology offers the reader a fresh and promising approach to Plato’s philosophy as a whole. From the very earliest reception of Plato’s philosophy, there has been a conflict between a dogmatic and a sceptical interpretation of his work and thought. Moreover, the two sides are often associated, respectively, with a metaphysical and an anti-metaphysical approach. This book, continuing a line of thought that is nowadays strongly present in the secondary literature, maintains that a third way of thinking is required. Against the widespread view that an anti-dogmatic philosophy must go together with an anti-metaphysical stance, Trabattoni shows that for Plato, on the contrary, a sober and reasonable assessment of both the powers and limits of human reason relies on a proper metaphysical outlook

    Antiretroviral compounds affect the granule-dependent mechanisms of lysis in CD8 T cells

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    Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTLs) are essential for suppression of viral replication and, in particular, they have a pivotal role in control of progression of HIV infection. It has been demonstrated that HIV-specific CTL responses are defective in HIV-infected patients undergoing highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). In this study we investigated the effects of antiretroviral compounds on the granule-dependent mechanisms of lysis in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). PBMCs of 10 HCs were incubated with 3 different antiretroviral drugs combinations: combination A: AZT (NRTI) + 3TC (NRTI) + IDV (PI); combination B: d4T (NRTI) + ddI (NRTI) + NFV (PI); combination C: 3TC (NRTI) + EFV (NNRTI) + TDF (NRTI). To evaluate the CTLs function we measured: production and release of granule-dependent effector molecules (perforin, granzyme B); production and release of granule-independent effector molecules (IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha); degranulation markers (LAMP1 and LAMP2). To assest the immunomodulant effects of IL-15, PBMCs were also incubate in presence of this cytokyne. Antiretroviral compounds reduce the granzyme B and perforin production (while they don't affect the IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha production). Moreover, one of the 3 tested combinations of antiretroviral compounds (combination B) reduces the granzyme B release and affects the degranulation in CTLs. IL-15 increases the levels of granzyme B and perforin. Antiretroviral compounds mainly affect the expression of genes encoding for Pfp and GranzB, and deteriorate the mechanism of degranulation in CD8+ T cells. L-15 restores both the granule-dependent and the granule-independent cytotoxic mechanisms. Basd on these data, IL-15 seems to be useful in overcoming the negative effects of antiretroviral compounds on the cytotoxic function

    Stopping light in two dimensional quasicrystalline waveguides

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    The introduction of defects in photonic lattices generally allows to control the localization and the propagation of light. While point defects are conventionally used in order to obtain localized photonic states, linear defects are introduced for waveguiding EM waves. In this work we demonstrate the possibility of obtaining localized states also in a waveguiding configuration, by using quasicrystalline lattices. This result opens a new range of possibilities in designing optical circuits, in which the localization- propagation switch is easly obtainable by mechanical or opto-electric methods

    Significato del logos e significato degli elementi nel Teeteto e nel Cratilo di Platone

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    For Plato, the basic tool of philosophical knowledge is logos, not only in the general sense of "reason," but also in the specific sense of knowledge attained by means of "discourse", namely a reason that has a fundamentally linguistic character. This seems to imply that the logos is entirely transparent to itself; and consequently, as we can deduce from the analysis consecrated in the Theaetetus to the so called "theory of the dream", that the elements of which the logos is composed are fully intelligible and devoid of any opacity. However, this claim seems to fail in the Cratylus, where the attempt to show the intelligibility of the elements of language, i.e. letters and syllables, does not succeed. A possible solution to this problem lies in the fact that the elements of language, unlike the natural elements, exhaust their nature in the role they play within the language itself; and therefore the knowledge of this role, just as in the case of the pieces of chess, coincides with the knowledge of the element as a whole.Pour Platon l'instrument principal de la connaissance philosophique est le logos, non seulement dans le sens g\ue9n\ue9ral de \uab raison \ubb, mais aussi dans le sens sp\ue9cifique de connaissance qui se r\ue9alise au moyen du \uab discours \ubb, c'est \ue0 dire d'une raison qui poss\ue8de un caract\ue8re fonci\ue8rement linguistique. Cela semble impliquer que le logos a une nature enti\ue8rement transparente \ue0 soi m\ueame, et par cons\ue9quent, comme on peut le d\ue9duire de l'analyse consacr\ue9e dans le Th\ue9\ue9t\ue8te \ue0 la th\ue9orie du songe, que les \ue9l\ue9ments dont le logos est compos\ue9 sont pleinement intelligibles et d\ue9pourvus de toute opacit\ue9. Cependant cette pr\ue9tention semble \ue9chouer dans le Cratyle, o\uf9 la tentative de montrer l'intelligibilit\ue9 des \ue9l\ue9ments du langage, c'est \ue0 dire lettres et syllabes, n'est pas couronn\ue9e de succ\ue8s. Une possible solution \ue0 ce probl\ue8me repose sur le fait que les \ue9l\ue9ments du langage, \ue0 la diff\ue9rence des \ue9l\ue9ments naturels, \ue9puisent enti\ue8rement leur nature dans le r\uf4le qu'ils jouent \ue0 l'int\ue9rieur du langage lui-m\ueame ; et donc la connaissance de ce r\uf4le, exactement comme il en est des pi\ue8ces des \ue9checs, co\uefncide avec la connaissance de l'objet dans son entier

    Platone e l'apertura al trascendente

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    Il dualismo trascendente / trascendentale come possibile chiave di lettura per una discussione del pensiero platonico